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1、归纳in the direction of 朝着的方向 under ones direction 在某人指导下拓展direct adj. 直接的v. 指导 director n. 指导者,导演As shots rang out,the crowd ran screaming in all directions.枪声响起的时候,人群尖叫着四散奔逃。7disappoint v使失望拓展disappointing adj.令人失望的 disappointed adj. 感到失望的disappointment n. 失望We all think it is a disappointing match

2、and we are all disappointed at it.我们都认为这是一场令人失望的比赛,我们对此都感到很失望。8discover v发现,察觉拓展discovery n. 发现 make a discovery 作出一个发现 (2010江西卷)There are many talented actors out there just waiting to be discovered.许多有天赋的演员就在那里等着被发现。9distance n距离,疏远归纳in the distance 在远处 at a distance 隔开一段距离 keep sb. at a distance

3、疏远某人拓展distant adj. 远的,(关系)淡漠的There has been a great distance between us since our quarrel.自从吵架以来,我们之间一直很疏远。10distinguish v区分,辨别归纳distinguish.from 把与区分开来拓展tell.from. 把与区分开Please tell me how to distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmless one.请告诉我如何区分毒蛇和无毒之蛇。11disturb v打扰;扰乱拓展disturbing adj. 令人不安的Sor

4、ry to disturb you,but I have an urgent message from your husband.对不起打扰了,可我有你丈夫的紧急信息。12bear v忍受Sue cant bear being parted from her daughter. 休无法忍受与她的女儿分开。13stand v忍受,容忍How can you stand Mary coming home late all the time?你怎么能容忍玛丽总是晚回家?14tolerate v容忍She tolerated his bad behaviour patiently,hoping he

5、would begin to behave better.她耐着性子容忍他的不良表现,希望他能开始变好。15put up with 容忍,忍受I dont know how you put up with their constant quarrelling.我不知道你是如何忍受他们无休止的争吵的。16doubt n& v.怀疑归纳There is no doubt that.不容置疑。There is some doubt whether. 怀疑是否。There is some doubt whether he is the best man for the job.人们怀疑他是否是这项工作

6、的最佳人选。17dream n& v梦,做梦,梦想归纳dream a .dream 做的梦 dream of/about 梦想It has long been his dream to sail across the Atlantic alone.很长时间以来独自横渡大西洋一直是他的梦想。18.eager adj.渴望的,热切的归纳be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 be eager for 渴望 be too eager to do sth. 太想做某事Some patients are only too eager to tell you exactly how they

7、feel.某些病人非常想向你倾诉他们的感受19effect n结果,影响归纳have an effect on 对有影响 come into effect 生效拓展influence n& v. 影响 affect vt. 对有影响The medicine had an instant effect on me. 这药我吃了以后立竿见影。20effort n努力,尽力归纳make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事 spare no effort 不遗余力It takes a lot of time and effort to get an exhibition ready.

8、准备展览是要花费大量的时间和精力的。21embarrass v使窘迫,尴尬拓展embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的 embarrassed adj. 尴尬的The firm wants to avoid any embarrassing questions about its finances.公司想避开任何有关其财政方面的令人尴尬的问题。22encourage v鼓励,鼓舞归纳encourage do sth. 鼓励某人做某事拓展encouragement n. 鼓励(2009天津卷)Encouraged by the advances in technology,ma

9、ny farmers have set up wind farms on their land.受科技进步的激励,很多农民在他们的田地上建起了风力发电农场。23energetic adj.精力旺盛的,精力充沛的拓展energy n. 精力,能量 full of energyenergetic 精力充沛的The task will take an enormous amount of time and energy.这项任务将耗费大量的时间和精力。24enthusiastic adj.热情的,热心的归纳be enthusiastic about 对热心拓展enthusiasm n. 热情,热心T

