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1、2、课文中的句子,学生要知道其汉语意思。2. on your left在你的左边4. turn r ight 向右拐6. excuse me对不起,打扰了在电影院旁边 8. up the hill上山M1重点知识整理一、 词形转换 left对应词right number 缩写 No. house (复数)houses foot (复数)feet二、 重点短语1. behind the tree 在树后3. turn left 向左拐5. go stra i ght on 直走7. beside the cinemaup对应词downI ive (第三人称单数)I i ves day (反义词)

2、n i ght near (反义词)far9. down the hill 下山11. near the house 在房子附近 12. M2重点知识整理一、词形转换r i ght (同音词)wr i te watch (第三人称单数)watches5. chi Id (复数)chi Idren 现在分词:(1)直接加ing pIay-playing Ii sten-1i sten i ng10. at the stat i on 在车站 next to the supermarket 紧挨着超市2. he (对应词)she4. picture (复数)pictures6. Ch i na (

3、语言)Ch i nesesad-read i ng watch-watching ta Ik一ta Ikingsing-singing以e结尾的去掉e加ing come-comi ng havehav i ngIive-1 iving Makemaking take-takingwr ite-wr it i ngride-riding(3)双写的:get-gett i ngsit -sittingrunrunn i ngswim-swi mm i ng 二、重点短语 take pictures 拍照片 play with a toy train, watch TV看电视put-pui ng2.

4、 talk to her fr iend.和朋友讲话 玩玩具火车4. I i sten to music 听音乐6. read a book 读书play basketbaI I 打篮球 fly a kite放风筝8. play footba I I 踢足球10. ride a bike骑自行车look at these pictures 看这些照片M3重点知识整理let s (完全形式)let usrow (现在分词)rowing5. thing (复数things7. dance (现在分词dancing9. th i s (复数)these二、重点短语get on 上车 2. lotsI

5、ook at 看on the lake在湖上2. people (复数people4. man (复数)men6. run (现在分词)runni ng8. kid (复数kids10. these (对应词)thosei nterest i ng th i ng许多有趣的事4. in the park 在公园6. under the tree 在树下2. make noodIes 做面条3. make dump I i ngs 包饺子 4. of course 当然5. nood I es with tomato and egg 西红柿鸡蛋面between the b i g trees 在

6、大树之间 make a cake做蛋糕row a dragon boat 划龙舟 play chess下象棋 Me too我也是。M4重点知识整理一、 词形转换how much (同义词组)how many tomato (复数)tomatoes1. Ch i nese fast food 中式快餐8. of course当然可以10. do tai j iquan 打太极12. dr ink soybean milk 喝豆浆14. 画画 draw picturesmake (现在分词)mak i ng potato (复数)potatoes6. noodIes with meat and p

7、otato 土豆肉丝面7. want some eggs 想要一些鸡蛋 8. here you are 给你M5重点知识整理1. can(否定形式)can t3. ta I I (反义词)short5. jump (现在分词jumping 二、重点短语:1. run fast跑得快3. jump far跳得远5. i n the sky在天空中Module 6知识总结重点短语:1. come here 2. come i n重点句型:Can I have some soup? 肯定回答:Yes, you can.2. skate (现在分词)skat i ng4. win (名词winner6

8、.fly (第三人称单数flies2. jump high 跳得高4. r ide fast 骑得快3. turn on the I i ght 4. tr i ckyou can,,否定回答:Sorry,(名词分为可数名词和不可数名词可数名词有单复数的变化,如,sweet, a sweet, sweets 不可数名词不能变复数,如soup, bread, meat,I can, t see. It s very dark.Happy Hal loween! 答语:Happy Ha I I oween!mi Ik,fish 等apple, appIesGive me a swe

9、et.Can I come i n?Yes, of course. Can I have some sweets?Module 7知识总结 重点短语:1.r ide the horse5. eat fruit 10.2. some nice photos6. climb a tree 7. on the bike3. have a look under the tree4.&in this photo watch the cat语法总结:there be 句型:There i s + 单数There are + 复数 重点句型:There are some ni

