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1、14T_right at the post office.15W_a great museum!There is a talking robot.6right7hospital8library9bookstore10cinema11next12Where13straight14Turn15What6略7略8略9略10略11略12略13略14略15略二、汉译英Read and write.(根据汉语提示完成句子。)16现在我们在医院的后面。Now we _ _the hospital.17迈克想去书店。Mike wants to _to the _.18科学博物馆在哪儿? _is the _mu

2、seum?19我家靠近邮局。My home is near the_ _.20医院在那儿。The hospital is _ _.16 are behind 17 go bookstore 18 Where science 19 post office 20 over there 三、英汉混合英汉互译。21museum shop_22excuse me_23an interesting film_24the Palace Museum_25be far from_26在医院前面_27挨着图书馆_28科学博物馆_29在十字路口_30直行_21博物馆商店22打扰了23一部有趣的电影24故宫25离远

3、26in front of the hospital27next to the library28science museum29at the crossing30go straight四、选择题31-Excuse me, where is the bookstore? ( )-Its the cinema.Anear to Bbehind Cnext【答案】B32I know great Italian restaurant. ( )A/ Ba Can33-_is the library ?-Its over there .AWhen BWhat CWhere【答案】C句意:图书馆在哪儿?它

4、在那边。where是“在哪儿”,用来询问地点,它的句型结构是Where is +地点(the bookshop, the hospital)?因此选C。34The hospital is next the park. ( )Ato Bnear Cof【答案】A35-How can I the cinema?-Go straight and turn left.Aget to Bgot on Cget off36-How can we get there?-Turn left the hospital.Aof Bon Cat37-Where is the hospital?- ATheyre b

5、ehind the park. BIts near the museum. CYes, it is.38What _ interesting film it is !Aa Ban Cthe多么有意思的电影啊!这是由what引导的感叹句,其句型结构是:what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+动词!又因为 interesting首字母为元音,所以前面不用a而用an,所以这道题应该选B。39-Is there a post office near here?-Yes,_ .Athere is Bthere isnt Cit is这附近有一个邮局吗?这是there is 句型的一般疑问句形式,

6、对于它的肯定回答为“Yes, there is”,因此,这道题选A。40I want _ a post card. ( )Abuy Bto buy Cbuying想去做某事,就是 want to +动词原形,因此本题选择B。选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。41Ain Bbookstore Cunder42Aleft Bcinema Cmuseum43Aget Bhungry Cturn44Awonderful Bgreat Ctalk45Aright Bhospital Clibrary41B42A43B44C45A46The hospital is in front the school.

7、( )Aon Bof Cto47Can you help me _the bookstore?( )Sure.Afind Bfinds Cfinding48It is _interesting film.Aa Ban C/49_can I get to the restaurant? ()Sorry, I dont know.AWhere BHow CWhat50Lets go to the hospital _. Aone Bthe first Cfirst51They _buy a new bag.Awant Bwant to Cwants to52Where the science mu

8、seum?Aare Bis Chas53Is it here?Afar Bfrom Cfar from选出每组中不同类的单词54Aschool Bmuseum Cpark Dmouth55Aright Bleft CGPS Dmiddle56Aafter Bbookstore Ccinema Dhospital57AMonday Bbirthday CFriday DSunday58Acinema Blibrary Cfarmer Dstore54D55C56A57B58C54略55略56略57略58略59I want to buy books. ( )Aa Ban Csome60一 can

9、I get to the post office?Turn right at the museum.AWhere BWhat CHow61Lets a bus home. ( )Atake Bto take Ctakes62_your name?AHow BWhats CThis63I have a_()Aruler Brulers Ceraser64_too. ()AI BMy CMe65Close your _()Apencil Bbook Ceraser66I can say my_()AABC BABCs CABCS67Lets _()Aplay Bruler Cpen68Zoom!

10、_ bag! ()AYou BYour CYour are69Whos _?Aguess Bhello Cthere70Hi! _ Mike. ()AMy name BMy names CI names71I go to school _ foot.AtakeBonCby72Whos there?AGuess! BNo.73Hello! Im John. ( )AMe too. BHi, John. Im Lily.74- is the school?-Its near the park.AWhat BHow CWhere75You can go there _. Its not far fr

11、om here. ( )Aby plane Bby ship Con foot76_.Where is the bookstore?Its next to the cinema.ASorry BExcuse me CPlease五、连词成句连词成句。77is, the, shop, where, museum(?_78at, left, the, turn, bookstore (.)_79can, how, get, the, to, hospital,we(?_80to, the, is, it, next, library (.)81here, is,the, from, far, ci

12、nema(?_77Where is the museum shop?78Tum left at the bookstore.79How can we get to the hospital?80It is next to the library.81Is the cinema far from here?六、排序题82读对话,按照对话内容,将下列图片用A,B,C,D,E排序Boy:Im hungry. Mum. I want to have some hamburgers.Mum:OK. I know a restaurant near here. Lets go there.How can

13、we get there?Turn left at the bookstore. Then go straight. There is a cinema. Behind the cinema,there is a hospital. There is a library next to the hospital. The restaurant is between the library and the post office. (_)(_)【答案】C A D E B 七、匹配题从右栏中选择左栏句子的正确答语。AIts near.BYes. there is.CIts next to the

14、park.DHe wants to go to the library.E. Turn right at the hospital.83Where does the boy want to go? (_)84Where is the cinema?85How can we get there?86Is it far?87Is there a pet hospital near here?83D84C85E86A87BRead and choose.(读一读,选一选正确的答语。AYes, he is.BNo, there isnt.CYes, it is.DI want to buy a sto

15、rybook.E. Its near the museum.88Where is the hospital? (_)89Is there a park near here?90Is it far from my home?91What do you want to buy?92Is grandpa here?88E89B90C91D92ALook and choose.(看图片,选短语,比比谁最棒!Ain front ofBturn rightCgo straightDturn leftE. next to93 (_)9495969793B94C95D96E97A读问句,选择对应的答语AIm

16、going to the bookstore.BIts near the library.CGo to the shop near the cinema.DNo, its not far.E.Turn left at the bookstore,and then go straight.98Where is the cinema?99Where can I buy tanghulu?100Where are you going?101How can I get to the post office?102Is the cinema far from here?98B99C100A101E102

17、D98略99略100略101略102略103Look and choose.(给下列句子选择合适的答语。(_) 1. Where is the science museum?(_) 2. How can we get to the hospital?(_) 3. Is it far from here?(_) 4. Lets go to the zoo.(_) 5. Hello, is your mother at home?AOK.BNo, she isnt in.CIts next to the bookstore.DYes, it is.E. Go straight first, and

18、 then turn left.【答案】1. C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B 八、填内容补全对话Read and write.(根据图片提示完成对话。A: Excuse me. 104can I get to the school, please?B: First, go 105. Turn 106at the second traffic lights(交通信号灯). Then go straight again. Next, 107 108at the library. Youll see the school. Thank you very much. You are welcome.104How105straight106left107turn108right九、选内容补全对话109Look and choose.(从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。Mike: What an interesting film!John: Yes, but Im hungry now. 1._. Yum! I like pizza. 2. _. Its next to the park on Dongfang Street. 3. _

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