10、hey are more than enthusiastic about the idea of the singer coming to visit.他们对这位歌星要来访一事非常热心。25equal adj.平等的,相等的vt.等于,相当于 归纳be equal to 和相等,能胜任拓展equality n. 相等,平等He equals me in qualifications but not in experience. 他和我资历相同,但经验不足。26equip vt.装配;配备归纳be equipped with 被装备拓展equipment n. 装备,配备This is a fa

11、ctory equipped with all the modern machinery.这是一家配备有各种现代机械设备的工厂。27evidence n证据,证明归纳in evidence 显著的拓展evident adj. 明显的There is some evidence that a small amount of alcohol is good for health.有证据表明少量饮酒有益健康。28expand v膨胀;扩大拓展expansion n. 扩大,发展;膨胀As children grow older they expand their interests and beco

12、me more confident.随着儿童的成长,他们的兴趣会变广,人也会变得更自信。29exist vi.存在拓展existence n. 存在 come into existence 产生;成立 in existence 现存的,现有的Scientists have many theories about how the universe came into existence.科学家对宇宙的产生有很多说法。30expense n费用,花费,损失归纳at any expense 不管付出什么代价 at the expense of 付出的代价拓展expensive adj. 昂贵的His

13、 parents decided to cut down his expenses at college.他父母决定削减他在大学的开支。31experience n经验;经历 vt. 体验 拓展experienced adj. 经验丰富的He experienced great hardships for the first time in his life.他平生第一次遇到了巨大的坎坷。32express vt.表达;表示 n特快列车;快递服务拓展expression n. 表达;表情Parents have expressed their concerns about their chil

14、drens safety.家长们表示对孩子们的安全很关心。33face n脸;面部 v面对;面临 归纳in (the) face of 面对 make a face/faces 扮鬼脸 be faced with 面临;面对Faced with a difficult situation,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.面对困境,阿诺德决定向他的老板征求建议。34fail n& v.失败归纳fail in在中失败 fail to do sth. 未能做某事 without fail 必定;一定拓展failure n. 失败Having fai

15、led to reach them on the phone,we sent an email instead.没能通过电话与他们取得联系,我们就发了个电子邮件。35familiar adj.熟悉的归纳be familiar with sth. 熟悉,通晓 be familiar to sb. 对人来说是熟悉的People are more relaxed in familiar surroundings.人们在熟悉的环境里更放松。36fancy n想象(力);爱好v喜欢;想象adj.精致的;花哨的d just like plain brown shoes,nothing fancy. 我就想

16、要朴素的棕色鞋,不要花式的。37favo(u)r n恩惠;好意;帮助归纳ask a favor of sb. 请某人帮助 do sb. a favor/do a favor for sb. 帮某人忙 in favor of 支持,赞同拓展favourite adj. 特别热爱的 favourable adj. 善意的,适合的,有利的I would consider it a favor if you would reply at once. 如果你们立刻回复,我会很感激38figure n数字;图形;体型;人物v认为,判断 归纳figure in把考虑在内 figure on 指望 figur

17、e out 理解;计算出He couldnt figure out how to print out the document until the teacher showed it to him.直到老师教给他看,他才明白如何打印文件。39fluency n流利,流畅归纳with fluency流利地拓展fluent adj. 流利的,流畅的As a teacher,she is fluent,witty,but also scholarly. 作为老师,她流利,风趣而且知识渊博。40focus v集中(注意力、精力)于 n焦点,中心点 归纳focus.on 把集中于 focus on 集中

18、注意力于We must focus (our attention) on urgent problems.我们必须集中关注迫在眉睫的问题。41forbid vt.禁止,不许归纳forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事 forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事You cant smoke hereits strictly forbidden. 你不能在此吸烟,这是严令禁止的。42fortunate adj.幸运的,侥幸的拓展fortunately adv. 幸运地 fortune n. 运气,财富Fortunately the fire was discovered so

