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1、十. 其他會話慣用語 (33). AG (34). HL (35). MS(36). TY:輕鬆隨便的說法(親朋好友之間)正式恭謹的說法(社交場合)1. Hi! (How are you?) 嗨!(你好嗎) 2. Long time no see! 好久不見了! 3. Hows things? 一切可好嗎4. Couldnt be better. 再好不過了. 5. Not (too) bad. 還不錯. 6. Im glad to see you again. 我很高興又看到你. 7. Its been a long time 好久不見了.8. How are things going wi

2、th you? 你一切可好?9. How have you been? 你近來好嗎? 1. Tom, meet John. 湯姆,來見約翰. 2. Tom, let me introduce John 湯姆,我跟你介紹約翰. 3. May I introduce Mr. Smith? 容我介紹史密斯先生好嗎? 4. Nice to meet you. 很高興認識你. 5. How do you do? 你好! 6. (Im very) Glad to meet you. (我非常)高興認識你. 1. See you! 再見! 2. So long! 3. Take care! 保重! 4. S

3、ee you later. 回頭見. 5. Say hello to John. 幫我問候約翰. 6. Nice to have met you. 很高興認識了你. 7. Please remember me to Tom. 請代我問候湯姆. 8. Give my regard to your wife. 請代我問候尊夫人. 1. Thats it. 就是那樣. 2. Good idea. 好主意. 3. Well, I never! 我真沒見到(聽到)過! 4. You dont say! 不會吧! / 不至於吧! 5. What a shame! 多麼可憐(可惜) ! 6. Maybe.

4、大概 / 或許 7. Really? 真的嗎? 8.Exactly. 的確. 9. Thats too bad. 那太不幸了(可惜了,遺憾了). 10. Are you sure? 是真的嗎? / 你確定嗎? 11. Thats right. 不錯. 12. You can say that again! 你說的太對了! 1. What? 什麼? 2. Pardon? 請再說一遍. 3. Sorry? 請再說一遍. 4. Excuse me? 請再說一遍. 5. (I) Beg your Pardon? 6. Im sorry I didnt catch the last word. 對不起,

5、最後的話沒聽懂. 7. Thats means OK Right? 那就是指可以的意思.對嗎? 8. So we have to come here at ten? 那麼,我們必須十點到這裡嗎? 9. What do you mean by that? 那是什麼意思呢? 10. Could you repeat that, please? 能否請你再說一遍? 1. Get it? 懂了嗎? 2. OK? 懂嗎? 3. Know what I mean? 了解我的意思嗎? 4. Do you see what I mean? 明白我說的話嗎? 5. Do I make myself clear?

6、 我說的話夠清楚嗎? . 6. I see. 我明白了. 7. I dont get you. 我不懂你的意思. 1. Take it easy. 加油 / 放輕鬆 2. Come on. 加把勁吧. 3. Cheer up. 振作起來! / 加油! 4. Bad luck! 真不巧! / 真不幸! 5. Im sorry to hear that. 聽到此事我很難過. 6. Congratulation. 恭喜. 7. Well done! 做得好! 1. Where are you from? 你是哪裏出生的/ 你是哪裏人呢? 2. What do you do ? 你做什麼工作? 3.

7、May I have your name? 我可以請問你尊姓大名嗎? 4. What name shall I say? 我該怎麼稱呼? 5. Where do you work? 你在那兒工作呢? 6. What is your occupation? 你的職業是什麼? 7. Who do you work for? 你為什麼公司工作? . 8. How many people are (there) in your family? 你家有幾個人? 9. Would you kindly tell me your name? 可以告訴我你的名字嗎? 10. What kind of work

8、 do you do? 你做什麼工作? 1. Would you prefer A or B? 你喜歡A還是B? 2. How do you like Taipei? 你認為台北怎麼樣? 3. What do you think of Taipei? 4. How do you find this hotel? 你認為這間飯店怎麼樣? 5. How do you feel about Taipei? 你覺得台北怎麼樣? 1. Would you prefer coffee? 你想喝咖啡嗎? 2. How do you like your coffee? 你喜歡什麼樣的咖啡? 3. How wo