10、ce photos here. Let s have a lookThere i s a horse i n th i s photo. There is a girl under the tree. Thas my cat.Who s that girl?I carf t see her face.There are t hree ch i ckens in the pho to. There are twelve boys on the bike. Module 8知识总结1. visit Hainan 2. go with you3. by pIane4. get up5 o clock

11、6. swim in the sea 7. visit my grandpa 8. Xiaoyong? s swimsuit9. p I ay i n the park 10. t ake some pictures 11. visi t the I i ons12. on Sunday (on Monday, on Tuesday, on Saturday) 13. at the zoo般将来时:be going to打算,将要句子结构:主语+ be going to +动词原形 重点句型:Time for bed.We re going to visit Hainan tomorrow.

12、re going to get up at 5 o clockre go i ng by pIane.m going to swim in the sea.m going to visit my grandpa.m from the UK. I m from China.This is Xiaoyong s bag.Is going to fish.this (反乂词)-thatthis (复数) these re Amy i s Darning Sam i sgoing to going to i s going going topI ay i n the park tomorrow, fl

13、y a take some pictures.r ide a horseLi ngl ing i s going to row a boat.We,re going to visit the zoo on Sunday. re going to take pictures at the zoo.M91. on sports day 2. run the 100 metres 3. every day 4. every month5. every year 6. good Iuck 7. come on8. do the high jump 9. do the long jump

14、10. run the 200 etres and 400 metres11. my favour ite subjectWe,re going to have a spor ts day t h i s mon th.Are you going to run on sports day?Yes, I m going to run the 100 metres.Are you going to school?No, I。m going to run in the parkI, m going to run every day.Good luck!答语:Thank you.What are yo

15、u going to do on sports day?m going to do the high jumpI,m going to do the long jump.I m going to run the 200 met res. How about you?PE i s my favour ite subject.Module 10四会掌握重点词组:New year 新年Chinese中国的 festivaI节日Spring Festival春节Isee我明白了 Merry Chr i stmas ! 圣诞快乐!重点句 What s We have We have We say, Wh

16、at do We We We We型:it about ?它是关于什么的?a big fami ly dinner .我们吃一顿丰盛的家庭晚餐。 peanuts and sweets.我们吃花生和糖果。“Happy New Year!”我们说“新年快乐!” you do at Chr i stmas?圣诞节你们做什么? songs.我们唱歌。a Chr i stmas tree.我们有圣诞树。 presents.我们送礼物。food.我们吃许多食物。sing have give eat Iots oftrain?hi II.s the up the down the hill.重点句型:1-1

17、0 Where 11, s It sItnear the the hill.2. What are you doing?I mI istening to music.ta Iking to my friendread i ng a book.playing footbaI I.3. What i s she doing?She js read i ng a book4. What are they doing?They,re playing footbaI I.5 What are they dr i nk i ng?They re dr inking soyami Ik.6.

18、 Whas the elephant doing? s drawing picture.7. Do you want some milk?Yes, p I ease. (No, thank you.)8. How much i s it? s ten yuan .9. Can you run fast?Yes, I can. (No, I can t.)10. Can Sam pI ay footbaI I?Yes, he can. (No, he carf t.)11. Can I have some sweets?Yes, you can. (Sorry, you can, t.)12.

19、There i s a horse i n th i s pho to.There are t wel ve boys on the b i ke.13. WeJ re going to visit Hainan by plane.14. 11 m going to visi t my gra ndma.15 Sam i s going to r ide a horse.16 Are you going to run on sports day?Yes, I m go i ng to run the 100 meters.17. What are you going to run on spo

20、rts day? m going to do the long jump.18. At the Spr i ng Fest i vaI, we have a b i g family d i nner, we say Happy New Year !”重点词组go stra i gh t on 直着走turn left 向左转turn r ight 向右转turn on 打开excuse me对不起,打扰一下next to紧靠 旁边,贴近take pictures 照相I i sten to music 听音乐write a letter 写一封信read a book 读一本书do home

