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1、(2)词组及短语的指代。方法技巧(1)利用上下文、构词法,通过对应结构或平行结构中的同义词、反义词复述、对比进行判断;(2)利用定语从句、同位语从句等进行判断;(3)根据关联词,如but,while,however,not only.but also等进行判断;(4)利用构词法前缀、后缀、合成词进行判断。Passage 1I still remembermy hands and my fingers still rememberwhat used to lie in store for us on our return to school from the holidays. The tree

2、s in the school yard would be in full leaf again and the old leaves would be lying around like a muddy sea of leaves.“Get that all swept up!” the headmaster would tell us. “I want the whole place cleaned up, at once!” There was enough work there, to last over a week. Especially since the only tools

3、with which we were provided were our hands, our fingers, our nails. “Now see that its done properly, and be quick about it,” the headmaster would say to the older pupils, “or youll have to answer for it!”So at an order from the older boys we would all line up like peanuts about to cut and gather in

4、crops. If the work was not going as quickly as the headmaster expected, the big boys, instead of giving us a helping hand, used to beat us with branches pulled from the trees. In order to avoid these blows, we used to bribe(贿赂) the older boys with the juicy cakes we used to bring for our midday meal

5、.And if we happened to have any money on us, the coins changed hands at once. If we did not do this, if we were afraid of going home with an empty stomach or an empty purse, the blows were redoubled. They hit us so violently and with such evil enjoyment that even a deaf and dumb person would have re

6、alized that we were being whipped not so much to make us work harder, but rather to beat us into a state of obedience(服从) in which we would be only too glad to give up our food and money.Occasionally one of us, worn out by such calculated cruelty, would have the courage to complain to the headmaster

7、. He would of course be very angry, but the punishment he gave the older boys was always very smallnothing compared to what they had done to us. And the fact is that however much we complained, our situation did not improve in the slightest. Perhaps we should have let our parents know what was going

8、 on, but somehow we never dreamed of doing so; I dont know whether it was loyalty or pride that kept us silent, but I can see now that we were foolish to keep quiet about it, for such beating is completely foreign to our nature.【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。文中作者回忆了早年读书期间,假期返校清除落叶的一段经历。1The statement “my hands and my

9、 fingers still remember” (Para.1) means that “_”Athe authors hands were severely injured in the cleaning upBthe author seldom did such hard work as the cleaning upCthe author was bullied by the big boys in the cleaning upDthe authors hands were his only tool for the cleaning解析:作者一开始用了两个“remember”表明他

10、对假期返校要清除落叶一事记忆深刻。第二段提到自己在为学校清除落叶时没有别的工具,唯一的工具就是手,由此可推断“手和指尖都记得”是因为在大扫除中,作者的手作为唯一的清洁工具受了不少的罪。答案:D2The headmaster would tell the students to clean up the school yard at the beginning of the term because_Ahe was too lazyBthere were many fallen leaves on the groundCthe school yard was covered with mudDt

11、he students didnt finish their homework第一段最后一句提到假期过后学校会堆满落叶,第二段校长发布了让学生大扫除的命令,两者之间的因果关系显而易见,因此本题应选B项。B3The headmaster asked the older boys to_Abeat those who worked slowlyBtreat the small boys as peanutsCtake charge of the process of the cleaningDdo the cleaning all by themselves 第二段最后一句,特别是其中的“see”

12、,表明校长让大孩子们做大扫除的“监工”,负责带领其他孩子们把学校打扫干净。这也可以从该句的“.or you(否则你们就要为此负责)”看出答案为C项。C4According to Para.3, if the author had any money on him, he most probably_Agave it to the big boys so as to please themBgave it as a bribe to the headmasterCspent it all on his midday mealDspent it buying midday meals for th

13、e big boys第三段第四句中的“.the coins changed hands at once.”可理解为“钱马上就会易主”,即钱到了大孩子们的口袋里,由此可知选A项。A5When receiving complaints, the headmaster would deal with the big boys by means of _Aslight punishment Bharsh criticismCcomplete indifference Dgood beating根据题干中的complaints可定位到最后一段开头两句。该段第二句表明校长对大孩子们的惩罚很轻,因此本题应选

14、A项。Passage 2The 30 miles of steep roads that snake through the mountains of Logan Canyon in Utah are enough to make most drivers hands sweat. But Andersen, a 46yearold father of four, wasnt expecting any trouble on the road last New Years Eve, when he set off for a ski trip to the Bear River Mountai

15、ns with nineyearold daughter Mia, fouryearold son Baylor, and nineyearold neighbour Kenya. Andersen had driven through the Canyon hundreds of times over the years. The weather was fine,but the higher they drove, the more slippery the roads became. Rounding a sharp Uturn at mile marker 473, Andersen

