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高二英语教案高二英语选修6 module 3 教案Word下载.docx

1、 Can they trust his account of what happened? (2)V. 指望,依赖;希望 He cant trust anyone to do this for him. She trusts (that) nothing will keep you from coming here. (3) n. u信任;依赖;照管 Our trust is that she will soon be well again. After their parents death the children were put in my trust. on trust无条件地深信不

2、疑;凭信用地,不看证据的 take on trust轻信,贸然相信3. believe/ believe in/ trust (1) believe“相信”,即认为某人是诚实的、某事是真实的或某人的话是可信的。作及物动词时,后面可以接名词、代词、从句或带不定式的复合宾语。 I believe you. I believe prices might go up next week. (2) believe in “信奉、相信”其后常跟真理、宗教、原则之类的词。 I believe him but I dont believe in him. We must work, and above all

3、 we must believe in ourselves. (3) trust “相信”,用于口语中,表示比believe程度更深的信任 I think I can trust you, especially after what my son has told me. He may be trusted to do the work we. Every manager needs an assistant that he can _ to take care of problems that may occur in his absence. A. count off B. count f

4、or C. distort D. trust4. note (1) n.钞票。纸币;笔记;便条 Why do you think we cant change your note? Please make a note of my new address. (2) n.口气,音调;音符 There is a note of anxiety in her voice. If you want to learn to play an instrument, you must be able to recognize notes of the music. (3) vt.注意;指出;特别提到;表明

5、You may note that my address has changed. The newspaper does not note what happened next.5.Knockover(1)撞伤,撞死。He was Knocked over by a taxi.他被一辆出租车撞伤了.(2)把打翻,打倒.You :ve knocked over my drink!你把我的饮料打翻了!Tom knocked Peter with one blow. 汤姆一拳把彼得打倒在地上.知识连接.Knock at/no敲(门,窗等) knock down 击倒,撞倒.Knock into 把(

6、某种知识)灌输给.;与.相撞Knock off敲掉;击倒;下班休息;降低(速度,价格)Knock out敲出; 击倒,打晕;使震惊It was after dark when the two children were both _on the street by a lorry.A. knocked B .knocked out C. run out D. run across 6. lose interest in对.失去兴趣.Now he s grown up and he s lost all interest in collecting stamps .他现在已经长大了.对集邮完全失

7、去了兴趣.Have/take/show(an) interest in 对.表示关心/有兴趣develop an interest in sth. 培养对某事物的兴趣.In the interest (s) of 为了.的利益,为起见.With interest 怀着兴趣地,有兴趣地Scarlett Johnasson developed _interest in acting at three and has made herself perhaps _finest actress of her generation.A. an; a B. /;the C. an; the D. /;a 7

8、.from time to time 偶尔,有时,间或,不时.作状语,位置较灵活.The price is adjusted from time to time. 偶尔会对价格作出调整.From time to time ,they come to see us.他们偶尔来看望我们Ahead of tie 提前 all the time 一直At all times 随时,永远 at a time 依次,逐一;每次At one time 曾经,一度 in no time 立刻,马上At no time 绝不 for a time 一度,一时For the time being 暂时,眼下 in

9、 time 及时,迟早,总有一天On time 准时 out of time 不合时宜For the first time 第一次 keep good/bad time 走得准/不准Take one s time 从容进行,不着急._,I lose heart in English learning ,but my teacher often said to me, ”Keep on working hard ;you ll succeed_.”A. At a time B . At a time; on time C. At one time ; in time D. At one time

10、 ; on time 8.turn round /around 转过身来;(使某人/物)转向另一方面.The girls in front turned round and grinned .前面的姑娘们转过身来.咧嘴一笑.Turn your chair round to the fire .把你的椅子转向炉火那边. Turn back 原路返回,往回走 turn against 与(某人)反目或为敌Turn down 拒绝,关小 turn over 翻身, 翻转;移交,交付教学活用He ll be very upset if you _his offer of help .A. turn o

11、ff B. turn out C. turn over D. turn down 9. amount (1)n. 量,数量;总数,总额;一笔(钱).Large amounts of money are spent every year on housing projects.每年兴建住宅都要花费很多钱.He could only pay half the amount he owed.他只能偿还所欠债款的一半.(2)v . 总计,达到;等于.常与 to 连用.Time lost through illness amounted to 1357 working days.因生病而耽误的时间总计1

12、357 个工作日.Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing.将他人的东西据为己有实为偷窃。Amount to 达到;等于。实际上是 be of little amount 不重要,无价值a large /great amount of=large/great amounts of大量的a large amount of 修饰不可数名词,其引起的短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;large amounts of 修饰不可数名词,其引起的短语作主语时,谓语动词复数形式。A large amount of money was spent

13、on the bridge .=Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.建设这座桥花了许多钱。10.Raise(1) vt. 筹措;筹集。They decided to raise 200,000 Yuan for Hope ProjectHow were they going to raise enough money for it?(2) vt . 提高;增加;举起;提出。 We must raise the living standard of people.He raised his finger to his lips as a

14、 sign for silence.He wasn t sure whether he should raise the question at the moment.(3)vt. 抚养,养育;饲养;种植。Both parents worked in order to earn enough money to raise their children.They raised all kinds of flowers last year.To help homeless people towards independence, the federal government must suppor

15、t job training programs, _the minimum wage ,and found more low-cost housing.A. raise B. add C. take D. keep 11.Offer/provide/supply(1).Offer侧重表示“愿意给予”常用于offer sb. Sth. 或offer to do sth.结构,后不能接宾语从句。He offered to go instead of me.(2). Provide 指有远见,为应付意外、紧急情况等做好充分准备而“供给,提供”,可用于provide sb. With sth.或pro

