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1、 (1)句意:我住在一个小.。 A选项是:村庄;B选项是:公园;C选项是:学校。根据短文后面叙述,用A选项正确。故答案为:A。 (2)句意:每天我在.六点醒来。A选项是:晚上;下午;早上。根据wake up可知C选项正确。C。 (3)句意:然后我吃.。早餐;午餐;晚餐。根据上下文这里用A选项正确。 (4)句意:然后,我.自行车去上学。这里是短语ride ones bike“骑自行车”, 根据上下文,句子时态用一般现在时,这里和I搭配用动词原形ride即可。 (5)句意:这.大约30分钟。根据上下文,句子时态用一般现在时,这里和第三人称单数it搭配用动词单三形式takes即可。B。 (6)句意:

2、当我放学回家时,我经常做.。 这里是短语do ones homework:做作业。故答案为: B. (7)句意:在周日,我经常.妈妈.家务。这里是短语help sb with sth,句子主语是I,这里用help,故答案为: (8)句意:在周日,我经常帮助妈妈.家务。这里是短语help sb with sth,这里用with,故答案为: (9)句意:因为空气比较新鲜,我喜欢住在.。根据“fresh air”可知用country“乡村”正确。【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。仔细阅读短文,根据上下文意思提示或者短语和句型来选择合适的单词。2完形填空根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D 中选择一个正确的答

3、案。 Life in the year 3044 is very different from life in the 21st century. We still do many of the things you did, but we do them 1 For example, we now have 2 to help us and keep us company. An e-friend is a machine that looks just 3 a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost 4 we human be

4、ings do. My e-friend is a lot like me and we have 5 fun together. She helps 6 with my homework and we often go swimming. She is programmed to take care of me if anything 7 , so I always feel safe when we are together. She can also send me 8 , just like e-mails, and I can download information from he

5、r memory. Its great 9 an e-friend-I am never lonely and I always have someone to talk to. I would like to tell you more about life in the year 3044, but I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room. Maybe 10 I will be able to travel back in time and visit you. 1. A. sameB. worriedlyC. differentlyD

6、. easily2. A. dogsB. e-friendsC. parentsD. pets3. A. likeC. atD. up4. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything5. A. manyB. a number ofC. a lot ofD. a little6. A. himB. themC. meD. us7. A. will happenB. happensC. happenedD. is going to happen8. A. messagesB. moneyC. friendsD. computers9. A. hav

7、eB. to havingC. to haveD. has10. A. one dayB. in one dayC. after one dayD. with one day【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(4)D;(5)C;(6)C;(7)B;(8)A;(9)C;(10)A;【解析】【分析】大意:讲述3044年的未来生活与21世纪生活的不同。(1)根据 Life in the year 3044 is very different from life in the 21st century.3044年的生活是不同于21世纪的现在生活可知,此句要3044年我们以不同地方式来做事情。故选C。(2)根

8、据下句句意An e-friend is a machine that looks一款电子朋友机器可知,此句讲述的是e-friends电子朋友。故选B。(3)根据句意电子朋友是看起来像人类的一款机器可知,要使用介词like表达像.一样。故选A。(4)根据句意我和我的电子朋友可以像人类一样一起做每样事情可知,everything每样事情符合。故选D。(5)根据句意我们一起玩的非常开心可知,使用固定搭配a lot 修饰fun表达非常开心。(6)根据句意电子朋友她会帮助我做作业可知,要使用动词词组help+宾格+with+某事表达帮助某人做某事。me属于人称代词宾格。(7)根据句意电子朋友会被编程好程

9、序来照顾我,如果发生任何事可知,if引导条件状语从句,if从句时态要使用一般现在时,因此要使用动词happens。(8)根据句意我的电子朋友也会给我发送电子信息可知,要使用复数形式messages表达信息。(9)根据句意拥有一个电子朋友非常好,我从来都不会感到孤独可知,要使用固定搭配be great to+动词原形。(10)根据此句句子时态I will be able to travel back in time and visit you.属于一般将来时,one day有一天作为一般将来时的时间状语。【点评】考查完型填空。注意根据句意来选择合适的单词和固定搭配填空。3完形填空 Wei Hua

