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1、例如:I am,You are,She is,并不会出现I is,You am,She are 这样的情形。2 当只有第一人称和第二人称或第三人称时应该把第二人称或第三人称放在前you and I,Tom and I当第二人称和第三人称放在一起时把第二人称放在前面,you and Tom当三者都有时,排序为:2 3 1例如you,Tom and I练习:1.Where _Ann .She _here.2.How old _you .I _thirteen.3._you Mr Read .Yes,I _.4.What _your name.My name _Ann二情态动词Can1 can作“能

2、、会”解,否定式是cannot,缩写为cant。“can+动词原形”“cant+动词原形”:表示某人能做或不能做某事Can 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。Can 表示的”能力”为现在的能力,而不是过去或将来的能力。1).for ability表示能力。Can you write in English?Yes,I can.I can run fast,can you?2).indicating acquired knowledge or skill表示获得的知识或技能。Can she speak Japanese?No,she cant.她会说日语吗?不,她不会。3).indicating p

3、ermission表示许可。Can I read your newspaper?我能看看你的报纸吗?Can I take you home?我送你回家行吗?We cant wear jeans at work.我们上班时不准穿牛仔裤。4).indicating requests表示要求。Can you help me with this box?你能帮我弄这个箱子吗?Can you feed the cat?你喂喂猫好吗?5).indicating possibly表示可能性。That cant be Maryshes in hospital.那不可能是玛丽她住院了。He cant have

4、slept through all that noise.那么吵他不可能睡得着觉。Theres someone outsidewho can it be?外面有人会是谁呢?6).used to make suggestions用以提出建议。We can eat in a restaurant,if you like.你愿意的话,咱们可以在饭馆吃饭。I can take the car if necessary.必要时我可以开车去。三情态动词Would1 Would是will的过去式,可用于各人称,表示过去时间的"意志&、&愿望&和&决心&等。如:I told peter that I

5、 would go along wit him.我告诉彼得我要跟他一块去。2 would用来表示现在时间时时,不论是表达说话人本身的意志或向对方提出请求,均较will婉转。Would you like to have a glass of wine?你要喝杯酒吗?Would you please tell me the way to the nearest bus-stop?注在日常会话中,I would like to和I should like to都可以说,I would like的简略式为I'd like。yes,Id like to.Yes,Id love toYes,ver

6、y much.Sorry,ai already have an appointment.3 Would还可以表示过去习惯发生的动作I found that retired persons would often go to the park to play chess.我发现退休的人经常到公园里下棋。When he had a problem to solve,he would work at it until he found an answer.当他有个问题要解决时,他总是想办法一直到找到答案为止。1 -Can you speak Japanese?-No,I_.A.mustn&t B.c

7、an&t C.needn&t D.may not2 The children_play football on the road.A.can&t B.can C.mustn&t D.must3 -Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday?A.Here you are B.Sorry,I can&t C.Yes,please D.Let me try4 Excuse me._you please pass me that cup?A.Do B.Should C.Would D.Must5 _you like to have anot

8、her try?A.Could B.Will C.Would D.Do6 -Would you like to go boating with us?-Yes,_.A.I&d like B.I want C.I&d like to D.I do四“there be”句型There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。”其基本结构为“There be某物(某人)某地(某时)”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词,be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:Be动词,有三个,am,is

9、还有are。“There be”真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。要用is还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are。There is a tree behind the house.There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).There are some pears in the box.(3)注意:如果“be”后的主语是由and连接的两个或两个以上的名词,那么be的形式要遵循“远亲不如近邻”的原则。也就是说,“be”的形式是由与它最近的那个名词来确定的。若那个名词是单数或不可数名词要用is,是复数就用

10、are。There is a book and some pens on the floor.There are some pens and a book on the floor.肯定句:there is an apple on the table否定句:there isn&t an apple on the table.一般疑问句:Is there an apple on the table?回答:yes,there is.No,there isn&t 特殊疑问句:what is there on the table.1.定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。2.结构:(1)T

11、here is +单数可数名词不可数名词+地点状语.(2)There are +复数名词+地点状语.there是引导词,在句中不充当任何成分,翻译时也不必译出。句子的主语是某人或某物,谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致。There is a bird in the tree.树上有一只鸟。There is a teacher and many students in our classroom.我们教室里有一位老师和许多学生。There are two boys and a girl under the tree.

