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1、 can B. mustn need C. maynot; need D. needn can注意4:情态动词考点:1正确的意思2正确的形式3特别注意的形式5 Daniel, your books are in a terrible mess on your desk. Really sorry. I 11 at once.A. put them away B. put them out C. put them on D. putthem down注意5:短语动词考点。常见的有get, put, take, turn, bring, give, set 等。6I,m sure he 11 at

2、 tomorrow s meeting, but I don tknow what he will .A. say, speak B. speak, say C. talk,say D. tel 1, speak注意6:词义区辩也是考点。常见的如:lie, fall, both, sometimes, at first, so/such 等。7The news made the boy feel .A interesting, interesting B interesting, interested C interested, intcrcstingD interesting, intere

3、st注意7:英文中有一类“使动词”,其用法非常容易混,应特别留心。如: excite, bore,Surprise 等。8This pair of jeans looks nice Mary because she looks nice blue.A on, in B in, on C for , on D to, in注意&介词是一个考点。主要考查1动词与介词搭配2介词的特殊情况。9There are quite a few old books on the shelf, but of them isuseful to teenagers.A. both B all C. neither D

4、. none注意9 :代词是考点。重点考查1不定代词2物主代词。1030, 000 dollars a large amount of money, but it sthan we need.A. is, far more B. are, verymuchC. is, far less D. are, very little注意10:形容词和副词是考点,主要考査1形容词比较级2形容词与副 词的用法,3位置等。11 people have been sent there.A three hundreds B three hundred C three hundreds of D threehun

5、dred of注意11:英语数量表达也常为考点。重点考查1约数的表达2可数不可 数的表达。12Mary spends a lot of money on clothes her family is not rich.A. because B.though C. if D. so注意12:英语连词是必考的考点。连词常考since , until, or, but等。13Every morning he takes a to his office.A 20-minutes walk B 20-minutc walk C 20-minutes, walk D 20 minutes walk注意13:

6、名词考点主要考查1合成名词,如man teacher, a shoe store, 2名词的可数与不可数如:news, advice, information, 3修饰名词的数 如, much, many, a lot of 等14 will you play basketball with me?Tn about 20 minutes after finishing my homework.注意14:这是一个经典考题。15 schoolbag is that?一You mean the one behind the chair? It, s Tonny s.A. Which B. What

7、C. Whose D.Where注意15:疑问词也是一个经典考点。B句法部分16Could you tell me how much to go to Hainan by air?A does it cost B did it cost C it cost D it costs注意16:宾语从句语序是一个考点。尤其要注意特殊的情况。17一Do you mind my closing the window? 一 Its much too noisy outside.A. Certainly I do B. Of course not C. Al 1 right D. You dbetter no

8、t注意17:情景对话必考一题。18 wonderful news report he wrote! All of us were satisfiedwith what he did.A. What a B. What C. How D. How a注意1&感叹句主要考两种1 what引导的感叹句2 how引导的感叹句。19 a lot of trees in this area, but now we can see a tallbuilding instead.A. There used to have B. There used to beC. There is used to havin

9、g D. There is used to being注意19: there be结构是一个考查点。注意20:经常考查it代替一个不定式短语的用法。21He seldom goes to school late, ?A does he B doesn t he C is he D isn t he注意21:反义疑问句式也是一个考查点。要注意反义疑问句的构成。22 go out alone ask strangers to come in.A Don t , and B Not , and C Doesn,t, or D Don,t , or注意22:祈使句的否定也常考查,尤其注意否定中的or。

10、23The boy was crazy about the dance he wentto it every day.A so, that B such 、that C very, that D very , because注意23: sothat, suchthat句型一般必考。24you like to do some shopping with me?A Will B Shall C Would D Could注意 24: Wi.ll you? Would you like to? Shall I ? Could you do ? May I .?25 book do you know?

11、You mean the book on the table? It belongs to A Whose, her B What , her C which , her D How , hers注意 25:疑问词一般要考查。如:when, where, why, whose, what, how等。(原创)2011中考英语考前指导2二完型填空部分1完形填空的题干一般这样写的:先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择叮以填入相应 空白处的最佳答案。由此可见,做完形填空第一要通读,了解文章大意,第二要认真阅读选 项,选岀最佳答案。2完型填空是一道阅读理解和选择填空完美结合的考题。此

12、题考查的重点在于读懂,并用适当的词语、句型使上下文贯通,是中考中 彰显英语运用能力的一道考题。根据我的观察,完型填空10道题中,大致有6 个选项是考读懂的,选择对应的意思就可,有3选择是意思和词语分辨的,要注 意词语的区别,有1个选项是和句型有关的,要思考考查什么句型。3完型填空解题重点把握4个要点:1首句识别,了解文章的内容方向。2语意识别,选择贯通文章的正确意思。3词语识别,辨析选项词语的正确表达。4句型识别,辨析选项的正确句型。4举例:2011无锡市中考英语模拟试题Sometimes you may not understand your parents. One minute they

13、 are friendly, the next minute they re shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear. So who makes them so 16 ? You,probably!Is your room untidy? Do you leave things on the floor? You may find it hard enough to keep one room tidy. So imagine what 17 like for your mum and dad tryi

14、ng to keep a whole house in order.When you take your clothes off, remember to 18 Get into the habitif taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen. Before long you 11 be doing it without thinking.Even though you may not realize it, your parents have bought you many clothes. But they re not buying t

