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沪教版四年级下学期英语Unit11 Childrens Day教案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、Unit 3 Look and see, Unit 5 Sport, Unit 7 My day ,Unit 8 Days of the week学习和复习一般现在时的第三人称单数形式。各学习项目分析Listen and say呈现了Alice在儿童节一天的活动,综合了已学语言。.Look and learn通过实物照片呈现了核心词汇cinema, museum和zoo。Think and write是一个看图写话栏目,要求学生围绕儿童节的活动计划填空完成短文。Look and read介绍不同国家的儿童节。Do a survey是语言实践运用活动。要求学生以儿童节话题进行问卷调查。学生通过完

2、成调查问卷,将所学语言更好地运用在实际生活中,同时也能从信息交流中体验语言的功能性。单元目标语言知识与技能:1.能听、说、读、写核心词汇song, zoo, cinema, museum, also。2.在语境中熟练运用Our classroom looks beautiful.In the morning, we have a party.Do you go to the park on Childrens Day?Happy Childrens Day!邀请别人参与节日活动和表达祝愿。过程与方法:1.以对话、课本剧等方式推动对语言的感知和理解。2.以对话教学为主线,在所创设的日常活动情境中

3、运用本单元目标语谈论个人的节日活动。3. 情感态度价值观:在“Happy Childrens Day”的主题中运用语言,巩固目标语,欢度节日。学情分析学生具备一些简单的语音积累,单个的辅音发音和一些常见到的字母组合。能够用“Happy (festivals)!”表达节日的祝愿,能用简单句的基本句型描述自己的活动。难点预测及对策:1.语音方面:单词museum的发音2.语法知识:look的用法。Look at our classroom. Our classroom looks beautiful.对策:1.课堂强调并纠正,学生自己体会音标发音位置,确定每个学生的读音正确。课堂多读多练。2.采用

4、词句结合的专项训练方式,理解运用look 在句中的两个用法。教学方法与手段1.采用听说法,通过听录音,感知Listen and say核心板块。2.利用多媒体课件,通过阅读了解世界各地儿童节的情况,理解Look and read 核心板块。3.采用交际教学法,综合运用语言。通过演课本剧的方式,进一步理解核心板块的交际用语。通过做调查,交流讨论,然后写出他人在节日的活动。作业设计第一课时1. Write the new words five times. 2. Complete Workbook 4B pages 65 Look and write.第二课时2.Workbook 4B pages

5、 35 Look, read and write.3. Listen and read “Listen and say” on page 26.第三课时1.Read the text three times. 2. Complete Workbook 4B pages 65 Read, choose and complete.课时划分与分课时目标板块单元知识整合与拓展的知识教学目标主题语境Look and learn Do a survey单词cinemamuseumzoogo to the cinema1、能正确听说读写四会单词。2、通过Do a survey的调查活动,帮助学生用Do yo

6、u?了解同学在儿童节常做的事情,操练巩固已学词组。句型Do you go to the cinema on Childrens Day?Listen and sayThink and writesonghave a party1、通过Listen and say的情景对话,帮助学生复习一般现在时动词的第三人称单数用法。2、通过Think and write活动,帮助学生运用核心词汇描述儿童节活动。Our classroom looks beautiful.Fine, thanks.Look and readalsoChina CanadaIndiaThailand通过Look and read

7、的短文,帮助学生了解世界各国的儿童节。 In Canada, Childrens Day is in November教学设计首页课题Unit 11 Childrens Day课型New 课时1st授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重难点重点:四会单词:zoo, cinema, museum.难点:Museum的发音板书设计 Do you go to the zoo on Childrens Day? museum cinema Yes, I do. No, I dont. 教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控一、Pre-task preparation1、GreetingsT: Good mornin

8、g, boys and girls. How are you, today?Ss: Good morning, . Im fine, thank you.2、LeadingSing a song What is the song about?S: The song is about school. At this school, children can do a lot of interesting things. Look! Lets say and do.(设计意图:观看视频,使学生兴趣盎然的进入教学情景。)二、While-task procedure1、Show picture of

