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1、 故选B。23. Before we moved into the new house, we bought many_. A. furnitures B. furnitureC. pieces of furniture D. pieces of furnitures【解析】选C。在搬进新房子之前,我们买了许多家具。 furniture为不可数名词。 许多家具many pieces of furniture。24. The picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can _ my father. A. find out B. pic

2、k outC. pick up D. speak out这张照片已拍了很长时间了,我不知道你是否还能认出我的父亲来。 find out查明;获知;pick out挑出;分辨出;pick up用车接;speak out大胆明确说出。 根据句意选B。25. The Airbus_in Brazil and disappeared above the Atlantic Ocean. A. put off B. turned offC. took off D. kept off这架中短程班机在巴西起飞,消失在大西洋上空。 take off起飞。26. Mrs Johnson said, “I drew

3、 the picture last week. ”Mrs Johnson said that_ the picture_. A. she drew; the week beforeB. I had drawn; that weekC. she had drawn;D. I drew; the last week 考查直接引语变间接引语。 直接引语变间接引语,人称、时态和状语均作相应的变化,第一人称变第三人称;一般过去时变过去完成时;last week变the week before,因此选C。27. How does the plan_ you?If only it could be carr

4、ied out smoothly. A. hit B. strike C. beat D. attack 句意为:那计划吸引你的是什么?顺利实行。 hit打,敲;strike打,打动;beat连续敲打;attack攻击,袭击。28. Everything he_ away from him before he returned to his hometown. A. took B. had been takenC. had had been taken D. had taken在他返回家乡前,他所有的一切都被剥夺了。 由before he returned to his hometown可知谓

5、语动词应用过去完成时;Everything与take构成动宾关系,因此用被动语态;he had为定语从句,修饰everything,省略that,综上选C。29. The drug did not_ his health. In fact, it seemed to have no_ at all. A. effect; effect B. effect; affectC. affect; effect D. affect;这种药没有影响他的健康,事实上,它好像根本不起作用。 affect v. 影响,have no effect毫无效果。30. The doctor warned the p

6、atient_ . Which is WRONG?A. against smoking B. not to smokeC. of the harm in smoking D. not smoke【解析】选D。医生告诫病人吸烟的危害。 warn sb. of sth. ;warn sb. against sth. ;warn sb. not to do sth. , 因此选D。31. I felt we had met on a_ occasion. A. previous B. previously C. early D. former我觉得我们似曾相识。 根据句意和句子的结构特点,空白处需要

7、形容词,排除B;previous时间或顺序在先;early早的,前需用an;former从前的,以前的。 on a previous occasion=before。32. Middle schools and universities in Mexico have returned to normal, and there is a possibility_ A/H1N1 flu will go past soon. A. what B. when C. that D. where墨西哥的中学和大学已经恢复正常,甲型H1N1流感很可能很快将过去。 a possibility为先行词,that

8、引导同位语从句。33. The fire was finally_ after the building had_for two hours. A. put off; caught fire B. put away; been on fireC. put out; been on fire D. put out; caught fire在这座楼房着火两小时后,大火终于被扑灭了。 catch fire非延续性动词,不和时间段连用,排除A和D;put away放在一边;收拾好;put out熄灭。34. Id like to buy a housemodern, comfortable and_

9、in a quiet neighborhood. A. in all B. above allC. after all D. at all我想买套房子,时尚、舒适,最重要的是安静。 in all总而言之;总共;above all最重要的是;after all毕竟;at all全然;竟然;根据句意,可知选B。35. He joined the firm as an office boy, but he gained rapid promotion, and_ a director. A. ended up B. ended up inC. ended up with D. ended up as

10、刚加入公司时,他只是一个办公室勤杂员,但迅速得到提升,不久便做了主任。 end up as. . . 以职位结束,结果做到。. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) On August 26,1999, New York City was struck by a terrible rainstorm. The rain caused the streets to 36 and the subway system almost came to a stop. Unfortunately, this happened during the morning rush hour. Many

11、people who were going to work were 37 to go home. Some battled to 38 a taxi or to get on a bus. Still others faced the 39 bravely, walking miles to get to work. I 40 to be one of people on the way to work that morning. I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most 41 had stopped. Aft

12、er making my way 42 crowds of people. I finally found a subway line that was 43 . Unfortunately, there were so many people waiting to 44 the subway that I could not even get down the stairs to the 45 . So I took the train going in the opposite direction, and then switched back to the downtown train.

