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1、英语复习资料A英语复习资料一、Grammar(语法): Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A ),B),C) and D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence(这一部分有20个不完整的句子,每句下面有A)、B)、C)和D)四项选择。选择其中最能使句子意思完整的一项。) Look at the

2、example: Neither Bill nor his parents at home. A) is B) are C) has D) was The sentence should read,Neither Bill nor his parents are at home. Therefore,you should choose B). 1. It is only walk from here to my school. A) ten minutes B) a ten minutes C) ten minutes D) a ten-minutes 2. China is a countr

3、y with population. A)large B) largest C) the large D) a large 3. Summer in Shanghai is not as hot as in Hangzhou. A) this B) one C) that D) the one 4. Shall I come on Monday or Tuesday? day is OK. A) Either B) Any C) Every D) Each 5. He was born June 9,1975. A) in B) on C) at D) during 6. Their fact

4、ory is ours. A) as three times big as B) the three times of C) three times the size of D) three times big as 7. Swimming is a good sport health. A) to B) for C) with D) in 8. Dont worry. I still have money in my pocket. A) few B) little C) a few D) a little 9. Her sister sings she does. A) as beauti

5、fully as B) so beautifully as C) as beautifully like D) beautifully than 10. She is good a girl that every one of us likes her. A) too B) very C) such D) so 11. Mr. Smith has gone . A) abroad B) to abroad C) from abroad D) to the abroad 12. The boys back from vacation. A) just come B) came just C) w

6、ill just come D) have just come 13. She cant dance and I cant . A) also B) as well C) either D) too 14. Not until twelve to bed. A) he went B) did he go C) has he gone D) he will go 15. He said,You ought that library book back to the library. A) take B) taking C) to take D) to be taken 16. Her fathe

7、r is over 80, he is in very good health. A) for B) but C) though D) if 17. Go to see the doctor at once, your cold may get worse. A) unless B) but C) or D) and 18. You worry about your son. He is well looked after in the hospital. A) cant B) mustnt C) may not D) neednt 19. Lets start the work right

8、now, ? A) shall we B) will you C) dont we D) will we 20. A talk on American history by Mr. Black tomorrow. A) is given B) has been given C) will be given D) is being given 21. It was six oclock in the afternoon they arrived at the hotel. A) since B) before C) when D) because 22. He is a friend . A)

9、of my father B) of my fathers C) to my fathers D) with my father 23. of us is interested in music. A) Every B) All C) Both D) Every one 24. I had no idea what he was talking about, . A) and John didnt B) nor John did C) and neither did John D) so didnt John 25. of students passed the exam last Monda

10、y. A) Hundreds B) Hundred C) The hundreds D) A hundred 26. Your new bike looks mine. A) as B) after C) at D) like 27. I think Dr. Green will be back in hour. A) B) the C) an D) a 28. In many big cities, the air is made by cars,buses and factories. A) be dirty B) dirty C) to be dirty D) being dirty 2

11、9. This pair of shoes is big for me. A) enough B) too C) very D) quite 30. I know little about this area, I decided to go to the police station first. A) because B) if C) though D) so 31. The teacher is very tired, she is still working very hard. A) or B) but C) unless D) while 32. Lesson One is of

12、the three. A) the easiest B) easier C) easiest D) the easier 33. These beautiful flowers are made paper. A)by B) of C) from D) with 34. Ill tell him about it when he back. A) will come B) is coming C) has come D) comes 35. John said he would phone us he got to New York. A) until B) since C) as soon

13、as D) as 36. You cant take back you said at the meeting. A) that B) what C) whether D) when 37. Would Alice attend the meeting if she ? A) could B) can C) will D) might 38. Most of the earth with water. A) covers B) are covered C) is covered D) cover 39. Bring it nearer I may see it clearly. A) for

14、B) then C) so that D) till 40. Be quiet!Im listening to what the speaker . A) says B) is saying C) said D) has said41. He, together with his parents, to the cinema. A) are going B) is going C) have gone D) has been going 42. Half of the work finished. A) has B) is C) are D) have 43. Lets go to the l

15、ibrary, ? A) shall we B) will you C) dont you D) dont we 44. I bought at the bookshop last Sunday. A) a China map B) China map C) a Chinas map D) a map of China 45. That isnt coat. Its . A) my,hers B) mine, hers C) her, my D) hers, mine 46. The question was very difficult. students knew the answer.

