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1、C. look up D walk on15. A. keep B. send C. lead D. ask名师点评 文章以在陌生的城市找名胜为例,说明了解决数学最重要的是先找出一条通往答案的路径。答案简析1C。下文表明:你要去的是一个一点儿都不熟悉的城市,说明以前没有去过。故选have never visited。2D。show意为“带领某人参观某地”或“向某人展示某物”;tell sb. about sth. 意为“告诉某人关于的情况。根据下文可知tell为正确选项。3A。文章表明:听了别人的介绍后,你对城市的名胜开始有了一些初步的印象。故选begin。4B。根据文意,你对名胜的概况只是听

2、说而已,对名胜的具体位置及如何找到所指的名胜不太清楚。故选clear。5C。指代上文出现的interesting places应用them。6A。根据句意,前半句是后半句的条件状语从句,应用if引导。7D。show sb. sth.意为“把给某人看”,合符文意,为正确选项。8B。根据地图上的位置,你会毫不费力地找到想去的地方。故选no。9B。本文是讲如何在一个陌生的城市里找到目的地,而不是找去某个城市的路。故选in。10A。做数学题时,你肯定要对题目中所给的信息进行思考。故应选thought over。11D。the road to the answers意为“解决问题的路径”,to为正确选项

3、。12A。根据上文列举的根据地图找名胜的例子可知,做数学题目也需要“地图”。故应选need to have。13B。这里应该用动词不定式to help you find your way作目的状语才合符句意。14A。try ones best to do sth.意思是“尽某人最大的努力去做某事”,为正确选项。15C。“lead sb. to某地”意思是“引导某人到达某地”。31Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. Its beautiful but its hot in

4、_1_. So I usually returned to my hometown when my _2_ began. It is not big, but its cool and quiet. I could _3_ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night.One day I had some _4_ to solve. But I didnt take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my _5_, had a good library. I went

5、to his house at once. We didnt see each other after I _6_ middle school. At first he didnt recognize me. He _7_ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! Its you, Fred!”Of course we were _8_ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and _9_. Later on he showed me aroun

6、d his library. It wasnt big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I _10_ were in them too. At last I said, “_11_ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?“Im sorry I dont lend any books to _12_,” said the young man.“Are you afraid Ill _13_ them?“No, Im not. Im afraid you won

7、t _14_ them to me. Look! All the books are not _15_, but borrowed!1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter2. A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday3. A. study B. play C. rest D. run4. A. words B. sentences C. problems D. stories5. A. brothers B. sisters C. aunts D. classmates6. A. finished B

8、. heard C. saw D. met7. A. lifted B. carried C. looked D. pulled8. A. angry B. happy C. worried D. sad9. A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. drivers10. A. looked for B. read C. wrote D. looked at11. A. Need B. Must C. May D. Can12. A. other B. the other C. others D. another13. A. lose B. sell C. th

9、row D. know14. A. pay B. return C. use D. look after15. A. made B. picked C. won D. bought这篇短文主要讲了Charlie家里有许多藏书,却没有一本是自己买的,所以他从不借书给别人,因为他怕别人都和他一样。本题的不少答案只从缺空所在句子的语意和语法是无法确定的,解题是要联系上下文及一般常识进行推理。1. B。hot应该指的是夏天的天气情况。2. D。大学生暑假回家度假。3. A。学生暑假应该不忘学习。4. C。solve problems意为“解决问题”。5. D。根据下文可得知。6. A。finish m

10、iddle school表示“中学毕业”。7. C。look sb. up and down表示“上下打量某人”,这时look用作及物动词。8. B。老同学相见自然是高兴。9. B。同学之间谈论的主要对象一般应该是同学和老师。10. A。根据上下文得知“我”正在寻找一本字典。11. D。这里指征求别人的意见,故用can。12. C。泛指其他人,故用复数。13. A。“我”以为他怕我把书弄丢,所以不借。14. B。根据下文得知他的书都是借的,所以他不愿借给我,怕我也象他一样借书不还。15. D。这些书都不是买的,而是借的。32 Mr. Wang teaches English in a midd

11、le school. He likes his work very much. He wanted 1 a teacher even when he was a young boy.There are six classes in a school day at Mr. Wangs middle school. Mr. Wang teachers five of these six classes. 2 his free hour from 2 to 3 in the afternoon, Mr. Wang 3 meet with parents, check students homewor

12、k and 4 many other things. So Mr. Wang works hard from the moment he gets to school early in the morning until he leaves for home late in the afternoon, and his hour is not free at all.In his English lesson, Mr. Wang sometimes teaches poems (诗). He likes poems very much, and he likes Li Bais poems 5

13、 of all.In his fifth class today, Mr. Wang taught a poem. He wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it. As soon as he finished 6 the poem, the students began to ask questions. He answered all the questions. Then he asked his students to talk about the poem. 7 one wanted to stop when the bell rang

14、. 8 home, Mr. Wang thought about the fifth class. He was happy about what he did as a teacher. Every one of his students 9 the poem. When they started to talk, they forgot about the time. He did not have to make them 10 . He only had to answer their questions and help them understand the poem.1. A.

