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1、1.1文献一 11.2文献二 31.4文献四 61.5文献五 81.6文献六 91.7文献七 11二综述报告 12三总结 14一科技文献在中国知网文献数据知识库中,用“公路场站建设项目经济评价研究”检索到了二十篇有关文献,检索界面如图1:图1公路场站建设项目经济评价研究检索界面其中七篇重要文献如下:1.1文献一【中文题名】公路场站建设项目经济评价研究【英文题名】The Economic Evaluation Research of Road Plaza Construction Project【作者】 高娜;【导师】 谢新连;【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学, 交通运输规划与管理, 2006,

2、硕士【摘要】 伴随着城市化进程的不断推进,公路场站建设项目越来越受到人们的重视,其经济评价的重要性也日渐突出。本论文从一般建设项目经济评价理论的产生入手,介绍了其发展历程及国内外最新研究情况,论述了一般公路场站建设项目经济评价的原理与方法。在阐明公路场站建设项目经济评价理论与方法及软件系统开发必要性的前提下,结合公路场站建设项目的特点,论述了其经济评价应遵循的一般原则,提出了其经济评价应采用的方法与参数,主要包括财务评价、国民经济评价以及评价指标的选取。详细分析了经济评价中各种数据的计算方法。按照公路场站建设项目经济评价的方法,运用VB和Access对数值的处理优势,开发了一套实用的公路场站建

3、设项目财务评价软件系统(简称RPCFES)。论文介绍了系统开发工具的选择、功能需求、数据分析及系统设计,阐述了系统开发中遇到的难点以及解决措施。最后以大连市某汽车站建设项目为实例,应用RPCFES进行了一次比较详细的案例分析。【Abstract】 Following the constant promotion of the urbanization process, people more and more attach importance to the road plaza construction project, and the importance of its economic

4、evaluation gradually stands out. Starting with the origin of the general construction project economic evaluation theory, this thesis introduces its development course and the latest achievements about this theory, and describes the general road plaza construction project economic evaluation princip

5、les and methods. After elucidating the economic evaluation principles knd methods of road plaza construction project and the necessary of software system exploitation, then combining with its characteristics of road plaza construction project, it puts forward methods and parameters that should be ad

6、opted in its economic evaluation, including financial evaluation, national economic evaluation and the choosing of the main appraisal index, and analyses calculation methods of various data in the economic evaluation. According to the methods of road plaza construction project economic evaluation, m

7、aking the best use of the superiority that VB and Access treat with numbers, the author has developed a practical software system of road plaza construction project financial evaluation (abbreviated as RPCFES). The thesis presents the choice of development tools, function demands, data analysis and

8、system design, setting forth the difficulty and solving measures in the system exploitation. At last, taking some bus station of Dalian as an example, it carrys through a detailed case analysis using RPCFES.【关键词】 经济评价; 公路场站; 财务评价; 国民经济评价; 系统开发; 【Key words】 Economic Evaluation; Road Plaza; Financial

9、Evaluation; National Economic Evaluation; System Exploitatio;【检索界面】1.2文献二【中文题名】高速公路建设项目经济评价分析及项目研究 【英文题名】Economic Evaluation Research of Expressway Project and Its Example Analysis【作者】 孙灏;【导师】 阮连法;【作者基本信息】 浙江大学, 建筑经济及管理, 2002, 硕士【摘要】 高速公路二十世纪八十年代在我国开始兴建,目前进入大规模建设高潮。高速公路是只供汽车高速行驶、通行能力大、两侧各有两条或两条以上车道、

10、设置中央分隔带、全部采用立体交叉和控制出入并有完善交通安全设施的公路。由于等级高、设施先进、技术要求高,因此,高速公路建设项目具有投资巨大、还贷期长等特点。所以,对高速公路项目进行准确的合理的经济评价变得非常重要。 高速公路建设项目经济评价高速公路建设项目可行性研究的重要组成部分。高速公路经济评价工作是根据国民经济发展战略和行业、地区发展规划以及有关技术经济政策,在交通量预测和工程技术研究的基础上,对高速公路项目的经济可行性和合理性进行分析论证,作出全面的经济评价,为项目的科学决策提供依据。 本文将通过对高速公路项目的财务评价和国民经济评价,研究高速公路项目的可行性和合理性,同时,提出“高速公