10、 had a busy day yesterday. She got up before 7oclock in the 1 , and quickly washed her hands and face. She got to school early. She had 2 rest after lunch, but she 3 hard in class all day. She played basketball 4 school, and then walked home.Wei Huas pen was broken, so she needed a 5 one. On her way

11、 home she 6 a new pen at a shop. When she reached home she had a short rest and drank a cup of water. After that she helped her parents. She quickly cooked the supper, 7 cleaned the house. She 8 TV for half an hour after 9 . Then she started her homework. She finished her homework at half past nine.

12、 She went to bed before a quarter to ten.I asked Wei Hua this question: “ Do you enjoy 10 ?”“Yes, I do”, she answered, “I like to keep busy!1. A. eveningC. nightD. morning2. A. fewB. a fewC. some3. A. workedB. worksC. will workD. is working4. A. afterB. beforeC. inD. on5. A. blueB. longC. oldD. new6

13、. A. borrowedB. foundC. boughtD. took away7. A. butB. andC. orD. so8. A. watchedB. sawC. looked atD. noticed9. A. breakfastC. supperD. tea10. A. readingB. restingC. workingD. writing【答案】 (1)D;(2)D;(4)A;(5)D;(10)C;【解析】【分析】这是介绍卫华一天的生活。(1)句意: 她.七点前起床。根据句意,起床在早上morning, 故答案为: D.(2)句意: 午饭后她休息了.。这里rest是不可

14、数名词,不用few和a few修饰,some很多, a little很少。根据句意用a little. 故答案为:(3)句意: 可是她一整天努力.。根据句意这里是短语work hard, 这里是陈述过去的事,用一般过去时, work用过去式worked. 故答案为: A.(4)句意: .学后,她打篮球。根据句意这里是短语after school放学后(5)句意: 卫华的钢笔坏了。她想买一个.。A选项是蓝色的, B选项是长的, C选项是旧的, D选项是新的根据句意用新的new. 故答案为:(6)句意: 在回家的路上,她到商店.一个新钢笔。根据句意用买buy, 这是过去的事用过去时, buy用过去

15、式bought. 故答案为: C.(7)句意: 她很快的吃了晚饭,.打扫了房间。根据句意,吃饭和打扫房间动作是并列关系用and, but表示转折,or表示选择,so表示顺承,都不合适。(8)句意: .后她.电视半小时。这里是短语watch TV看电视, watch用过去式watched. 故答案为:(9)句意: .后她.看电视半小时。根据上下文是晚饭后after supper(10)句意: 你喜欢.吗? A选项是阅读, B选项是: 休息,C选项是: 工作,D选项是: 写作。根据句意,用working. 故答案为:要掌握所学知识的综合利用。4完形填空。 I 1 a bad cold yester

16、day. So I didnt go to school 2 morning. After breakfast, I 3 a book. Therere many signs 4 it. From this book I know 5 about traffic(交通). We should walk or drive on the 6 of the road(路)and get slower(慢下来)at the crossing of the roa D. “Red light”means“ 7 ”. “Green light”means” 8 ”. We 9 go in the time

17、 of “Red light”. We must 10 the“Green light”and go.1. A. gotB. am gotC. haveD. get2. A. inB. in theC. theD. this3. A. look atB. readC. seeD. look4. A. inB. onC. besideD. about5. A. a lot ofB. manyC. lots ofD. a lot6. A. leftB. lightC. rightD. write7. A. stopB. stoppingC. goD. going8. A. goB. goesC.