16、saw a truck that had skated off the road and immediately tapped his brakes. In an instant, the car was sliding at 25 miles per hour towards the shoulder of the highway, then rolling down a steep tenfoot dam towards the extremely cold Logan River. As it hit the water, the car tipped towards the passe

17、nger side, hesitated, and then rolled onto its roof and sank into the river. There was no time to tell the kids what to do. The crash had broken a few windows, and within seconds, the upsidedown car was filled with water. “It was frightening how fast we were completely underwater,” remembers Anderse

18、n, a softspoken product development manager. “Youre thinking, is this how its all going to end?Having lost all sense of direction, Andersen began to search the freezing water for the kids. Mia had been right next to him in the front seat; now, in the blackness, he couldnt find her. I thought,“If I d

19、ont get out, maybe none of us are going to get out.” Andersen got out of his seat belt, swam through a broken window, and, deeply and quickly, breathed air at the surface. Thats when he saw a group of men, about ten in all, appear at the top of the dam. One after another, they raced down into the wa

20、ter. Helping onto safety all the three children, they began to shout at the father, “Who else is in the car?” Andersen says respectfully, “It_was_like_the型sight of angels_(天使). ”【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了Andersen开车带三个孩子上盘山公路时遭遇车祸并死里逃生的故事。1What might be the main reason for the car accident?AThe sharp Uturn.BThe s

21、teep dam.CThe sudden brake.DA truck hitting the car. 由第二段第二句“Rounding a sharp Uturn at mile marker 473, Andersen saw a truck that had skated off the road and immediately tapped his brakes.”可知是急刹车导致了这一次事故。2Andersen didnt expect any trouble on the road because _Ahe was familiar with the roadBhe was go

22、od at drivingChis hands didnt have sweatDthe weather was fine由第一段最后一句“Andersen had driven through the Canyon hundreds of times over the years.”可知Andersen在Canyon山路上开了成百上千次车,所以,他应该是对这条路非常熟悉。3What can be learned from the last paragraph?AAndersen lost conciousness in the water.BStrangers helped Andersen

23、 out of the car.CAndersen liked Mia most among the children.DStrangers teamed together to save the three children. 由最后一段“Thats when he saw a group of men, about ten in all, appear at the top of the dam.One after another, they raced down into the water.Helping onto safety all the three children.”可知,陌

24、生人成群结队地去救三个孩子。4The underlined sentence is to express Andersens feeling of being_Atired BexcitedCdoubtful Dgrateful由最后一句话中Andersen把他们比喻成天使,可知他应该对营救他们的人心存感激。5Which of the following can be the best title of the text?AStay calm when in troubleBDrive rounding a UturnCMiracle rescue from an icy riverDMyst

25、ery of the Bear River Mountains纵观全文可知本文主要介绍了在冰河中,大家营救车祸中的三个孩子和一位父亲的故事,故C项为最佳选项。Passage 3Scientists have not found any signs of life on Mars yet, but they say a robotic vehicle called “Curiosity” is helping them learn a lot about the planets history and climate.Curiosity landed on Mars in August 2012

26、 after travelling through space for more than eight months. It was sent to Mars by scientists from NASA in the United States.Curiosity is about the size of a car and has six wheels. It also has a robotic arm, cameras, and instruments that allow it to examine things it finds on the surface. Then it s

27、ends the information back to the earth.Curiositys main task is to find out if anything could live on Mars, either now or in the past. On Nov. 2, NASA scientists held a press conference (新闻发布会) to discuss what Curiosity had found in its first two months on Mars.Curiosity has found soil that is simila

28、r to the sand formed by volcanoes (火山) on the earth. Scientists say that studying the minerals in Martian soil will help them understand what conditions were like on the planet in the past. Curiosity also found smooth stones like the ones found on river beds and seashores on the earth, where their r

29、ough edges have been worn down by water. Mars is very cold and dry now, but scientists say the smooth stones tell them that a river used to run through the place where they were found.Curiosity has been testing the atmosphere around Mars for a type of gas called methane (甲烷), but so far it has not f

30、ound any. On the earth, most methane is produced by plants or animals. Methane on Mars might indicate that some type of tiny plants or animals lived there.Curiosity is the fourth robotic vehicle to be sent to Mars. It will continue to explore the planet for about two years.【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲述了“好奇号”机器人探索火星的最新情况。1Which of the following descriptions about Curiosity is TRUE?AIt landed on Mars in January 2012.BIt is small in size and has four arms.CIt took over eight months to arrive in Mars.DIt was sent to Mars by scientists from Russia.解

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