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新世纪英语专业 综合教程2 何兆熊核心词汇 unit3.docx

1、新世纪英语专业 综合教程2 何兆熊核心词汇 unit3核心词汇stroke n. 意外的一桩(幸事、运气或不幸)中风笔划抚摸 v.抚摸【例句】 In a stroke of luck, a suitable organ donor became available. 运气的话也会有合适的器官捐献者。 Various strokes of misfortune led to his ruin. 遭诸多不幸使他一蹶不振。 The funeral of Mr. Whitelaw, who died of a stroke, will go ahead as planned today. 怀特劳先生死

2、于中风,他的葬礼按计划今天举行。 The character“繁”has too many strokes and children find it very difficult to write. “繁”这个字笔画太多,孩子们觉得很难写。Cats like being stroked. 猫喜欢让人抚摸。 collide vi.互撞,碰撞 严重冲突,抵触【例句】The two planes collided with each other in midair and over 100 people were killed. 两班飞机在空中相撞, 一百多人丧生。 I ran around the

3、 corner, and almost collided with Mrs Laurence. 我从拐角跑过去,差点与劳伦斯夫人撞上了。 The President has again collided with Congress over his budget plans. 总统在他的预算计划上又与国会意见冲突了。【派生】collision n. 碰撞,互撞;冲突insist v. 坚决要求 坚决认为,宣称【例句】 The victims relatives insisted on immediate repayment. 受害者亲属要求立即得到偿还。 The man insisted on

4、 helping me find a taxi even though I told him I didnt need any help. 即便我说了我不需要帮助,那人还是坚持要帮助我找一辆的士。 My parents insist we (should) report the matter to the police right away. 我父母坚持要我们立即把此事向警方报告。 The suspect insisted on his innocence. 犯罪嫌疑人坚持说自己是无罪的。【搭配】insist on ones idea 坚持自己的观点 insist on doing sth.

5、坚持(要)做某事 insist + that clause 坚持,坚决要求【辨析】persist in doing sth. 坚持/持续做某事, 表示持之以恒做某事、固执、不放弃;而insist on doing sth 却表示坚持一个观点,坚持要做某事。例如:We must persist in taking the socialist road of Chinese characteristics. 我们必须坚持继续走中国特色的社会主义道路。【派生】insistence n. 坚决要求,坚决主张 insistent a. 坚持的,执拗的guilt n. 内疚,悔恨 罪过,责任,过失 罪,罪

6、行【例句】Dont you have any feelings of guilt about leaving David? 你离开大卫不感到内疚吗? When children behave badly the guilt sometimes lies with the parents for not caring sufficiently. 孩子行为不轨责任有时在于父母关心不够。 At the court he made no attempt to deny his guilt. 法庭上他没有想否认自己的罪行。【搭配】 admit / confess ones quilt 认罪;承认自己的过

7、失或责任【派生】guilty a. 感到内疚/惭愧的,自责的应(对道德败坏、社会唾弃的行为)负责的 有罪的,犯罪的depressed a. sad or gloomy忧伤的,抑郁的,消沉的【例句】I need something to occupy my mind. I get depressed if I have nothing to do. 我需要事情占据脑子,一没事我就会郁闷。 【派生】depress v. 使感到消沉,使沮丧 depressing a.令人沮丧的,令人消沉的 depression n . 沮丧,愁苦,抑郁,失望情绪 suicidal a. 自杀的,有自杀倾向的【例句】

8、He suffered periods of deep depression, when his mood became suicidal. 他经历了几次严重的抑郁,情绪到了要自杀的状态。 For many years before treatment, Clare had suicidal tendencies (= behaviour that showed she wanted to kill herself). 在接受治疗之前的几年里,克莱尔一直有自杀的倾向。【派生】suicide n. 自杀 to commit suicide自杀; suicide bombing attack自杀性

9、炸弹袭击striking a. very attractive or impressive 引人注目的,显著的,惊人的【例句】There were some striking similarities between the two books. 这两本书有惊人的相似之处。 Tom was always impressed by the striking resemblance between his Uncle Julian and his father.那时汤姆总是对叔叔朱丽安和父亲的惊人相似留有深刻的印象。【派生】 strike v. 有强烈的感受,造成深刻的印象 strike sb a

10、s + adj. 给某人留下什么印象threaten v. 预示(不好的事),有之势,(不好的事)即将来临,逼近 威胁【例句】Dark clouds threatened rain. 乌云预示着有雨。 According to some scientists, global warming threatens the survival of the whole human race. 有些科学家认为,全球变暖威胁着整个人类的生存。 The kidnapper threatened to kill me if I didnt obey. 绑架者威胁说如果我不听从就要杀了我。 The man be