9、Kitty and Peter Who are they? Are they happy? Why? Yes. They are happy. Because today is a special day. Choose: Teachers Day or Childrens Day2、Watch a video Its Childrens Day. Lets watch a video.观看视频,了解儿童节的由来。3、Show pictures Where do they go on Childrens Day? Guess. Look! Where do they go? They go t

10、o the zoo.(Teach zoo and go to the zoo)Q: What can you see in the zoo? (设计意图:简单提问,激发学生学习兴趣和求知欲望。4、Show the picture of museum They go to the museum.(Teach museum and go to the museum)Show pictures of museums In Taiyuan, there are a lot of museums. Lets look. What can you see in the museum?Do you go t

11、o the museum on Childrens Day?让学生了解我们太原有许多博物馆。5、Show the picture of cinema At last, where do they go? They go to the cinema.(Teach cinema and go to the cinema) What can you do in the cinema? Do you go to the cinema on Childrens Day? What shouldnt we do in the cinema?联系生活,告诉学生一些规则,培养学生遵守规则的意识。6、Ask a

12、nd answer-Where do you go on Childrens Day?-I on Childrens Day.Post-task activitiesDo a surveya. Fours in a group and ask.b. Fill in the blanksc. Show time培养学生关注生活的人文精神,调动学生的学习积极性。当堂达标设计Ask and answer教学反思现象与归因分析改进措施Unit11 Childrens Daynew2nd授课时间内 容1、单词: song, have a party2、句型2、Say a chant: I can sin

13、g.Sing, sing, I can sing.Dance, dance, I can dance.Swim, swim, I can swim.Draw, draw, I can draw.活跃课堂气氛,为后续学习作铺垫。1、Watch a video “Happy new year” We are singing. Were dancing. Were very happy. I like New Years Day. What do you like? Whats your favourite festival? Oh, you like Childrens Day! Its your

14、 festival.渲染节日气氛,引出儿童节。 Today, we are going to learn Childrens Day. On Childrens Day, what do you say? Happy Childrens Day! The Childrens Day is coming. Miss Fang and her students are at school together. Lets look.2、Show the text1 Where are they? Guess. What do they say?a. Let the pupils fill in the

15、 dialogue.b. Read the dialogue.3、Show the text2 The classroom looks beautiful.a.Let the pupils understand look.b.Make sentences with look. What does Miss Fang say?c.Read the text.4、Show the text3 What do they have in the morning?(Teach have a party) What do Alice and Jill do?(Teach sing a song) What

16、 do you do at this party?Read the text.让学生了解各个国家的国旗。5、Show the text4 In the afternoon, we also have a holiday.Look! Where does Alice go?Where do you go on Childrens Day?Do you love Childrens Day?6、Read after the tape.7、Say and act以不同的形式,逐图学习,加深对课本的理解。三、Post-task activitiesWrite and say.联系实际生活,学以致用,考

17、查学生综合运用语言的能力。Write and sayUUnit11 Childrens Day3rd China, Canada, India, ThailandIn China, Childrens Day is in June. In _, Childrens Day is in _.教学设计续页3、Review and leadinga.T: What is the date? Today is . How many months are there in a year? Twelve.b. Show the month card. Lets the pupils read the wo

18、rds. What festival is in ?复习月份单词,建立融洽的师生交流渠道,引出节日主题。1、Show a picture What festival is in June? Childrens Day is in June. Whose festival is Childrens Day? Our festival. Yes, its your festival. Happy Childrens Day! Thank you.2、Look and say In China, Childrens Day is in June. What about Canada, India,

19、Thailand?3、Look and match4、Fill in the blanks.a. Let the pupils read and write by themselves.b. Look and say Look at the table and say. Eg: In China, Childrens Day in in June.c. Teach in+月份通过读和说,让学生自己发现in+月份,便于理解,加深记忆。5、Read after the tape.6、Retell the textFours in a group and retell the story.1、Make a dialoguea. Twos in a group and write.b. Show time小组合作,考查学生综合语言运用语言的能力。

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