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1、The businessman is never to be entirely trusted. 不可以完全信任商人。He felt not altogether satisfied. 他并不完全满意。t agree completely. 我并不完全同意。What he did was not quite proper. 他做的不十分妥当。六、 all the time 的否定式:并非一直未必老是A foolish man doesnt make a mistake all the time. 笨人未必老是犯错误。七、 notand的否定式,被否定的往往是and后面的那一部分。He did

2、not speak clearly and correctly. 他讲得清楚但不正确。This film is not interesting and instructive. 这部电影有趣但无教育意义。She cannot sing and dance. 她会唱歌但不会跳舞。如果将and 换成or,not 对其后面的两部分就全盘否定了。He did not speak clearly or correctly. 他讲的既不清楚也不正确。如要对上述的all, both, every, always, 以及entirely, altogether, completely, quite 和 all

3、 the time 等词作完全否定,那就分别要用与之相对应的全否定词,如no, none, neither, no one, never, not (never)at all 等。All of them can do it.- None of them can do it. Both are good.-Neither is good. Everybody likes it. -Nobody likes it. He is always late. - He is never late. We dont trust them entirely. - We never trust them at

4、 all. He was here all the time. - He was never here.2019-2020年中考英语命题要点强化与新题预测 介词【考点串讲】中考对介词的考查主要是介词的基本用法和介词的辨析。学习重点应放在以下三点:1表时间,地点,方式等介词的用法;2介词短语及介词与其他词的搭配使用;3同义或近义介词辨析。高频考向一表时间的介词 at,in,on 表示时间点用at。如:at six oclock,at noon,at midnight。表示在某个世纪,某年,某月,某个季节以及早晨,上午,下午,晚上时,用in。in May,in winter,in the morn

5、ing,in the afternoon等。表示具体的某一天和某一天的上午,下午,晚上时,用on。on Monday,on July 1st,on Sunday morning等。since,after 由since和after引导的词组都可表示从过去某一点开始的时段,但since词组表示的时段一直延续到说话的时刻,因而往往要与现在完成时连用。而after词组所表示的时段为过去,因而要与一般过去时连用。They have lived here since l978.自从1978年,他们就住在这儿。After five days the boy came back.五天后这个男孩回来了。in,a

6、fter in与将来时态连用时,表示“过多长时间以后”的意思,后面跟表示一段时间的词语。对此提问用How soon。after与将来时态连用时,后面只能跟表示时间点的词语。after与过去时态连用时,后面才能跟表示一段时间的词语。He will be back in two months.他将在两个月后回来。He returned after a month.他一个月后回来了。for,since for可以指过去、现在或将来,着重说明“多久”,后面接时间段。since意为“自从起”,多与完成时连用,后面接时间点或从句。since引导的从句通常为一般过去时。且两者作介词所描述的动作都是持续性动作

7、,since引导从句时,主句的动作是持续性的。He has lived here for 2 weeks.他在这儿住了两个星期了。He has lived here since 2 weeks ago.他两周前就住这儿了。Its five years since he left school.他毕业五年了。【例1】【2013,泸州】The story he told us happened _ the night of May 5. Ain Bat Cby Don 解析:在具体的某一天的晚上应用介词on。答案:_D_ 【例2】【2013,扬州】 How long have you lived

8、in the new flat?_ 2010. AIn BAfter CSince DBefore 表示“自从起”应用介词since,后常接时间点或从句。_C_ 高频考向二表示地点和位置的介词 at一般指小地方;in一般指大地方或某个范围之内;on往往表示“在某个物体的表面”。He arrived in Shanghai yesterday.昨天他到达的上海。They arrived at a small village before dark.天黑前,他们到达了一个小村子。The teacher put up a picture on the wall.这个老师在墙上贴了一张画。over,a

9、bove,on over,on和above都可表示“在上面”,但具体含义不同。over表示位置高于某物,在某物的正上方,其反义词是under。above也表示位置高于某物,但不一定在正上方,其反义词是below。on指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一的上面。There is a bridge over the river.河上有座桥。We flew above the clouds.我们在云层上飞行。They put some flowers on the teachers desk.他们放了一些花在老师桌子上。in,on,to 从下图可以看出in表示“在某一范围之内,在中”;on表示两个不同的个