11、came angry and threatened that he would go to the police. 那个人生气了,威胁说要去警察局。【用法】 threaten sb/sth 威胁某人/ 预示什么事可能发生 threaten to do sth.威胁(说) 去做某事;threaten that clause 威胁要做某事【派生】threat n. 凶兆,坏兆头 威胁,恐吓 可能带来危险的人或事物 slip v. 溜走,悄悄移动 滑,溜,滑倒,失足【例句】The thief slipped into the room when no one was looking. 没人注意的时候

12、,那个贼溜进了房间。 As the years slipped by, I thought less about her.随着时间的流失, 我不那么想她了。The road was frozen, and people were slipping and sliding all along the street.路面上冻了,沿路上人们都在打滑摔倒。【近义】英语中表示“不被人注意溜进一个地方”的词除了slip之外,还有: slide 悄悄地走、徐徐地行 如:slide out of the room (悄悄溜出房间); sneak 偷偷地走,潜行,如: sneak aboard the plan

13、e/ ship 偷偷登上飞机/轮船。 steal into悄悄、偷偷地溜进,如:steal away from the team (偷偷溜出队伍)。given prep. 倘若,如果考虑到,鉴于【例句】Given their inexperience, theyve done a good job.考虑到他们没有经验,这个工作做得已经不错了。Given that the patients have some disabilities, we are thinking of moving to live together with them. 鉴于父母有残疾在身,我们考虑要搬过去和他们一起住。c

14、onsole v. 安慰,抚慰,慰问【例句】Susanna did her best to console her daughter by promising to buy her another doll. 苏珊娜尽力安慰女儿,答应说再给她买一个娃娃。He consoled himself that he would see Kate again soon.她安慰自己说很快就会再见到凯特的。【派生】 consolation n. 安慰,慰问 tolerate / v. 宽容,容忍 忍受【例句】The dean is always advocating open-mindedness, act

15、ually he refuses to tolerate any opposition. 主任总是提倡思想解放,而事实上他不能容忍任何反对意见。 For years the workers have had to tolerate low wages and terrible working conditions. 多年来工人们一直不得不忍受低工资和恶劣的工作条件。【搭配】to be tolerant of ( or, towards ) sth. / sb. 对某事或某人宽容 / 忍受 lack of tolerance of / for / towards 缺乏对某事或某人的忍受 【派生】

16、 tolerant a. 宽容的 tolerance n. 宽容;忍受(力)diagnostic / a. of or for diagnosing 诊断的 【例句】Doctors depend more and more on accurate diagnostic tools. 医生越来越多地依赖精确的诊断工具。 Remember that the hospital is in the business of selling services, and these include diagnostic tests. 要记住医院是销售服务的地方,这些服务包括诊断性检测。【派生】diagnos

17、e v. 诊断(疾病),判断(问题) diagnosis n. 诊断(结论);判断,调查分析authorize v. 批准,许可,授权【例句】It was the boss who authorized the payment of this bill. 是老板许可支付这个账单。 You have to authorize another person to vote for you while you are away. 你不在时必须授权他人替你投票。 【搭配】authorize sth 批准某事; authorize sb. to do sth. 授权某人去做某事【派生】authoriza

18、tion n. 授权(书),许可(证) authority n. 权力,权威 the authorities 当局,官方impress v. 使获得印象 使了解(某事的重要性),使铭记【例句】 One candidate in particular impressed us with her wide knowledge. 有一个选手以她广博的知识给我们留下了特别的印象。 The judges were so very impressed by the eloquence of the second contestant. 裁判们对第二位参赛者的雄辩口才留下深刻印象。 Father impre

19、ssed on me the value of hard work. 父亲使我对勤奋工作的价值铭记于心。【用法】sth/sb impress sb deeply 给某人留下深刻印象 be impressed by对某事或某人印象深刻【派生】impression n. 印象 impressive a. 给人深刻印象的,令人难忘的 经常用在 leave a deep impression on sb 结构里 endure v. 忍耐,忍受【例句】The film star had to endure countless attacks on her reputation from popular

20、newspapers. 那个电影明星不得不忍受通俗报纸上对她名誉进行的没完没了的攻击。 The mother cant endure being apart from her children. 母亲不能忍受与孩子们的分离。 【同义】stand v. 经受住(考验,风雨等); 忍受(痛苦; 不喜欢的人或事) put up with 忍受/ 接受(即使不喜欢或不满意) bear v. (无奈地)忍受【派生】 endurance n. 忍耐(力),持久(力),耐久(性) enduring a. 持久的,耐久的(二) 常用短语give sb. a ride 让某人搭便车、顺风车,免费乘载某人【例句】

21、Can you give me a ride back to town? 你能让我搭便车回城里吗?【近义】 get/hitch a ride 免费搭乘,坐顺风车 We hitched a ride into town. 我们搭了个便车回城里去的。 thumb a ride/lift向路过的机动车竖起拇指表示请求免费搭车 Two or three cars passed me and I tried to thumb a lift, but they didnt stop. 有两三辆小车经过,我竖起拇指想搭个便车,但他们都没停。on sb.s part / on the part of sb.