11、路建设项目社会贡献率”指标作为对财务评价和国民经济评价的补充。并通过具体实例,进行了实证分析,论证了本文研究方法的正确性。【Abstract】 Expressway started construction in china in 1980s . At present large-scale construction of expressway is reaching its climax. Expressway has the characters of high speed, two or more than two lines on eachside, setting up centra

12、l separating line, grade separation, central of coming in and out, high grade, advanced installation, high requirement of technology, huge investment and long period of paying off loan . Therefore, it is much important for expressway project to carry on economic evaluation exactly and reasonably .Th

13、e economic evaluation of expressway project is important part of the feasibility research of expressway project . Based on the development strategy of national economy, the development program of trade and area, the relative policy of technical economy, the forecast of traffic value and research of

14、engineering technology, the economic evaluation of expressway project analyses and proofs the economic feasibility ofexpressway, entering the comprehensive economic evaluation which provides the basis for scientific judgement of project .Through financial evaluation and national economic evaluation

15、for the expressway project, the thesis will research the feasibility and reasonability of expressway project . Simultaneously it will put forward the index the rate of social contribution of expressway project as the supplement of financial evaluation and national economic evaluation . After analyzi

16、ng the particular example, it proves that the research methad of thesis is correct . 【关键词】 高速公路; 项目建设; 经济评价; 实证分析;【Key words】 expressway; project construction; economic evaluation1.3文献三【中文题名】基于可持续发展的水利建设项目经济评价研究【英文题名】Study on Economic Assessment of Water Conservancy Construction Project Based on Sus

17、tainable Development【作者】 陈岩; 郑垂勇; 王蕾;【Author】 CHEN Yan et al(Hehai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098)【机构】 河海大学商学院; 河海大学商学院 江苏南京210098; 江苏南京210098;【摘要】 通过对传统的经济评价缺陷和可持续发展的经济评价的必要性分析,得出了我国水利建设项目应采用可持续发展的经济评价法,并对水利建设项目的环境效益费用的估值方法进行了介绍。【Abstract】 According to the analysis of the limitation of the tradi

18、tional economic assessment and the necessity of economic assessment based on sustainable development,in this paper the author thought that the economic assessment based on sustainable development should be adopted in water conservancy construction projects in our country.The concrete assessment meth

19、od was chosen in view of several types of impacts of the water conservancy construction project on the environment,which made the economic analy.【关键词】 水利建设项目; 可持续发展; 环境影响经济分析;【Key words】 Water conservancy construction project; Sustainable deve1.4文献四【中文题名】公路场站建设项目评判模型及实例分析【英文题名】General model of road

20、plaza construction and instance analysis 梁小成; 谢新连;【Author】 GAO Na1, LIANG Xiao-cheng2, XIE Xin-lian1(1.Transportation & Logistics College, Dalian Maritime Univ., Dalian 116026,China;2. Economic & Management College, Dalian Maritime Univ., Dalian 116026,China)【机构】 大连海事大学交通工程与物流学院; 大连海事大学经济与管理学院; 大连海事

21、大学交通工程与物流学院 辽宁大连116026; 辽宁大连116026;【摘要】 以公路场站建设项目为研究对象,结合公路场站的经济特征,从经济效益和社会效益的角度建立了公路场站建设项目综合评价系统,引用了改造的层次灰色综合评判模型并结合实例加以论述,并证明所提出的评判模型在公路场站建设项目经济评价中的有效性和实用性. 更多还原【Abstract】 Based on the research of road plaza construction with its economic features, the author established the general model system i

22、n this paper, considering the economic and social benefits. Then drew into the hiberarchy and gray model which is reconstructive, and discussed with examples in order to prove the models validity and practicability in the process of economic appraisement of road plaza construction. 【关键词】 公路场站建设; 经济特

