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1、 D. an ant )30. Which is TRUE according to (依照)the story?A. What the mouses mother said at first was true.B. The little mouse listened to his mother.C. The mouse could see the elephant if he was on the ground.D. In the end, the mouse didnt see the elephant.答案:BCDBA二、Miss Jones teaches at a school. S

2、he teaches the boys and girls about nine years old. The pupils are not good at maths in one of her classes. Miss Jones always wants to make her lessons interesting.One day she gave them a question. “ If you go to the shop to buy apples,” she said, “and an apple and a half cost twelve cents(美分), how

3、much will you have to give for twelve apples?”The pupils began to write in their exercise books, and for a long time nobody spoke. Then one boy put his hand up and said, “could you say the question once again, please?” Miss Jones said, “If an apple and a half” But the boy shouted, “ oh, an apple and

4、 a half? All the time I am working it out (算出来)in oranges, Miss Jones. So the answer must be different.” )21.Miss Jones teaches_.A. not well B. middle school studentsC. maths in one class D. very good students )22. Miss Jones_.A. wanted her pupils to buy applesB. wanted to buy apples for childrenC.

5、wanted her pupils to be interested in the lessonD. gave them a very difficult question )23. The pupils began to work,_.A. and soon they got the answerB. and they did it very quicklyC. but only one worked it out quicklyD. but one was not clear about the question )24. Apples and oranges are different

6、things,_.A. so the answer must be differentB. but the answer would be the sameC. so the pupils couldnt work it outD. and the boy found Jones was wrong )25. The boy was really _.A. not clever B. very quick C. quite clever D. carefulCCDBA三、Ill Show You The WayPat Hogan was travelling around the countr

7、y in his car. One evening he was driving along a road looking for a small hotel. When he saw an old man at the side of the road, he stopped his car and said to the old man ,” I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?“Yes,” the old man answered. “Ill show you the way.”He got in to Pats car, and

8、they drove for twelve miles. When they came to a small house, the old said, “Stop here.”Pat stopped and looked at the house. “But this isnt a hotel,” he said to the old man.“No,” the old man answered, “ this is my house. And now Ill show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and go back nine mil

9、es. Then youll see the Sun Hotel on the left.” )16. Where was Pat looking for?A. The Sun Hotel B. The Moon Hotel C. The Star Hotel )17. Whom did Pat meet?A. A policeman B. An old man C. An old woman )18. Where did the old man take Pat to? B. A supermarket C. The old mans house )19. How far did Pat d

10、rive after the old man got on his car?A. Five miles B. Twelve miles C. Three miles )20. How far was the hotel from where Pat saw the old man?A. Twelve miles B. Nine milesABCBC四、She Is Looking For MeMr. John and Mr. Brown work in the same office. One day Mr. John says to Mr. Brown, “I will have a sma

11、ll party in our house on Monday evening. Would you and your wife like to come?Mr. Brown says, “ Thank you very much. Id love to, but let me ask my wife first.” So Mr. Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife. Then he comes back and looks very worried.“Whats the matter? asks Mr. John. “Is

12、 your wife there at home?”“ No,” answers Mr. Brown. “She isnt there. My small son answers the telephone. I say to him, Is your mother there, David? And he answers, No, she isnt in the house. Where is she? I ask. She is somewhere outside. Whats she doing? She is looking for me.” )11. _ will have a sm

13、all party at home on Monday evening.A. Mr. John B. Mr. Brown C. Mrs. Brown D. David )12. Mrs. Brown is looking for_. )13. The telephone is in_ office.A. Mr. Browns. B. Mr. Johns C. the other D. Davids )14. How many people are there in the story?A. 4 B.5 C.6 D. 7 )15. Mr. Brown speaks to _ in the tel

14、ephone. C. David D. himselfADCAC五、My Family Is Very Poor A little boy comes to a new city. His name is Peter. Of course(因此),he lives with his mother and father. His family is very rich(富裕的). They have a driver and a lot of servants(仆人). Peter is going to a new school. On the first day his parents sa

