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1、第一部分 听力测试(25分)一、情景反应 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(共5小题,计5分)( )1. A. Im happy. B. It is great. C. It was great.( )2. A. It is great. B. It was hard. C. Im happy. ( )3. A. By bus. B. Take a train. C. We chat on Wechat. ( )4. A. Good luck. B. Bad luck. C. Are you OK? ( )5. A. Y

2、es, I have. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I did.二、对话理解第一节:听5段小对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。( )6. Whats the population of China?A. 1.3billion. B. More than 1.3billion. C. Fewer than 1.3billion. ( )7. How long has he been in China?A. For 19 years. B. For 5 years. C. For 24 years. (

3、)8. How many countries has the woman been to?A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. ( )9. Has the man ever been to China?A. No, he hasnt. B. Yes, he has . C. Yes, he did. ( )10. What were the roads like in Laifeng twenty years ago?A. Wide but dirty. B. Wide and clean. C. Narrow and dirty.第二节:听2段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从A、B、C三个选项

4、中选出最佳选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(共5小题,计7.5分)听第11段对话,回答第11至12小题。( )11. What will Tim give Mr. Smith? A. A Football. B.A ticket. C. A book.( )12. Where has Susan gone?A. To the classroom. B.To the gym. C. To the library. 听第12段材料,回答第13至15小题。( )13. What caused Ma Longs parents death?A. A flood. B. An earthquake.

5、 C.A traffic accident.( )14. Where does Ma Long live now?A. In his own home. B. In his uncles. C. In his aunts.( )15. What will the girl do for Ma Long ? A. Raise money. B. Provide clothes for him. C. Provide school things for him.三、短文理解 听短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出所给问题的最佳选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。短文读两遍。( )16.

6、When did Mr. Smith meet Sam? A. Yesterday morning. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Yesterday evening.( )17. What does Sam look like?A. Strong. B. Thin. C. Short.( )18. What did Sam use to like?A. Sports. B. Painting. C. Music.( )19. What is Sam now? A. A driver. B. A manager. C. A teacher.( )20. Who used

7、 to be a problem child?A. Sam. B. Mr. Smith. C. Sams friend.第二部分 基础知识运用(30分)4、单项选择 请从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(共15小题,计15分)( )21. This is _useful book. I have read it for _hour. A. an; a B. a; an C. an; /( )22.I think all the people should discourage_among teenagers.A. smoke B. to smo

8、ke C. smoking( )23.About_of the workers in the factory _born in the 1970s.A. two fifths; are B. two fifths; were C. two fifth; were( )24.America is a_country while China is a _country.A. developed;developing B. developing; developed C. developed; developed( )25.Most people have comfortable houses_no

9、wadays.A. live in B. to live in C. to live( )26.He used to _up late, but now he gets used to _up early. A. getting; getting B. getting; get C. get; getting( )27.Many things need_.A. to do B. be done C. to be done( )28.When did the meeting_?It has _for ten minutes.A. begin; began B. begun; begun C. b

10、egin; been on( )29.Why are you standing here? I am waiting for my son. He _back from school.A. hasnt come B. wont come C. doesnt come( )30. Where is your uncle?He has _abroad for 3 months.A. been B. gone C. went( )31. The population in China _ much _than _ of India. A. are; more; those B. is; larger

11、; that C. is; one( )32. Jim has made such great progress. So_.So_.A. he has; have you B. has he; you have C. he has; you have( )33. Hes never late for school, _? A. isnt he B. has he C. is he( )34. He hasnt heard from his friend_ last month. A. since B. for C. until( )35. Could you_me your bike, ple

12、ase?Sorry, I have _it _Jim.A. borrow; lend; for B. lend; lent; to C. borrow; to五、完形填空 请认真阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。Whats the population of China? There are more than a billion and three hundred 36 people in China. It is almost 37 of the worlds population. How to control the

13、population growth is one of the biggest 38 in China. Some people think 39 control the population growth. But I dont agree 40 them.The question is that we should make it known to everyone how serious the population problem is. Our farmland is becoming 41 to everyone. We have already got too many mout

14、hs to feed 42 we dont control the population growth, many people will die 43 hunger. Too fast population growth has been and will be bad for our nation. For example, there is less living space for each family. It is difficult for people 44 jobs. It will also cause the whole nation to be 45 water. Th