9、uld you like your steak? 你要什麼樣的牛排? 1. Many thanks. 甚為感謝. 2. Thanks a lot. 太感謝了. 3. Thank you very much for your kindness. 謝謝你,你真親切. 4. Oh, how nice of you! 喔你真好! 5. Thank you just the same. (雖然對方幫不上忙但是)儘管如此還是謝謝你. m very grateful to you. 我非常感謝你。1. Any time. 隨時歡迎。/不客氣。2. Its nothing. 沒什麼。 3. Not at al

10、l. 用不著客氣。 4. My pleasure. 那是我的榮幸。5. No trouble at all. 一點也不麻煩。6. Thats all right. 不用謝。 7. Youre welcome. 不客氣。(13). 道歉 1. Sorry! 對不起!/抱歉! 2. Pardon(me). 請原諒。 3. Im very sorry. 實在很對不起。 4. I beg your pardon. 對不起。/請原諒 5. I must apologize for what I said yesterday.我必須為自己昨天說的話道歉。 6. Excuse me. 對不起(如踩了別人的腳

11、)。s OK. 沒關係。 2. Forget it. 沒關係。 3. Thats quite all right. 沒關係。 4. (Please) Dont worry about it. (請)別放在心上。 5. Please think nothing of it. 請別放在心上。 6. Never mind. 別介意。 1. Can I borrow this book? 我可以借這本書嗎? 2. Mind if I use your car? 可以借用你的車子嗎? 3. Could I sit here? 我可以坐在這裡嗎? 4. Do you mind if I smoke her

12、e? 你介意我在這裡抽煙嗎? 5. Would you mind my smoking here? 6. May I do it now? 我可以現在做嗎? 7. I wonder if I could take this. 我不知是否可以拿這個。 8. Is it OK if I borrow this pen? 我借用這支筆可以嗎? 1. Give me a hand. 幫我一下。2. Can you help me? 你可以幫我忙嗎?3. Will(Would)you come with me? 你可以跟我一起來嗎?4. Tell him to come, will you? 叫他一起來

13、,好嗎?5. May I ask a favor of you? 我可以請你幫個忙嗎?6. Would you mind closing the door? 你介意關門嗎?7. Would it be possible to borrow some money?借點錢可以嗎?8. Would you like to do some shopping for me?你可以幫我買點東西嗎?9. Could you help me?10. I wonder if you could help me. 我不知你是否可以幫我忙。 1. Go ahead. 請便。 2. OK./All right. 可以

14、。/好的。 3. Sure. 當然。 4. No problem. 沒問題。 5. Why not? 有何不可? 6. Oh, do! 嗯,請便! 7. Please do! 請便! 8. Yes, certainly. 是的,當然。 9. Of course. 當然。 10. By all means. 當然。 11. With great pleasure. 非常榮幸。 12. Id be glad to. 我很樂意。 13. Yes, certainly you may. 是的,你當然可以。 1. No way. 不行。 2. Im afraid you cant. 恐怕你不可以。 3.

15、 Sorry, but you cant. 對不起,你不可以。 4. Id like to, but I cant. 我很想,但不行。 5. Well, Id rather you didnt. 呃,我寧願你不要。m afraid we cant permit that. 恐怕我們不能允許。 1. No, not at all. 不,一點也不。 2. Certainly not. 當然不。 3. Of course not. 當然不。 4. Go ahead. 請便。 5. Please do. 請便。 6. (Yes,) I do mind. (是的,)我介意。 7. Im sorry, b

16、ut It. 很抱歉,但我寧願你不要。 1. Lets have a drink, shall we? 我們去喝一杯,好嗎? 2. Why not come in? 為什麼不進來呢? 3. Why dont we take a taxi? 我們為什麼不搭計程車呢? 4. How(What) about calling him? 打電話給他怎麼樣? 5. Shall we eat out this evening? 我們今天晚上要到外面吃嗎? 6. Wont you sit down? 你不坐下來嗎? 7. Would you like to come to my party? 你要來參加我的聚

17、會嗎? 8. What do you say to a cup of coffee? 來一杯咖啡你看怎麼樣? 9. Would you care for another cup of tea? 你想再來一杯茶嗎? 10. If I were you, I would go myself. 如果我是你,我會自己去。 1. Can I help you? 我可以幫忙嗎? 2. Let me call a taxi for you. 我幫你叫計程車吧。 3. Shall I help you? 要我幫你嗎? 4. Can I do anything to help you? 我可以做點什麼來幫你嗎?

