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1、 boil over 爆发=boil up boil down浓缩17.remain v.剩余 it remains to be seen拭目以待 it remains for me to do sth.最后我还要做18.smell v.嗅;n.闻 smelly adj.臭的 fragrance n.香味odour n.气味(臭)19.national adj.国家的 national flag国旗 International adj.国际的 n.贸易,买卖;v.交易 trade with sb.与某人交易 a fair trade公平交易21.popularity n.普及

2、the popularity of 的普及 increase in popularity更受欢迎22.doubt n.疑问,质疑 without doubt无疑 be in doubt不确定 no doubt无疑地 raise sbs doubt about sth.使某人对某物疑虑 be beyond doubt毫无疑问23.fridge n.冰箱24.low adj.低的 in a low price以低价25.translate v.翻译 translateinto 翻译成 translateas解释为,意味着26.lock v.锁住 unlock v.解锁 under lock and

3、 key被关押的27.ring n.铃;v.响 give sb. a ring给某人打电话 run rings round sb.远胜某人28.earthquake n.地震29.sudden adj突然的. suddenly 突然地=all of a sudden30.bell n.铃31.biscuit n.饼干 cookie n.曲奇饼干32.musical adj.音乐方面的 n.u器械 instrument n.c设备34.sour adj.酸的 spicy adj.辣的 crispy adj.脆的 salty adj.咸的35.mistake n.错误 by

4、 mistake错误地 =by chance make a mistake犯了个错误36.customer n.顾客37.the Olympics 奥运会=the Olympic games38.divide v.分开 divideinto把(整体)分成(部分)39.basket n.篮 a basket of一篮40.look up to仰慕 look down upon瞧不起41.not onlybut also 不仅还 (注意就近原则)42.professional adj.职业的,专业的 profession n.职业43.hero n.(pl. heroes)英雄,男主角44.mem

5、orize v.记住45.graduate v.毕业短语:1.have a point 有道理2.take place 发生3.all of a sudden 突然4.without doubt 毫无疑问5.look up to 仰慕6.translateinto 把翻译成 a low price 以低价8.spread to 传播给 our daily life 在我们的日常生活中 mistake 错误地11.divideinto 把分成12.dream of (doing) sth. 梦想(做)某事 the same time 同时14.the styl

6、e of 款式Unit 71.license n.证件 drives license驾照 =driving n.安全 the sense of safety安全感 safety in numbers人多保险;人多势众(例:Many people still feel there is safety in numbers when belonging to a union.许多人仍然感到加入工会后有了后盾。) safe adj.安全的 its a safe assumption that可以有把握地认为 to be on the safe side为了保险起见 s

7、afe and sound安然无恙地3.smoke v.吸烟,冒烟;n.烟 go up in smoke付之一炬,化为泡影4.part-time adj.兼职的full-time 全职的5.pierce v.扎,刺破 pierce sth. with sth.用某物给某物穿孔 get my ear pierced找人扎耳洞 get sth. done请某人做某事,遭遇某事6.earring n.耳环7.flash n.闪光,闪光灯;v.闪现,掠过 a flash of wit灵机一动 flash in the pan昙花一现 in a flash突然地;转瞬即逝地8.tiny adj.微小的9

8、.cry v.哭,叫喊 cry out喊叫cry sb down轻视=look down upon cry your eyes out嚎啕大哭10.field n.领域,田野 in the field在田野中 lead the field处于领先地位11.hug v.拥抱;n.拥抱 hug sb. 拥抱某人= give sb a hug12.lift v.举起,提起;n,升降梯 lift up提起;抬高 lift sbs spirits 振奋某人的精神=inspire sb. lift off 起飞=take off13.badly adv.严重地,坏地14.teen n.青少年15.regr

9、et v.后悔 regret to do 遗憾地去做 regret doing后悔做过 live to regret sth.为某事抱憾终生16.poem n.诗 poetry n.诗歌(总称) poet n.诗人munity n.社区18.chance n.机会,可能性 have a chance to do sth.获得做某事的机会 its the chance of a lifetime这是千载难逢的机会 by chance偶然地=by accident on the chance of doing sth.抱着做某事的希望To be honest, I came here mainly

