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1、The boy is he cant reach the apples. 课文解析1. 根据1a完成课文的复述Maria a nice coat today. It is a . And it feels and . It is made from .She likes it , because her father it for her. Jane plans to buy some new coats because the old ones are too . And she will take part in the class . So they will together tomo

2、rrow. 语法讲解结果状语从句so that “如此 以致于”, a)主语 + be + so + adj. + that + 句子(如that引导的从句表否定时,常与too to .句型转换.)e.g: The cost is so expensive that we should raise money. I was so tired that I couldnt go on any longer. = I was too tired to go on any longer.b)主语 + 实义动词+ so + adv. + that + 句子 He plays basketball so

3、 well that we all like to play with him. He got up so late that he couldnt catch the bus. = He got up too late to catch the bus. c) so +adj+a/an+n = such+a/an+adj+n e.g: She is so clever a girl that we all like her.= She is such a clever girl that we all like her.练习: 1. 它是一个如此重的箱子我们都搬不动。(so that ) .

4、 2. 它是一个如此重的箱子我们都搬不动。such that ) 3. 她穿衣如此的漂亮以至于她可以参加时装秀。 4. 他太小了而不能去上学。5. 他太小了而不能去上学。too to )Section B为准备 认为 为了 由制作 如此以至于 1. Everyone is preparing for our fashion show.prepare for译成: ,同义词短语是 .My mother (为我们准备早餐)every day. 2. What do you think of the? What do you think of 译成: , 其同义句是 .你觉得我的这件连衣裙什么样?

5、.= .3. I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more that译成: ,引导的是 状语从句.Jane经常制造噪音结果我睡不着觉。4. Its made of natural made of译成: ,同义词是be made made of与be made from区别是be made of 看出原材料,be made from看出原材料.(可以/不可以)The desk is made (of/from) the woods. The paper is made (

6、of/from) the woods. 1. 阅读1a并补充完句子来说明每个人准备在时装秀上穿什么a. Kangkang would like .b. Michael wants to buy .c. Jane would like to buy .d. Maria wants . 2. 完成Work alone 1c.Section C. 短语互动 阅读1a并找出短语事实上 取决于 除之外(也) . 语言知识 (略)1. 阅读1a填充句子1 在南美的人们穿什么取决于他们的喜欢与不喜欢。 .2 在生日时,小孩子带纸质的聚会的帽子。3 在冬天,加拿大的人们经常穿外套,手套靴子和帽子。4 加拿大与

7、美国的人们在办公室穿便装为了工作的需要。2. 完成Work alone 1b.3. 根据例句完成Pair work 2.A: Whats Maria/Michael/Jane wearing?B2: B3:B4:Section Dbe made of so that 阻止做 different kinds of 不仅仅 1. People started to wear clothes so that they can protect themselves from the sun ,wind, rain and cold. protect from sth/doing sth译成: . 上句

8、的中文意思是: .The trees can (阻止风吹走沙土). 2. But in modern society clothes do more than just keep us warm.more than译成:3. They can also tell about our jobs, our culture, our hobbies, and even our moods.1. 阅读1a补全句子并译出中文a. When we see a woman in a kimono, 中文:b. If a man always wears sportswear, .中文:c. If a per

9、son always wears yellow or pink clothes, .Topic2 Uniforms have many uses in our lives.生词集中营Section AD(v) 设计 允许 采访 系 隐藏 需求 (adj) 合适的 家常的 休闲的 苗条的 (n连线中文) discipline style slipperpolicewoman gatekeeper customerattendant firefighter soliderpilot police officer ceiling airport . 短语互动 阅读1a, 2a并译出短语make un

10、iforms look ugly depend on 允许做 同意 make a survey 在工作 执行 在困难时 阻止做 . 语言知识 阅读1a, 2a并掌握以下语言点1. I think our school should allow us to design our own uniforms.allow us to design译成: , 由此可知“允许某人做某事”表达法是 , 其否定形式是 . eg:My parents allow me (watch) TV at weekends.2. Its true that suitable uniforms can show good

11、discipline.上文译成: , 其句型是Its adj that+从句. Its well-known .(众所周知这首歌很流行)3. Is it important for you to wear uniforms at work?It is suitable to wear uniforms for our work. 和 它体现的句型是: Its necessary for us (wear) school uniforms at school.4. Second, people in trouble can find us trouble译成: , 在本句中充

12、当 成分,类似短语有“在危险中”英译成: . easily是 词性,用来修饰本句 ,其形容词是 . (现在有很多的野生动物都处在危险中).Its (easy) for me to work out the problem.I can work out the problem (easy). 5. And third, our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things.stop from译成: ,特别注意from后面的动词要用 形式.The police can (阻止坏人做坏事).1. 根据2a回答问题why is it impor

