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1、如果你选择想成为富人的话,那你需要开始像富人一样去思考。在这里,我们给出中产阶级和富人对比的10个不同之处,也许你会用得着10.The middle class live comfortably, the rich embrace being uncomfortable10.中产阶级追求生活舒适,富人们却能吃苦Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but its a small price to pay for living a dream.-Peter McW

2、illiams愿意吃苦。甘心吃苦。虽然过程艰辛,但这是实现梦想的小小代价。 -彼得麦克威廉斯In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.-Robert Arnott在投资领域,舒适的反而是不赚钱的-罗伯特阿诺特Its comfortable to work a safe job. Its comfortable to work for someone else. The middle class think being comfortable means being happy, but the rich realize tha

3、t extraordinary things happen when we put ourselves in uncomfortable situations. Starting your own business is a risk and risks can be uncomfortable, but a little risk is what it takes to create wealth and achieve superior results. Step out of your comfort zone. Look at all your options. You will ha

4、ve to be at least a little uncomfortable if you want to become rich. You might even have to fail and thats great, because if youre not failing, youre not doing much.拥有一份铁饭碗工作是安逸的,为别人打工是省心的。中产阶级认为,舒适即快乐。但富人们认为只有当我们处在不是那么舒适的状况时,一些意想不到的好事才会发生。创业有风险,风险让人焦虑,但一点点风险是创造财富和取得更高成就的必备要素。走出你的舒适区。查看你所有的选择。如果想要变得

5、富有,一丝不适必不可少。为此你有可能还会面临失败,但这反而是一件好事,因为如果你没有失败,那这意味着你做的还不够多。9.The middle class live above their means, the rich live below9.中产阶级的生活入不敷出,富人们则量入为出There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no one independence quite so important, as living within your means.-Calvin Coolidge没有一种尊严像量入为出这样令人敬佩,没有一种独立像量入为出

6、这样重要。-卡尔文库利奇You wont catch the average millionaire in a $100,000 car or a multi-million dollar home. The rich dont spend their money on depreciating liabilities, they spend their money on appreciating assets and they live below their means. On average, the rich drive cars that are a few years old an

7、d they dont buy them new, according to studies done in the book The Millionaire Next Door. Even if they can afford that fancy new Escalade, they usually dont buy it. Remember, if you earn $1,000,000/year and you spend $1,000,000/year, youre still broke.你不会看到百万富翁们开着一辆价值十万美元的名车或住在一幢几百万美元的豪宅里。富人们不把钱花在会

8、贬值的事务上,相反,他们把钱投资在会增值的资产上,并且量入为出。一般来说,富人们开的车都有些年头,而且他们不会买最新款车。根据邻家的百万富翁一书中的研究显示,即使富人们买得起,他们通常也不会买。切记,如果你一年挣一百万花一百万,那你仍是身无分文。8.The middle class climb the corporate ladder, the rich own the ladder8.中产阶级试图进入行业高层,富人则掌握着整个行业The richest people in the world look for and build networks; everyone else looks f

9、or work.-Robert Kiyosaki在这个世界上,富人们在寻找、建立关系网;而其他人只是在寻找工作。清崎The middle class tend to work for someone else. They have a job. A career. Upper middle class tend to be self-employed. They own a job. The rich tend to own the business. They own that corporate ladder that the middle class are busy working u

10、p. The rich understand that they need more people working for them to earn more money. The rich understand the power of passive income.中产阶级常常为他人打工,他们找寻一份工作,拥有一份职业;上层中产阶级则更加自主,他们倾向于自己开公司;而富人则掌控着整个行业,他们手握着中产阶级朝思暮想的官职。富人们需要更多的人来为他们创造财富,他们也深谙被动收入能带来收益。7.The middle class are friends with everyone, the ri

11、ch choose wisely7.中产阶级广泛交友,富人择优而处之s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and youll drift in that direction.-Warren Buffett最好是和比你优秀的人交朋友,挑选出那些比你优秀的朋友并向他们看齐。-沃伦巴菲特The rich understand that when you surround yourself with successful peop

12、le, your own success will follow. Likewise, surrounding yourself with unsuccessful people tends to have the anticipated effect. Your income is usually the average of the incomes of your three closest friends. If you want to earn more, hang around people who earn more. Its all about aligning your min

13、dset with the mindset of successful people. If you want to be rich, you have to think rich.物以类聚,人以群分。富人深知,成功者身边总围绕着成功者。同样的,失败者总是互相为营。一般来说,你的工资数目等于你最亲近的三个朋友的收入平均数。如果你想挣的更多,那就和那些会赚钱的朋友一起吧。见成功者而思齐焉,如果你想变得富有,就必须学会富人的思维方式。6.The middle class work to earn, the rich work to learn6.中产阶级为赚钱而工作,富人为学习而工作When yo

14、u are young, work to learn, not to earn.人在年轻时,要为了学东西而工作,不要只为了赚钱而工作。The middle class are easily persuaded to change jobs when someone offers more money. The rich understand that working isnt about the money, especially in the early years. Its about developing the skills and traits you need to develop

15、 to become rich. That may mean working a sales job to better understand the world of selling. Or it could mean you work at a bank to better understand accounting. If you want to be rich, you should be working to learn the skills you need to become rich. Most rich people didnt get there by earning a

