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1、D. what city she comes from8. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.B. whatever9. He asked me _ with me.A. what is the troubleC. what was the matterA. that10. I am sure _ he said is true.B. about that11. When and why he came here _ yet.A. is not knownB. are not known12.

2、 I wonder how much _.A. does the watch costB. did the watch costD. the watch costsC. afraid thatD. afraid forC. the watch costedA. afraid ofC. has not known13. Mary is _ someone might recognize her.B. afraid about14._ is no reason for dismissing her.A. Because she was a few minutes lateB. Owing to a

3、 few minutes lateD. Being a few minutes lateB. because of not all things be doneD. because not all things can be doneC. sinceD. thatC. The fact that she was a few minutes lateA. that not all things can be doneC. being not all things can be doneA. forB. because15. They came to the conclusion _ by a c

4、omputer.16. Why the explosion occurred was _ the laboratory attendant had been careless.17. I dont doubt _ hell come.A. thatB. ifC. whatD. whether18.“Why did you go to the wrong class, Mr. Wang”“Well, I forget _ I was supposed to go to.”A. which the roomA. thatB. which roomC. what was the roomD. wha

5、t room was itC. whatD. of which19. Output is now six times _ it was before liberation.B. which20.Mary:Helen is a mere washer woman, yet shes now buying a big house.Carol:Yes. Because shes always saved _.A. what little she earnsC. for little she earnsA. ThatwhatA. whichA. thatB. how little she earnsD

6、. with little she earnsC. ThatwhichC. thatD. WhatwhichD. thisD. all that21. _ surprised me most was _ such a little boy of seven could play the violin so well.B. WhatthatB. what22. We gave him _ help we could.23. She is pleased with what you have given him and _ you have told him.C. all what24. Excu

7、se me would you please tell me _A. when the sports meet is taken placeC. when is the sports meet to begin25. Do you happen to know _A. what size shoes he wearsB. how big shoes he wearsD. what number shoes are hisB. how what you have observedD. how that you have observedC. hes goneD. was heC. what is

8、 the size of his shoesA. how you have observedC. that you have observed27. Where do you think _A. has he goneB. has he been28. Do you know _A. how many populations there are in the worldB. how much population there is in the worldC. how many the population of the world isD. what the population of th

9、e world is29. Would you go and see _ outsideA. what to take placeC. what is happeningA. whatB. what Tom has happenedD. what the matter had beenC. What is interestingD. IB. Do you think who he isD. Do you think who he isB. when is the sports meet going to be heldD. when the sports meet is to take pla

10、ce26. This book will show you _ can be used in other contexts.30. The subject of What is interesting is that I do not even know him. is_.B. interesting31. _ I think he is Charles.A. Who do you think he isC. Whom do you think he is32. He didnt know which room _.A. they livedA. thatB. they lived inB.

11、whichC. did they liveC. whateverC. which it wasC. whatD. did they live inD. no matter whatD. what it used to beD. all whatD. ThatdoesD. WhyhowD. WhichwhereD. which thatD. which33. The little boy ate _ his mother gave him.34. The city is no longer _.A. what it isA. IfdoB. that it used to beB. thatB.

12、who is his fatherD. who his father isC. whereD. place whichD. is thought thatD. that whereverD. whether35. My parents used _ they had to get a new car for me.36. _ we go swimming every day _ us a lot of good.B. ThatdoB. ThatwhatB. that whatB. thatC. IfdoesC. Howwhy37. _ was the idea _ the wife thoug

13、ht ofA. WhatthatA. what thatA. if38. _ did he tell his wife _ he wished to doC. WherewhichC. that whichC. whether39. One of the men held the view _ the book said was right.40. I have no idea _ or not he has finished the work.41.“Do you know _”“His father is a doctor.”A. what is his fatherC. what his

14、 father isA. place42. Is this _ we met each other two years agoB. place in whichB. is thought whatB. wherever43. It _ Bob drives badly.A. thinks thatA. whereA. ifC. thought thatC. thatC. what44. We all know the truth _ there are air, water and sunlight there are living things.45. They discussed _ th

15、ey could settle the problem without others help.46. She asked _.A. what I was doing when she rang me upB. what was I doing when she rang me upC. when she rang me up what I was doingD. when did she ring me up what I was doing47.May I borrow the ringYou can take _ you like.A. no matter whatB. whichA.

16、what beautiful isC. beautiful is whatC. whicheverD. that48. He said that he was fond of _.B. what is beautifulD. what it is beautiful49. He insisted that he _ in good health and _ to work there.A. was, be sentA. whoA. ifB. is, is sentB. whomB. thatC. be, was sentC. thatD. be, sendD. whoseD. howD. bu

17、t for50. Do you know _ he expects will give us a talk51. Its uncertain _ the experiment is worth doing.C. except that52. They would have fixed the telephone yesterday _ it was a holiday.A. exceptB. except for53. _ is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad.A. Whichever is hardC. What is h

18、ardA. ThatA. we goB. No matter what is hardD. All what is hardC. HowD. WhichD. that we goD. That, whatD. Whether54. _ the boy didnt take medicine made his mother angry.B. What55. As the day was fine, I made the suggestion _ for a walk in the park.B. we will goB. What, thatB. WhoC. should we goC. Tha

19、t, thatC. That56. _ we cant get seems better than _ we have.A. What, whatA. What57. _ you dont like him is none of my business.58. You cant imagine _ when they received these nice Christmas presents.A. how they were excitedC. how excited were theyA. IfB. how excited they wereD. they were how excited

20、C. ThatD. WhereD. If whatD. WhoD. ThatD. WhatD. ThisD. WhetherD. AnybodyD. How59. _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.B. Whether60. _he really means is _he disagrees with us.A. What thatB. That whatA. WhenA. IfB. WhyB. WhyB. WhereB. IfC. Why thatC. HowC. WhatC. Why61. _is going to do t

21、he job will be decided by the Party committee.62. _ well finish translating the book depends on the time.63. _ the house will be built will be discussed at tomorrows meeting.64. _ he wont go there is clear to all of us.A. HowA. WhoA. Which65. _ you come or not is up to you.66. _ makes mistakes must

22、correct them.B. AnyoneB. ThatC. WhoeverC. If67. _ team will win the match is a matter of public concern.68.Three days later, word came _our country had sent up another man-made satellite.A. whyA. even ifA. whatA. isB. whenB. whenB. as ifB. whereB. itC. thatC. whatD. whereD. whoD. likeD. whyD. whatD.

23、 was69.The problem is _will go to the meeting.70.It looks _ it were going to rain.C. even thoughC. whyC. thisC. were71.That is _ he likes the place so much.72.That is _ Lu Xun once lived.73. We thought _ strange that Tom did not come yesterday.74.The fact _ she had not said anything surprised all of

24、 us.B. are75.What Im considering now _ the money we need.76.Can you tell me _A. who is that gentlemanC. who that gentleman isA. AnyoneB. that gentleman is whoD. whom is that gentlemanC. howC. whichC. thatD. suchD. why whatD. XD. whetherD. which of thoseD. WhenD. howthatD. whenD. Who77. _leaves the r

25、oom last ought to turn off the lights.B. The person78. It is well known _ a person eats causes changes in the body.A. that what, when, and how79. The energy is _ makes the cells able to do their work.80. Jack was soon told _ he did was not necessary.81. We should think carefully about _ Mr. Needham said at the meeting.82. Can you point out _ two radios ar

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