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2、every,sometimes,often, usually, always, at,onSundayIleavehomeforschoolat7everymorning、2)客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。Theearthmovesaroundthesun、ShanghailiesintheeastofChina、3)表示格言或警句中。Pridegoesbeforeafall、骄者必败。注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。例:Columbusprovedthattheearthisround、4)if 条件句或when等时间状语从句主将从现第三人称单数



5、支钢笔。Thatisaneraser、那是一块橡皮擦。五、不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数。Themilkisintheglass、牛奶在玻璃杯里。Thebreadisverysmall、那面包很小。六、当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。6isaluckynumber、是个吉利数字。Iisaletter、是个字母。六、变化规则 V+s;sh,-s,-x,-o+es;-y变i+es巩固练习题:写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1、work_ read_ clean_ write_2、 teach_ wash_ guess_ watch_ pass _ fix _3、 go_ do_4、 stu

6、dy_ fly_ cry_ play_ carry _5、 have_ 一般现在时疑问、否定句专练一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式 work_ do_ fly_ cry_ teach_ carry _ wash_ read_ clean_ pass _ fix _ write_ guess_ watch_ go_ study_ play_ have_ 二、把下列句子改为疑问句、否定句1、Heoftenhasdinnerathome、 _heoften_dinnerathome?He_often_dinnerathome、What _heoften_athome?2、DanielandTomm

7、yare membersoftheReadingClub、_DanielandTommymembersoftheReadingClub?DanielandTommy_ membersoftheReadingClub、3、SheandItake awalktogethereveryevening、_sheand_ take awalktogethereveryevening?SheandI_ _ awalktogethereveryevening、How often_sheand_ take awalktogether?4、Thereissomewaterinthebottle、_there_w

8、aterinthebottle、?There_ _waterinthebottle、5、WewatchTVonweekdays、_ _watchTVonweekdays、?We_ _ TVonweekdays、What _ _onweekdays、?6、Nickdoes hishomeworkonSundays、_Nick_ hishomeworkonSundays?Nick _ _ hishomeworkonSundays、What _Nick_ onSundays?7、T heylike reading、_ they_reading?T hey_ _ reading、8、Shelikest

9、heblackbagverymuch、_she_theblackbagverymuch?She_ _ theblackbagverymuch、What _she_ verymuch?9、My parentsread newspaperseveryday?_ parentsread newspaperseveryday?My parents _ _ newspaperseveryday、How often_ parentsread newspapers?10、Thegirlteaches usEnglishonSundays、_thegirl_ _EnglishonSundays?Thegirl

10、_ _ _ English onSundays、What_thegirl_ _ onSundays?11、Myclassmateknowsthemanonthebike、_classmate_themanonthebike?Myclassmate_themanonthebike、Who_classmate_?12、Hissisterusuallygoestoschoolat7:00am、_hissisterusually_toschoolat7:00am?Hissister_usually_toschoolat7:00am、When _hissisterusually_toschool?13、

11、LinTaolikes hisnewsweater、_LinTao_hisnewsweater?LinTao_hisnewsweater、What _LinTao_?14、 Theclothingshopisonsale、_theclothingshoponsale?Theclothingshop_onsale、15、Maryhas somebooks、_Maryhas _books、Mary_ _ _books、16、Helikes English、_he_English?He_English、17、Iwantto gotoamovie、_wantto gotoamovie?I_ _ to

12、gotoamovie、18、Heknows theteachersname、_he_ theteachersname?He_ _theteachersname、Whose name _he_?19、 I eat apples every day、_ eat apples every day? I _ _ apples every day、How often_ eat apples ?20、 They go to school by bus every day、_they_to school by bus every day?They _ _ to school by bus every day

13、、How_they_to school every day?21、She gets up at six 、_ she _ up at six ?She _ _up at six 、When _ she _ up ?22、 CoCo has eggs for breakfast、_ CoCo_eggs for breakfast?CoCo_ _ eggs for breakfast、What _ CoCo_ for breakfast?23、 David does his homework after school、_David_his homework after school?David _

14、 _ his homework after school、What_David_ after school?24、 I often play football after school_ often play football after school?I _ often_ play football after schoolHow often_ play football after school?25、 、I have some books、 _ _ books? I _ _ _ books、 What _ _?26、 Gao Shans sister likes playing tabl

15、e tennis、 _Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis、 Gao Shans sister _ _ playing table tennis、27、 She lives in a small town near New York、_she _ in a small town near New York?She _ _ in a small town near New York、Where_she _ ?28、I watch TV every day、 _ _ _ TV every day? I_ _TV every day、 How oft

16、en _ _ _ TV?29 、 Nancy runs very fast_Nancy _very fast?Nancy_ _ very fast30、We have four lessons in the morning、 _ _ four lessons in the morning? We _ _four lessons in the morning、 How many lessons _ _ in the morning?31、DanielwatchesTVeveryevening、_Daniel _ TVeveryevening?、Daniel_ _TVeveryevening、Ho

17、w often _Daniel _ TV?32、Idomyhomeworkeveryday、_ _homeworkeveryday?I_ _myhomeworkeveryday、33、Shelikesmilk、_she_ milk?She_ _milk、34、 Mingming usually waters the flowers every day、_ Mingming usually_ the flowers every day?Mingming _ usually _ the flowers every day、35、 They are in Grade Six、_they in Gra

18、de Six?They _ in Grade Six、What Grade_they in?36、 I usually do my homework in the evening、_ _ usually _ _ homework in the evening?I_ usually _ my homework in the evening、37、 They always play football after school、_ they always _ football after school?、They _ always _ football after school、When_ they

19、 always _ football?、38、 John often goes to school by taxi、_John often _ to school by taxi?John _ often _ to school by taxi、How _John often _ to school?39、They sometimes sing English songs、_They sometimes sing English songs、39、They sometimes sing English songs、40、 She likes drawing、 _She likes drawin

20、g、40、 She likes drawing、41、He watches TV every evening 、_ He watches TV every evening 、41、He _ _ TV every evening 、42、 My mother goes to work by bike、_ My mother goes to work by bike、42、 My mother _ _ to work by bike、43、 Peter studies English every day、_Peter studies English every day、43、 Peter stud

21、ies _ _ other has a new car、_My mother has a new car、44、 My mother _ _ a new car、45、Lucy does her homework in the afternoon、_Lucy does her homework in the afternoon、Lucy _ _ her homework in the afternoon、46、 There are some pens in the box 、_there _ pens in the box 、46、 There _ _ pens in the box 、三、把

22、下列句子改为特殊疑问句1、I usually play football on Friday afternoon、2、 Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday、3、 Hissisterusuallygoestoschoolby bike at7:00am4、 Tom does his homework at home、5、LilyandLucyarefifteenyearsoldnow、6、Heoftenhasdinnerathome、7、SheandItake awalktogethereveryevening、8、Nickdoes h

23、ishomeworkonSundays、9、Its rainy、10、 They go to school by bus every day、11、She gets up at six in the morning 、12、 CoCo has eggs for breakfast、13、 David does his homework after school、14、 I sometimes play football after school15、I have some books、16、 Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis、17、 She lives in a small town near New York、18、We have four lessons in the morning、19、 They are in Grade Six、20、 I usually do my homework in the evening、21、They always play football after school、22、 John often goes to school by taxi、23、It takes me an hour to go to school e

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