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1、为了修地铁二号线,工程兵拆了明城墙。没想到,这一拆拆出了宝贝。话说到这,这到底是一件什么宝贝,值得收藏在首都博物馆里呢。相传早在宋朝,皇帝宋徽宗,作家苏东坡、书法家米芾这三位不同领域的大佬,为了一件东西起了争执。正是它,一方砚台。译文: Today a cultural relic unearthed during subway construction is exhibited in the “General History Exhibition Hall” of the Capital Museum.This subway-related object we mentioned is su

2、rrounded by the cultural relics from Yuan dynasty, giving no information about the subway construction in the 1960s.What is going on then? It turned out that Beijing was once surrounded by the city wall of Ming Dynasty before 1960s. The city wall was demolished for city expansion, and subway line 2

3、was built underground, above which is the 2nd ring road. This Houyingfang Hutong is located in todays Xizhimennei at the south of the northern 2nd ring road. In the photo, the wall under demolition was the northern city wall of Ming and Qing dynasty. So you must understand now. In order to build sub

4、way line 2, engineering corps demolished the city wall of Ming dynasty. It was unexpected that such a treasure was unearthed. At this point, what makes it so treasured to worth being collected in the Capital Museum? As the legend goes, Emperor Hui Zong of Song dynasty, writer Su Dongpo and calligrap

5、her Mi Fu, bigwigs of three different fields, were once in dispute for one thing. That is, an ink stone.英译中第三题 Prince Charles: We have come together, as father and son, to lend our voices to the growing global effort to combat the illegal wildlife trade - a trade that has reached such unprecedented

6、levels of killing and related violence that it now poses a grave threat not only to the survival of some of the worlds most treasured species, but also to economic and political stability in many areas around the world.I have said before that we must treat the illegal wildlife trade as a battle, bec

7、ause it is precisely that. The rising and apparently insatiable demand, much of it from Asia, has provided an economic incentive for trafficking to become increasingly criminalized and professional. Organized bands of criminals are stealing and slaughtering elephants, rhinoceros and tigers, as well

8、as large numbers of other species, in a way that has never been seen before, pushing many species to the brink of extinction. They are taking these animals using the sophisticated weapons of war - assault rifles, silencers, night vision equipment and helicopters. Unarmed park rangers are no match fo

9、r these organized gangs and high-powered equipment. Tragically, many brave rangers have lost their lives while trying to save those of the animals.Prince William: My father and I hope you share our belief that it is shocking that future generations may know a world without these magnificent animals

10、and the habitat upon which they depend. 查尔斯王子:我们父子一起来到这里,支持在全世界范围内更严厉地打击非法野生动物交易。此类交易助长了前所未有的杀戮和暴力,不仅威胁到世界上一些最珍贵物种的生存,而且威胁到世界很多区域的经济和政治稳定。我曾说过,我们必须把打击非法野生动物交易作为一场战役,因为事实上那正是一场战役。越来越多贪得无厌的需求,其中很多来自亚洲,已经为日益罪恶和职业化的走私提供了经济动力。有组织的犯罪团伙以前所未有的手段偷猎大象、犀牛和老虎以及很多其他物种,把很多物种推向了灭绝的边缘。他们动用精密的突击步枪、消音器、夜视设备和直升飞机来捕猎动物


12、要举措是迁都北京。明成祖认为,天子居北,正是居重御轻,可以加强北部边防,就采纳了这个建议。但是他深知,迁都是一件关乎国家兴亡的头等大事,必须审慎行事。他没有轻举妄动,而是在充分论证的基础上,分阶段、有步骤地进行。他是明太祖朱元璋的第四子,原来被封为燕王,后来通过靖难之役,从侄儿建文帝手中夺取了皇位。他死后的谥号是文皇帝,所以有的史书又称他为文皇。他的庙号是太宗,在明实录中他的实录就被称作太宗实录。即位之初,定鼎金陵。随着元朝残余势力退至漠北,长江岸边的金陵就显得离重要的北部边陲过于遥远。为此,1403年,礼部尚书建议,把北平改为北京,迁都北京。译文 Forbidden City is the

13、worlds largest and best-preserved ancient palace complex, and it symbolizes the highest level of ancient Chinese architectures.In 1961, under the approval of the State Council, Forbidden City was designated as the first batch of key national monuments under state protection.In 1987, Forbidden City w

14、as listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage.Zhu Di, a well-known emperor in the Chinese history, was in reign from 1402 to 1424 with the title of “Yong Le”. As the fourth son of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, founder of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu Di was crowned as Yan Prince and later usurped the th

15、rone from his nephew Emperor Jianwen during the Jingnan Rebellion.His posthumous title is Emperor Wen, so he was referred to as “Wen Huang” in some history books.His dynastic title is “Tai Zong”, so the record about him is known as “Record of Tai Zong” in the Record of Ming Dynasty.Later, Emperor Ji