16、high salary.中产阶级很容易在有人提供更高薪水时而说服自己改换工作。而富人明白工作并不是为了金钱,尤其是在工作早期。只有增加能力、提高素质,才能让你变富有。意思是你做一份销售类的工作是为了更好地理解销售这个行业,做银行的工作是为了更好地了解财会这个行业。如果你想变成富人,你要学习变富必要的能力。要知道大部分富人并不是靠拿高薪而变成富人的。5.The middle class have things, the rich have money5.中产阶级看重实物,富人看重资金Too many people spend money they havent earned, to buy th

17、ings they dont want, to impress people that they dont like.-Will Rogers太多人用没挣到的钱来买他们不想要的东西,为让他们不喜欢的人另眼相看。-威尔罗杰斯Back to the fancy cars and big houses. Thats where much of the middle class spend their money. Drive through a middle class neighborhood and you will usually see brand new cars, expensive l

18、andscaping and high-dollar homes. The rich understand that to become wealthy, you have to want money more than you want things. If you keep buying things, your money will keep going with them. Its funny how that works. For example, Warren Buffett still lives in the same home he bought in 1958. And h

19、e only paid $31,500 for it. Stop buying things and start focusing on keeping, saving and investing the money you earn. If you are a shopaholic, start shopping for assets. Become interested in investing, then look for bargains on stocks and businesses instead of shoes and electronics. That being said

20、, its not all about saving your money.回到豪车和大房子上吧!这是很多中产阶级花钱的地方。穿过他们的街区,经常会看到豪华的私家车,名贵的景观,奢华的房子。富人知道:要想变得富有,你对金钱的渴望要大于对实物的渴望。如果你一直买东西,你的财富就会随东西而去。财富的这种运作方式很有趣。比如,沃伦巴菲特至今仍然住在他于1958年买的那所房子里。当时他只花了31500美元。不要再买大量的东西了,要开始注重储蓄、节约和投资你赚的钱。如果你是一个购物狂,就开始购买资产吧。变得对投资感兴趣,然后寻找有利可图的股票和生意,而不是鞋子和电子产品。常言道,存钱并不是富有之道。4.

21、The middle class focus on saving, the rich focus on earning4.中产阶级关注存钱,而富人关注赚钱Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.-Brian Tracy你最大的资产是你赚钱的能力,你最重要的资源是你的时间。-博恩崔西If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.-Benjamin Franklin如果你变富有了,在存钱的同时不要忘了赚钱

22、。-本杰明富兰克林Saving is important. Investing may be more important, but earning is the foundation of both. You understand that you need to save and invest, but to really achieve extravagant goals with them, you need to earn more. The rich understand this and work on creating more avenues to earn and earn

23、ing more with the avenues they have. If you really want to become rich, work on your earning ability, not your saving ability.储蓄很重要,但投资也许更重要,而赚钱则是两者的基础。你充分理解储蓄和投资的重要性,但是要真正地达到宏伟的目标,却需要你通过储蓄和投资去赚更多的钱。富人们知道这样的道理,所以致力于创造更多的收入,并在这些收入的基础上赚更多的钱。如果你想真正地变富,发挥你赚钱的能力,而不是你存钱的能力。3.The middle class are emotional

24、 with money, the rich are logical3.中产阶级感性对待金钱,而富人则理性对待。Only when you combine sound intellect with emotional discipline do you get rational behavior.只有当你把理智和情感的自律性结合起来,你才是一个理性的人。Steve Siebold interviewed over 1,200 of the worlds wealthiest people over the past 30 years for his book How Rich People Th

25、ink, and according to him there are more than 100 differences in how rich people look at money compared to the middle class. One of the key differences he found was that the middle class see money through the eyes of emotion, but the rich see money through the eyes of logic. Making emotional financi

26、al decisions will ruin your finances. Warren Buffett explains that investing has much more to do with controlling your emotions, than it has to do with money. Emotions are what cause people to buy high and sell low. Emotions create dangerous business deals. Leave emotions out of this and turn to log

27、ic.史蒂芬西伯德为了写作富人是如何思考的,在过去的30年里采访了1200个世界上最富有的人。据史蒂芬所言,富人和中产阶级对于金钱的观点之间有上百个差异点。而其中一个关键不同之处在于,中产阶级一般从情感的角度看待金钱,但富人却从逻辑的角度来看待。冲动的决定会毁了你的财务状况!沃伦巴菲特解释说,投资的重点在于控制你的冲动,而并非你有多少钱。冲动会让人以高价买入,以低价卖出,导致危险的交易。所以舍弃冲动,回归逻辑吧!2.The middle class underestimate their potential, the rich set huge goals2.中产阶级低估了自己的潜力,而富人则

28、把目标设的很高Set your goals high, and dont stop till you get there. -Bo Jackson把你的目标设定高些,然后不要放弃,直到你成功为止-博杰克逊The middle class set goals. Sometimes. Its the capacity of the goals that differ from the middle class to the rich. The middle class set safe goals that are easily obtainable. The rich set goals tha

29、t seem impossible, difficult or crazy. But they know they are achievable. It all comes back to having the proper mindset. When youre setting your goals, ask yourself if they could be bigger. Ask yourself if thats really all you can do or if you can do more. I think you can do more.有时,中产阶级也会设定目标。但他们所设定的目标却缺乏潜力,这也使富人与中产阶级产生了区别。中产阶级设立安全且很容易实现的目标。富人则设立那些看起来不可能的,困难的,甚至疯狂的目标,但是他们知道他们可以实现,这来自于他们拥有适当的心态。当你设立目标时,问下你自己,是否可以把目标定得更高些,问一下自己,

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