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1、 Section of Cerebrovascular Disease (C.-P.C., Y.-Y.C., W.-J.W., H.-H.H.), Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; Department of Ophthalmology (M.-Y.Y.), Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; and National Yang-Ming University. (H.-Y.H., C.-P.C., Y.-Y.C.,

2、H.-H.H., M.-Y.Y.), Taipei, Taiwan.20 13:30前大腦動脈A1段發育不全會導致”A1發育不全症候群”Anterior Cerebral Artery A1 Segment Hypoplasia May Contribute to “A1 Hypoplasia Syndrome” 莊毓民1-4,劉智仰1-2,林慶波4,5Yu-Ming Chuang, MD 1,2,3,4 ,Chih-Yang Liu, MD 1,2,Chiang-Po Lin, PhD 4,5Department of Neurology, Tao-Yuan General Hospital

3、1, Taipei Veterans General Hospital2, School of Medicine3 and Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences4, Institute of Neuroscience5, National Yang-Ming University30 13:40磷酸双酯酶基因對正常血壓之年輕型缺血性中風的影響The phosphodiesterase 4D gene for early onset ischemic stroke among normotensive patients

4、林秀芬1,2,廖翊筑3,劉嘉為4,劉景寬1,卓夙航3Hsiu-Fen Lin1, 2, Yi-Chu Liao3, Chia-Wei Liou4, Ching-Kuan Liu1,Suh-Hang Hank Juo31 Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 2Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 3Graduate Institute o

5、f Medical Genetics, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 4Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memory Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan高明見40 13:50腺苷酸A2A接受器促效劑治療蜘蛛膜下腔出血引發的腦血管痙攣Attenuation of experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm by the adenosine A2A receptor agonist CGS

6、 216801,2林志隆,3施慧娟,1,2劉安祥,1,2李昆興,4Aaron S. Dumont, 4Neal F. Kassell,1,2洪純隆,1,2關皚麗Chih-Lung Lin, 2Huei-Chuan Shih, 1Ann-Shung Lieu, 1Kung-Shing Lee, 3Aaron S. Dumont, 3Neal F. Kassell, 1Shen-Long Hwong, 1Aij-Lie Kwan.1Department of Neurosurgery, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

7、, ROC. 2Faculty of Medicine, Graduate Institute ofMedicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC. 3School of Nursing, Mei-Ho Institute of Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan, ROC. 4Departments of Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia Health Syste

8、m, Box 801392, 22908, Charlottesville, VA, USA Symposium I : 新式血小板測試之台灣經驗New platelet function tests:Taiwan Experience劉祥仁、陳昌明50 14:05血小板功能檢驗:閉鎖時間Platelet Function Test: Closure Time林正修Jen-Shiou Lin, M.D.Department of Laboratory Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital14:05 14:PFA-100對冠狀動脈疾病病患在臨床治療方面的應用

9、價值The Promising Role of PFA -100 in Clinical Management of CAD Patients王宗道 Tzung-Dau WangDivision of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan 20 14:35急性缺血性中風患者對阿斯匹靈之反應Biochemical aspirin resistance measured by PFA-100 in acute ischemic stroke p

10、atients許弘毅,李毓珊,王寶玉,何玉品,江怡穎Hung-Yi Hsu, Yu-Sang Lee, Pao-Yu Wang, Yi-Yin Chiang, Yu-Ping HoSection of Neurology, Taichung-Veterans General Hospital and School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.35 14:貧血或血小板減少症時對PFA-100測量結果的影響The impact of anemia or thrombocytopenia on PFA-100

11、measurement張寓智Yeu-Jhy Chang, MDStroke Section, Department of Neurology, Chang Gung University and Chang Gung memorial Hospital, Linkou50 15:Panel Discussion 15:05 15:Coffee BreakSymposium II :降血壓藥及Statin對中風治療之新證據More evidences of blood pressure and lipid lowering drugs in the management of cerebrova