10、体相邻或接壤,即“毗邻;接壤”;to则表示两个个体之间有一段距离。Japan lies to the east of China in the east of Asia.It faces the Pacific on the east.日本在亚洲东部(范围内),中国东面(不接壤),东临太平洋(接壤)。in front of,in the front of in front of表示“在某人或某物的前面”,在某个范围以外;in the front of表示“在的前部”,在某个范围以内。There are some tall trees in front of the building.这栋大楼前

11、有一些高树。The teacher is sitting in the front of the classroom.老师坐在教室前面。across,throughacross表示从物体表面通过,与on有关。through表示通过一个空间,与in有关。The boy ran across the street.这个男孩跑过了街。They walked through the forest.他们穿过了森林。below,under below “在下”,不一定在正下方 under “在正下方”。There is a dog under the desk.书桌下有一只小狗。Write your na

12、me below the line.在横线下方写下你的名字。between,among between指两者之间。among指三者或三者以上的人或事物之间。There is a map between the door and the window.门和窗户之间有一张地图。He is sitting among the students.他坐在学生当中。【例3】【2013,滨州】 Its reported that President Xi Jinping arrived _ Moscow _ March 22nd pay a threeday visit to Russia.Aat;on B

13、in;on Cat;in Din;in 句意:arrive at后接小地点,arrive in后接大地点;具体的某一天用介词on。_B_ 【例4】【2013,安徽】 Mrs.King put a coat _ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. Aover Bwith Cbehind Dbeside 由语境可知句意为“金太太把一件大衣盖在那个睡觉的小女孩身上来为她保暖”。_A_ 高频考向三表示方式的介词by,with,in,on by表示“以方式、方法或手段”;with表示“用工具”;in表示“用方式、语言、语调或颜色”等;on则一般指用网络,电脑,电视,电

14、话等。He studies English by reading aloud every day.他通过每天大声朗读学英语。How amazing!The boy can write with his two hands at the same time.真神奇,这个男孩能同时用左右手写字。Can you spell it in English?你会用英语把它拼出来吗?【例5】【2013,鞍山】You can improve your English _ reading more. Ain Bwith Cby Dof 题意为“你可以通过多读来提高你的英语”,只有by可以表达“通过方式”。【例6

15、】 When I got into the room,Sue was talking _ the phone. Awith Bon Cto Din 用电话在交谈,介词应用on。高频考向四介词的固定搭配 介词往往同其他词类形成了固定搭配关系。熟记并掌握这种固定搭配关系,才能正确使用介词。1动词介词 arrive in/at到达 ask for请求 do well in在方面做得好 preferto 宁愿选择,更喜欢 regardas 把看做 thanks to幸亏,由于 think about考虑 laugh at嘲笑 learn from向学习 leave for出发去某地 talk to与谈

16、话 go in for从事,致力于 hear about听说 look at (有意识地)看 speak to对说 send for派人去叫,叫人去拿shout at大声叫喊,吼叫worry about为担心think of考虑,关心2介词名词in time 及时on time 准时in front of 在前面at home 在家in English 用英语at night 在晚上with a smile 带着微笑without breakfast没吃早餐at first 首先at last 最后on ones way to 在某人去的路上at once 立刻,马上at the same t

17、ime 同时by hand 用手,手工,亲手in trouble 处于困境in fact 事实上on duty 值日out of work 失业out of breath 上气不接下气on the left/right 在左/右边to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是 3介词与形容词、过去分词和动词等搭配be born in 出生于 be good at 擅长 be made of 由制成be angry with sb.跟某人生气be angry at sth.为某事生气be pleased with sb.对某人感到满意be satisfied with sth.对某事感到满意b

18、e surprised at对感到惊奇(诧异) be used to 习惯于 be tired of 讨厌,厌倦 be interested in对感兴趣be proud of 以自豪(骄傲) be full of 充满 be filled with充满 take (catch) hold of抓住be sure of 确信 take part in参加break into(in) 闯入take care of照顾,关心,保管be busy with 忙于 be strict with sb.对某人严格要求catch up with跟上,赶上 have nothing to do with 与

