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1、英语朗读比赛主持词英语朗读比赛主持词篇一:英语朗读比赛主持稿(英汉) 1、Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students,welcome to the English reading compitition of our school. nice to see you here! ( nice to see you here你要重读.) 各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好,欢迎大家参加今天的英语朗读比赛。 2、Im very pleased to be the hosts for todays compit

2、ition,to give the opening speech for everybody.我们很高兴能为大家主持今天的比赛。 3、In todays compitition,we have 8 classes all together.they are coming from different grades.这次比赛有8个班参加,他们来自不同的年级。 4、I hope we can communicate how to learn English better,these experiences will be very useful for the students in our sc

3、 I hope well all make good use of this opportunity.我希望通过这次比赛,大家能交流如何更好的学习英语的经验,这对我们的英语学习将会有很大的帮助,所以我希望大家都能好好珍惜这次机会。 5、Ok,now, I think its better for me to introduce our judges,they are :vice-principalMrs Yu (Lets warmly welcome让我们热烈欢迎),Our directorMrs Li.And all of our English teachersMrs Qi,

4、Miss Wu,Mrs Zhang,Mrs Rong,Miss Zheng and me.接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,她们是于校长,李主任,和我们所有的英语老师:齐老师,吴老师,张老师,荣老师,郑老师和我。 6、Ok, now,lets warmly welcome our principal:Miss Yu to tell us the contest rules.下面欢迎咱们的 于校长给大家讲一下比赛规则。 7、Now ,I think its time to show our English reading contest starts.First,lets warmly welcom

5、e class 1 grade 5,and class 2 get ready,please.现在比赛正式开始,欢迎5.1班商场,请2班做准备。 8、The next one making a reading for us is Class 2.,ets welcome.下面上场的是2班,让我们欢迎。 9.Now its time for Class 1,grade, and Class 2,get ready please.下面该,年1班上场,请2班做准备。 10.、Welcome Class 2,please.有请2班上场。 11、Wonderful!These , classes giv

6、e us a wonderful show.Now ladies and gentlemen,after all the contestants finished their reading,our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Please wait a minute.今天这2个班级的表现实在太精彩了,下面我们的评委们要对各位选手的最后得分进行讨论汇总,请稍等。 12. Ok,after our judges discussion,now the result has come out.好了,经过

7、评委老师们的最后评定,结果现在已经出来了。 First,Id like to announce the winners of the third prize:_,首先,我宣布三等奖获得者是_ And then ,the second winners:二等奖获得者是_ Now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:_好,下面我要宣布的是:一等奖获得者为_班_. 13、Now,lets welcome the winners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome ou

8、r leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有请获奖的班级_上台, 并请我们的各位领导上台颁奖。Moniter班长 1、After the wonderful show,Lets continue the compitition.The next will be Class 1,grade 7 and Class 2,get ready please. (一轮精彩的表演结束后,让我们继续进行比赛,接下来上场的是7年1班,请2班做准备 2.Welcome Class 2,please.有请2班上场。 3、Now its time for Class 1,g

9、rade 8 and Class 2,get ready please.下面该8年1班上场,请2班做准备。 4、Welcome Class 2,please.有请2班上场。 5. Thanks for bringing us the wonderful performance。感谢为我们带来的精彩的表演。These four classes give us a wonderful show.Now ladies and gentlemen.after all the contestants finished their speeches,our judges will have a short

10、 discussion about their marks standard.Please wait a minute.今天这2个班级的表现实在太精彩了,下面我们的评委们要对各位选手的最后得分进行讨论汇总,请稍等。 6. Ok,after our judges discussion,now the result has come out.好了,经过评委老师们的最后评定,结果现在已经出来了。 First,Id like to announce the winners of the third prize:_,首先,我宣布三等奖获得者是_ And then ,the second winners:

11、二等奖获得者是_ Now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:_好,下面我要宣布的是:一等奖获得者为_. 7、Now,lets welcome the winners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有请获奖的班级_上台,并请我们的各位领导上台颁奖。 8、Well,how exciting today the contest is !Thats all for toda

