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专题04阅读理解之七选五 开学考试专辑 解析版 届高三英语百所名校好题分类快递Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、B. Social media isnt just for individuals though.C. One company called Zippos does this extremely well.D. The person controlling these accounts must be knowledgeable.E. There are many ways that organizations can benefit from social media.F. Social media also gives companies greater control over thei

2、r brand image.G. Only by following these tips, organizations can take their businesses to the next level.【答案】31. B32. E33. F34. D35. G【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述小企业和公司如何通过Twitter、Facebook和LinkedIn这些社交媒体与粉丝建立更密切的关系,吸引新客户。【31题详解】根据后文“Small businesses and corporations are also using it to develop closer relatio

3、nships with their fans and attract new customers.(小企业和公司也在利用它与粉丝建立更密切的关系,吸引新客户。)”可知,这些社交媒体不仅仅是对个人开放,而且也为小企业和公司服务。B项“然而,社交媒体并不仅仅针对个人。”符合句意。故选B。【32题详解】此处是段落首句。根据下文“For starters, it can be an effective way to conduct market research.(首先,这可能是进行市场研究的有效方式。)”以及“Furthermore, online advertising campaigns thr

4、ough social media allow companies to specifically target people who like similar products as the ones they are selling.(此外,通过社交媒体开展的在线广告活动允许公司专门针对那些喜欢与他们销售的产品类似的产品的人。)”可知,本段介绍了公司利用社交媒体所获得的好处。E项“公司可以通过多种方式从社交媒体中受益。”适合做段首句。故选E。【33题详解】根据空后“It allows fans and customers to leave comments about companies,

5、 their products, or their services.(它允许粉丝和客户对公司、产品或服务发表评论。)”可知,它会让顾客对公司,产品或服务进行评价,因而前文中需告诉读者代词it指的是社交媒体以及社交媒体对企业的影响。F项“社交媒体也让企业对其品牌形象有了更大的控制。”符合语境。故选F。【34题详解】根据上文“A common mistake is putting new hires or outside consultants in charge of social media accounts. (一个常见的错误是让新员工或外部顾问负责社交媒体账户。)”可知,让新员工或外部顾

6、问负责社交媒体账户事错误的,所以要说明他们不能很好的处理问题。D项“控制这些账户的人必须知识渊博。”符合语境,说明学识渊博的人正好弥补了新员工所带来的不足,符合语境。故选D。【35题详解】根据段首句“However, companies shouldnt jump into social media without a carefully-planned strategy, as this can cause more harm than good. (然而,如果没有精心策划的策略,公司不应该跳进社交媒体,因为这可能弊大于利。)”可知,这段主要围绕怎样精心策划一些策略,才能让公司在社交媒体上受

7、益。空处为段落总结句,G项中的“these tips”和前面的“a carefully-planned strategy”相呼应,而且总结了只有遵循这些技巧,组织才能将其业务提升到一个新的水平。故选G。河南省濮阳市2021-2022学年高三下学期开学摸底考试英语试题Travel is not only beneficial to our minds, bodies, and souls, but it will be important to many countries and communities that rely on tourism dollars to make ends mee

8、t. Now Id like to go a bit more in depth with strategies for travelers to leave less of a mess behind.Pack with great care. How you pack sets the tone for how you will interact with the place you visit. Take as little as you can. Pack useful things like a large scarf or a quick-dry towel that can do

9、uble as a blanket, pillow, or sun guard. _16_Save water and energy. Paying for the hotel room doesnt mean you should waste the resources. _17_ Take short showers and reuse towels. Turn off the lights and turn down the heat when you leave._18_ When you travel with least luggage, its not a big deal to

10、 hop on a bus, train, or ferry, all of which come with a smaller carbon footprint than private cars or plane rides. Public transportation routes give you a different view of a city and a culture, bring you into contact with locals, and add some colorful stories to your adventure.Avoid single-use pla

11、stic. When hanging out, carry a cloth shopping bag for any purchases. _19_ Avoid takeout meals that produce waste.Leave reviews. _20_ By taking the time to leave a thoughtful review that analyzes the eco-credibility of a place youve visited, you can help the business get recognized for its effort, a

12、nd encourage other travelers to prioritize (优先处理) environmental standards.A. Use public transportation.B. Pack more in case of an emergency.C. Keep your bag light and easy to carry.D. Avoid using it as much as possible.E. Treat it as you do in your own home.F. Carry a water bottle to avoid single-us

13、e plastic bottles.G. This is an important yet often overlooked aspect of travel.【答案】16. C17. E18. A19. F20. G文章讲述了几个旅行中保护环境,不留下一地狼藉的几个方法。【16题详解】根据上一句“Take as little as you can. Pack useful things like a large scarf or a quick-dry towel that can double as a blanket, pillow, or sun guard.(尽量少带东西。带上一些有