22、在某人方面,就某人而言【例句】 It was a mistake on the part of Jones to sign the agreement without reading it carefully. 不仔细阅读协议就签字是琼斯的错。 He apologized on the part of his company. 他代表他的公司道歉。【用法】有时也可以写成for sbs partkeep () apart (使)分开【例句】He is a strange boy, who keeps apart from all the activities in the school. 他是个

23、奇怪的孩子,所有的大学活动他都避开。I dont want those dogs fighting keep them apart, cant you? 我不想那些狗打架 你可不可以把它们分开?be wrapped up in 被迷住,全神贯注于,埋头于【例句】The girl is so wrapped up in him that she cant see his faults. 那女孩太迷恋他所以看不到他的缺点。Her husband doesnt have much time for a social life, because hes too wrapped up in his re

24、search.她的丈夫没有很多时间参加社交,因为他太埋头于自己的研究。【近义】be absorbed in 沉浸在.之中 be preoccupied with 着迷于/全神贯注于 be immersed in 沉浸于stretch out 伸展肢体,伸懒腰,躺下歇息【例句】 Im just going to stretch out on the couch for ten minutes. 我正要到沙发上躺下休息十分钟。 Having been seated in the chair for nearly two hours, she stood up and stretched out h

25、is arms and legs. 在椅子里坐了接近两个小时后, 她起身舒展一下胳膊和双腿。 Jimmy stretched out his hand to take the book on the shelf, but failed. 吉米伸手去拿那本书,但没够着。 not about to do sth. infml 很不情愿做某事,根本没打算做某事【例句】Im not about to stop when I am so close to success. 我离成功这么近时根本没打算要停下来。 Ive never smoked in my life and Im not about to

26、 start now. 我一生从不吸烟, 现在也不打算开始。 get sb. doing sth. / get sb. to do sth. 劝使/逼迫某人做某事【例句】 In the end, we got the children clearing the playground. 最后,我们让孩子们清理了运动场地。 Ill get Terry to check the wiring for me. 我要请泰利帮我检查作文。 set apart 使与众不同,使显得突出 【例句】 What set the play apart was the way it dealt with the mur

27、der scene. 这个戏剧的突出之处就是它处理谋杀场面的方式。 Both his age and color really set Obama apart from the previous presidents. 奥巴马的年龄和肤色都使他与之前的总统与众不同。语法要点 1Negative words 否定词英语中常见的否定副词除了not之外, 还包括: never, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely, seldom等词。在使用这些否定副词时有些问题需要注意。(1) 否定副词在句中的位置 否定副词在句中出现在谓语动词之前;出现复合谓语时放在情态动词、助动词或

28、be动词的后面。例如:Anne had such good judgment and intuition, she rarely makes a wrong decision. (Para.3,L3) 安恩有很好的判断力和直觉,她很少做出错误的判断。Then again, Ive never seen her feel sorry for herself either. (Para.9, L1) 此外, 我也从未看到过她为自己感到难过的时候。(2) 否定副词前置在比较正式或文学的体裁中, 否定副词会放置在句首,以达到强调的效果。此时,句子的谓语动词需要部分倒装。例如:Scarcely was

29、Vicky involved in any extracurricular activities during the universities years. 大学期间维基很少参加什么课外活动。Seldom had Anne made any wrong decisions at critical moments.关键的时候,安恩从未做出过错误的判断。Nowhere else in China have I ever seen such a moving scene before.此前在中国任何其它的地方我都没有看见过这样感人的场面。(3)否定的范围英语句子构成否定意义的方式很多,可以用“no

30、t”这种常见方式,也可以用上文提到的否定副词对动词进行否定,还可以通过否定主语或宾语等方式。不同方式达到的否定范围、否定程度和否定效果都不一样,经常令中国学生很疑惑,需加以小心判断。 句首用“no+名词”的方式表示全部否定。例如: No one actually survived in the plane crash. 事实上在那次飞机失事中无人幸存。 No reference books are to be taken out of the library. 所有参考书都不能借出图书馆。 句首用“Not all / Not many / Not every + 名词”的方式来表达部分否定。例

31、如:Not all economists agreed to the explanation of the present financial crisis.不是所有的经济学家都认同对目前经济危机的这个解释。Not everyone here likes Jay Chous music.这里不是所有人都喜欢周杰伦的音乐。“All + not”结构看似完全否定, 实际上往往属于部分否定。例如: All the invitations have not been sent. 不是所有的请柬都已发送出去。 All the answers are not answered. 不是所有的问题都得到了回答。 虽然人们认为上面这两个句子在口语中可以因为语调的变化(比如用降调)也能表示全部否定,但如果我们要表示全部否定的意义时,通常还是用完全否定主语的方式,以避免产生歧义。比如: No invitation has been sent. 没有一个请柬寄出去了。No quest

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