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1、a systematic education in traditional etiquette in class,they can get more prepared for the future.As is known,college students usually have learnt some traditional etiquettethrough daily interaction with friends and relatives,but the process is time-consuming耗时的.They have to be sensitive enough to

2、observe other peoples behaviorsand then know what proper behaviors in different social situations are.Sometimes the learning process is by trial and error试错法,反复试验.They can only form right behaviorsafter breaking the rules of conductand being corrected by the costly consequence.If they have already t

3、aken a systematic etiquette course in college,they can follow proper etiquette and have a more guaranteedif something is guaranteed, you will definitely have it future.Secondly, as these meticulous过度重视细节的 rules of conduct have been formedthroughout Chinese history,they are unique Chinese characteris

4、ticsand are inseparable to Chinese culture.With the adventthe coming of an important event of globalization,western culture is so influentialthat many young people often look to Western customsand etiquette as being fashionable.For example, nowadays most young women in Chinawould like to wear wester

5、n-style white dresses and veils面纱at wedding while traditional Chinese weddings feature red gowns女长服,长袍for brides and white is an absolute taboo禁忌. In the long term,if the trend趋向,时尚 to adopt western etiquette can not be curbed(curb):抑制,the Chinese generations in the future will lose their cultural i

6、dentity.Furthermore, the extinction of Chinese etiquettewill be to the detriment ofharming the diversity of global culture.To some extent,the course can serve to arouse唤醒 college students cultural prideand help to preserve保存 and further develop Chinese culture.In conclusion,taking traditional Chines

7、e etiquette in college will not onlymake graduates more prepared for their future,but also can constitute=be, equal an important measurean action, a step for college studentsto form Chinese cultural identityand therefore to preserve Chinese traditionand further develop it.Topic 2 Are Nowadays Colleg

8、e Graduates Not as Competent有能力的 as Before?As an economic rule goes, when supply outweighs(outweigh):v.(在重量、价值或重要性上)超过 demand, the price decreases(decrease):v.减少. The same seems true for the current situation for college graduates. Since 1999, the central government has implemented应用的 the Grand Coll

9、ege Enrollmentn.登记,注册,入伍 Plann.&vt.计划,打算, with the total number of college graduates on the increase in the following years. But the boomed(boom):.激增,繁荣,迅速发展 economy does not provide enough jobs for those graduates coming out at a time. Thereforead.因此,所以, many people reason that college graduates ar

10、e not as competent as before for many of them have difficulties in finding jobs. But I disagree with this conclusion.Firstly, admittedlyadv.不可否认地,诚然, there are some college graduates who are not competent, but these students can not represent all the students. Duea.预期的;应给的 to the Grand College Enrol

11、lment Plan, more and more high school students have accessn.接近;通道,入口 to the higher education. Inevitablyad.不可避免地, the standard has been lowered; otherwise, university can not admit so many applicants(applicant):n.申请人.While those smart students in high schools are more likely to have excellent perfor

12、mance, other not-so-good students would have difficulties in college learning. As a result, those graduates with bad performance in college can not demonstratevt.说明;论证;表露 the value of higher learning to the society and hencead.因此,所以;今后 they gradually form the incompetent image of college graduates.S

13、econdly, those who hold this negative opiniondo not take the social contextn.(事或人物等的)来龙去脉,背景 into consideration. As is known, in the period when China carried out planned economic policies, college graduates did not need to worry about their jobs, for “iron-bowls” waited for them after graduation. B

14、ut after the reform of higher education, college graduates have to find jobs for themselves. When hundreds of thousands of graduates compete for a limited number of job vacancies空缺额, there are inevitably many who can not procurevt.获得,取得,促成 ideal jobs. Besides, employmentn.就业 is always influenced by

15、global and national economy. When economy slows down, the corporaten.公司的 world would not recruitv.征募 as many employees as before. For example, in 2009, many college graduates, from both prestigiousadj.有声望的 universities and less-known universities, have difficulties in hunting jobs. In this sense, it

16、 is not college graduates that are incompetent, instead, it is the social context that is unfavorableadj.否定的,不利的 to college graduates.As factors combine to lead to a result, one can not simply reach conclusions without taking various factors into account. Otherwisead.另外;在其他方面, one would make reducti

17、onist mistakes. In this case, those who think college students are not as competent as before have made this kind of mistake. They just attributev.把(某事)归因于,认为是结果 college graduates difficulties in finding jobs to their incompetence, without exploring the social and economic situations.Topic 3 Is It M

18、eaningfuladj.有意义的 to Receive College Educationn.教育;教育学?Given the fact that many college studentshave difficulties in finding jobs in the recent,thousands of high school students are reportedto refuse to take the National College Entrance Examinationn.检查;考试.The news seems so convincing(convince):vt.使

19、确信,使信服 that many students,their parents,and the society reach the conclusionthat receiving college education is a waste of time and money.Undoubtedlyadv.毫无疑问地, these students can earnvt.赚得,挣得;获得 some money working in big citiesor running their own business in the near future.However, I am of opinion

20、 that this view is myopica.近视的,which is to the detriment of personal developmentand Chinas overalln.工装裤 a.全面的 growth in the long term.Firstly, in terms of personal development,university is not a vocationala.职业的 training center despite the factthat a university diploman.毕业文凭,毕业证书 indicates graduates

21、are more likely to find decentadj.合适的 jobs. Instead, universityis a place for personal cultivationn.培养 and improvement.In universities, students will learn to find their real interests,perfect their personality,and form right outlooks toward the world.Furthermore, students will learn to gather, anal

22、yze,and evaluatev.评价,估计 informationso that they can resolvevt.解决;决心 n.决心 problems in their lives.For those who are suspiciousadj.怀疑的 of the value of higher learning,to some extent,they can be regarded as plutolatry财富崇拜,拜金主义.They worshipn.礼拜;崇拜 vt.崇拜 money and believethat money is everything in their

23、 lives.Secondly, in terms of national growth,the advancement of a nationn.民族,国家 is characterizedby its greatness of high education.In this sense, universities are the centers of researchand academic exploration. Take the Unitedadj.统一的;联合的 States(state):n.州;国家;政府 for instance.Among the top 100 univer

24、sities in the world,the majority of them are located in the United States.The advancement of US high education is indicativeadj.表示的,暗示的 ofthe fact that those universities produce the most Nobeln.诺贝尔 Prize laureates(laureate):a.戴桂冠的,用月桂树造的,荣誉的in comparison with other countries.American universities a

25、lso turn out to be a magnetn.磁铁,磁石,磁体 for most smart students around the world.Those universities contributev.导致 tremendous share to the US growththrough scientific and technologicala.技术的 support.In China,if the belief that receiving college education is a waste of timeand money can not be corrected

26、 in time,it is inevitablea.不可避免的,必然的 that China can only reapv.得到,获得(报酬、成果等);收割,收获 short-terma.短期的 GDP growthbut will be deprived(deprive):v.剥夺 of opportunity tobecome a competitiveadj.竞争的,比赛的 international players in the long run,for the human resource will be drained(drain):vt.排去;放水 n.耗竭 eventuall

27、yad.终于;最后.In sum,receiving college education will benefit both individual and the country.Indicative of the direadj.可怕的;悲惨的 job marketfor college graduates is not the uselessness of college education.Instead, college education means we should study harderto make a full preparation for the future.Top

28、ic 4 Can College Village Heads Plan Really Help?Due to the Grand College Enrollment Plan,the number of university graduateshas been on the increasesince the central government started implementing实现 the plan.Though the plan helps improve our national quality,it creates pressure for the job markets.With so many college students coming out at a time,many graduates have difficulties in finding su

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