15、y to him, “ Peter , be modest(谦虚的)at your new school. Dont say we are rich. ” And Peter says , “Yes, Dad, mom.” So Peter goes to school. He sees his new teacher. And he sits down with the other children. The teacher says,” Good morning, children. The first exercise today is a composition(作文). The to

16、pic(题目)of the composition is My family.” So every child writes a composition. This is Peters composition: “My name is Peter. My family is very poor(贫穷). Both my father and mother are very poor. Our driver is very poor and all the servants are poor. ” )6. Peters parents are very _.A. small B. modest

17、C. poor D. rich )7. Peters parents tell him not to _.A. play on his way to school B. be late for schoolC. say they are rich D. write a composition )8. The teacher asks the children to write_.A. a letter B. a composition C. a book D. a story )9. Peter writes a composition about his_.A. friend B. teac

18、her C. school D. family )10. Which of the following is right?A. Peter tells a lie(说谎)in his composition .B. Peter doesnt like writing a composition.C. Peters parents write the composition.D. The teacher is very poor ,too.DCBDA六、Jane is only four and doesnt go to school. But she is very clever and le

19、arns a lot from her grandpa-an old teacher. One day ,Janes mother, Mrs John takes hr to a party .The guests all praise( 夸奖) a rich womans boy. Mrs John asks him a few questions, bit all his answers are wrong. Jane begins to laugh(嘲笑) at him. The rich woman is angry. She tells her friend -a teacher t

20、o ask Jane some questions, but the girl answers all. Then she asks, “Therere 3 birds on a tree , how many will be left(留下)if kill one?“ One ,” answers Jane. “Youre wrong !” calls out the rich woman. “ All of them will fly away!“ Do you think a dead bird can fly ?” asks the little girl.The guests beg

21、in to laugh and the womans face turns red. )1. Jane learns a lot from her_.A. grandpa C. grandma D . mother )2. How many teachers are there in the story?A . One B. Two C. Three D. Four )3. Who is clever?A. Mrs John B. The boy C. Jane D. The rich woman )4. Jane is a _.A. boy B. school boy C. girl D.

22、school girl )5. Why is the rich woman angry with Jane?A. Jane laughs at her son. B. Jane is a girl.C. Her son cant answer the questions. D. Jane answers all the questions.ABCCA七、A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his t

23、rain, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, Have yo

24、u got change(兑换) for ten pence?Wait a moment,” the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, Ill see whether I can help you.”Dont you know how to speak to an officer? the young man said angrily. Now lets start again. Have you got change for ten pence?No, sir,” the old soldier an

25、swered quickly.“师”之概念,大体是从先秦时期的“师长、师傅、先生”而来。其中“师傅”更早则意指春秋时国君的老师。说文解字中有注曰:“师教人以道者之称也”。“师”之含义,现在泛指从事教育工作或是传授知识技术也或是某方面有特长值得学习者。“老师”的原意并非由“老”而形容“师”。“老”在旧语义中也是一种尊称,隐喻年长且学识渊博者。“老”“师”连用最初见于史记,有“荀卿最为老师”之说法。慢慢“老师”之说也不再有年龄的限制,老少皆可适用。只是司马迁笔下的“老师”因此不是今日意义上的“教师”,其只是“老”和“师”的复合构词,所表达的含义多指对知识渊博者的一种尊称,虽能从其身上学以“道”,但

26、其不一定是知识的传播者。今天看来,“教师”的必要条件不光是拥有知识,更重于传播知识。 )26. The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _.A. that he was going to visit her B. when his train would leaveC. when his train would arrive D. that he was now at the railway station )27. He looked around for help because he _.A. didnt have coins for the phone call B. had no money to make the phone callC. didnt have the local money D. wanted to change money )28. The old soldier _.A. was glad to help him B. didnt know if he had coinst want to help him D. was angry )29. The young officer was angry because he thought the old

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