15、hemselves new things every week, are they? The simple truth is that there arc more 9 things to spend money on, like the electricity bill and food.You may hate missing a party to visit some bo ring old relatives. They may go on and on about what a sweet baby you were. You have no choice but to 1 iste

16、n. Even if you 20 , your parents won t change their mi nds.Parents like to show off their family. The bost thing you can do is to help entertain 高兴)your relatives. Your parents will be sopleased with you afterwards that they 11 probably allow you to go to the next two 21 You might not want to eat, b

17、ut think of it from the parents, point of vicw. If you cook two meals a day, it 22 730 meals a year. Canyou imagine how boring this can get? Imagine how your parents feel whenyou say you re not really hungry. 23 , your parcnts arc probablyworried that youaren snackse meal.t eating enough.and leave r

18、oom for your meals. Finally, offer to Your offer may not be accepted, but your parentsEat2524after thwill be pleased.16.A.friendlyB. lonelyCchangeableD. comfortable17.itB. itC. they reD.thats18.hangthem upB. leave them aloneC【putt hemonthrow them awa)r19.interestingB. difficultC. importantsurprising

19、20.agree B. complainC. 1 istenwin21.partiesconccrts B. meetingsC. classes22.takes B. costsC. spendsD. means23.Tn addition(加之)B. Tn returnC.Atmos tD. At last24.more B. lessC. fewerD. the cookingB. lay the tablebuysome snacksD. wash the dishes注意 1:本篇文章首句为:Sometimes you may not understand you

20、r parents. 意为“有时你可能不太理解你父母。”首句表明这篇文章可能会写孩子和父母Z 间的关系,一些生活屮的矛盾。完型填空选项16、18、19、20、21、22、25都是语意选择,上下 文连贯就知道选哪一个了。完型填空17题是句型识别题,你要知道what is it like?句型, 还要知道此句型在imagine动词后面,因此应该用宾语从句语序,这样答案就 出来了。完型填空23、24题,既考语意,乂考词语区别。23题要了解儿个 词语的意思.Tn addition另外,in return回报at most至多 at last最 后。24 题 Eat snacks and leave r

21、oom for your meals.意思是吃- 零食,这样你就可以为你的meal留卜SoonK空间),显而易见,当然是少吃。而这里snacks是可数名词,因此只能用fewer To如果阅读中遇到生词,不用着急,不用每个词都必须搞清词意的, 只要上下文多读几遍,意思也能大概猜出来。(原创)2011中考英语考前指导3中考英语阅读理解的五大突破1突破细节一一把握事实的信息出处在阅读理解题中,细节理解占了很大比重。此类题可能针对文章中某个特定 细节设计的,也町能是针对文章中若干个细节设计的,其目的是考查读者对事实 的把握。因此,准确把握细节的信息源是关键,找出相关的信息句是正确理解的 前提。细节理解

22、题一般有三种情况:A细节在一个信息句屮;B细节在多个信息 句中;C细节隐含在信息句和关的词语中。例 1 The water tap was leaking(jC) again, and the noise was driving Cassie crazy. Cassie looked at her watch. Tt was near!y nine o clock. She climbed out of bed and stood on a chair by the shclf Iler mother, s Mr. Fix-It Book was on the top shelf Cassie

23、 stepped down quietly. She read the book quickly until she found the page she was looking for, and then began to read carefully.* Mr. Fix-It Book is probably a book on how to 注意:信息句:The water tap was leaking漏水)again, Iler mother s Mr. FixTt Book was on the top shelf. She read the book quickly until

24、she found the page she was looking for.由此得出C是答案。例 2 Cassie worked late into the night. At one point, she thought she was done- Oops! A small piece that she had forgotten still lay on the table. Slowly Cassie took the water tap apgrt(分开) one more time. This time she made sure everything was in place.

25、 She turned the water tap on and then off. Onetw()hree She waited a ful 1 minute. There was no leak! Cassie smiled and put the tools back into the box. Then she went back into bed.* Cassie took the water tap apart again because A. she had forgotten one piece B. the tap was st订 1 leakingC. the cat ha

26、d taken one pi ece away D. she hadn, t understoodthe book注意: 信息句:Oops! A small piece that she had forgotten still lay on the table. Slowly Cassie took the water tap 认分开)one more time.由此可见答案A是对的。*The water tap wasn t fixed until A. nine o clock B. late that night C. the next morning D. the next after

27、noonCassie worked late into the night There was no leak! Then she went back into bed.出此得出B是正确的。关于内容细节考查的经 典题型有:Which word best describles Mary? 下面哪个词最佳形容了 Mary?What,s the correct order of the following events?什么是下列事件 的正确顺序?Which of the following is not true? 下列哪种说法是不正确的?其他细节题主要通过what、where、how、when、

28、why的问句來考查。2突破词句一一把握词句的逻辑关系阅读理解屮,猜测词义题是针对阅读过程小碰到的不熟悉的词语设计的。此 题型要求考生通过上下文阅读,根据已知信息,进行合理推断,准确把握某些特 定词语的意义。这类题的关键是突破上下文的暗示,把握词旬的逻辑关系。一般 它具有这么几种关系M解释关系B因果关系C对比关系D转折关系E其他关系。例 3 The eve nt is orga nized by the World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as the WWE. The organizers say climatc changc is one of th

29、e greatest threats (威胁)facing wildlife and nature- They also say when it comes to save energy and money, big changes start with small steps like turning out the lights. Now people are all joining together in a global effort to show that it s possible to work on global warming. Earth Hour has brought abou

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