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1、3 digit code on back of card(3位安全码)_American ExpressVisa or MasterCard #(信用卡卡号)_Exp. Date(有效期)_If youve paid on the Internet, please write your Customer#_(如果您已完成网上交易,请写下您的客户号)Referrals Name(推荐人姓名)_When you are finished, please e-mail or fax TLC your answers and registration form. If you need this gr

2、aded and a certificate mailed back to you with in 48-hours, prepare to pay an additional rush handling fee.(如果您完成了所有试题,请以电子邮件或传真方式将您的答案和个人登记表发送给我们。如果您需要我们在48小时内对您的答卷评分并发放证书,您可能会被要求支付加急费用)Thank you very much.Conventional Acupuncture Meridian CEU Training Course Assignment 针灸穴位CEU培训科目常规试题You will have

3、 90 days to finish this course and submit the Answer Key and Registration Form to TLC. You can find the Answer Key in the rear of this section. Please e-mail or fax your Answer Key and Registration Form to TLC, Fax (928) 272-0747. You can find the Assignment on the Assignment Page on TLCs website an

4、d complete course assistance under the Assistance Page. 您将拥有90天的时间完成这个课程并提交TLC您的答卷和个人登记表。您可以在试题的最后找到答卷(您将被要求在答卷纸上答题)。请通过电子邮件或传真方式将您的答卷纸连同个人登记表发送到TLC,传真号码: (928) 272-0747。您可以在TLC网站上找到此考题并通过帮助页辅助您完成答卷。Multiple Choice Exam. Please select only one answer.(单项选择题)You are given a medical problem that needs

5、 to be solved by choosing the correct acupuncture point. This project will get progressively difficult as you work towards the finish. 您被给予一个医学问题需要您通过选择正确的穴位点来解决。整个答题过程从简到难。1. Abdominal Fullness: Arrhythmia: Circulation Problems 肠痹: 心律失常: 血液循环问题A. BL64 / Jing Gu 京骨B. HT1/Ji Quan 极泉C. PC6/Nei Guan 内关

6、D. HT7 / Shen Men 神门E. KI26 / Yu Zhong 御中2. Anxiety: Circulation Problems 忧虑:B. HT1/Ji Quan 极泉 D. HE7 / Shen Men 神门3. Dream Disturbed Sleep: Circulation Problems 梦恐慌:4. Eye Disorders: Circulation Problems 视力障碍:5. Nausea: Circulation Problems 作恶:Please use the answer key for recording your answers. (

7、请使用答卷纸记录您的答案)6. Posterior Shoulder Pain: Circulation Problems 肩椎痛:A. ST40 丰隆B. PC6 内关C. LR2 行间D. HT9 少冲E. PC2 天泉7. Pounding Of The Heart:心跳过快:D. HT9 少冲 8. Agitation: Blood Pressure: Circulation Problems 兴奋: 血压:9. Arm Contraction:手臂紧缩:10. Anal Prolapse:脱肛:A. HT5 通里B. BL15/Xin Shu, HT5/Tong Li 心俞/通里C.

8、 GV20 百会 D. BL62 申脉E. GB20 风池11. Back Pain:背部疼痛:B. BL15/Xin Shu, HT5/Tong Li 心俞/通里C. GV20 百会12. Bitter Taste:苦味:E. GB34 风池13. Amenorrhea:月经不调:14. Ankle Conditions, Arrhythmia, Circulation Problems 踝骨病,心律失常,血液循环问题A. HT5 通里 15. Cardiac Arrhythmia:心律失常:16. Cough: Circulation Problems 咳嗽:17. Cardiac Pai

9、n:心痛: 血液循环问题 A. LU7 / Lie Que, ST9 / Ren Ying 列缺/人迎B. PC8/ Lao Gong 劳宫C. Yong Quan 永泉D. Jia Xi 夹溪E. None of the Above 以上全都不是18. Chest Pain:胸痛:B. Lao Gong 劳宫19. Constipation:便秘:20. Cough:咳嗽:A. LU7 / Lie Que, ST9 / Ren Ying 列缺/人迎B. Lao Gong 劳宫21. Deafness:耳聋:A. LU10 / Yu Ji, SI19 / Ting Gong 鱼际/听宫B. D

10、U25/ Su Liao 素僚C. DU20/ Bai Hui 百会D. Lao Gong 劳宫E. Jian Yu 建俞22. Below Heart Distention And Fullness: Chest: Circulation 心下肿胀: 胸部: 循环问题A. LU5 / Chi Ze, SI8 / Xiao Hai 尺泽/小海B. San Yin Jiao 三阴绞C. SI1 / Shao Ze 少泽D. Shou Wu Li 手五里E. Nei Guan 内官23. Breast Swelling: Circulation乳肿胀: 胸: 循环A. LU5 / Chi Ze,

11、SI8 / Xiao Hai Please use the answer key for recording your answers. 请使用答卷纸记录您的答案24. Hypotension: Circulation Problems 低血压:B. Su Liao 素僚C. Bai Hui 百会25. Anger: 怒气:B. Su Liao 肃僚26. Arm Pain:手臂痛:27. Cardiac Arrhythmia: Circulation 心律失常:28. Arm Motor Impairment: 手臂屈伸不利:29. Abdominal Pain:腹痛: 循环问题 A. LU

12、10 / Yu Ji, SI9 / Ting Gong 于济/听宫30. Cough:C. LU11 / Shao Shang 少商31. Dizziness: Chest :晕眩:A. ST36 足三里B. LU11少商C. BL3 / Mei Chong, BL4 / Qu Chai 眉冲/曲差D. LI4 合谷E. LR2 行间32. Finger Pain:手指痛:33. Axillary Edema: Edema: Circulation 腋下浮肿: 浮肿:A. BL19 胆俞B. PC5 间使C. GB22 渊腋D. GB41足临泣E. KI7 / Fu Liu, SP6 / Sa

13、n Yin Jiao 复溜/三阴绞34. Allergies:过敏:B. LU11 少商35. Amenorrhea: Circulation 月经不调:C. BL3 / Mei Chong, BL4 / Qu Chai眉冲/曲差36. Anger:37. Amenorrhea:38. Cardiac Pain:A. Zhao Hai 照海B. GV26 水沟C. Da Ling 大陵D. GB34 阳陵泉E. BL19 胆俞39. Chest Discomfort: Circulation 胸部不适:B. GV26 素廖E. Shui Gou 水沟40. Chest Pain:B. GV26 肃廖41. Axillary Swelling: Circulation 腋下肿胀:D. GB41 足临泣42. Borborygmus:腹鸣:43. Aphasia:失语症:B. ST4 地仓44. Apprehension:忧虑: 水肿:45. Breast Pain: 乳痛:E. KI7 / Fu Liu, SP6 / San Yin Jiao 复溜/三阴绞 46. Cardiac Conditions: Circulation 心律病:B. PC6 间使E. KI7 / Fu Liu, SP6 / San Yin Jiao复溜/三阴绞 47. Coma:昏迷:B. GV29

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