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高一英语上册 nit7 Cultural relics第三课时教案 大纲人教版第一册Word格式文档下载.docx

1、T: First, Ill check your homework. Retell the text we learned in the last period, using your own words. Now, Ill give you two minutes to prepare for it. Later, Ill ask some students to retell it. (Two minutes later.)Are you ready?Ss: Yes. OK. Whod like to have a try? Wang Xin, please.S1: Very good.

2、Thank you for your performance.Step .Word Study Now, please look at the blackboard. See how the following is formed.(Teacher writes the word “rebuild” on the Bb) who knows?S2: I know. The word “rebuild” is formed by adding a prefix before “build”. Do you know the meaning of “re-”?S3:Yes.It means “ag

3、ain”. “Rebuild” means “build again.” Its Chinese meaning is “重建”. OK. Very good. Now, open your books and find similar words in the reading passage. Ill give you three minutes to do the exercise. Do it by yourselves. After that, Ill check your answers with the whole class. OK? OK. Now, you can begin

4、. (After three minutes) Have you finished? Well. Li Lin, say your answers, please.S4: I find two similar words. They are “replace” and “recreate”. Good. Anything else?S5: I think the word “restore” is the same as “rebuild”. Very good. Sit down, please. There are three words in the reading passage, w

5、hose forms are the same as the word on the blackboard. They are(Teacher writes them down on the blackboard.)Do you know their Chinese meanings?S6:Yes.They mean “把放回(原处),取代”“重新创造”“使恢复”. Well done. Can you give us some similar examples according to what youve learned?S7:Yes.For example: rewrite, retel

6、l, reunite. Good. Besides the prefix “re-”,we also learnt some other prefixes, like “in-”“im-” “dis-” “un-”.Whos able to think of some examples?S8: Let me try. For example: in-, inexpensive, invisible; im-, impossible, impolite; dis-, discover, disappear; un-,unfair, unhappy.(Teacher writes them dow

7、n on the Bb.) Very good. Now, turn to Page 46.Lets look at Part 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box. Ill give you five minutes to do it. When you finish, you may check your answers with your partner. At last, Ill check your answers with the whole class. Are

8、 you clear about that? OK. Begin, please.(Teacher goes among the Ss and answer the questions raised by the students.) (Five minutes later.)Are you ready? Well, Ill ask some students to say their answers. One student, one sentence. Besides, you need to put the sentences into Chinese.Suggested answers

9、:1. in ruins圆明园曾是园中之园,由来自全国各地的最好的艺术家花了150年的时间所建。它现已成为一片废墟。2. portrait在一家博物馆里,我们现在能看到乔治华盛顿的肖像,这幅肖像是在xx年被发现并挽救的。3. in pieces萨莉跑进房子,看到了那个美丽的花瓶在地上成了碎片。4. broughtback to life多年辛勤工作后,当代的中国艺术家们已经成功地使这座宫殿再现生机。5. give in汤姆的小妹妹不愿改变主意。他不得不让步。6. represented刘国政同孔令辉、刘国梁代表中国参加了在悉尼奥运会上的男子乒乓球单打比赛。7. replace国王希望推倒城墙,

10、用一石头建筑代替。8.flows你能列出长江流经的省份吗?Step .Grammar Please look at the sentences on the screen.1. St. Petersburg has been built for 300 years.2. The portrait of Peter the Great has been make recently. What tense is used in the two sentences? The Present Perfect Tense. And the Voice? Passive Voice. So we have

11、 the Present Perfect Passive Voice. Now lets pay attention to its structure:has /have been + p. p.(Bb) Can you give us an example using the Present Perfect Passive Voice?S9:Yes.The light has been turned off.(Teacher writes the form and example on the Bb.) Very good. As we know, we must find the verb

12、 and the object when we change the active voice into the passive voice, then we need to change the form of the verb into “has/have been + past participle.” Besides, we should pay attention to the agreement. Is that clear? OK. Ill ask one student to rewrite the sentence on the screen. Any volunteers?