16、A) Many B) A few C) Few D) A lot 47. I study such subjects Chinese, politics, math,physics and chemistry. A) like B) of C) about D) as 48. Were now flying the clouds. A) over B) above C) on D) behind 49. I must be off now, my mother is waiting for me. A) for B) or C) so D) and 50. When do you want m

17、e to return the computer? You keep it for two days.” A) must B) will C) may D) should 51. you remember to keep passing the ball to each other, youll be OK. A) Unless B) If C) As D) Though 52. If you early tomorrow, youll be late for work. A) wont get up B) havent got up C) got up D) dont get up 53.

18、He was seen on the playground just now. A) play B) to play C) played D) to be played 54. Can you tell me ? A) where he lives B) where does he live C) where is he living D) where he does live 55. May I borrow you pen ? A) Let me give you B) Yes , you may C) Im glad to do so D) Certainly. Here you are

19、56. “What are you thinking ?” his wife asked him. A) about B) with C) over D) on57. Hes in bed today, and now he TV in his bedroom. A) has watched B) is watching C) would watch D) watched58. Im going to buy books, so I get some money. A) ought B) can C) must D) have59. Therere all kinds of gloves he

20、re. I dont know to buy. A) what B) how C) which D) when60. the last time I saw my aunt , she cotton in the fields. A) picked B) has picked C) would pick D) was picking61. One day there was a loud bang on the front door. I went to open it. Harry ! A) He was B) There was C) There it was D) It was 62.

21、Jane read well before she started school. A) could B) will C) would D) can63. Whats that man over there? . A) Hes Alan B) Hes a doctor C) Its Alan. D) Yes, its Alan 64. Richard in New York when I saw him last. A) is working B) has worked C) was working D) would work 65. I often listen to the news th

22、e radio in the evening. A) through B) from C) over D) by 66. Im glad to tell you you can have the job. A) because B) that C) if D) though 67. Carrie is standing in front of David. Yes, David is Carrie. A) between B) before C) beside D) behind 68. The headmaster will tell you that you pay for the mis

23、sing book. A) need not B) need not to C) do not need D) will not need 69. to become a film star. A) No every child wants B) No all children want C) Not every child wants D) Not children want 70. Cars are trucks. A) different to B) not same as C) not as D) different from 71. I havent seen anybody las

24、t January. A) since B) after C) for D) in 72. Ill talk to Henry when he time. A) will have B) has C) had D) would have 73. these girls do you know? A) Which of B) Who are C) What of D) How many 74. Have you visited Paris? A) before B) still C) ever D) so 75. Next month you twenty-one years old. A) s

25、hall be B) are to be C) are going to be D) will be 76. Theres nothing I like a cup of green tea. A) more B) more than C) more that D) more of 77. They will be a lot happier after they and talked again. A) have met B) meet C) will meet D) met 78. I think hes still in bed,but he might just be in bathr

26、oom. A) the, the B)/, C)/,the D) the, 79. When I arrived,I learned Mike for almost an hour. A) had been away B) had gone C) had left D) had set off 80. He asked for the bike. A) how much did he pay B) how much he paid C) he paid how much D) how much he did pay81. Who can tell us capital of South Afr

27、ica? A) a B) C) an D) the 82. Can I read this book of ? A) your B) you C) yours D) yourself 83. Mrs. Johnson is very old and walk well without help. A) mustnt B) wouldnt C) shouldnt D) cant 84. The blind man said,I can hear someone next door. A) singing B) to sing C) sang D) sung 85. My neighbor was

28、 very rich, he said he wasnt happy. A) so B) for C) but D) since 86. My aunt told me that of her friends were with her. A) one B) some C) any D) every 87. One evening last week my friend to dinner with Mr. Morris. A) invited B) is invited C) would invite D) was invited 88. How much did they give you

29、 the work? A) to B) with C) for D) from89. Its going to rain,but I must go to the bank. you go now? A) Will B) Must C) Could D) Should90. Can I call you tonight,Jane? Oh,I dont know. What ? A) do you think B) you think C) are you thinking D) you do think 91. The room was empty, but the old woman fel

30、t that was watching her. A) nobody B) anybody C) everybody D) somebody 92. When we got back,there was a smell of cooking from the kitchen. A) come B) came C) coming D) to come 93. While we were traveling towards Boston my car, it started to rain. A) by B) with C) in D) on 94. She hardly ever eats po

31、tatoes. A) neither bread and B) neither bread or C) neither bread nor D) bread or 95. These postcards are so beautiful that I dont know to choose. A) which B) where C) why D) whether 96. A class seventy students is too big. A) made of B)made up of C) making up of D) makes up of 97. The bird was lucky enough to miss A) to be shot B) to shoot C) being shot D) shoo

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