12、ys contest but I hope that we can keep on studying English warmly.First we should listen to the teachers carefully in class second we should spend more time in listening,speaking,reading,writing,And then we should also practice English with classmates as much as possible and as often as possible ,Co

13、me on,everyone!今天各位选手的表现都很棒,今天的比赛虽然结束了,但是我希望以后同学们学习英语的热情能一直保持下去,首先上课要专心听讲,每天多抽出一些时间练习英语,多听,多说,多读,多写,多想,还要尽可能用英语多和同学交流,练习,让我们大家一起努力,用自己辛勤的汗水,学好英语,好不好, 9、OK,well,no matter how exciting today the contest is!But now ,I have to say goodbye ,thank you!最后,我宣布英语朗读比赛到此结束,请各班同学按秩序退场。 They are yellow,and kind

14、of long-bananas 它们是黄色的,暗淡很长。打一水果:香蕉 It's a furit. It's also a color. What is it? -orange. 它是一种水果。它也是一种颜色。是什么呢, 打一水果:桔子 It is very big, and its nose is very longAn elephant They like bananas and peaches,they have long tail-monkey 篇二:英语朗诵大赛主持稿 南平小新星英语朗诵主持稿(电影院) T: Ladies and gentlemen.先生们,女士们

15、B: dear friends.亲爱的大朋友们 G: dear kids.亲爱的小朋友们 合:Good evening大家晚上好! T: welcome to our English speaking contest of new star English school. 欢迎大家来参加小新星英语全国朗诵大赛 People often said that its gorgeous and fantastic in June, 人们常说,六月是灿烂夺目的,Today, we stand on this stage , for all the students of our NSES , to d

16、eclare that our school is 8 years old now.今天,我们站在这里,代表所有小新星的学员们,荣幸地宣告大家,我们八岁了。Thank you for your company in those tough or shining days.8年来,感谢您与我们风雨同舟,不离不弃。8 years, we are together, . 8年里,我们共奋斗,同成长。 Life is endless , well never give up. Day by day, year by year, we deserted those sadness, and just h

17、old fast our gains, just try our best to move on.人生不息,我们终不言弃。日复一日,年复一年,我们褪掉那些心酸、不堪和陈旧,盘算一年来的收获,努力的成长。Well present you a more professional and perfect self tonight.我们将向您展示一个更专业,更完美的自己。 G:本次英语朗诵大赛由小新星英语总部举办的,全国有900所学校共 同参与,南平小新星将会选送最优秀的学生前往总部参加半决赛决赛。 B: 是的,这是一次英语的盛宴,更是一次展示我们学习英语成果的博览会, T: 诶,对了,GXXX, 作

18、为小新星的幼儿学生,你觉的最大的收获是什么, G:我觉得最大的收获是沉浸在英语童话世界里的那种快乐。 T:嗯你说的太好了,那你今晚一定会非常快乐。 G:为什么, T:因为你会看到我们的同学把快乐带到英语的童话世界里,为我们演绎一段段大家耳熟能详的故事。 G:那我们就拭目以待吧 T:好的,那就不多说了,接下来让我荣幸地为大家介绍今天大赛的评委,他们是-老师? 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎专家评委们的到来, T:OK! Lets begin our contest. B:The first one is dancing. Our opening show. Its name Nobody. Let we

19、lcome them. G:第一个节目是我们的开唱秀,舞蹈Nobody,有请。 T: Wowso wonderful! I think they would never forget their feelings and experiences of tonight. 太精彩了,我想她们绝对不会忘记此刻的 感受和今晚的经历。YOKI . Do you like fairy tales? G: yes. T: Do you know the famous fairy character Cinderella? G: Yes, I like her best, she is a pretty gi

20、rl .she is working hard and? T: Oh, please stop here, and lets appreciate this fairy play.Cinderella下面请欣赏童话剧表演灰姑娘,掌声有请请2号选手作准备。 G:太精彩了,掌声感谢两位可爱小朋友的表演。 B: Ok, now lets welcome the next group. They would give us a long but nice poem. Its name is The further distance in the world . So lets appreciate i