18、goingD. to go9. A. shouldB. shouldntC. mustD. can10. A. waitB. wait forC. waitingD. waiting for(3)B;(10)B;【解析】【分析】根据所给的短文, I got a bad cold yesterday.我昨天得了重感冒.故答案为A.根据所给的短文,So I didnt go to schoolin the morning.所以我早上没去上学.故答案为B.根据所给的短文,After breakfast, I read a book.早饭后,我读了一本书.故答案为B.根据所给的短文,Therere m

19、any signs in it.里面有很多标志.故答案为A.根据所给的短文,From this book I know a lot about traffic(交通).从这本书中我了解了很多关于交通的知识.故答案为D.根据所给的短文,We should walk or drive on the right of the road(路)and get slower(慢下来)at the crossing of the road.我们应该走在马路的右边开车(路)和速度(慢下来)在路口.故答案为C.根据所给的短文,“Red light”means“stop”. 红灯表示停止故答案为A.根据所给的短文

20、,“Green light”meansgo” . “绿灯”是指“走”.故答案为A.根据所给的短文, We shouldnt go in the time of “Red light”.我们不应该在“红灯”时走.故答案为B.根据所给的短文,We must wait for the“Green light”and go.我们必须等待绿灯,然后走.故答案为B.【点评】考查了阅读理解,首先要通读短文,理解全文,注意尽量使用文章的语言,找到与选项一致的内容,就可以轻松的确定答案.5完形填空 Arethe days 1 in summer or in winter? In China the days 2

21、 longer in summer. There are 3 than sixteen 4 of daylight(白天) in the middle 5 summer. In 6 there are only about eight hours of 7 . When is the weather the hottest in China? It is in 8 . During the winter it is often very 9 . In Spring and fall the weather is usually not too hot or too cold. The sout

22、h has a 10 summer. The north has a cold winter.1. A. longB. longerC. longest2. A. isB. amC. are3. A. manyB. muchC. more4. A. daysB. hoursC. years5. A. ofB. on6. A. springB. winterC. summer7. A. dayB. lightC. daylight8. A. springB. summerC. winter9. A. wetB. hotC. cold10. A. windB. rainC. hot【答案】 (1)

23、B;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(7)C;(8)B;【解析】【分析】(1)因为是比较winter和summer的长短,即比较冬天和夏天的长短,是比较,应该用比较级longer。所以应该选B。(2)days是复数,所以Be动词应该选择are,故选C。(3)more than固定用法,多余。(4)从文章中sixteen,即16。又提到了daylight白天。意思应该是一天中白天超过16小时符合题意。(5)in the middle of 在什么的中间,固定用法,故这个题选A。(6)上一句说了summer夏天,这一句肯定是winter冬天咯,所以这个题目选B。(7)这是对(5)的对比,上文说夏天有

24、16小时的光照,这个也应该说的光照。所以选择C。(8)中国大部分处于北半球,最热的时候是夏天,所以选择B。(9)冬天会比较寒冷,所以应该选择cold。A wet 湿的,B hot热。所以这个题选择C。(10)说到南方,应该和北方形成一个对比。夏天肯定是热的,所以这个题目选C。【点评】本篇阅读理解主要讲了夏天和冬天的比较,做阅读理解时候应该做好上下文的连接,而且要学会对比。6完形填空。 Bob 1 born in 1993 in New York. When he was 6 years old, he 2 3 school. He 4 to China 3 years ago. He 5 Ch

25、inese food and he 6 many places of interest in China. He 7 a new friend; They 8 and 9 together in the park. They 10 very happy. 1. A. wasB. isC. beD. were2. A. goB. wentC. goingD. goes3. A. inB. toC. forD. at4. A. cameB. comeC. comesD. coming5. A. likingB. likeC. to likeD. liked6. A. visitedB. visit

26、C. visitingD. to visit7. A. hadB. haveC. havingD. to have8. A. to singB. sangC. singD. singing9. A. dancedB. to danceC. danceD. dancing10. A. isB. beC. was(1)A;(6)A;(9)A;(10)D;(1)Bob出生是个过去发生的事情,故应该选择过去式。排除BC。Bob又是第三人称单数,Be动词应该用单数。排除D。(2)讲的是他六岁时的事情,故用过去式。go to shool 是去上学的固定用法,变成过去式即went to school。(3)同(2),选B。(4)come to 来到,讲的是过去的时态,所以是came to,故选A。

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