10、 on the chance of seeing you.说实话,我上这里来主要是希望能够见你一面。19.educate v.教育 educate sb about sth教导某人某方面的知识20.manage v.管理,完成 manage to do sth.成功做某事 I will/can manage. 我自己能行(用于拒绝别人的帮助) manager n.经理 administer v.管理,执行21.soiety n. 社会,交往 social adj.社会的 v.支持;n.支持 support for sb./sth.对某人/某事的支持(或拥护)=in supp

11、ort of sb./sth.23.enter v.进入 enter for sth.(+competition)报名参加 enter into sth.开始进行某事24.choice n.选择 by choice自愿地 have no choice but to do sth.除了做某事外别无选择 of choice首选的25.awful adj.1.sing to sb.对某人唱歌2.stay by ones side站在某人身边3.sleep in warm arms睡在温暖的臂弯中 through the field跑过田野5.keep sb. away from使某人与保持

12、距离6.lift sb. up抬起某人 back to 顶嘴=shout back8.think back to回想起9.get in the way of阻挡10.worry about 担忧=be worried on the school team在校队之中12.end up as最终成为13.end up with以结尾 serious about对严肃15.spend time on sth./in doing sth.花时间在某事/做某事Unit 81.whose adj.谁的;pron.谁的2.truck n.卡车 have no tr

13、uck with 拒绝与交流3.picnic n.野餐 have a picnic去野餐 =go on/for a picnic4.rabbit n.兔子,穴兔 hare n.野兔;v.飞跑 hare-brained 轻率的5.attend v.参加 attend the wedding/burial=funeral 参加婚礼/葬礼 attend to处理,致力于 attend on sb.服侍,照顾 take part in 参与(起作用) join in +活动 join +人/组织6.valuable adj.有价值的 valueless 毫无价值的 value v.重视,估价 unva

14、luable adj.难以估价的 adj.粉色8.anybody pron.任何人9.happening n.c事件10.noise n.噪声 noisy adj.吵闹的 voice n.人声 sound n.声音11.police n.警察(集合名词)12.wolf n.狼13.uneasy adj. 担忧的,不安的=upset=worried be/feel uneasy about (doing) sth.14.laboratory n.(lab)实验室15.outdoor adj.户外的 outdoors adv.户外地 indoor adj.室内的 i

15、ndoors adv.室内地16.coat n.外套17.sleepy adj.(定语)困倦的 asleep adj.(表语)睡着的 sleeping adj.熟睡的 fall asleep陷入睡眠 n.土地;v.着陆 farmland n.农业用地 grassland n.草地 take off起飞19.alien n.外星人 after追逐 take after长得像 21.suit n.西装;v. 合适,相称 follow suit 跟着做,跟风sbs strong suit某人的强项 be suit for适合 =be fit for fit adj.合适的,

16、强壮的;v.合身,匹配 keep fit 保持健康 v.表达 express oneself表达某人的意愿 express sth. to sb.向某人表达某事 expression n.表情,表达方式 n.圆圈;v.圈出 circle around绕着 =travel around24.Brititain 大不列颠25.mystery n.u奥秘c神秘事物 mysterious adj. 神秘的,难以理解的 mystery surrounds sth.谜团笼罩着某事26.receive v.接受,接待(客观被动) accept v.接受(主观主动) be

17、 well received深受欢迎27.historian n.历史学家 historic adj.有历史意义的 historical adj.历史的28.temple n.寺庙29.leader n.领导人 leadership n.领导才干 lead v.领导 lead to导致 =result in lead into引入 lead sb. to do引领某人去做30.midsummer n.仲夏31.medical adj.医疗的 medical research医学研究medical examination体检medicine n.u药 take some medicine吃药32

18、.purpose n.目的;v.企图,决意 the purpose of (doing) sth.(做)某事的意义 sbs purpose in doing sth.某人做某事的目的 suit sbs purpose合某人的意 for all practical purposes 事实上=in fact on purpose故意地 to no purpose徒劳无益地 (例:It was all to no purpose. 这完全徒劳无益。33.prevent v.阻止 prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 n.精力,力量 muster th

19、e energy to do sth. 积聚力量做某事 a source of energy能源 energetic adj. 精力充沛的35.position n.u位置,立场,职位 take up a position占据位置 be in the fortunate position of sth.幸运的是 (例:You are in the fortunate position of having no responsibilities.你很幸运,不用担责任。36.burial n.安葬,葬礼 bury v.安葬37.honor n.荣耀=glory be honored with st