15、ough laws(法律) have been 46 to control the population growth, in some places 47 is done to carry out the law. We should make people 48 that it is foolish to bring too many children into the world. They should 49 do what they have been doing for many years.We are fighting against the rapid population

16、growth. Yes, the fighting wont end 50 everyone knows its importance and does something for it. Lets go on working hard on it together.( )36.A.hundreds of B.millions of C.million D.thousand( ) fifth five fifths D.fifth one( )38.A.problem B.problems C.difficulty D.difficulties ( )3

17、9.A.that is impossible for B.impossible ofC.that is impossible of impossible to( ) B.for C.with D.on( )41.A.less and less B.fewer and fewerC.more and more less D.more and more few( )42.A.Ifnot B.Unless C.Until D.If( )43.A.of B.about C.away D.out of( )44.A.find find C.of finding

18、und( )45.A.short for B.badly in C.short of D.good at( )46.A.pass B.passed C.broken D.past( )47.A.many B.little C.a lot D.much( ) know learn C.know D.learning( )49.A.not longer B.not more longer D.anyway( )50.A.until B.after C.when D.as第三部分 阅读理解(30分) 六、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)读A、B两篇材料,根据材料内容

19、,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(A)Paul I have been a volunteer as a French teacher for three months and it was a great experience to teach French. I really enjoyed it and I also improved my French.Helen During my college days, I joined a group called ROS (Reaching Out Society). We provid

20、e children and older people with food. It feels great to help other people. And now, I often give food to the homeless people in the street.Mike Im volunteering at an animal shelter (动物收容所)thats just for cats. I feed the cats and play with them. Its very fun. I was also volunteer at a hospital for a

21、 little more than 2 years. I answered phone calls, looked after patients and helped nurses. I did some cleaning too.Marian I did volunteer work to graduate from high school. It was a requirement. I volunteered at a school for disabled kids.I played basketball and other sports with them and served fo

22、od and drinks. It was actually pretty cool. If I werent so busy now, Id do it again.( )51. Paul used to be a volunteer as a _ for several months.A. nurse B. French teacher C. doctor D. P.E. teacher ( )52. The group called ROS provides _ for children and older people.A. information B. rooms C. food D

23、. clothes( )53. Mike was a volunteer at a hospital for_.A. three months B. a school year C. over 2 years D. three years( )54. One requirement for Marian to graduate from high school was _.A. to do sports B. to feed animals C. to pass a French exam D. to do volunteer work( )55. From the reading we ca

24、n learn_.A. Marian is busy now B. Helen often helps homeless animals now C. Paul isnt very good at French D. Mike loves dogs very much (B)Sara was sitting on the sofa and thinking about her birthday party. Because of the terrible storm, her parents decided to have the party the next weekend. Sara di

25、dnt understand why. They didnt live near the ocean.“Sara, you cant sit there all day,” her mother said. “Well have your party next weekend.”“Its not the same. My birthday is today, not next weekend.” Sara turned on the TV. She wanted to watch anything that wasnt about the storm. But just about every

26、 station was talking about it. “I cant even watch my favorite shows. This storm is ruining (毁灭) everything.” Her mother sat down next to her. “The storm is ruining a lot. Look at that. Those people are trying to save their houses. Could you imagine if we lost our home?”Sara looked at what was happen

27、ing on the TV. The storm did look bad. She knew shed be really sad if her family lost their home. “Whats going to happen to all those people? Will they be okay?” asked Sara. “Usually when theres a big storm like this, people raise money and send food and other things to the homeless families. Some p

28、eople even help rebuild houses.” “I want to help too,” said Sara. “Maybe I could give my birthday money away. Those people are going to need it more than me.”Her mother smiled. “Im really proud of you, Sara. Helping others is a great way to weather (经受住) the storm.”56. Which word best describes Sara

29、 at the beginning of the story?A. Excited. B. Unhappy. C. Worried. D. Surprised.57. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. The party. B. The sofa. C. The storm. D. The weekend. 58. What can we learn from the passage? A. Sara and her family lived near the ocean.B. Sara and her

30、family nearly lost their home.C. Sara learned the storm was really bad from TV.D. Sara watched her favorite shows on her birthday.59.At the end of the story, Sara decided to _.A. give her birthday money awayB. send food to the homeless familiesC. help the homeless people rebuild housesD. invite the homeless people to her birthday party60. Which is the best title of

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