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外研版英语选修6讲义Module 5 Section Ⅲ Integrating SkillsWord文档格式.docx

1、26 v. 吸收27 n. 样本28 v. (问题、困难等)发生,出现29 n. 暴力【答案】1.identical2.beneficial3.cure 4imaginary5.incredible6.upbringing 7transparent8.twisting9.fundamental 10procedure11.controversial12.valid 13optional14.exceptional15.contradictory16.virtue17.flexiblepulsory 19regulation20.handy21.resist22.analyse23.suspec

2、t24.spit25.accompany26.absorb27.sample28.arise29.violence根据提示补全下列短语1 mistake 错误地2as 如下3be identical 与一致,和一样4rely 依靠,依赖5treat. 把当成对待6knock 摧毁7as as we know 据我们所知8break 分解9bring.back life 使复活【答案】 6out7.far8.down9.to根据提示补全下列教材原句1An Italian doctor wants to offer cloning as

3、an optional treatment for couples who children.一位意大利医生想把克隆作为不孕夫妇的一种选择性治疗方案。2 some voluntary code of practice among scientists has to be agreed.很明显,科学家们的一些非官方的行医法规必须被获准。3 by Hammonds two grandchildren, they are sent on a tour through Jurassic Park in computercontrolled cars.在哈蒙德的两个孙子的陪伴下,他们被送到电脑控制的轿车

4、中进行环绕侏罗纪公园的旅行。4But a tropical storm hits the island, the power supply,and an employee destroys the security system so that he can steal dinosaur embryos and sell them.但是一场热带风暴袭击了该岛屿,摧毁了电力供应,一个雇员破坏了安全系统,因此他能偷出恐龙胚胎并卖掉它们。5 Brave New World is still so famous it describes a terrifying future world that i

5、s becoming more and more possible.勇敢新世界这本书现在仍然很出名,原因是它向我们展现了一个可怕的未来世界,并且这个世界越来越可能成为现实。【答案】1.find it difficult to have2.What is clear is that3.Accompanied4.knocking out5.The reason why;is that阅读P6465教材原文,选择最佳答案Stem cells can be used to Adevelop into enzymesBsolve crimesCcreate prize winning animalsDh

6、elp people recover from diseases【答案】D阅读P67教材原文,选择最佳答案1Which of the following statements is TRUE?ADinosaurs died out after mosquitoes began to exist.BJurassic Park is only fiction.CThere are still proper conditions for dinosaurs to exist today.DCloning dinosaurs is possible.2From the whole text we ca

7、n conclude that Amosquitoes preserved since prehistoric time can be used to create living dinosaursBwe can clone dinosaurs successfullyCa suitable environment where dinosaurs might survive probably doesnt exist todayDfemale mosquitoes can not absorb DNA3The writer of the novel takes attitude to such

8、 a story described in the novel.Adoubtful BsupportiveCcold Dobjective【答案】13BCA阅读P69教材原文,选择最佳答案1In Brave New World, which of the following types of clones are leaders of society?ABetas. BEpsilons.CAlphas. DAlphas and Betas.2It seems that people in Brave New World Alove their nation very muchBhate the

9、ir nation very muchCdont have any feelingsDare satisfied with their own positions3How does the government control the society?ABy teaching them what to like or dislike and giving them drugs to make them happy.BBy dividing the whole society into five classes.CBy giving equal rights to the five types

10、of people.DBy strong and cruel methods.【答案】13CDA identical adj.完全相同的,同样的(教材P61)In what way are Sheep A and Sheep B identical?A羊在哪方面与B羊一样?(1)be identical with/to 和一样,与一致be identical in 在方面一样/一致(2)identity n. 同一性,一致;身份(3)identify v. 识别,认同,把和看成一样This picture is identical to the one my mother has.这张照片和我

11、母亲的那张一模一样。The two words are identical in meaning.这两个字的字义完全一样。 beneficial adj.有益的,有用的(教材P61)Do you think cloning may be beneficial/helpful to humans? Give at least one reason.你认为克隆技术会对人类有益/有帮助吗?给出至少一个原因。be beneficial to sb./ of benefit to sb./sth. 对有益的(to为介词)benefit from/by 从受益for the benefit o

12、f 为了的利益Lets go out for a walk, for fresh air is beneficial to your health.咱们出去走走吧,因为新鲜空气有益于你的健康。I benefited a lot from reading.阅读使我受益匪浅。The situation in the world today is of benefit to the people.当今世界形势对人们非常有利。 cure v.治愈,治疗 n.治愈,疗法;药(剂)(教材P61)We could use cloning to cure illnesses.我们可以使用克隆(技术)来治疗疾病

13、。(1)cure sb.(of sth.) 治愈某人(的病等); 纠正/消除(弊病等)(2)a cure for. 的一种治疗法(3)curable adj. 可治愈的The doctor has cured many people of such disease.那位医生已经治愈了许多患这种病的人。They claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.他们声称已经发现了治疗此病的一种药物。明辨异同cure/treatcure作为动词,多用于疾病方面,强调结果,意为“治好”,是及物动词,其主语可以是医生,也可以是某种药。表示“治好某人的某

14、种疾病”,要用cure sb.of sth.来表示。treat 强调治疗的动作,不涉及结果,用于treat sb.for sth.结构中。cure/treatWhen I left hospital I was completely A famous doctor is her for her illness.【答案】curedtreating resist v.抵抗,反抗,抗拒(其后常跟名词、代词、v.ing形式作宾语,而不跟不定式)(教材P65).for example, a prize cow which can resist bacteria or disease, or to sow