21、work 做作业play footbaI I 踢足球talk to和交谈get on the bus上公共汽车lots of interesting th i ng 许多有趣的事情Let s go.我们走吧。dragon boat 龙舟play chess下国际象棋Me too.我也一样。fast food 快餐make noodles 做面条noodles with tomato and egg 西红柿鸡蛋面make dump I i ngs 包饺子 t nice.它很好吃。eat vegetables 吃蔬菜come i n 进来of course 当然have a I ook 看一看ge

22、t up 起床sports day 运动日 every day 每天long jump 跳远 high jump 跳高the Spr ing Festival 春节万圣节快乐!I see.我明白了。Merry Chr i stmas!圣诞快乐!play with a toy train 玩一辆玩具小火车I ook at 看一看I i sten to mus i c 听音乐row a boat 划船r i de a horse 骑马go to fish 去钓鱼 visit the zoo参观动物园 clock 五点钟a Chr i stmas tree 棵圣诞树情景表达有事打扰别人应说:Excu

23、se me. 你想知道超市在哪,应问:Wherethe supermarket?你想感谢别人,应说订hank you so much.你想把你的朋友介绍给别人,你应说:This is my friend, Tom.你告诉别人,你的妈妈正在看电视,你应说:My mother is watching TV. 你询问某物多少钱时,应问:How much i s it?当你去超市买东西时,服务员应该说:Can I help you ?当售货员给你要买的东西时,应说:Here you are.运动会上,你打算跑200米,应该说:T m going to run the 200 metres. 为别人加油

24、,应该说:Come on!祝别人好运,应该说:Gook luck!Rev iew ModuIe0 固点 巩识 行知 进法 识语 知和 的点 过识 学知 期言 学语 本的 对本 动基 活握 个掌 各步 成 一 完进 a-生 通学元学标 单教目询及情 他 体 如碗的 拓 他 比名生 ,使 达食要 能 趣 表的将 践 兴 行家论 实 的 进国谈 和 语 型方to维 英 句西?t思 习 赞和In学 主国go忆。生 和中 e O 诂力学 语解b 标 能发 短了用 泪 察用激 、习 识 砧运步 词态学 知 附合一 单状、 械 生综进 的或力 完 制的,。 过作能 究观巒言动感 学动达 探值詡语活就 期的表

25、 主价射对堂成 学生an自、们课和 能本发 C 法牛匱井J他的快 技用在用 方学态、,!-高彩愉 与运正习 与,、课提多的 识练述练 程景感习,富语 知熟描、 过情情复面丰英 、够、具 、置、过识过习 一 能路用 二设三通知通恃点 难 重 练 训 元 自一重 点难 点复习重点句型的用法通过复习本单元知识点,转却快速完成练习 题。单元Uni t 12课吋课时Unit 22课时安排练习题第一课时课 题Unit 1 Review主备人陈晓玲授课班级四年级 授课人授课时间教学目标-、知识与技能熟练表示指路的短语和句子。并根据具体情境表达。熟练用 现在进行时态描述正在进行的事情。二、 过程与方法观察图片

26、,回顾句型,反复练习对话、句型。三、 情感、态度、价值观完成课木第一、二部分练习。教学重点熟练重点短语、句型教学难点完成练习,全面把握知识教学准备录音机卡片课时安排1课时教学环节教学内容及教师活动学生活动二次备课复习导入1. 复习描述路线的短语 和句型。2. 复习重点短语play with draw a picture、1. 指名学生回 答2. 回顾重点短 语,集体说一说。talk to 等。新授1 复习句型:(1) 出不图片(2) 复习表示位置和方 向的短语。go straight onturn leftturn right2听录音,完成第一部分 练习。3仿照例句,完成第二部 分练习。A: What are they doing?B: they are 1 观察图片, 用学过的表示时 间和方位的短语 说一说。2 完成课木第 一部分练习(1) 听录音, 学牛独立完成。(2) 指名学 牛反馈。(3) 再听录 音,集体订正。3 同桌互相 问答,完成第二部 分练习。巩固练习1.读一读,画一画。(1) Go straight on.(2) T

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