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八年级英语下册《Unit 1 Past and present第2课时》导学案新版牛津版Word文档格式.docx

1、9、 意识到这个问题10、 采取行动改进情况11、在某种程度上12、 和以前一样频繁13、 过去常常打牌14、 感到有点儿孤独 二、词汇运用。1、Were there many _in the city in the past? (工厂)2、 The boy that he had made a mistake and his face turned red、 (意识到)3、 The old ladys _used to be a policeman、 (丈夫)4、 Mr、 Chen moved out of the town when he _ Ann、 (结婚)5、 After the _

2、, we know Sunshine Town very well、 (采访)6、 _, its interesting to see the snow in the early spring、 (即使这样)7、 He was badly hurt and the _is terrible、 (情况)8、 We shouldnt dump the _ into the river、 (废弃物)9、 I live two _away from my parents, so I can visit them as often as possible、(街区)10、 The people have

3、lived in the village all their_、 (life)【知识链接】1、When I got married in1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away、 ( Page8 Line5)married adj、 已婚的,结婚的marry v、 (1)get married 意为“结婚”,通常不说出结婚的对象。(2)marry sb、 表示 “和结婚” “嫁给某人” “娶了某人”。(3)get/ be married to sb、意为“ 和结婚”,其中get married to sb、强调结婚的行为,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用b

4、e married to sb、表示已婚的状态,可与for表示一段时间的状语连用。e、g、 两年前,她和一位医生结婚了。Two years ago she _ _ _a doctor、去年她嫁给了一个公务员。L ast year she _ an office worker、他们于xx年结婚。T hey _ _ in xx、2、 Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time、 (Page9Line21)(1)a bit一点儿,相当于a little,修饰形容词时常可互换。修饰不可数名词时,通常用a bit of/ a little结构。e 、g、 这篇文章

5、对我来说有点难。T his article is _ _ _ for me、 你能给我一点水吗?Can you give me water? = Can you give me _ _ _ water?(2)lonely 指人时,强调内心的孤独、寂寞;指地方时,强调荒凉。a lone意思是独自的,单独的,alone = _ _ =_ _ _e、g、 ( )- What do you think of living _ in the big flat?- I think I will feel _、A、 on your own; alone B、 by yourself;C、 alone; lo

6、nely D、 lonely; alone3、 Tell me more about your interview with Mr Chen, Millie、 (Page11 Line1)interview n、 have an interview with sb、 采访某人v、 interview sb、 采访某人e、g、 李娜赢得澳网冠军后,许多记者等候在机场采访她。Many reporters waited at the airport to _ _ _ _ Li Na after she won the first at Australian Open、【自主课堂作业】一、词汇运用。1

7、、They used to _in the square in the evening、 (dance)2、 There was a stall in the _ part of the city ten years ago、 (north)3、 The river is much _ after people stopped putting the waste into it、 (clean)4、 His daughter got _ in the twenties、 (marry)5、 Danny and Daniel are brothers, and their (wife)are s

8、isters、 Thats interesting、6、 Peoplet have realized that _ is a serious problem、 (pollute)7、 It is wrong _food to animals in the zoo、 (throw)8、 Its _ for a1-year-old baby to count from1 to100、 (possible)9、 He felt _and missed his parents and friends when he lived in the room by himself、 (alone)10、 Th

9、e government decide to t factory into a new park, so we can have fun there、二、句型转换1、同义句转换。1)、 My mother was a teacher in the past、 My mother _ _ _a teacher、2)、 I miss my old friend sometimes、 I miss my old friend _ _ _ _、3)、 Last year, Tom married Mary、 Last year, Tom and Mary _ _、4)、 This maths prob

10、lem is much easier than that one、 That maths problem is much _ _than this one、5)、 The town has changed a lot、 Great changes _ _ _ain the town、6)、They went to the center of the city by bus、(同义句转换)They _ _ _to the center of the city、7)I bought a new bike just now、 (同义句转换)I_ just_a new bike、2、They have

11、 been here since20000、(对划线部分提问)_ _have they been here?三、根据中文提示完成句子1、深圳已经变成了一座现代化城市。S henzhen _ _ _a _city、2、这位老人独自生活,但并不感到寂寞。The old man _ _, but he doesnt_ _、3、在过去的几年里我的生活发生了很大的变化。M y life _ _ _ _ in the past few years、4、我像以前一样经常看NBA比赛。I watch NBA matches _ _ _ _、5、 你叔叔曾是工程师,是吗?Your uncle _ _ _an e

12、ngineer,_ _?6、后来政府意识到问题并且采取措施改善情况。T he _ _the problem and took action_ _the _、四、根据首字母提示补全短文Most people think that the older you get, the harder it is to l1 a new language、 That is, they believe that c2 learn more easily than the grown-ups、 So at some points in our lives, maybe around age12 or13, we

13、lose the ability to learn languages well、 Is this the fact?Is it t3 that children learn a foreign language more easily than the grown-ups? One report, on2,000 Danish children studying Swedish, showed that the t4 learn more in less time than the younger children、 Another report, on Americans learning

14、 Russian, showed the ability to learn increased as the age increased、 T5 are several possible explanations(解释)for these findings、 F6 _ one thing, grown-ups know more about the world and are a7 to understand meanings more easily than children、 Moreover, grown-ups can use logical thinking to help them

15、selves in the language learning、 F8 , grown-ups have more self-discipline(自律) than children、All in all, it s9 that the common idea that children are better language learners than adults may not be a f10 , but a myth、(谬论)1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_五、完型填空 China is a country that is changing very quickly ove

16、r the past fifty years and1 you look closely(仔细地)you can see it2 in front of your eyes、 Fifty years ago, everybody travelled around by bike、 Today lots of people in China still ride their bikes3 school or work, but many people also take the bus or travel4 underground、 There are some people who even

17、drive their own cars、 Shops5 small businesses but now the centre of Chinas cities are full of6 department stores、 In these department stores, you can buy7 you want in one trip、 You can buy food, toys, bikes and even televisions、 Television is8 change that China has seen、 Many children would say that

18、 they can not imagine life9 TV set , but years ago they had to live without them、 The Internet and the computer have only recently become regular items in our lives、 Without the Internet, people would not10 to get information as quickly as they can now and the Internet helps to make people11 friends

19、 all over the world、 Computers help12 children and adults in their13 lives Many students are lucky enough14 able to use them to do their homework or15 with their friends and sometimes play games、 ( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )1、A、 even if2、 A、 be changing3、 A、 from4、 A、 with5、 A、 is6、

20、 A、 large7、 A、 anything8、 A、 others9、 A、 with one10、 A、 can be able to1A、 being12、 A、 both13、 A、 every day14、 A、 be15、 A、 speakB、 ifB、 to changingB、 to B、 at B、 wasB、 largerB、 somethingB、 one B without oneB、 be able toB、 beenB、 allB、 everydayB、 beingB、 chattingC、 althoughC、 changingC、 in C、 inC、 areC、 smallC、 everythingC、 the othersC、 with itC、 able toC、 beC、 eitherC、 some dayC、 to beC、 chatD、 soD、 changesD、 atD、 byD、 wereD、 smallerD、 nothingD、 anotherD、 without itD、 couldD、 to beD、 neitherD、 somedayD、 toD、 speaking

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