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1、45) Opening Ceremony:45主持人:吴向东 教授 Chair: Prof. WU Xiangdong9:10校领导致辞 University Leader Addresses10-9:20北京师范大学价值与文化研究中心主任韩震教授致辞 Prof. Han Zhen, Director of Research Centre for Value and Culture, BNU20-9:30北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院院长江怡教授致辞 Prof. Jiang Yi, Dean of College of Philosophy and Sociology, BNU 30-9:45合

2、影(京师广场)Photo-taking at the Jingshi Square with the Main Building of BNU45-10:00 茶歇 Tea break10:00 第一场大会发言 Plenary 1江怡教授Chair:Professor Jiang Yi00-10:20 约翰塞尔(美国加州大学伯克利分校) John Searle(University of California at Berkely, USA) 语言与社会本体论 Language and Social Ontology20-10:40 李德顺(中国政法大学) LI Deshun(China Un

3、iversity of Political Science and Law, China) 简析当代中国价值研究的几个疑点 Some Problems on the Research of Values in Contemporary China40-11:00 曼达托夫(俄罗斯远东国立大学)Mantatov Viacheslav(Far Eastern National University, Russia) 全球可持续发展的新型价值范式New Valuable Paradigm of Global Sustainable Development11:00-11:20 丰子义(北京大学) F

4、ENG Zhiyi(Peking University, China) 民族精神研究的几个问题 Some issues on the Research of National Spirit20-11:40张曙光(北京师范大学) ZHANG Shuguang (Beijing Normal University, China) 价值的构成与现代价值问题 The Formation of Values and Modern Axiological Questions 40-12:00讨论 Discussion 12:00-14:00午餐(实习餐厅) Lunch at Shi Xi Restaura

5、nt in the campus14:0018:00分组会议 Sessions第一组:中国哲学与价值哲学 Session 1: Chinese Philosophy and Value Theories主楼A805Venue: A805, Main Building 主持人: 王蓉蓉教授 李祥俊教授Chairs: Professor Robin R Wang Professor LI Xiangjun14:20 帕金斯(新加坡南洋理工大学;美国德保罗大学)Franklin Perkins (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; DePaul

6、University, USA) 中国古代哲学中的分歧问题 The Problem of Disagreement in Classical Chinese Philosophy20-14:40袁祖社(陕西师范大学) YUAN Zushe(Shanxi Normal University, China) “中国价值”的文化发现及其实践逻辑 The Cultural Discoveries and Practical Logic of “Chinese values”40-15:00李祥俊 (北京师范大学) LI Xiangjun(Beijing Normal University, China

7、) 中国哲学:一个未完成的叙事 Chinese Philosophy: A Developing Narration15:00-15:20刘成纪(北京师范大学)Liu Chengji(Beijing Normal University, China)中国美学的农业特征及其在风景中的显现The Agricultural Trait of Chinese Aesthetics and its Manifestation in Landscape20-15:40讨论 Discussion40-16:00茶歇Tea Break 16:00-16:20强昱(北京师范大学) Qiang Yu(Beijin

8、g Normal University, China)老子无为而治思想的现代启示Modern Significance of Laozis Thought of Quietism20-16:40王宁川(华南农业大学) Wang Ningchuan (Hunan Agricultural University, China) 文化对话:阴阳理论与全球化The Dialogue of Civilizations: Yin-Yang Theory and Globalization40-17:00章伟文(北京师范大学)Zhang Weiwen(Beijing Normal University, C

9、hina) 元代李道纯的道教易老学思想探析 An Exploration upon Li Dao-chuns Taoist Thoughts17:20王楷(北京师范大学) Wang Kai(Beijing Normal University, China) 作为德性伦理的儒家伦理学:基于荀子的研究 Confucian Ethics as Virtue Ethics: A Case Study Based on Xunzi(荀子)20-17:40蒋丽梅(北京师范大学) Jiang Limei(Beijing Normal University, China) 为学与为道之间王安石老子注的价值转向

10、 Between Study and Tao: the Value Change in Wang An-shis Notes on Laozi40-18:00讨论第二组:俄罗斯哲学与价值哲学 Session 2: Russian Philosophy and Value Philosophy主楼A802 A802, Main Building曼达托夫 教授刘孝廷 教授 Chairs: Professor Mantatov Viacheslav Professor Liu Xiaoting 20丰图索夫(俄罗斯远东国立大学) Vladimir Funtusov(Far Eastern Natio

11、nal University, Russia) 信息化全球化时代中虚拟时间的工程价值Engineering Value of Virtual Time in the Age of Information and Globalization40 雅鲁林(俄罗斯太平洋国立大学)Ildus Yarylin (Pacific National University, Russia) 全球化与非西方世界的价值变化(以俄国为例) Globalization and the Changing Values of Non-western World (The case of Russia)00别尔纽凯维奇(俄

12、罗斯后贝加尔国立大学) Bernyukevich Tatiana(Transbaikal State University, Russia) 文化交融分析中的哲学理念接受研究 Research into the Reception of Philosophical Ideas in Analyzing the Interaction of Cultures20库达绍夫教授(俄罗斯西伯利亚联邦大学) Kudashov Viacheslav(Siberia Federal University, Russia) 全球化时代的价值转型 Transformation of Values in the

