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1、clever5. Listen! Our teacher _ in the music classroom.singssangwill singis singing6. They hope _the basketball match.winwonto winwinning7. Another bridge over the Jialing River_last year.buildsbuiltis builtwas built8. Boys and girls, you should look after _ when your parents are not at home.himselfh

2、erselfyourselvesthemselves9. Nobody can hear you _you speak in a louder voice.unlessifwhenafter10. Wow! The school uniforms can tell parents _! Cool! So the children wont get lost easily.where are their childrenwhere their children arewhat do their children studywhat their children study二、完型填空11.Our

3、junior high school life is coming to an end. So my classmates and I decided to make a special_for our own favorite teacher in the ceramics( 陶艺) class.After being dried for a long time in the fire, our gifts for teachers were_.Chen Hui took them out of the kiln(窑). CRASH ( 碎裂声) ! His cup, Xiao Yaos_,

4、 and my heart broke into pieces all over the floor.“Myelephant lost her trunk (象鼻) ! Xiao Yao shouted. My heart is broken! I_almost at the same time.Imso sorry! Chen Hui said.Bring_to the repair station, said Xiao Yao, Lets see what we can do with some magic _the magic glue worked only on Chen Huis

5、cup. The trunk and glue. We tried many times, the heart were in too many broken bits to put back together.Nowmy elephant has a short nose instead of a trunk,It_ like a little dog with big ears. And its_lovely! Lets call it doglephant!cute doglephant! Cool! You just turned the accident into a happy o

6、ne! I said. And right then, I knew_to do. Maybe I could make a mosaic ( 镶嵌画) by using the pieces of my broken heart.Whenit was all done, everyone thought it was pretty cool. Yes, my present didnt turn out the way Id planned, but it turned out even_! (1)gifthatbagcoat (2)safebrokenreadywet (3)dogelep

7、hantcatpanda (4)smiledreadwrotecried (5)somethingnothingeverythinganything (6)asbutsothough (7)lookssoundssmellstastes (8)stillevenalmosthardly (9)howwhichwhat (10)worsebetterheaviercheaper三、阅读单选12. (1)Volunteers will teach children to protect the seahow to write a letterhow to speak Chineseho

8、w to play the piano (2)Volunteers need to start work on _.SundayMondayFridaySaturday (3)Volunteers can_.leave at any timehave a good paydo some businessstay in a beach room13.Jiqing Street in Wuhan is a good place to try local food and experience the everyday life of local peopleSince Wuhan was unlo

9、cked on April 8, there have been many people lining up at snack shops thereInthe evening, hundreds of street side stalls(摊位)come out on the street and provide popular snacks and local food at low prices Travelers can enjoy hot dry noodles,tasty chicken soup and Chinese dumplingsDont miss Jiujiu duck

10、 necksChi Li,a popular writer,tells a love story of a beautiful lady who sells duck necks in this street in her novel Life Show Thousands of people come to search for the scenes(场景) in the novelLocal people like to order several bestknown dishes and some bottles of beer and spend their evening time

11、with friends thereFor travelers,another exciting thing is the folk music performed by folk musicians at your tableYou can enjoy delicious food when listening to musicWiththe street becoming busy, _ (1)Jiqing Street is a good place to_ study English try local food tell love stories go skating (2)Acco

12、rding to the passage, Chi Li mentions_in her novel Life Show Chinese dumplings hot dry noodles chicken soup duck necks (3)How do you understand the underlined part the city began to breathe again in the last paragraph?_ The air becomes fresh again The water gets clearer The city becomes lively again

13、 The food gets nicer (4)The material is probably from_ a travel website a history book a science magazine a dictionary14.People say laughter is the best medicine, but sometimes too much of a good thing may not be so good What happened to me last night made me deeply understand the meaning of thatLas

14、tnight I was alone at home When I was watching a funny movie, I suddenly started laughing and couldnt stop myselfAtfirst, I was feeling goodButafter about 5 minutes, I came to know I wasnt going to stop at all, I began to feel a litle worriedTimefor bed But I couldnt sleep because I kept laughingSo

15、I got up and started doing some housework I cleaned my apartment, laughing hardI washed all the dishes left over from dinner,still laughing crazily I tried to hold my cat in my arms, but it ran away from me in fear I spent the rest of the night in front of my computer, of course, still laughingtime

16、finally came to get ready for work, I realized that I simply couldnt go to the office like that I decided to call my boss for leave, but laughing was the only thing I could do on the phoneAfter listening to mylovely laughter for a few minutes, my boss couldnt help shouting angrily,Are you mad? Youre

17、 fired(解雇)!Suddenly I woke up Thank God! I just had a dream (1)What happened last night made the writer_ understand something forget his pain keep doing housework get a good job (2)When the writer was watching a movie, he suddenly started_ crying coughing jumping laughing (3)The cat ran away because

18、_it was going to sleep it was afraid of the writer it wanted to have dinner it saw a mouse running (4)How did the writers feelings change in the story? relaxedangry good good excitedworried good worriedrelaxed worriedgoodangry15.Goldie Nejat began developing robots in 2005, she spent much of her tim

19、e knocking on doors to let people know how her robots worked but few showed interestBut now,its different,says Nejat,People calling from around the world ask when my robots are going to be readyNejats robots are designed to fill an increasing need: caregiving for the old The population of the people

20、 over age 80 will be 426 million in 2050, three times larger than that nowSuchrobots could be especially useful for patients with Alzheimers disease(老年痴呆症)They can help with everyday activities from preparing food to reminding(提醒)the patients of taking their medicineThey can also play games with pat

21、ients to keep them activeSomehave worried that caregiving robots might reduce( 减少)human interaction( 互动)and cause more humans to lose their jobsBut the aim is to support human care, not to take the place of it, says Brian Scassellati He has tested robots with different patients, and found that daily

22、 interaction with robots can help children with autism spectrum disorder( 自闭症障碍) improve social skillsAsfield grows, scientists aim to understand humanrobot relationships betterDo robots offer advantages because they dont have feelings and dont give opinions? Will patients lose interest?Onething is

23、clear, Scassellati says,Robots can provide care for the customers and the need for that will increase in the future (1)Nejats robots are designed to_ work in the factory make phone calls take care of the old knock on doors (2)The writer starts the passage by_ tlling two stories comparing two facts r

24、aising a question giving an example (3)The main idea of Paragraph 3 is_ what the robots can do what serious problems the robots cause what the old people can do what the old people think of the robots (4)According to Scasellati, we can infer that Nejals robots_ will have felings soon can take the pl

25、ace of humans should be produced more wont give their own opinions16.Humans can develop certain abilities we arent born with by practicing animals movements, the traditional Chinese Wushu lovers believed in the past and still do todayChinese FiveAnimal Exercises, also known as Wuqinxi, are the first complete set of qigong exercises following the movements of animals:monkeys,deer(鹿),birds,bears and tigersThey were created by on

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