18、 1. (Sounds) Great! (聽起來)很棒! 2. OK, lets. 好的,就那麼做吧! 3. All right. 好的。 4. Yes, Id be glad to. 好的,我很樂意。 5. With pleasure. 非常樂意。 6. By all means. 當然好的。s very kind of you. 你真親切。 8. Sure. 當然好的。 9. Why not? 10. Thank you, I would. 謝謝你,我願意。 1. No, its OK, thanks. 不,不必了,謝謝。 2. No, dont bother. 不,不用麻煩了。 3. N

19、o, thank you. 不,謝謝你。 4. Thats all right. I can manage. 沒關係,我會想辦法。 5. No, Id rather not. 不,我寧願不要。 6. Thats very kind, but I wont, thank you. 你真親切,不過我不要,謝謝。 1. Are you free this evening? 你今晚有空嗎? 2. Are you going to be busy on Sunday afternoon? 你星期天下午忙嗎? 3. What will you be doing tomorrow? 你明天計畫做什麼? 4.

20、 Is five oclock convenient? 五點方便嗎? 5. What time shall we make it? 我們幾點要到呢? 6. What time should I be there? 我幾點該到那裡呢? 7. Whens a good time for you? 你什麼時候方便呢? 8. What time would be most convenient for you? 你什麼時候最方便呢? (25). 提議見面 1. Can I see Mr. Smith? 我可以見史密斯先生嗎? 2. Can I come over? 我可以過來嗎? 3. Would i

21、t be all right if I dropped by for a few minutes? 我順道過去拜訪幾分鐘可以嗎? 4. Could I make an appointment? 我可以預約見面嗎? 5. Do you mind if I call on you this evening?我今晚去拜訪你介意嗎? 6. Could I see you sometime this afternoon? 我今天下午可以見你嗎? 7. Id like to make an appointment with Mr. A.我想跟A先生預約見面。 1. One oclock will be f

22、ine. 一點鐘可以。 2. Whenever you like. 你願意什麼時候都可以。ll be free to see you at four oclock. 我四點有空可以見你。 4. Ill be there by seven. 我七點以前會到那裡。 5. Do you have an appointment? 你有預約嗎?m sorry but I have another engagement. 對不起,我有別的約。 7. Can I make it another time? 我可以改約別的時間嗎? 1. Hello. Is that 2321-8398? 喂,喂,是2321-

23、8398嗎? 2. Is Mr. Green there? 格林先生在嗎? 3. Could I speak to Mr. Green, please? 我可以請格林先生聽電話嗎? 4. Who? 那位? 5. Who is this?/Whos there? 你是那位? 6. Whos calling, please? 請問你是那位? 7. May I have your name, please? 請位尊姓大名? 8. May I ask who is calling? 我可以請問你是那位? 9.(This is)Susan speaking. 我是蘇珊。 10. Speaking. 我就

24、是。 1. One moment, please. 請稍後一下。 2. Please hold on. 請稍後別掛斷。 3. The line is busy just now. 現在電話佔線。 4. You are connected. 接通了。 5. Go ahead, please. 請說話。 6. Are you there? 你聽得見嗎? 1. Ill call you back. 我稍後再打。 2. Could you call back at two oclock? 請你二點再打來好嗎? 3. Can I take a message? 我可以代為傳話嗎? 4. Would yo

25、u like to leave a message? 你想留話嗎? 1. You are wanted on the phone. 你的電話。 2. Thank you for calling. 謝謝你的來電。m afraid you have the wrong number. 恐怕你打錯電話了。m sorry I dialed the wrong number. 對不起,我打錯了電話。 5. Extension 202, please. 請接202號分機。 6. I want to place a long-distance call to New York. 我想打一通到紐約的長途電話。

26、 1. May I help you? 歡迎光臨,需要幫忙嗎? 2. What can I do for you? 我能為你做什麼呢? 3. Have you been waited on? 有人為你服務了嗎? 4. Wheres the mens clothing department? 男士服飾部門在那裡?d like some T-shirts. 我想找T恤。d like to see some ties. 我想看領帶。m just looking. 我只是看看。 8. Please take your time. 請慢慢參觀。 9. Please feel free to look around. 請自由參觀。 10. These arent exactly what I had in mind. 這些跟我想要的有點不大一樣。 11. All right. Ill take it. 好的,請給我這個。 12. These are on sale this week. 這些是本週的特賣品。 13. Can you make it a little cheaper? 可以再算便宜一點嗎? 1. What tim

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