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1、 She _ at home. 7. How _ your father?8. Mike and Liu Tao _ at school. 9. Whose dress _ this?10. Whose socks _ they?11. That _ my red skirt. 12. Who _ I?13.The jeans _ on the desk. 14.Here _ a scarf for you. 15. Here _ some sweaters for you. 16. The black gloves _ for Su Yang. 17. This pair of gloves

2、 _ for Yang Ling. 18. The two cups of milk _ for me. 19. Some tea _ in the glass. 20. Gao shans shirt _ over there. 第二课时(1)英语人称代词和物主代词 一、人称代词 表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词,叫做人称代词。人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表:单复人主宾宾主usme第一人Iwe you 第二人称you you you him he them she they her 第三人称 it 人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么

3、了。I am a teacher. You are student. He is a student, too. We/You/They are students. 人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。Give it to me. Lets go (lets =let us) 二、物主代词表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种,其人称和数的变化见下表。单数 复数 数 人称第三第一第三第二第一 第二人称 类别 人称 人称 人称 人称 人称 只供学习与交流 形容词性物主 代词以重读闭音节结尾,尾只有一个辅音字母,lost lost l

4、ose be(am,is) was been catch choose sell sold sold dig dug dug send sent sent do did done set set set draw drew drawn shall should drunk drink drank shine drive drove driven shone shone show showed shown eat ate eaten shut shut shut fall fell fallen sing sang felt sung feel felt sink find found sank

5、/sunk found sunk/sunken sit flew set flown set fly forgot/forgottesleep forget slept slept forgot n smell smelt froze freeze frozen smelt speak got spoke spoken got get spend gave give given spent spent spilt go gone went spill grow hang teach taught hit hit hit taught tell held told told hold held

6、think hurt hurt hurt thought thought throw threw keep kept kept thrown understand understood understood know knew known woken/wakewake woke/waked lay laid laid d learnt/learnewear wore learn learnt/learned worn will would left left leave win lend lent won won lent let write wrote let witten let lain

7、 lay lie Time Work 起床 6:00 your his my 形容词后是名单且词plan, stop . nod , caught caught grew grown our your her its planned, stopped . rang ring spoil spoilt their theirs 们的planned, stopped . nodded chattedrung risen run said seen spoilt stood swept swum taken 双chose hung/hanged hung/hanged chat chosen nod

8、ded rise stand rose stood 名词性物主代词写词尾辅音字母后加come have(has) yours mine -ed came had his hers come had its chattedrun sweep ours yours ran swept 汉语 cost hear 你的我的 cost heard 他的 她的cost heard 它的 我们的 say swim 他(她、它) 你们的said swam cut hide cut hid cut hidden see take saw took (my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+

9、名词形容词性物主代词 。如:,+名词故其后不必加名词而名词性物主代词则相当于形容词性物主代词 book? Is this your book) hers(her its it isnt, No,,mine. is This pen 代词练习(一) 一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。. )/ youNice to meet (your I)mother. 2. is1. This (my / name? her)s(she / is Mark. 4. What(3. He / His)name Li? Miss / you)Are 6. (your (5. Excuseme / my /

10、 I). sister. is my Her(She / ) 8. )7. (I/ Myam Ben. )he / his 10. How old is (youthank 9. Fine , (your / ). 二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。brothers. he ) _ 1. These are ( sister. ) _( That is she 2. sister. Lucy ) ( 3. Lily is _ Mary. cousin, me _ this 4. Tom, is ( ) 5. Now _(her parent) are in America. 6. Those _

11、( child ) are _ ( I ) fathers students. 7. Do you know _ ( it ) name?8. Mike and Tom _ ( be ) friends. 9. Thanks for helping _( I ). 10. _(Ann安)mother is _(we) teacher. 三、单项选择。( )1. My family _ a big family. My family _all here. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is ( )2. This is _. A. a pictu

12、re of family B. a picture of my family D. a s picture family of my picture a C. family( )3. Lets _ good friends. A. be B. are C. is D. am ( )4. Is she your aunt? Yes, _. A. shes B. her is C. she is D. he is ( )5. Are _ coats yours? Yes, they are . A. they B. these C. this D. there ( )6. Is that _ un

13、cle? No, it isnt A. he B. she C. her D. hers ( )7. Mrs. Green is _ grandmother. A. Jim and Kate B. Jim and Kates C. Jims and Kates D. Jim and Kates( )8. Do you know the name _Mr. Greens son?A. in B. of C. on D. or ( )9. _ the great photo of your family. A. thank for B. Thanks for C. Thank for D. tha

14、nks for ( )10. Are those your friends? _. A. Yes, theyre thosYes, D. are they Yes, C. are they No, B. are e 代词练习(二) 一、用适当的代词填空much. 1We like _ him) very (he, his , yours)? your, guitar _ (you, Is 2this Li. is Li name 3_(She, Her, Hers) mine). (I, desk for _ my, me, a 4Father bought today. is very co