15、 a cloned crop which can resist rot or pests.比如:(克隆)能够抵御细菌或疾病的优选奶牛,种植能够抵抗枯病或虫害的克隆作物。(1)resist n./pron./doing 抵抗;反对;忍住做(2)resistance n. 反抗,抵制,抵抗力(3)resistant(to) adj. 抵抗的;耐的I can never resist an ice cream.我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。I couldnt resist telling(tell) him the secret.我忍不住要把秘密告诉他。There has been a lot of

16、resistance(resist) to this new law.反对这项新法律的人很多。 rely on依靠,依赖;信赖(教材P65)But to rely on a few cloned animals or crops would restrict the biodiversity of the breed.但是,仅仅依赖少数几种克隆动植物会限制生物品种的多样性。rely on/uponWe must rely on our own efforts to get out of the trouble.我们必须依靠自己的努力来摆脱困境。You may rely on it that h

17、e will do a good job of it.你放心好了,他会做好这件事的。They rely on the river for their water.他们的用水依赖于那条河。 suspect n.嫌疑人v.怀疑(教材P65)Finally, the latest research into DNA has helped solve crimes by analysing the suspects saliva which they spit at a crime scene or the dirt under their fingernails.最后,在DNA的最新研究中,通过分析

18、嫌疑犯在犯罪现场留下的唾液或手指甲下的污洉已帮助查明了许多犯罪行为。suspect that. 怀疑suspect (be) 怀疑某人是suspect sb.of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做过)某事I suspected him to be(be) a liar.我怀疑他是一个说谎者。The police suspect him of taking part in the jewel robbery.警察怀疑他参与了珠宝盗窃案。 accompany v. 陪伴,陪同;伴随发生;补充;给伴奏(教材P67)Accompanied by Hammondaccompany sb

19、.to. 陪某人去某地(to为介词)be accompanied by 附有,伴随accompany sb.on/at the乐器 用乐器为某人伴奏in sb.s company in the company of company with sb. 和某人在一起Lightning is usually accompanied by thunder.雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。The singer was accompanied(accompany)on the piano by her elder sister.那位女歌手的姐姐为她用钢琴伴奏。She asked me to accom

20、pany her to the airport.她要求我陪她到机场去。 absorb v吸收;吸引的注意;吞并;理解 (教材P67)In fact, only females can absorb the DNA of another creature.实际上,只有雌蚊子才能吸收另一种生物的DNA。(1) absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意力(2)absorbed adj. 全神贯注的,一心一意的be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于Vitamin D is slowly absorbed by the body.维生素D缓慢地被人体吸收。He pretend

21、s to be absorbed(absorb) in listening.他假装在专心听讲。 arise v(问题、困难等)发生,出现(常和from或out of 连用)(教材P67)Many questions also arise in the cloning of dinosaurs.在克隆恐龙的过程中也产生了许多问题。The problem may not arise, but theres no harm in keeping our powder dry.问题不一定会发生,但有备无患并无害处。In modern society, there are an increasing n

22、umber of problems arising from the lack of communication.在现代社会出现了越来越多由于缺乏交流而产生的问题。arise/rise/raise/arouse原形过去式过去分词词性词义arisearosearisenvi.产生,出现riseroserisen上升,起床raiseraisedvt.提高,举起arousearoused唤起,激起arise/rise/raise/arouseWhen the wind , people were watching them the national flag; it was slowly in th

23、e wind, which their feeling of loving their motherland.【答案】arose;raising;rising;.语境填词1Lily is to Lucy,so its difficult for me them.(identify)2The films would be seen as to the young but without much to teenagers.(benefit)3They took attitudes towards the education of teenagers and their often caused

24、them against each other.(contradict)4I think that the crop has to the disease,because it the disease last year.(resist)【答案】1.identical;to identify2.beneficial;benefit3.contradictory;contradictions;to contradict4.resistance;resisted.选词填空 【导学号:37422036】by mistake,as follows,(be)identical to,rely on,tr

25、,as far as we know,break down1You can Lucy to help you with your English.2Your look your dad when he was your age.3I took your bag instead of mine 4 ,hell be away for 3 months.5After many years, rocks can into dirt.【答案】1.rely identical mistake 4As far as we know5.break down(教材P6

26、9)The reason why Brave New World is still so famous is that it describes a terrifying future world that is becoming more and more possible.【要点提炼】本句属于“The reason that.”句型,其中why Brave New World is still so famous 是定语从句,why 可用 for which 替换;第一个 that 引导表语从句,仅起连接作用,第二个that引导定语从句,先行词为a terrifying fu

27、ture world。(1)the reason 作主语时,表语从句不能用because引导, 而只能用 that 引导,且 that 不能省略。(2)先行词为reason 时,若定语从句的主干成分完整,定语从句通常由 why(for which)引导;若定语从句缺少主语或宾语,则定语从句用关系代词 that 或 which引导。The reason why failed the exam is that he didnt work hard.他缺席会议的原因是他遇到交通阻塞了。Is this the reason that/which he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?这就是他在会议上解释的工作中粗心的原因吗?单句改错This is the reason why he said for his coming late.【答案】去掉why或whythat/which

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