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1、45. ask for advice46. take/follow ones advice47. give sb advice on48. advise doing sth49. advise sb to do sth50. advocate doing sth.51. foreign affairs52. be (deeply) affected by53. be afraid of/to do/that54. after all55. after class56. after school57. in the afternoon58. again and again59. now and

2、again60. once again61. at the age of62. under age63. the golden age64. be against65. turn against66. a travel agent67. long long ago68. agree with69. agree to70. agree on71. agree to do72. make an agreement about73. be in agreement with74. ahead of time75. go ahead76. look ahead77. aimat78. aim to d

3、o sth79. miss ones aim80. by air81. on the air82. in the air83. in the open air84. at the airport85. in alarm86. look alike87. keep/stay alive88. all around89. all at once90. all in all91. all through92. in all93. not at all94. all kinds of95. all over 96. all right97. all the best98. be allergic to

4、99. allow doing sth100. allow sb to do101. leave sb alone102. all along103. along with104. read aloud105. think aloud106. not onlybut also107. be always doing sth108. be amazed by109. full of ambition110. a large amount of111. large amounts of112. ample113. in ancient times114. and so on115. and so

5、forth116. in anger117. be angry with/at sb118. be angry at/about sth119. on ones anniversary120. announce sth to sb121. be annoyed at/with122. one after another123. one another124. answer for125. be anxious about126. anything but127. anyway=anyhow128. apart from129. tell sth apart130. apologize to s

6、b for sth131. appeal to sb132. appeal to sb to do sth133. lose ones appetite134. apply (to sb) for135. apply to136. be appointed as137. make/fix an appointment with sb138. keep/break an appointment139. appreciate doing sth140. approach to sb/sth141. an approach to (doing) sth142. be appropriate/fit/

7、suitable for143. approve of144. argue with sb about/over sth145. arm in arm146. in arms147. with open arms148. take up arms149. be armed with150. join the army151. look around152. turn around153. sit around154. arrange for sb to do155. make arrangement for156. on arrival157. arrive in/at158. work of

8、 art159. as/soas160. as soon as161. as/so long as162. as well as163. as far as164. as if/though165. as a matter of fact166. as usual167. as well168. as a result (of)169. be ashamed of170. ask (sb) for sth171. ask (sb) to do sth172. ask for trouble173. fall asleep174. be fast/sound asleep175. in all

9、aspects176. assessat177. assist in doing sth178. be astonished at/by179. at last180. at times181. at noon182. at night183. at midnight184. at once185. at ease186. at attention187. at the sight of188. attachto189. make an attack on190. under attack191. attempt to do192. make an attempt to do193. atte

10、nd school194. attend a meeting195. attract/catch/draw ones attention196. hold ones attention on197. pay attention to198. the attitude to/towards sth199. be attracted by 200. on average201. avoid doing202. keep/stay awake203. be aware of204. be/keep away from205. go/run away206. at the back of207. ba

11、ck and forth208. be bad for209. go bad210. go from bad to worse211. keep a balanced diet212. keep the balance of nature213. bargain with sb about/over sth214. baseon/upon215. be based on/upon216. on the basis of217. on the beach218. because of219. go to bed220. in bed221. It will be/wasbefore222. be

12、fore long223. long before224. beg (sb) for225. beg to do226. beg ones pardon227. begin with228. at the beginning of229. from beginning to end230. in the beginning=at first231. on behalf of232. Behave yourself!233. leavebehind234. fall behind235. beyond belief236. believe in237. believe it or not238.

13、 belong to239. bend over/down240. benefit from241. be bent on242. betray ones country243. all the best244. try ones best245. make the best of246. beyond reach247. beyond control248. beyond praise249. kill two birds with one stone250. at birth251. give birth to252. a bit/little253. not a bit254. bit

14、by bit255. black and blue256. a black sheep257. blame sb for258. be to blame259. be blessed with260. be blind in the right eye261. go blind262. turn a blind eye to263. block off264. block up265. blow away266. blow down267. blow up268. give sb a blow269. on board (the ship/plane etc.)270. body langua

15、ge271. body building272. be bored with273. be born in/on/of274. borrowfrom275. both.and276. Dont bother to do277. at the bottom of278. from the bottom of ones heart279. be bound to do280. bow to sb.281. use ones brains/head282. break away from 283. break down 284. break in285. break into 286. break

16、off 287. break out 288. break up 289. break through290. at breakfast291. have/take breakfast292. catch ones breath293. hold ones breath294. out of breath295. take a deep breath=breathe deeply296. in brief297. bring about298. bring down299. bring in 300. bring on 301. bring out 302. bring up 303. liv

17、e broadcast304. build up 305. be burdened with306. burn down307. burn out 308. burn up309. burst forth310. burst into311. burst into tears=burst out crying312. be buried in313. Its none of your business.314. on business315. do business with316. be busy with317. be busy doing318. but for319. cannot b

18、ut do320. anything but321. nothing but322. by accident 323. by air ( bus, train, ship ) 324. by and by 325. by day 326. by far327. by now/then328. by oneself329. by the way 330. a piece of cake331. call at332. call back333. call for 334. call in 335. call on 336. call on sb to do337. call up 338. ca

19、lm down339. keep calm340. go camping341. summer camp342. care about343. care for344. take care (of)345. be careful of346. be careful with347. carry off348. carry on 349. carry out 350. carry through351. in any case352. in case of353. in case354. in no case355. in this/that case356. catch up with357.

20、 be caught in358. catch fire 359. catch hold of360. catch sight of361. catch on362. cater for363. cater to364. the cause of365. cause and effect366. with caution367. be cautious of368. celebrate ones birthday369. in celebration of370. be certain of/about371. be certain to do372. be certain that373.

21、It is/was certain that374. take a chair375. take the chair376. by any chance377. by chance378. chance to do379. take a/ones chance380. change ones mind381. changefor382. changeinto383. charge sb some money for sth.384. be charged with385. free of charge386. in charge of387. in the charge of388. take

22、 charge of389. have a chat with390. cheat sb. out of sth.391. check in 392. check out 393. check up394. make a choice395. have no choice but to do396. cannot choose but do397. choose from398. choose to do399. at Christmas400. on Christmas Day401. at/in church402. go to church403. go to the cinema404

23、. after class405. in class406. out of class407. clean out408. clean up409. clear away410. clear up 411. be clever at412. catch/take (a) cold413. have a cold414. collect stamps415. collect money416. combinewith/and 417. come about 418. come across 419. come back 420. come down 421. come from 422. com

24、e in 423. come off 424. come on 425. come out 426. come to 427. come true 428. come up 429. come up with430. in comfort431. make comments on432. havein common (with)433. communicate with sb434. in company with435. keep sb company436. compare to437. compare with438. compared to/with439. compensate (s

25、b) for sth.440. compete with sb for sth.441. make a compromise with442. as/so far asbe concerned443. be concerned about444. be concerned with445. show concern for sb.446. be in (good) condition447. on condition that448. out of condition449. be confident of450. in conflict with451. congratulate sb on

26、 sth.452. congratulations to sb on sth 453. connect to454. connect with455. in connection with456. consider doing457. consider sb (as)458. consider sb (to be)459. be considerate of sb.460. under consideration461. in consideration of462. consist of463. consist in464. under construction465. be content to do466. be content with467. continue doing/to do sth.468. to be continued469. on the contrary 470. contribute to471. make contributions to472. in control (of)

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