19、on after it started.幸运的是大火在烧了不久就被发现了。43furniture n(总称)家具拓展furnish vt. 装备,配备The shop furnishes everything that is needed for mountain climbing.商店里陈列着登山所需的一切物品。44grateful adj.感激的,感谢的归纳be grateful to sb. for sth.因某事向某人表示感谢I would be grateful if you could/would.如果你能我将感激不尽。We would be most grateful if yo

20、u could confirm these arrangements immediately.如果你能立刻批准这些安排,我们将非常感激。45guarantee n& v.保证,担保归纳be under guarantee 在保修期内The government provides help for small businesses,but it cant guarantee their success.虽然政府为小型企业提供帮助,却不能保证它们会成功。46guilty adj.有罪的;内疚的You shouldnt feel guilty all the timeyouve done nothi

21、ng to be ashamed of.你不应该总是感到愧疚你没干什么可丢脸的事。47harmony n和谐,融和归纳in harmony with 与和谐;与协调一致t think your suggestions are in harmony with the aims of this project.我认为你的建议与这个工程项目的宗旨不一致。48hesitate v犹豫,踌躇归纳hesitate to do sth. 对做某事有顾虑拓展hesitation n. 踌躇,犹豫 without hesitation 毫不迟疑Dont hesitate to contact me if you

22、 need any more information.如果你还需要什么信息就不要犹豫直接与我联系。49honour (honor) n尊敬,荣誉 vt.尊敬,尊重 归纳in honor of 为向表示敬意,为纪念I had the honor of presenting the awards at the ceremony.我有幸在仪式上为他人颁奖。50identity n身份,特征拓展identify v辨别,确认(身份等) identification n. 身份证,确认身份The identity of the killer is still unknown. 凶手的身份尚未得知。51i

23、ndicate v表明;象征,暗示拓展indication n. 迹象The survey results seem to indicate a connection between poor housing conditions and bad health. 调查结果似乎暗示着住房条件差与不良健康有着某种联系。52inform vt.通知;告诉归纳inform sb.of 通知某人拓展information n. 信息Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.请尽快通知我们地址方面的变化。53insist v

24、坚持;坚决要求归纳insist on doing sth. 坚持做某事He insisted that he had done nothing wrong and (should) be set free.他坚持说他没做错事,应该被释放。54intend v想要,打算归纳intend to do sth. 想要做某事 intend sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 be intended for专为而设计的,专供使用的拓展intention n.意图Fewer films are intended for old people than the young.目前老年人的电影比青年人

25、的电影少。55judge n法官,裁判员v判断,评价,断定 归纳judging by/from 根据来判断拓展judgement n. 判断Judging by the look on her face,the news must have been terrible. 从她脸上的神情看,消息一定不好。56lack n& vt.缺乏,短缺归纳for lack of 因缺少His real problem is that he lacks confidence. 他真正的问题是他缺乏信心。57likely adj.可能的adv.很可能 归纳be likely to do sth. 可能会做某事

26、It is likely that. 可能会 Not likely! 绝不可能!The study shows some people are more likely to suffer back problems.研究表明某些人更可能受背部问题的困扰。58lose v失去;输掉;(钟)走慢归纳lose heart 灰心,失去信心 lose weight 减肥拓展loss n. 失去,损失 at a loss 困惑,不知所措I was at a complete loss as to how to find the money in time.至于如何及时找到这笔钱,我彻底不知所措。59man

27、ner n方式;举止;礼貌(常用复数)It is bad manners to make a noise while eating soup. 喝汤的时候弄出响声是不礼貌的。60means 方法;手段;工具归纳means of transportation交通工具 by all means无论如何,务必;(用于回答)当然可以,别客气 by no means 一点也不,决不We had no means of transportation except for two bicycles.除了两辆自行车我们没别的交通工具。61mess n杂乱,混乱归纳in a mess 杂乱无章,脏乱不堪 make a mess of 把搞得一塌糊涂

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