13、S10: Catherines Palace has been rebuilt by modern Russian artists. Do you agree with him? Thank you. Sit down, please. Now, turn to Page 47, and look at Part 1.Rewrite the following sentences according to the example on the screen. Ill give you a few minutes to do it. When you finish, you can check

14、your answers with your partner. At last, Ill ask some students to say their answers. (A few minutes later.)Are you ready? OK. Lets begin. One student, one sentence.1) A plan has been made to turn Beijing into a green city by the city officials.2) The Great Wall has been visited by millions of people

15、 from all over the world.3) Another space capsule has been sent up by China.4) Some cultural sites have been damaged by tourists.5) A website has been set up to help people learn more about the cultural relics better by the villagers.6) These palaces have been turned into museums by the Russian Gove

16、rnment. Well done. From the exercise, I can see that everyone has mastered the grammar item. In order to consolidate it, Ill give you a quiz.Step .Quiz Lets look at the sentences on the screen.(Teacher shows the follow on the screen.)Turn the following into the Passive Voice.1. We have asked some fr

17、iends of hers to join us.2. We havent climbed the mountain before.3. Have you found your bicycle?4. Someone has locked the door.5. They have talked much about the discussion recently.6. Someone has left the light on. Now, Ill give you five minutes to do it. You can write your answers on a piece of p

18、aper. After a while, you can check your answers with the screen. Are you clear about that? OK. Please begin.(Five minutes later, the teacher shows the screen.)Answers:1. Some friends of hers have been asked to join us.2. The mountain hasnt been climbed before.3. Has your bicycle been found?4. The do

19、or has been locked.5. The discussion has been much talked about recently.6. The light has been left on.Step .Practice As we know, China has many cultural relics, too. Such as Guilin and our capital-Beijing. But how about the situaital - Beijing. But how about the situation there? Lets read some pass

20、ages about them. However, first, you should fill in the blanks with the correct passive voice form of the verbs. Ill give you ten minutes to finish them. You may have a discussion with your partner if necessary.(Several minutes later, teacher checks the answers.)Suggested answers to the two news sto

21、ries:Guilin:Has been visited; are not well protected; have already been damaged; has been started; has been builtBeijing:is said; have also been asked; were; have been returned are needed; was built; has been badly damagedStep .Summary and Homework In this lesson, weve learned some word formation, t

22、hey are(Pointing to the Bb.)Weve also learned the grammar itemThe Present Perfect Passive Voice. Its forms are(Pointing to the Bb. again.)After class, you need to do a lot of exercises to master it better. Do you understand? OK. So much for today. See you tomorrow! See you tomorrow!Suggested answers

23、 to the exercises in the workbook:Vocabulary:1 1. cultural 2. include 3. restored / rebuilt 4. burning 5. beauty 6.pho6tograph 7.damage 8.project 9. official 10.limit2 2.of 3.on, in 4.from; on 5. in; withGrammar1 1. although 2. but; and 3. or 4.and 5. unless2 1. A new hospital for women and chi

24、ldren has been built in Beijing.2. More and more trees have been cut down by farmers.3. Thousands of animals have been killed in the forest fire.4. About 300 buildings and houses have been destroyed in the earthquake.5. More than 100 famous films have been shown in the city since July.6. A lot of mo

25、ney has been spent protecting the old temple.7. The price has been brought down in the past year.8. A notice has been put u at the gate.3 2. Many cultural relics have been made national important cultural relics by the State Council in the past years.3. 750 sites have been made national important cu

26、ltural relics by the State Council in the past years.4. The Potala Palace, the Mountain Summer Resort in Chengdu, the Confucius Temple and Mount Wudang have been placed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO since 1994.5. Twenty- eight Chinese cultural relics have been placed on the World Heritage Lis

27、t by UNESCO by xx.Step .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 7 Cultural relicsThe Third PeriodWord formation:re- rebuild replace recreate restorein- inexpensive invisibleim- impossible impolitedis- discover disappearun- unfair unhappyGrammar:The Present Perfect Passive VoiceHas / have bee

28、n + past. participle.e.g. The light has been turned off.Step .Record after Teaching_2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit7 Cultural relics(第二课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册1. Master the following words and expressions:restore, replace, recreate, in ruins, under attack, give in, in pieces, bringback to life, e true2. Learn the following sentence patterns:“It is true that”“do everything

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