20、h.被授予某物38.ancestor n.祖先39.victory n.胜利 win a victory over/against 战胜 earn 10 straight wins/victories取得十连胜 moral victory精神胜利,虽败犹荣(例:She said her party had won a moral victory.)40.period n.一段时间 a period of time 一段时间1.arrive in到达 a certain way以某种方式3.shine into照进4.prevent sb. from (doing) sth.阻止某人(做

21、)某事5.a long period of time很长一段时6.must have done过去一定做过了 should have done本应做,但未做Unit 91.prefer v. 更喜欢=likebetter prefer A to B相比于A更喜欢B prefer to do A rather than do B 更爱做A超过B=would rather do A than do B prefer to do sth.更希望做某事 prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某事2.lyric n.歌词,抒情诗;adj.抒情的 a lyric poem一首抒情诗 lyrical a

22、dj. adj. 热情奔放的,抒情般的,感情丰富的3.Australian adj.澳大利亚的;n.澳大利亚人4.electronic adj.电子的 electronic mail电子邮件5.suppose v.假设,料想 be supposed to do应该做某事 it is supposed that 人们认为 6.smooth adj. 顺利的,光滑的,平稳的 smoothly adv.顺利地 rough adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,艰苦的 be rough with sb对某人粗暴无礼7.spare v.抽出;adj.备用的,额外的,空闲的 in ones spare time在某人

23、空闲时 spare no efforts to do sth.不遗余力去做某事8.director n.导演 n.情况 in this/that case既然这/那样 a case of sth.一个某事的事例 in the case of sth.在某情况下;就某事来说 if that/thiss the case 如果是那/这样 in any case无论如何its a case of doing sth.事关做,就是做(例:Its a case of relaxing.就是休息一下)10.war n.战争11.stick n.棍棒,枝条;v.刺入,粘贴 stick to do

24、ing坚持做 in a cleft stick进退两难 (He was in a cleft stick.他现在是左右为难。stick into刺入12.down adj.失望的;prep.沿着 make sb down/ disappointed让某人失望 be/feel down感到失望13.ending n.结局 the ending of a relationship关系的终止14.documentary n.纪录片15.drama n. 戏剧,剧本,戏剧性事件 classic drama古典戏剧 dramatic adj.戏剧性的 dramatically adv.戏剧性地

25、enty n.大量 plenty of充足的17.shut v.关闭,合上 shut up闭嘴(x; shut oneself away刻意回避 shut sb in把关在 shut off切断,关闭 shut out把拒之门外18.intelligent adj.有才智的,有悟性的 intelligence n.悟性,才智19.sense n.感觉 the sense of 的感觉There is no sense of urgency on either side.双方都没有紧迫感。20.sadness n.悲伤,悲痛21.pain n.疼痛,苦恼 ease the pain缓解疼痛 ha

26、ve a pain in sth.身体某部位感到疼痛 be in pain感到疼痛 scream in pain痛得尖叫 writhe in pain痛得抽搐22.reflect v.反映 reflect on sth.考虑某事23.moving adj.令人感动的 moved adj.感动的24.perform v.表演,执行 perform miracles创造奇迹25.lifetime n.有生之年 during ones lifetime在某人的一生中26.pity n.怜悯,遗憾;v.同情,怜悯 feel (no) pity for sb.对某人(毫无)怜悯 have/take pi

27、ty on sb怜悯某人 What a pity/shame.多么遗憾啊 mores the pity真不幸啊But my world isnt your world, mores the pity.但是可惜的是,我们属于不同的世界。 n.总数;adj.全体的 in total总计=in all the total amount of sth.的总量 have total confidence in对完全有信心28.master n.大师,主人;v.掌握 (May the force be with you!29.praise v.赞美 praise sb. as 把某人赞美成 in (high) praise of高度赞扬 receive ones praise受到某人的赞美 be full of praise for 对赞不绝口 give praise to God赞美上帝have nothing but praise for对唯有称赞30.recall v.使回忆起 recall doing sth.回忆起做过某事 as I recall据我回忆31.wound n.创伤(战争,精神);v.伤害 lick

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