12、树下有两个男孩,一个女孩。3.There be句型与have的区别:(1)There be 句型和have都表示“有”的含义。区别如下:There be表示“某处存在某物或某人”;have表示“某人拥有某物某人”,它表示所有、拥有关系。He has two sons.他有两个儿子。There are two men in the office.办公室里有两个男人。(2)当have表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,There be 句型与其可互换。A week has seven days.=There are seven days in a week.一个星期有七天。4 变脸一:否定句There

13、 be句型的否定式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上not或no即可。注意not和no的不同:not是副词,no为形容词,not aanany +n.相当于no+n.。wall.There is a bike behind the tree.There isn&t a bike behind the tree=There is no bike behind the tree.5 变脸二:一般疑问句There be句型的一般疑问句变化是把be动词调整到句首,再在句尾加上问号即可,此为&调整法&。但同时要注意:当肯定句中有some时,要将其改为any(否定变化也一样)。看看下面两句是

14、如何&改头换面&的吧:There is some water on Mars.Is there any water on Mars?There are some fish in the water.Are there any fish in the water?6 变脸三:特殊疑问句There be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:对主语提问:当主语是人时,用&Who&s+介词短语?&;当主语是物时,用What&s +介词短语?无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般都用be的单数形式(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定)。There are many things over there.Wh

15、at&s over there?There is a little girl in the room.Who is in the room?对地点状语提问:提问地点当然用&Where is are+主语?啦!There is aputer on the desk.Where is theputer?There are four children on the playground.Where are the four children?对数量提问:一般有两种句型结构:How many+复数名词+are there+介词短语?How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?五、一般现在

16、时一般现在时:1)它表示经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。e.g.I go to school on foot.He is very busy now.2)表示主语的特征、性格、能力、爱好等。e.g.He can swim.I work hard.I like watching TV.3)表示客观真理,表示格言或警句中e.g.There are seven days in a week.The moon moves round the earth.一其结构按正常语序,即“主语+谓语+其它”,有时为了起强调作用,时间状语也可提前.二其句式变化可分为两种情况1)表示动作,一般人称作主语的,变否定句

17、须在动词前加助动词dont;变一般疑问句须在句首加助动词do。They have lunch at 12:00.They dont have lunch at 12:00.Do they have lunch at 12:00?2)单三人称做主语的,变否定句须在动词前加助动词doesnt;变一般疑问句须在句首加助动词does。Jenny speaks English very well.Jenny doesnt speak English very well.Does Jenny speak English very well?含有be动词的要在be上做变化.E.g.Danny is a go

18、od student.Danny isnt a good student.Is Danny a good student?三其时间状语为often、usually、always、sometimes等频率副词,on Saturdays、in the morning(afternoon evening)、every day 等。做题时常见错误如下:一、be动词与行为动词同时出现在句子中例:We are plant (plant)the trees in spring.解析:学生往往会用汉语的思维方式去翻译,就成了“我们是在春天植树”。这是学习英语最忌讳的,要看语法是不是正确,在英语中,be是表状态

19、,do是表动作,两种动词不能同时出现在句子中,可记住如下口诀:“英汉语言有差异,be 、do不能放一起,仔细琢磨细分析,语法千万要牢记。”二、单三人称形式易出错1 He plaies (play)football very well.2 Danny gos (go)to school at 7:10.答案:1 plays 2 goes1以辅音字母加y结尾的动词变单三人称形式才能把y换成i再加es;2与名词变复数不同,变单三人称形式以o结尾的词要加es.三、在句式变换时易出错1 Does Jenny has (has)a good friend?2 Brian doesnt lives (not

20、 live)in China.答案:1 Does have 2 doesnt live 解析:单三人称做主语的一般现在时做句式变化时,可记住如下口诀:“见助动,用原形”。此口诀也可推广用于一般过去时态中。e.g.He didn&t go home yesterday.四、对do的理解易出错We dont (not do)our homework in the afternoon.答案:dont dodo是一个比较难理解的词,它有三个含义:a)是所有行为动词的总称;b)是助动词,无实义;c)是一个具体的行为动词“做,干”。此句中给出的do指“做,干”,not指把此句变为否定句,故须在do前加助动词dont。五、对主语的数判断有误Li Ming with me are (be)in Beijing.答案:is表面一看是“我和李明两个人在北京”,但with在此做伴随状语,不能做主语,故用is.另外,宾语从句中,从句部分若是表示客观真理,不管主句是何时态,从句都要用一般现在时;在时间和条件状语从句中,主句表将来,从句要用一般现在时。

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