12、scular diseases20 15:25Opening:胡漢華葉炳強、趙雅琴25 15:最新高血壓對腦中風之預防指引Updated Hypertension Management for Stroke Prevention盧玉強Yuk-Keung LoSection of Neurology, Veterans General Hospital-Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan40 15:55急性中風降血壓的新證據Do we have evidence for blood pressure lowering in acute stroke?陳志弘Chih-Hung

13、 ChenDepartment of Neurology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan55 16:血壓與認知功能障礙Blood pressure and cognitive function impairment胡朝榮Chaur-Jong HuDepartment of Neurology, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University16:10 16:Discussion劉嘉為、許弘毅20 16:Statin藥物使用於急性

14、腦中風時之血脂治療Statin therapy in acute ischemic stroke李宗海Tsong-Hai Lee, MD, PhDStroke Center and Stroke Section, Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Linkou Medical Center and Chang Gung University College of Medicine35 16:膽固醇愈低愈好嗎?談降低膽固醇與出血性腦中風Statins, low cholesterol, and hemorrhagic st

15、roke The lower the better?傅維仁 Helen L. Po, MDDepartment of Neurology Mackay Memorial Hospital Taipei, Taiwan50 17:Statin 對血管性認知功能障礙的治療Statin therapy in vascular cognitive impairment楊淵韓Yuan-Han, YangDepartment of Neurology, Kaohsiung Medical University17:05 17:15Discussion Special Lecture I許重義15 17:4

16、5建構資訊科技中介之社區式健康照顧網服務模式-以中風病患健康照護為例Establishing a technological computerized community long-term care system劉景寬,陳俊鴻1,簡怡光2,郭彥宏3,王偉如4,洪綺蘭5C.-K. Liu, C.-H. Chen1, I.-K. Chien2, Y.-H. Kuo3, W.-R. Wang4, Q.-L. Hong51.Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital. 2. Dire

17、ctor of Section of Community Health, Kaohsiung Medical University. 3. Department of Hospital and Health Care Administration, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy. 4. Senior Technical Specialist of Community Health, Kaohsiung Medical University. 5. Director of Medical Information, Kaohsiung Medical Univer

18、sity Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital. 18:30 21:00Banquet (頒發優秀論文獎)第101教室 (Room B,一樓) November 15, 2008 (Saturday)Free Paper I 座 長 張谷州、周德陽、徐偉成急性內頸動脈阻塞之導管介入治療-某醫學中心病案系列Interventional Treatment of Acute Occlusion of Internal Carotid Artery: A Case Series 李愛先,廖漢文,王堯弘,陳龍,李少白,朱耀棠,楊琳煦,陳國慶,朱樹勳亞東醫院心臟血管醫學中心、神經內科、神

19、經外科,臺大醫院影像醫學部 頸動脈支架手術術後之心智功能變化Cognitive Changes after Carotid Artery Stenting黃國倫,張健宏,張寓智,李宗海,劉祥仁林口長庚紀念醫院 神經內科、腦中風中心,長庚大學高雄長庚醫院頸部動脈支架經驗Carotid stenting in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan吳怡珊,劉嘉為,李姿慧,林宏昇,陳廷耀,陳偉熹,張谷州高雄長庚醫院 神經內科系腦血管科頸動脈支架術後低血壓無法避免高灌流症候群Post-carotid stenting hypotension co

20、uldnt prevent hyperperfusion syndrome鍾禎智,連立明,洪惠風,陳威宏,汪漢澄,邱浩彰 新光吳火獅紀念醫院 神經科急性腦中風病患合併內頸動脈阻塞施行開顱減壓術之預後情形Outcome analysis of craniotomy in ischemic stroke patients with ICA occlusion劉彥良,劉崇祥,蔡崇豪中國醫藥大學附設醫院 神經部急性中大腦動脈梗塞開顱減壓術-高雄長庚經驗Decompressive Craniectomy in Acute Large Cerebral InfarctionExperience from

21、Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan李姿慧,吳怡珊,林宏昇,陳廷躍,張谷州,陳偉熹,何治軍,劉嘉為高雄長庚醫院 神經內科系腦血管科、神經外科00 14:電腦斷層灌流攝影預測頸部支架後腦部高灌流血症的角色The role of perfusion computed tomography to predict hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid stenting張健宏,李宗海,張庭瑜,黃國倫,吳岱錚,秦嗣騏,陳啟仁,張寓智林口長庚醫院 腦血管科、*神經放射科, 國泰醫院放射診斷科10 14:頸動脈介入