13、Age of Globalization Discussion Tea Break 江畅 教授 Professor JIANG Chang 20 张百春(北京师范大学)Zhang Baichun(Beijing Normal University, China) 论哲学与宗教对待此世的否定态度 On the Negative Attitude towards Worldliness of Philosophy and Religion40贾英健(山东省委党校) Jia Yingjian(CPC College of Shandong Province, China) 论虚拟认同On Virtu

14、al Identity00林奇富(吉林大学)LIN Qifu ( Jilin University, China) 为描述性代表辩护 Defense of Descriptive Representation20郑国玉(重庆交通大学) Zheng Guoyu (Chongqing Communication University, China) 全球化背景下人的精神维度之缺失与重建 The Missing and Rebuilding of Mental Dimension in the Context of Globalization40 刘孝廷(北京师范大学) LIU Xiaoting(B

15、eijing Normal University, China) 中国实践哲学的当代价值一种博物学视角 The Modern Value of Chinese Practical Philosophyfrom the Perspective of Natural History第三组: 马克思主义哲学与价值哲学 Session 3: Marxist Philosophy and Value Theories主楼A811 A811, Main Building丰子义教授 晏 辉教授 Professor Feng Ziyi Professor Yan Hui20晏辉(北京师范大学) YAN Hui

16、(Beijing Normal University, China) 公共性、公共理性与公共价值 Publicity, Public Reason and Public Values40郑洁(重庆邮电大学) ZHENG Jie (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China) 改革开放30多年来我国社会价值观变迁的特点 Features of the Changing Values in the Era of Reform and Opening-up00类延村(中国政法大学) LEI Yancun (China Uni

17、versity of Political Science and Law) 论当代我国行政价值观演变的阶段规律以历次五年计划(规划)为视角 On the Changing Pattern of Administrative Values in Contemporary China20周志发 (浙江师范大学)ZHOU Zhifa (Zhejiang Normal University, China) 容错性民主理论建构基于“摸着石头过河”和“容错机制” On the Construction of the Trial and Error Theory of Democracy马俊峰 教授 Pro

18、fessor Ma Junfeng15 吴向东(北京师范大学) WU Xiangdong(Beijing Normal University, China) 价值核心问题及对该回答的前置性批评 The Core Issue of Values and the Prepositional Criticism of the Answer16:1516:30王黎静(陕西师范大学) WANG Lijing (Shanxi Normal University, China) 当代中国集体主义价值观的重构 The Rebuilding of Collectivism in Contemporary Chi

19、na3016:45邱仁富(上海大学) QIU Renfu (Shanghai University, China) 话语权与社会主义核心价值体系建构 Discourse Power and the Construction of Socialist Core Values4517:00张娜(上海师范大学) ZHANG Na (Shanghai Normal University, China) () 社会主义核心价值观凝练的思考 Reflections on the Extraction of Socialist Core Values0017:15 高来源 (黑龙江大学) GAO Laiyu

20、an (Heilongjiang University, China) 实践哲学视域下的道德与文化 Morality and Culture from the Perspective of Practical Philosophy 1517:30 宋友文(中国人民大学) SONG Youwen (Renmin University of China, China) “应当”之逻辑与现实研究马克思政治哲学的应有之义 The Logic and Reality of “Ought”30-18:00 讨论 18:00-20:00 招待晚宴(御马墩) Reception Dinner at Yu Ma

21、dun Restaurant 11月4日(周日)上午(8:30-12:November 4 (Sunday)(8:第二场大会发言 Plenary 2 Venue:帕金斯教授Professor Franklin Perkins8:30-8:50 鲍里斯于定(俄罗斯科学院) BorisYudin (Academy of Sciences, Russia) 技术进步是文化差异的倍增器 Technological Progress as the Multiplier of Cultural Difference50 -9:10诺曼列文(美国纽约大学)Norman Levine (New York Un

22、iversity, USA) 论美国特例主义价值体系 The Value System of American Exceptionalism10 -9:30 王蓉蓉 (美国罗耀拉大学) Robin R Wang(Loyola Marymount University, USA) 魂与魄:人类身体与身体培育的价值 Hun 魂 & Po 魄 Two Souls: The Values of Human Body and Body Cultivation30 -9:50 达卢奇多斯特(瑞典斯德哥尔摩索德托恩大学) Dariush M Doust (Sodertorn University,Swede

23、n) 劳动与新价值的转变 The Transformation of Labor and the Turning of New Values 50-10:10邹诗鹏(复旦大学)ZOU Shipeng(Fudan University, China) 现代中国的国家认同与民族意识 The National Identity and the Ethnic Consciousness of Modern China10-10:30讨论 30-10:40茶歇 李德顺 教授 Professor Li Deshun00麦格奈尔(美国德鲁大学) Thomas Magnell (Drew University

24、, USA) 题目待定 TBA20江畅(湖北大学)JIANG Chang (Hubei University, China) 论社会主义价值文化的先进性 On the Advantage of the Socialist Culture40 马俊峰(中国人民大学)MA Junfeng (Renmin University of China, China) 从世界历史的高度审视和理解“普世价值” Universal Values from the Perspective of World History40-11:50讨论 50-12:00闭幕式 Closing Ceremony00 午餐(同春园) Lunch at Tong Chun Yuan Restaurant

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