13、 Finally, after what seemed like forever, the train 46 my stop. Then I had to walk several blocks in the increasingly heavy rain. When I finally got to my office. I was 47 through, exhausted and 48 . My co-workers and I spent most of the day drying off. When it was 5:00 pm, I was ready to go home. I

14、 was about to turn off my computer 49 I received an email from Garth, my Director: I would like to thank all of you who made the effort and 50 reported to work. It is always reassuring (令人欣慰), at times like these, when employees so clearly show their 51 to their jobs. Thank you. Garths email was sho

15、rt, but I learned more from that 52 message than I ever did from a textbook. The email taught me that a few words of 53 can make a big difference. The rainstorm and the traffic 54 had made me tired and upset. But Garths words immediately 55 me and put a smile back on my face. 【文章大意】本文是一篇以记叙为主的文章,只在文

16、章末尾含蓄地表达出自己的观点。 文章描写了在暴风雨袭来时,仍有很多人坚持去上班,但心情不免有些沮丧,而经理的一封感谢信却使人精神重新振作起来,揭示了“表扬给人以力量和信心”这个主题。36. A. break B. flood C. sink D. crash 可怕的暴风雨造成的后果是洪水“泛滥”,所以选B。 flood大量涌入;泛滥;符合语境。 break打破;sink下沉;crash撞碎;崩溃;均不合题意。37. A. forced B. refused C. adjusted D. gathered 地铁停止“迫使”上班的人不得不回家。 force 强迫;迫使, sb. be forced

17、 to do sth. 某人被迫做某事。 refuse拒绝;adjust调整;gather聚集;均不合语境。38. A. order B. pay C. call D. search order预定;pay付款;call呼叫;search搜寻;根据语境,此处应是“叫出租车”即 call a taxi。 search a taxi意为“搜查出租车”,与题意不符。39. A. climate B. scenery C. storm D. burden 联系上文,上班高峰时期遇见暴风雨,很多人不得不回家,一些人奋力呼叫出租车或坐公交车,还有一些人“勇敢地面对_,步行几英里去上班”,可知此处应填sto

18、rm(暴风雨)。 climate气候;scenery风景;burden负担,均不合题意。40. A. used B. promised C. deserved D. happened 我“恰好”是那天早晨去上班的人之一。 used to do 过去常常;happen to碰巧,偶然;promise to do允诺,答应做;deserve值得;应受;根据题意应选D。41. A. practice B. routine C. process D. service “我”沿着地铁线一路寻找结果却发现大部分的地铁都停了。 service(公用事业的)公共设施(的运转)。 例如:There is a t

19、rain service every thirty minutes. 每隔半小时有一班列车。 practice练习;惯例;routine常规;process过程,均不合题意。42. A. to B. through C. over D. for 艰难地“穿过”人群,用through,它指从内部穿过,through crowds of people 意为穿过人群。43. A. operating B. cycling C. turning D. rushing 终于发现一条仍在“运转”的地铁线。 operate运转,运行;符合题意。44. A. check B. carry C. find D.

20、 board board the subway“上地铁”。 board登(飞机、车、船等)。45. A. street B. ground C. floor D. platform 等着上地铁的人太多了我甚至不能走下台阶到站台那里去。 platform站台,月台;46. A. paused B. crossed C. reached D. parked 好像过了很久列车终于“到达”了我要去的站点。 reach到达;pause暂停;cross通过;park停车;根据题意应选C。47. A. wet B. weak C. sick D. hurt “我”在暴风雨中步行几个街区到达办公室后当然全身都

21、“湿透”了。 wet through都湿透了,与虚弱、疾病、受伤都不相关。48. A. ashamed B. discouragedC. surprised D. puzzled “我”步行几个街区,全身湿透,当然是感到“筋疲力尽”并且“垂头丧气”。 discouraged沮丧的;垂头丧气的;ashamed “羞愧的,惭愧的”;surprised “吃惊的”;puzzled“困惑的,不解的”;均不符合题意。49. A. while B. whenC. where D. after be about to do sth. when. . . 正要做某事,就在那时,为固定句型,不能用其他词代替。5

22、0. A. hardly B. casuallyC. absolutely D. eventually “我要感谢你们这些所有作出努力最终来上班的人”。 eventually最终; hardly几乎不;casually临时地;随便地;absolutely绝对地;51. A. devotion B. donationC. connection D. reaction 当员工们明确表示出对工作的忠于职守时总是让人欣慰的。 devotion奉献;投入;donation捐赠;connection联系;reaction反应。 根据题意可知选A。52. A. accurate B. urgent C. b

23、rief D. humorous 由前边的short可知“我”从这封“简短的”邮件里学到的东西要比以前从教科书中学到的多。 accurate精确的;urgent紧急的;brief简单的,简短的;humorous幽默的;根据题意选C。53. A. promise B. appreciationC. advice D. guidance words of appreciation感激的话。这封感谢的邮件使我认识到几句感谢的话会有极大的影响。54. A. troubles B. signalsC. rules D. signs 由上文可知“我”辗转乘车才到达了工作地点,因此用traffic trou

24、bles交通带来的不便、麻烦,而不是交通信号或是规则。 signal信号;rule规则;sign符号;55. A. corrected B. supportedC. amazed D. refreshed 暴风雨和交通不便使我疲惫和烦恼,而一封感谢信使“我”“恢复”了精神。 refresh使恢复精神;使生气勃勃,通过下文的“put a smile back on my face ”可知,与上文的“tired and upset”相反,符合题意。. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)(A) There is an English saying :“Laughter is the be

25、st medicine. ”Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter really can improve peoples health. Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. Pe

26、ople watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter had similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart beating and breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and

27、 even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial. Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programmes. The group that tolerated(

28、忍耐)the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny programme. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which diminish both stress and pain. As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients conditions by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those cau

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