23、征; 层次灰色评判模型; 有效性/实用性;【Key words】 road plaza construction; economic character; hiberarchy and gray model; validity/practicability1.5文献五【中文题名】电力建设项目经济评价研究【英文题名】The Research on Economic Evaluation of Power Construction Project【作者】 沈黎明;【Author】 Shen Liming(Shizuishan Power Supply Bureau,Shizuishan,Ningx

24、ia 753000)【机构】 宁夏石嘴山供电局;【摘要】 电力项目是一种耗费大量资金的资金密集型建设项目,如何以最小的资本投入带来最大效益是一项非常有意义的研究课题。本文对项目评价与优化方法进行了理论分析,提出了电力项目评估指标和优化方法,并针对一实例进行分析计算。结果表明,有序的电力建设方案可以节省大量资金,带来可观的社会和经济效益。 更多还原【Abstract】 Power project is a capital-intensive capital-intensive projects,to minimize the maximum benefit of capital investme

25、nt is a very interesting research topic.This paper analyse the method of project evaluation and optimization of a theoretical,proposed power project evaluation indicators and optimization methods,an instance analyzed and calculated.The results show that the ordered power building programs can save a

26、 lot of money and bring considerable social and economic benefits. 【关键词】 电力项目; 投资优化; 研究;【Key words】 power project; economic evaluation; investment optimization; research;1.6文献六【题名】【英文题名】The Study of Investment & Finance for Infrastructure Construction of Transportation Logistics【作者中文名】杨桂丽;【导师】杨家其;【学

27、位授予单位】武汉理工大学;【学科专业名称】交通运输规划与管理【学位年度】2004【论文级别】硕士【网络出版投稿人】武汉理工大学【网络出版投稿时间】2004-07-08【关键词】交通运输物流基础设施; 投融资体制; 投融资模式; 项目融资;【英文关键词】Infrastructure construction of transportation logistics, Investment & finance system, Investment & finance pattern, Project finance pattern【中文摘要】完善的物流基础设施是现代物流发展的前提和保障,尤其是交通运

28、输物流基础设施。建国以来,我国交通运输物流基础设施建设取得了较大成绩,基本形成了不同运输方式协调发展,通过中转场站和物流中心或物流园区有效链接而成的交通运输物流基础设施网络基本建立。但与现代物流发展的需要相比,与我国经济发展规模和发展速度相比,与物流需求者对物流服务的要求相比,与国外物流发达国家相比,还是比较落后的。而造成我国交通运输物流基础设施落后的主要原因就是资金投入不足。 交通运输物流基础设施属于高投资、高风险、类公益性项目,若单靠国家和地方政府投资是非常困难的,若靠国际贷款、借款,又会增加我国债务负担。因此,究竟应该制定什么样的投融资体制,采取什么样的投融资模式,既符合我国国情,又能够

29、最大程度的筹集到资金,保证交通运输物流基础设施持续、稳定的资金投入呢? 通过对我国交通运输物流基础设施投融资现状的分析,发现目前存在的问题主要是:一是投资不足;二是投资不平衡;三是多元化的投融资体制还不完善。 要解决以上问题,必须通过改革完善我国的投融资体制,选择与我.【英文摘要】The perfect logistics infrastructure construction, especially infrastructure construction of transportation logistics, is premise and guarantee that modern log

30、istics develop, infrastructure construction of transportation logistics in our country obtained the big score since our country founded. Infrastructure construction of transportation logistics net which is harmonious in different transportation methods and link effectively with station or logistics

31、center or logistics areas was established. But it.1.7文献七【作者】 贾文娟;【Author】Jia WenjuanTraffic Transportations Planning and Managing Institute, Xian Highway University, Xian 710064【机构】 西安公路交通大学交通运输规划与管理研究所;【摘要】 通过对场站建设项目经济评价中费用、收益的不同组成部分的分析,指出了确定基础数据应注意的几个问题,并结合场站建设项目的特点,提出了适用于场站项目经济评价的费用,效益估算方法。【Abstract】 By analysing the costs and the benefits of the project of highway transportation station, the paper putforward some points which should be considered when determining the basic factors. According to the characteristic of the project of stati

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