16、vide sth .for sb.结构。Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing .(3)supply 通常指定期“供应”强调替代或补充所需物品,常用于supply sd. With sth.或supply sth. to sb.结构。The cars will be supplied to people all over the country.They apologized for not being able to_ us the equipment we needed badly.A. offe

17、r B. supply C. provide D. help12.confront v.面对(危险、困难)。如: Confronted by an angry crowd the police retreated.面对愤怒得人群警察只好后撤了。 A soldier often has to confront danger.士兵常常要身临险境。 知识链接:confrontation n.对抗;对抗的事物 be confronted with 面临,对照 活学活用:We need to create education standards that prepare our next generat

18、ion who will be will an even more competitive market. A. tackled B. encountered C. dealt D.confronted Key: D。本题考查短语 be confronted with(面对)。Tackle 解决,处理;encounter遇见,碰见;deal with 交易,处理。A、B、C三个选项均不符合句意。13.count (1)v.数,计算。 See how many plates we have, but dont count in the cracked ones.看看我们有多少个盘子,但不要算有裂

19、纹的。 (2)v.视为;有价值;有重要性。 I no longer count him among my friends. 我不再把他当做我的朋友。 Believe me, his promises count for nothing.相信我,他得诺言一文不值。count in 把-计算在内 count out 不把-考虑或计算在内活学活用:count on 依靠,依赖 count up 计算,算出总数 count off 报数-Will $ 200 ?-Im afraid not. We need at least 5o more dollars.A. count B. satisfy C.

20、fit D.doKey:sth will do 是一种比较固定的说法,在口语表达中比较常见,意思为“-够了,-行了”。14.quarrel (1) vi. 吵架,争吵;挑毛病,埋怨。They dont like him; he is always quarrelling with people. 他们不喜欢他,他老爱和人吵架。We never quarreled among ourselves.我们之间从不吵架。(2)n. 口角,争论。 I have no quarrel with what the minister said. 我对部长所说的话没有什么异议。 She told us abou

21、t their quarrels and how they made up. 她给我们讲了他们争吵以及怎样和好的事情。知识链接:quarrelsome adj.爱争吵的,好争论的 quarrel with/against 跟-吵架;不同意;拒绝接受;抱怨 quarrel with sb. About/over sth. 为某事和某人争吵易混辨析:15. argue/debate/dispute/quarrelArgue, debate, dispute, quarrel都含有一定的“争论”之意。(1) argue 指一方坚持自己的意见、立场或观点,企图通过争论说服对方。I argued wit

22、h her for a long time, but she didn t change her mind.(2)debate 多指在正式场合进行辩论或严肃的争论,双方各自陈述理由,“交锋”“往返”的意味较强。We have been debating about the issue.(3)dispute 指持续的、激烈的争论,语气较强,有“相持不下,未得解决”的意思。They disputed at great length what they should do.(4)quarrel“争论,争吵”,含有与别人发生口角的意思。She often quarrels with her husba

23、nd over trivial matters.This is an unpleasant subject _ we might argue for a long while.A. in which B. with them C. about which D. with it16. regret(1) vt .后悔,懊悔,悔恨。后跟名词、动词或从句。I regret the loss of her friendship.I believe you will regret leaving Paris.(2) vt.遗憾。后跟不定式或从句。We regret to tell you that we

24、 won t be able to attend the ceremony.(3)n.懊悔;悔恨;遗憾;抱歉。My only regret is that its quite a long way from all my friends.Please accept my regrets at having to refuse.Express regrets at对、表示遗憾 have no regrets 没有遗憾This scar will be lasting, but to this day, l have never _ what l did.A. forgot B. recogniz

25、ed C. considered D. regretted_You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting._Well, now l regret _ that.A. to do B. to be doing C. to have D. having done17. alike(1)adj.相像的,相似的。The two brothers look very much alike .We are much alike in character .(2)adv.同样地,一样地;相等地。You and l think alike.H

26、e treats all customers alike.Tom and Mike look so much _ that they are_ twins.A. alike B. like ;alike C. like; likely D. alike; likely18. considerateAdj.体贴的,考虑周到的。Your children are always very considerate towards old people.We should be considerate of the comfort of old people.Considered adj.深思熟虑的,慎

27、重考虑的Considerable adj.值得考虑的;重要的,相当(大,多)的,可观的Consideration n. 考虑,思考 considering prep. 就、而论;考虑到Be considerate of 体谅某人 on no consideration 决不Be under consideration 在考虑中 take.into consideration 把、考虑进去There is a _ difference between giving professional advice to a client and simply making a booking at the

28、 client s request.A. consider B. considered C. considerate D. considerable19. forgive Vt. 宽恕;原谅。I ll never forgive you for what you said to me last night.Forgiveness n.宽恕 forgive sb. for(doing) sth.宽恕某人做某事Forgive/pardon/excuse(1) forgive 指宽恕比尔呢对自己的冒犯,含有在心里原谅的意思。We forgive your faults.(2)pardon 愿义是,“赦免”,这个词比较正式,指饶恕某某人严重的过时,尤其指法律或道德上的过失,含有本应该受到惩罚,但现在被赦免,被原谅的意思。Pardon an offence 宽恕罪过Pardon me for interrupting you.原谅我打扰你。(3)excuse 比较常用,语气较轻,指原谅某人的小过失,常用来表示客气地打断某人以引起注意。Excuse me for my coming late.That man has lost everything in the flood.

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