16、ajing renamed his dynastic title as “Cheng Zu”, so he has been known as “Cheng Zu of Ming Dynasty” by later generations. An important measure taken by Cheng Zu was that he moved the capital to Beijing.When he first ascended throne, Emperor Zhu Di set the capital at Jinling.As the remaining forces of

17、 Yuan dynasty retreated to the north of Mongolian desert, the city of Jinling at the bank of the Yangtze River seemed to be far from the strategically important north frontier.Therefore, in 1403, Director of the Board of Rites proposed to change Beiping into Beijing and move the capital to Beijing.E

18、mperor Cheng Zu believed that the royal family should reside in an important location to strengthen the northern frontier, so he accepted the proposal.But as he knew, moving capital must be proceeded properly since it mattered the fate of the country. He did not act rashly, instead, he had it carrie

19、d on in orderly steps on the basis of in-depth analysis.英译中第一题I want to talk to you a little bit about user-generated content. Im going to tell you three stories on the way to one argument thats going to tell you a little bit about how we open user-generated content up for business. So, heres the fi

20、rst story.1906. This man, John Philip Sousa, traveled to this place, the United States Capitol, to talk about this technology, what he called the, quote, talking machines. Sousa was not a fan of the talking machines. This is what he had to say. These talking machines are going to ruin artistic devel

21、opment of music in this country. When I was a boy, in front of every house in the summer evenings, you would find young people together singing the songs of the day, or the old songs. Today, you hear these infernal machines going night and day. We will not have a vocal chord left, Sousa said. The vo

22、cal chords will be eliminated by a process of evolution as was the tail of man when he came from the ape.Now, this is the picture I want you to focus on. This is a picture of culture. We could describe it using modern computer terminology as a kind of read-write culture. Its a culture where people p

23、articipate in the creation and the re-creation of their culture.我想和你们谈一谈用户生成的内容。我要给你们讲3个故事来支持我的论据,该论据是关于我们如何把用户生成的内容融入业务里。现在开始讲第一个故事。1906年,有个叫约翰菲利普苏萨的人来到美国国会大厦讨论一项被他称之为“留声机”的技术。苏萨不喜欢留声机。用他的话来说,“留声机会毁掉我们国家音乐的发展。我小的时候,一到夏天晚上,每栋房子门前都能听见年轻人聚在一起弹唱流行歌曲或者经典老歌。而现在,你只能听到这些可恶的机器不分昼夜地聒噪。我们将失去声带,”苏萨说。“声带会在演化的过程


25、罗皮乌斯设计建成了一座建筑工艺学校新校舍,包豪斯校舍。校舍主要由教学楼、生活用房和学生宿舍三部分组成。利用钢筋、钢筋混凝土和玻璃等新材料建造完成。在建筑结构上充分利用了窗与墙、混凝土与玻璃、竖向与横向、光与影的对比手法。同时又通过简洁的平屋顶,大片玻璃窗和白色墙面产生了不同的视觉效果。校舍的建造从建筑物的实用功能出发,按各部分的实用要求及其相互关系定出各自的位置和体型,成为现代主义建筑史上的里程碑。Speak of modern architecture, people would all relate it to the high-rise buildings of metropolis.

26、Take Beijing for example, the Guomao phase-3 building, national sports stadium, etc. have become new generation modern landmark architectures of Beijing. In peoples eyes, modern architecture is defined as large and tall in size and novel in appearance. In fact, what the modernism architectural style

27、 in late 19th century originally pursued is the beauty of simplicity. Perhaps it is beyond anyones imagination that this architectural style affecting the world for nearly a century was represented by the establishment of a school house. In 1926, architect and school president Gropius in Dessau, Ger

28、man, designed and built a new school house of architectural workmanship, Bauhaus Schoolhouse. The school house is composed of teaching building, residence and dormitories, which are constructed with such new materials as concrete iron, steel concrete and glass, etc. In architectural structure, contr

29、ast methods are fully applied between widow and wall, concrete and glass, horizontal and vertical, light and shadow. Meanwhile, the simple flat roof, large area of glass window and white wall all produce different visual effects. The construction of the schoolhouse starts from pragmatic function and

30、 locates the position and size by following the practical demand of each section and the relationship, representing a milestone in the modern architectural history.英译中第二题When I was 27 years old, I left a very a very demanding job in management consulting for a job that was even more demanding: teach

31、ing. I went to teach seventh graders math in the New York City public schools. And like any teacher, I made quizzes and tests. I gave out homework assignments. When the work came back, I calculated grades. What struck me was that I.Q was not the only difference between my best and my worst students. Some of my strongest performers did not have stratospheric I.Q. scores. Some of my smartest kids werent doing so well. And that got me thinking. The kind of things you need to learn in seventh grade math, sure,

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