15、was B. being C. to be D. be 2. A. In B. At C. To D. On 3. A. has to B. has C. able to D. will 4. A. take care for B. care of C. take care of D. be careful of 5. A. better B. good C. well D. best 6. A. reading B. to read C. read D. doing 7. A. Not B. No C. Have no D. Any 8. A. By the way B. To his wa

16、y C. On his way D. In the way 9. A. liked B. asked C. had D. wanted 10. A. learning B. to learn C. learn D. leant Mr. Wang是一位英语老师,他热心于教育,忙于教学,工作负责,课堂上善于启发学生回答问题,讨论问题。即使在回家的途中,仍沉浸在课堂活跃气氛的回忆中。1. C。语法结构 want后面跟不定式。 2. B。时间点后面跟介词at。has to意思是“不得不,必须”。这里引出所要做的事。固定短语。此句后面有 at all这一比较范围,故用最高级。finish后面跟动名词。7

17、. B。课堂上学生们积极发言,没有人想停下来。8. C。on ones way home意思是“在回家的路上”。9. A。学生受老师的影响也开始爱诗歌了。10. C。语法结构:make sth。33Many animals use some kinds of “language”. They use signals(信号) and the signals have meanings. For example, _1 a bee has found some food, it goes 2 its home. 3 is difficult for a bee to tell _4 b

18、ees where the food is speaking to them, but it can do a little dancing. This tells the bees where the food is and 5 it is.Some animals show 6 they feel by making sounds. It is not difficult to tell if a dog is angry because it barks. Birds make several different sounds and 7 has its meaning. Sometim

19、es we humans make sounds in the same way. We make sounds like “Oh” to 8 how we feel about _9_ or we 10 something on our feet.We humans have languages. We have words. These words have meaning of things, action, feeling or ideas. We are able to _11_ each other information, to tell other people 12 we t

20、hink or we feel. By writing down words, we can remember what has happened or 13 messages to people far away.Languages, like people, live and die. If a language is not used by people, it is called a dead language. This language cannot live and grow because 14 speaks it.A living language, of course, i

21、s often spoken by people today. It grows and changes with time. New words are created, and some old words have 15 meanings.1. A. because B. since C. when D. as2. A. out of B. back from C. away from D. back to3. A. It B. This C. That D. He4. A. each other B. another C. the other D. others5. A. how lo

22、ng B. how far away C. how many D. how old6. A. why B. which C. how D. what7. A. each B. every C. all D. some8. A. show B. say C. talk D. speak9. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything10. A. put B. drop C. fall D. set11. A. give B. put C. show D. take12. A. that B. which C. what D. why13.

23、A. send B. bring C. push D. get14. A. someone B. no one C. anyone D. everyone15. A. new B. right C. real D. good这则短文讲述的是语言的重要性。无论是何种语言,只要不使用,它将死亡。表示”当的时候”。蜜蜂发现食物会返回蜂窝,通知其它蜜蜂。形式主语。4C。the other bees其它的蜜蜂。5B。蜜蜂通过跳舞告诉同伴物源有多远。6C。用how作状语修饰feel。7A。根据谓语动词has应选each.。each指代的是可数名词sound,所以不能用all或some,而every是形容词

24、,不能做主语。8A。用语言来表示自己的感觉,故选show。10B。ouch表示疼痛,故推测是东西砸到了脚上。Fall是不及物动词,故不选。11A。12C。think为及物动词,这里what做think宾语。13A。send messages为固定搭配,表示“发送信息”。14B。根据文意,一种语言如果没人使用,就会灭亡。15A。旧词新意。34Its never easy to admit(承认) you are in the wrong. We all _1_ to know the art of apology. Think how often youve done wrong. Then c

25、ount how many _2_ youve expressed clearly you were _3_. You cant go to bed with an easy mind if you do _4_ about it.A doctor friend, Mr. Lied, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches, heart _5_ and insomnia (失眠). _6_ some careful exams, Mr. Lied found nothing _7_ with him and said, “If you dont tell me whats _8_ you, I cant help you.” The man admitted he was cheating his brother of his inheritance(遗产). Then and there the _9_ do

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