19、无关go to school去上学keep out of不让进入go to bed(sleep) 去睡觉look forward to盼望,期待go to the cinema去看电影say hello to向问好【例7】 【2013,黄石】 The teachers hope all of us can hand _ our homework _ time every day. Aup;in Bout;on Con;on 考查固定短语hand in意为“上交”;in time“及时”,on time“准时”。【例8】【2013,广安】Whats your teacher like?She i

20、s always strict _ us Ain Bwith Cto be strict with为固定搭配,意为“对严格要求”。【要点强化】【例1】【2013,德州】You wont want to visit any other mountain if you have seen wu yue,but you wont wish to see even wu yue _ returning from Mount Huangshan. Aabout Bbefore Csince DAfter由句意“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”可知“不看岳”是在“黄山归来”之后。【例2】【2013,徐州】

21、Li Yuchun is my favourite singer.I once met her _ 2012 in Hunan. Ato Bon Cat Din 年份前面应用介词in。【例3】【2013,东营】Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival (桃花节)?Yes.The flowers were beautiful.Bees were flying _ them. Ain Bamong Cbetween Dthrough 由语境可知句意为“是的,那些花很漂亮。蜜蜂在它们中间飞来飞去”。【例4】【2013,上海】The c

22、hemical in the vegetables and fruit are bad _ our health. Afrom Bwith Cof Dfor be bad for为固定搭配,意为“对有坏处”。1.【2013天津】 23. The workers will build a new railroad_ the two cities. A. since B. between C. as D. During【答案】B【解析】考查介词辨析。工人们将要在这两座城市之间建立一条新的铁路。表“两者之间”用介词between。故选B。2.【2013陕西】30. We are planning t

23、o have a surprise party _ her fifteenth birthday.A. at B. in C. for D. with 【答案】C【解析】本题考查介词。我们正在计划为她的15岁生日举办一个让她意外的聚会。for 表示“为了”,符合句意。3.【2013山东威海】28. Excuse me. Could you tell tae the way to the peoples Hospital?Walk along this street _the end and youll find h on youA. in B. to C. by D. at【解析】考查介词的用

24、法。打扰了,你能告诉我到人民医院的路吗?沿着这条街走到尽头,你将会在路的左边找到它。in在里面;to表示方向;by在旁边;at表示在某一时刻或小地方。此处为走到路的尽头,表示方向。4.【2013山东莱芜】23. If you read a lot, your life will be full _ pleasure.A. by B. of C. for D. with 23.【答案】B 【解析】考查固定短语。如果你阅读很多,你的生活将是充满乐趣。固定短语be full of =be filled with充满。根据句意和习惯表达,所以选择答案B。5.【2013广西贺州】 34. I am in

25、terested _ sports. I often play soccer and I am _ a soccer team.A. in; in B. in; on C. at; in D. at; on句意为:我很喜欢运动。我常常踢球,而且我还参加了足球队。be interested in对. .感兴趣;on a team参加.队。6.【2013江苏徐州】2. Li Yuchun is my favourite singer. I once met her _ 2012 in Hunan. A. to B. on C. at D. in【答案】D年份前用介词in,in 2012意为“在20

26、12年”。所以选择D。7.【2013湖南益阳】22. I had too much work to do last night, I didnt go to bed_11 oclock.A. in B. until C. for 【答案】B 昨天晚上我有很多的工作要做,直到11点我才睡觉。notuntil意为“直到才”。根据故选B。8.【2013湖南娄底】22. _ April 20th,2013, a terrible earthquake happened in Yaan city, Sichuan. A. In B. On C. At【解析】考查时间前介词的运用。在具体日期前用介词on,故答案应选B。9.【2013湖北宜昌】27. Not only the young but also the old are getting interested _ WeChat (微信). They can communicate more freely. A. by B. about C. in D. for 【解析】考查固定搭配。be (get) interested in 为固定短语,意为“对感兴趣”,符合句意“不仅年轻

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