13、tant for police to wear uniforms at work? First, .Second, .Third, .When do police wear plain clothes? what is Kangkangs idea about polices uniforms?2. 根据例句完成Pair work 1b. What does Michael/Kangkang/Jane ask? He asks She asks 宾语从句(三)宾语从句的第三种类型特殊疑问词引导,特殊疑问句要改成用陈述句语序,如:Where does he come from? I dont k

14、now where he comes from? (他来自哪里) What could he do at the age of three? Do you know what he could do at the age of three? (在三岁时他会做什么) When is his birthday? He asks me when his birthday is? (他的上日是什么时候) How will Maria go to Beijing this time?I am not sure how Maria will go to Beijing this time? (Maria这

15、次将怎么去北京)以上画线的句子均是由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,注意画线部分的陈述语序,都被改为“主语+谓语动词”完成宾语从句00 1. Can you tell me ?(为什么你迟到了). 2. I dont know ? (我现在应该做什么). 3. I cant imagine ?( 你们怎么筹集这么多的钱). 4. I am not sure ?( 我现在该穿那件衣服). 短语互动 不得不 脱掉 . 语言知识 (略)1. 完成Work alone 1b2. 从1a中找出宾语从句 ? Its adj (for sb) to do sth = Its adj that+从句如:Its im

16、portant for us to do exercise every day. = Its important that we should do exercise every day.选用以上句型完成Work alone 2 in our lives 阻止受伤害 帮助做 at the airport car accident get help . 语言知识 1. Uniforms have many uses in our lives. 此句的use是 词,use还可以作 词来使用,其用法有“用做”:We can .(用电脑来查找资料)2. We students wear uniform

17、s at school to show good discipline.Soldiers wear green clothes to help them to hide the forest.句中to show与 to help都是动词不定式在句子中充当 成分. 因此我们可以总结 to do sth 是前面谓语动作的目的时候,我们可以判断此时的动词不定式当目的状语成分。We will put on a show .(去筹钱). They are buying some new clothes .(去参加班级的时装秀).3. We believe that they know how to fl

18、y the plane. how to fly是宾语从句中“疑问词+ to do ”结构的句型 如:I dont know how to get him out of trouble.我不知道怎样使他摆脱困境。I have no idea ?(什么时候出发).I am not sure ?(选择哪个).1. 阅读课文1a并完成Work alone 1b art of dressing 试穿 look slimmer 建议某人做某事 go well . 语言知识1. If a fat person enters your shop, youd better ask him or her to t

19、ry on a coat in a dark color.If a slim girl enters your shop, youd better advise her to wear clothes in warm colors.句中to try on与to wear都是动词不定式在句子中充当 成分. 因此我们可以总结有ask, want, tell, teach, advise, encouragesb to do sth时候,我们可以判断此时的动词不定式当宾补成分。 译以上两句话中文: 。Wed better ask our father (give) up smoking. My ta

20、sk is to teach Maria (learn) math well. 2. It is important that you show suitable clothes to each custom.它体现的句型是: ,它与 句型是同义句.写出此句的同义句:Its important that we should wear suitable clothes in different occasions. = Its important . Its necessary for students to get up early every day.= Its necessary that

21、 .Topic 3 Lets go and watch the fashion show.(adj)传统的 亚洲的 个人的 迷人的 众所周知 (adv) 广泛地 传统地 几乎不 在外面 (n) 亚洲 穿戴者 选择 结婚 庆祝会 (其它词) 或者或者 表达 除了之外 谈论 将有 1. Theres going to be another one there tomorrow. Theres going to be译成: ,其同义词短语是 , “过去曾有”英文表达法是: (将有) a football match in our school next week. . 课文解析 (略)宾语从句的时态

22、考查一:课文原句再现1. But Kangkang said he watched it.2. And he said it was wonderful.3. The poster says it will start at 7:30 p.m.二:时态的选择 1)当主句为一般现在时,从句时态依照意思而定。 I think that he was badly hurt in the traffic accident yesterday. I think I will have a talk with him. 2)当主句的时态为一般过去时,从句时态被限制在过去的某种时态。 (一般过去时,过去进行

23、时,过去将来时,过去完成时。) I didnt know he was ill yesterday. I believed he was watching TV at 9:00 last night. 3)当从句描述的是客观真理或存在事实时,从句时态不受主句时态的影响,从句时态统一用一般现在时。Mr Wang told us the earth goes around the sun.Mr Wang often tells us the earth goes around the sun.三:专项练习 1. I want to know when you (get) up this morni

24、ng? 2. Maria told to me that the movie (be) wonderful? 3. Our geography teacher told us China (lie) in the east of Asia?在中央 了解很多 2. 完成Pair work 2 Picture1 What did Jane ask the model? She asked What did the model say? She said Picture2 What did the model ask Jane? What did the Jane say?Picture3 What did Jane ask the model?充满 代表 从那时起 与不同 不但而且 或者或者 和 1. Chinese fashion is differ

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