15、ld Its, 5_ (It, Its) Mike? book, Is 6this your )are. Yes ,_(we, you, they classmates? Tom Are you and 7)are. ,they _(we, Yes, you pal. pen has) _( the Each 8of students have, a ),too. to I dog. a He 9has want _(it, have one 10Her parents are _ (both, all ,either )teachers. 11The text is easy for you

16、 .There are _( few, a few ,little, a little) new words in it . 12I want _( some, any) bananas. Give me these big _(one, ones). 二、选择正确的答案 1Is this _ book? Ayou BI Cshe Dyour 2Its a bird. _ name is Polly. AIts BIts CHis DIt 3Whats that ?_ a jeep. Aits BIts CIts Dits 4Whats that in English? _. AIts egg

17、 BThats egg CIts a egg DIts an egg 5Whose cat is this ? Is it yours? Is it a white _? Acats Bone Cones Dcats 6Please give the book to _. AI Bme Cmy Dmine 7_skirt is yours? AWhose BWhere CHow DWhich 8_ is this pen ? Its Wang Fangs. AWhos BWhose CWhere DWhich 9Kate and Mike do _ homework in the evenin

18、g. Aones Bhis Cher Dtheir 10There isnt _ water in the bottle. Aany Bsome Cno Da 课时二(2)简单句 一 陈述句 陈述句的否定结构:陈述句的否定式主要用两种结构来表达:(1)句子的谓语动词为be , have 或者谓语动词有助动词、情态动词时,其否定结构为:主语+谓语动词/助动词/情态动词 + not + 其他成分 I am not a teacher. 我不是老师。We have not (havent) any books on animals. 我们没有任何有关动物方面的书。The children are n

19、ot (arent) playing in the playground. 孩子们没在操场上玩。He will not (wont) come. 他不会来。We must not (mustnt) forget the past. 我们不能忘记过去。It could not (couldnt) be lost. 它不可能丢的。(2) 当句子的谓语动词是do (即行为动词),而且没有助动词或情态动词时,其否定结构为:主语+do (does,did) + not + 动词原形 + 其他成分 You do not (dont) come here every day . 你没有每天都来这里。He d

20、oes not (doesnt) teach this class . 他不教这个班。They did not(didnt) watch TV last night . 昨晚他们没看电视。注意:陈述句的语调一般用降调。但在表示疑问的语气时,用升调,在书面上要用问号来表示。You really want to go to Hong Kong ? 你真的想去香港吗?这句话表示的是一种疑问,只不过是通过陈述的语序和疑问的语气来表达的 二 疑问句 疑问句是用来提出疑问的句子,句末用问号“?”。常考的疑问句有四类,即:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句。第一节 一般疑问句 一般疑问句通常需要

21、用yes 或no 来回答,所以又叫做“是非疑问句”。在读这种句子时 要用升调。一般疑问句主要有以下几种类型:1、“be + 主语 + 表语”结构 Are you sleepy ? 你困了吗? Yes, I am . 是的,我困了。3、“情态动词 + 主语言+ 行为动词(或be)”结构 May/Can I use the telephone? 我能用这部电话吗? Yes, you can. 是的,可以。5、“助动词(do, does, did)+ 主语 + 行为动词”结构 Do you like swimming in summer? 你喜欢夏天游泳吗? No, I dont . 不,我不喜欢。

22、难点提示 回答否定性一般疑问句时,要在Yes 后面用肯定结构,表示肯定;在No 后面用否定结构,表示否定。注意在说法上正好与汉语习惯相反。诀窍是在回答的时候,只要把它当成没有加否定形式的普通一般疑问句看待就可以了。注意下面例句的回答和它的意思。 Is he not your elder brother? 他不是你的哥哥吗?Yes, he is . 不,他是(我的哥哥)。No, he is not. 是的,他不是(我的哥哥)。 Isnt she very clever? 她难道不是很聪明吗? Yes, she is. 不,她很聪明。 No, she is not . 是,她不聪明。第二节 特殊疑

23、问句 一、特殊疑问句是用来提出来特定问题的疑问句,要求听到问题的人针对特定情况来做具体的回答,不能像一般疑问句一样简单地用Yes 或No 来回答,特殊疑问句要用降调来读。二、特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 Who do English homework in the evening?谁晚上做英语家庭作业?What do you do in the evening?你晚上做什么?What homework do you do in the evening?你晚上做什么家庭作业?When do you do English homework?你什么时候做英语家庭作业?三、注意:对人提

24、问时who“谁” 对所属(谁的)提问用whose“谁的” 对哪一个提问用which“哪一个” 对时间提问用when“什么时候”或what time“几点” 对物体提问用what“什么” 对地点提问用where“哪里” 对原因提问用why“为什么” 对方式提问用how“怎么样” 对数量提问用how many“多少”(用于可数名词复数)或how much“多少”(用于不可数名词) 四、难点提示 1、 以why开头的特殊疑问句否定形式常用于表示建议、请求等。 Why dont you have a try? 你为什么不试试呢?2、 特殊疑问句常用到一些缩略形式,在平时学习中要注意习惯这些用法。I dont want to go there. How about you? 我不想去那儿,你呢?But what else? 可是

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