21、t now. 好了,下面请大家以热烈的掌声有请下一组同学给我们带来的优美的全英文配乐诗朗诵世界上最远的距离。Welcome! 掌声有请。请三号选手作准备。 T: The further distance in the world, is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you ,Yet you don't know that I love you 世界上最 遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我最站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。多美的诗啊我们在一次以热烈的掌声感谢这两名同学的精彩表演。 G: The first pro

22、gram gets xxxx. Congraturation! OK! Now lets welcome the next one A boy and his tree 第一个节目童话剧灰姑娘的得分是xxx,恭喜下面请欣赏英语故事男孩和树,请四号选手作准备。 B:With a big hand.掌声鼓励. The second program gets xxxx. Congraturation! T: Most of us like singing, and the next program is a very popular song, come on, everybody, please

23、sing with us, proud of you with a big hand. 歌曲proud of you请五号选手作准备。 G: The third program a boy and his treegets xxxx. Congratulation! T: Most of you have heard about the story of LLRH, but not everyone could understand it in English, and perform it in English. but today, our schoolmates would presen

24、t a short play LLRH for us. Lets welcome. 掌声有请童话剧表扬小红帽。请6号选手作准备。 B:Bravowith a big hand,The fourth program proud of yougets xxxx. Congratulation! welcome the next storyCinderella,lookthey are coming G: Wow, wonderful. Clap your handsThe fifth program LLRHgets xxxx. Congratulation! lets appreciate th

25、e next poemMy favorite teacher.下面请 欣赏诗歌我最喜爱的老师请八号选手作准备。 B: The sixth program Cinderellagets xxxx. Congratulation! T:JIMMY, we have so many excellent schoolmates, is it right? B: Yes, were so proud of them. So the next program is also very Gorgeous ! But this story have a little sadness. Its namethe

26、lake of autumn 下面请欣赏伤感的散文秋之湖,请九号选手作准备。 G: perfect太精彩了,让我们在一次以热烈的掌声送给这位同学 The poemMy favorite teachergets xxxx. Congratulation! lets welcome the next programthe city mouse and county mouse.请十号选手作准备。 T: The eighth program the lake of autumngets xxxx. Congratulation! T: Tina , do you like rabbit? : G :

27、Yes, of course. T: So the next short play is coming, its name is The big snow rabbit G: Wow, Im expecting it. Welcome.请欣赏故事大雪兔,11号选手作准备。 B: Bravowith a big hand,The ninth program the city mouse and county mousegets xxxx. Congratulation! T: JIMMY. do you know the famous filmtitanic? B: I certainly do

28、! Jack and rose,they are lover, but they died 篇三:英语朗读比赛主持词 英语背诵比赛主持词 女: 男:亲爱的老师们,同学们下午好,欢迎参加四会市实验学校中学部英语背诵比赛,在今天的比赛中有13个班级参赛,他们来自不同的年级。我们希望通过这次比赛,大家能够交流如何更好地学习英语的经验。 女: English is now used everywhere in the world. 男:现在英语使用于世界的每一个角落。 合:Happy English ,happy life. 快乐英语,快乐生活。 女:we are very happy to host

29、 this English reading contest . 男:今天我们很高兴做本次英语背诵比赛的主持。 女:Lets introduce our judges. 男:下面我们来认识一下评委老师。 女: 男: 欢迎我们的。 女: 男:欢迎我们的 。 女: 男:欢迎我们的 。 女:lets warmly welcome the judges. 男:让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委老师的到来。 女: 男:四会市实验学校中学部英语背诵比赛现在开始。 女: 男:下面首先有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请

30、班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面有请班上场,他们背诵的内容题目是,请 班做准备。 女: 男:下面请钟主任给大家讲话。 男: 女:感谢钟主任的精彩发言。 女:Well,how exciting todays contest is! But now I have to say : Thats all , thank you! 男:今天我们的比赛现场精彩无比。但是,现在我不得不说:“我们的演讲比赛结束了!谢谢大家的参与!” 合:Thanks for coming. Goodbye!

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