14、用的东西,比如一条大围巾或一块快干毛巾,它可以兼做毯子、枕头或防晒霜)”可知,此处是建议少带东西,只带有用的物品,分析选项,C项“让你的包轻一点,便于携带”承接上文,符合本段主题。故选C项。【17题详解】根据空前一句“Paying for the hotel room doesnt mean you should waste the resources.(支付酒店房间费用并不意味着你应该浪费资源)”可知,空处应是点明在酒店的正确做法。分析选项,E项“就像在家里一样对待它”符合题意,下文“Take short showers and reuse towels. Turn off the ligh

15、ts and turn down the heat when you leave. (短时间淋浴,重复使用毛巾。离开时把灯关掉,把暖气关小)”是具体的做法。上下文衔接紧密。故选E项。【18题详解】空处是段落主题句。根据本段中“Public transportation routes give you a different view of a city and a culture, bring you into contact with locals, and add some colorful stories to your adventure.(公共交通线路可以让你看到一个城市和一种文化的

16、不同视角,让你与当地人接触,并为你的冒险增添一些丰富多彩的故事)”可知,本段建议使用公共交通,A项“使用公共交通”符合题意。故选A项。【19题详解】根据本段主题句“Avoid single-use plastic.(避免一次性塑料制品)”可知,本段建议避免使用一次性塑料制品,F项“随身携带水瓶,避免使用一次性塑料瓶”符合本段主题。故选F项。【20题详解】根据本段主题句“Leave reviews.(留下评论)”可知,本段建议旅行后留下评论,下文“you can help the business get recognized for its effort, and encourage othe

17、r travelers to prioritize (优先处理) environmental standards(你可以帮助商家的努力得到认可,并鼓励其他旅客优先处理环境标准)”具体讲了这样做的好处,分析选项,G项“这是旅行中一个很重要却经常被忽视的方面”符合语境。故选G项。湖南省六校2021-2022学年高三下学期2月联考英语试题Can you remember what you ate yesterday? If asked, most people will be able to give a vague description of their main meals: breakfas

18、t, lunch, dinner. But can you be sure youve noted every snack bar in your car, or every handful of nuts at your desk? _16_We originally had this suspicion back in 2016, puzzled by the fact that national statistics showed calorie consumption falling dramatically over past decades. Now, the Office for

19、 National Statistics has confirmed that people are considerably under-reporting what they ate by 50%._17_ We can point to at least three potential causes. One is the rise in obesity levels itself. Under-reporting rates are much higher for obese people, because they simply consume more food, and thus

20、 have more to remember. Another cause is that the proportion of people who are trying to slim down has been increasing over time. _18_ It may be driven partly by self-deception or “wishful thinking”._19_ Both are in terms of how often they happen and how much they contribute to our overall energy in

21、take. Again, there is evidence that food consumed out of the home is one of the most poorly recorded categories in surveys.So, whats the message conveyed? If people do not know how much they are eating, it can be really hard for them to stick to a diet. _20_ Therefore, we can ensure what people eat

22、wont have much impact on their waistlines. If this works, it wont matter if they cant remember what they ate yesterday.A. Why is this happening? B. What will come about next?C. Most people will feel that theyve missed something out. D. We should be looking for new ways to handle this problem. E. The

23、 final one is an increase in snacking and eating out recently. F. People are consuming more calories than the national statistics claim. G. Those who want to lose weight are more likely to under-report their eating. 【答案】16. C17. A18. G19. E20. D主要介绍了人们会通常不记得自己昨天吃过什么这一现象及其背后的原因。【16题详解】上文“But can you

24、be sure youve noted every snack bar in your car, or every handful of nuts at your desk?(但是你能确定你已经记下了你车里的每一家小吃店,或者你桌上的每一把坚果吗?)”说明人们一般不确定自己具体吃了什么,C项“大多数人会觉得他们漏掉了什么。”进一步说明人们不确定自己吃过的食物,符合题意。故选C。【17题详解】下文“We can point to at least three potential causes.(我们可以指出至少三个潜在的原因。)”说明要指出至少三个潜在的原因,A项“为什么会这样?”提问原因,符合

25、题意。故选A。【18题详解】根据上文“Another cause is that the proportion of people who are trying to slim down has been increasing over time.”(另一个原因是,随着时间的推移,试图减肥的人的比例一直在增加)以及下文“It may be driven partly by self-deception or “wishful thinking”.(它可能部分是由自我欺骗或“一厢情愿的想法”驱动的。)”说明人们减肥失败的原因,G项“那些想减肥的人更可能低估自己的饮食。”与下文构成因果关系,符合题

26、意。【19题详解】下文“Both are in terms of how often they happen and how much they contribute to our overall energy intake.(这两种情况都取决于它们发生的频率以及它们对我们整体能量摄入的贡献。)”说明空处应介绍两种情况,E项中snacking and eating out是关键词,说明零食和外出就餐这两种情况,E项“最后一个问题是最近零食和外出就餐的增加。”符合题意。【20题详解】上文“If people do not know how much they are eating, it can be really hard for them to stick to a diet.(如果人们不知道自己吃了多少,那么他们很难坚持节食。)”说明人们很难坚持节食的原因,空处应说明寻找解决问题的方法,D项“我们应该寻找处

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