22、性治療之超音波追蹤Ultrasound follow-up after carotid intervention張庭瑜,張寓智,張健宏,吳秀娟,吳岱錚,黃國倫,陳怡君,陳獻宗,劉祥仁,李宗海林口長庚醫院及長庚大學醫學院 神經內科系腦血管科及腦中風中心Free Paper II李宗海、關皚麗Secretoneurin治療急性腦中風Secretoneurin promotes neuroprotection and plasticity by activating Jak2-Stat3 pathway in stroke rats中國醫藥大學附設醫院 神經精神醫學中心,中央研究院 分生所30 14

23、:抑制MEK/ERK路徑減少大白鼠脊髓缺血再灌流傷害中microglia活化及interleukin-1beta之表現Inhibition of the MEK/ERK pathway reduces microglial activation and interleukin-1beta expression in spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats盧康,卓忠隆,梁正隆,陳尚德,李梁伯儔,王馨媛,陳翰容義守大學義大醫院 神經外科及醫學研究部,國立中山大學 生物科學系,高雄長庚紀念醫院 神經內科40 14:17-estradiol預防蜘

24、蛛膜下腔出血引發的細胞凋零死亡17-estradiol Protects Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-induced Apoptotic Cell Death1,2林志隆,1,2蘇裕峰,1蔡泰欣,1,2黃旭霖1高雄醫學大學附設醫院 神經外科,2高雄醫學大學醫學院醫學系17beta-estradiol減緩蜘蛛膜下腔出血引發之腦血管痙攣及續發性腦損傷Attenuation of cerebral vasospasm and secondary injury by 17beta- estradiol following experimental subarachnoid hemo

25、rrhage1,2林志隆,1,2蘇裕峰,1蔡易真,1黃日煇,1,2洪純隆,1,2關皚麗, 3高振興1高雄醫學大學附設醫院 神經外科,2高雄醫學大學醫學院醫學系,3台南奇美醫院 神經外科00 15:老年及高血壓會增加缺血對腦組織之損傷:動物腦組織磁振造影研究Aging and hypertension increase the susceptibility of brain tissue to ischemic injury: animal brain MR imaging study1李宗海,2劉鶴齡,3楊順泰,4楊仁宗林口長庚醫院1神經內科、3神經外科,2長庚大學醫學影像及放射科學系,4嘉義

26、長庚醫院 神經外科10 15:Free Paper III林信光、彭家勛、林育德不同酒精代謝酶基因型國人酒精代謝與血流動力相關性之研究Relevance of alcohol metabolism and hemodynamic response in Chinese subjects with different allelotypes of alcohol metabolic genes彭家勛,尹士俊,陳益乾,王明芳,曹殿萍,李俊泰,林健群三軍總醫院 神經科部、心臟內科、精神部,國防醫學院 生化學科30 15:頸動脈內膜媒介厚度性別差異的相關因子Factors Associated wit

27、h Gender Difference in Carotid Intima Media Thickness陳廷耀,盧成憲,林祖功,劉嘉為,莊曜聰高雄長庚紀念醫院 神經內科BNG-1腦部磁振造影研究MRI Comparison Study of BNG-1 Stroke Trial張谷州,劉祥仁*,郭葉璘*,BNG-1研究群高雄、林口長庚醫院 神經內科系腦血管科、神經放射科*50 16:生活型態的改變對血壓控制的影響The effect of lifestyle intervention on the control of blood pressure: a randomized trial白其卉1,陳俊榮2,蔡松彥3,黃杏玉4,邱浩彰5新光醫院 中央實驗室1,慈愛綜合醫院 神經內科2,3,慈愛綜合醫院 中風防治中心4,新光醫院 神經內科500 16:台灣腦中風病人病發一年內之門診復健利用及其相關因素探討One Year Outpatient Rehabilitation Utilization and Associated Factors among Stroke Sur

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