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1、 How many of you are Coming to the party next week? 你们有多少人下周要来参加晚会? be going to+动词原形这一句型表示即将发生的事或打算(准备)做的事,我们把它归在将来时里了。(详见第十章将来时) she isnt going to speak at the meeting.她不打算在会议上发言。注意:如果没有表示将来时间的状语,此类句子就可能指现在或现阶段的动作。 Where are you going next week? 下周你计划去哪儿?用现在进行时表示将来时,因为有next week(下周)这一时间状语。 Where ar

2、e you going?你现在去哪儿?因为没有表示将来时的时间状语,所以就按句型来翻译,即现在进行时。 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别一般现在时表示经常性的动作;而现在进行时表示暂时性的动作。 He walks to work.他步行上班。(习惯、经常性的动作) Hes walking to work because his bike is being repaired.他现在走着上班,因为他的自行车正在修理。(只是暂时的情况)Where does he live?他家住在哪儿?(询问一般的情况)Where is he living(staying)?他这几天住在哪儿?(询问暂时一段时间的情况)

3、现在进行时有时可用来代替一般现在时,表达说话人的某种感惰,使句子有强烈的感情色彩。常与always,forever连用。 You are always forgetting the important thing.你总是把重要的事情忘掉。(表达出不满的情绪)Mary is doing fine work at school.玛丽在学校学习得挺不错。【练习】一、按要求改写句子1. The boy is playing basketball.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_对“ The boy”提问:二、单项选择( )1.我在照看孩子. (A)I am looking after

4、the baby. (B)Im look aftering the baby. (C)I look am aftering the baby. (D)I looking after the baby.( )2._friends making_a kite. (A)I,me (B)My,my (C)My,me (D)His,his( )3.Is the woman _ yellow your teacher? (A)in (B)putting on (C)wearing (D)having( )4.Look!The twins_their mother do the housework. (A)

5、are wanting (B)help (C)are helping (D)are looking( )5._are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree. (A)Who (B)What (C)How (D)Where( )6.Is she_something? (A)eat (B)eating (C)eatting (D)eats( )7.你在干什么? (A)What is you doing? (B)What are you do?(C)What are you doing? (D)What do you do?( )8.What are

6、you listening_? (A)/ (B)for (C)at (D)to( )9.我正在听他说话. (A)I listening to him. (B)Im listening to him.(C)Im listen to him. (D)Im listening him.( )10.They are_their clothes. (A)makeing (B)putting (C)put away (D)putting on( )11.Listen! She_in the classroom. (A)is singing (B)sing (C)to sing (D)is sing( )1

7、2.Today Jim_ his white shirt and brown trousers. (A)is putting on (B)wear (C)put on (D)is wearing( )13._are you eating?Im eating_meat. (A)What,some (B)Which,any (C)Where,not (D)What,a( )14.They_TV in the evening.They do their homework.(A)are watching (B)cant watching (C)dont watch (D)dont watching(

8、)15.The children_football. (A)is playing (B)are playing (C)play the (D)play a( )16.They are flying kites. (A)他们喜欢放风筝. (B)他们在放风筝吗? (C)他们在放风筝. (D)他们常放风筝.( )17.Look,They are swimming in the river.I want_you. (A)to go with (B)go with (C)helping (D)help ( )18.Look.Lucy is_a new bike today. (A)jumping (B)

9、running (C)riding (D)taking三、用现在进行时完成下列句子:1.What_you_(do)?2.I_(sing) an English song.3.What_he_(mend)?4.He_(mend) a car.5._you_(fly) a kite?Yes,_.6._she_(sit) in the boat?7._you_(ask) questions?8.We_(play) games no现在进行时详解一现在进行时态表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。如: The students are listening to the teacher. He is

10、 watching TV now. 现在进行时态还可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 We are working on a farm these days . I am writing a book this month.二. 动词-ing形式的构成一般在动词原形后+ing go ask going asking以不发音的e结尾的, 去e +ing write take close writing taking closing重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的,双写这一字母+ing get run swim put getting running swimming puttin

11、g注意: 以”ie”结尾,要变“ie”为“y”, 再加-ing. diedying(死)lielying(平躺)。三. 常与现在进行时态连用的词:now(现在), listen(听), look(看), be quiet(安静)these days(这些天), at the moment(此时,现在), Its eight oclock. 等。 What are you doing now? (你在干什么?) Im reading now. (我现在正在读书) Listen! She is singing. (听, 她正在唱歌) 四. 现在进行时由be(am/is/are)+动词-ing形式构

12、成。 肯定式结构: 主语+be+动词-ing形式+其他. 否定式结构: 主语+be+not+动词-ing形式+其他. 一般疑问句结构: Be+主语+动词-ing形式+其他? 特殊疑问句结构: 疑问词+be+主语+其他?(一)肯定式:主语+be+动词-ing形式+其他.1. I am singing. 2. She is dancing. 3. He is listening. 4. They are watching TV.(二)否定式:主语+be+not+动词-ing形式+其他.1. I am not singing. 2. She is not dancing. 3. He is not

13、listening. 4. They are not watching TV.(三)一般疑问句:1. Are you singing? 2. Is she dancing? 3. Is he listening? 4. Are they watching TV?一般疑问句回答:肯定回答: Yes, 主语 +be;否定回答: No, 主语+be+not. 如:-Are you drawing ? -Yes, I am./No, Im not.(四)特殊疑问句:1. What are you doing? 2. What is he/she doing?3. What are they doing

14、?五一些表示状态或情感的动词,如:want ,have( 有),think ,like ,love, hope, hate(恨) 等没有现在进行时态。六一些表示位置移动的动词,如:come ,go, arrive, get, reach(到达), leave(离开),fly(飞),start (出发,动身)等常用现在进行时态表示将来的动作。e.g I know you are arriving next Sunday.I am coming, mum.I am leaving next week.七动词现在分词(熟记)write writing take taking have having

15、make makingcome coming arrive arriving dance dancing leave leavingsit sitting shop shopping cut cutting stop stoppingput putting getgetting begin beginning swim swimmingrun running八 现在进行时与一般现在时的区别: 现在进行时是表示一个动作正在发生或进行。 一般现在时表示现在的状态或经常的,习惯性的动作。区别下面的几组句子:I do my homework every day.I am doing my homewo

16、rk now.He cleans his room every afternoon.He is cleaning his room now.区别这两种时态主要是看时间状语。两种时态区别主要体现在动词的形式上。【课堂练习】. 写出下列动词现在分词形式。1.clean _ 2. work _ 3. watch _ 4. eat _ 5. read _ 6. wait _ 7. talk _ 8. go _ 9. play _ 10. study _ 11. take _ 12. have _ 13. dance _ 14. write _ 15. come _ 16. make _ 17. get

17、 _ 18. run _ 19. swim _ 20. shop _ 21. stop _ 22. sit _II. 把下列句子变为进行时态。1. I look at the blackboard.2. We drink tea.3. He and I do our homework. 4. Kate is putting on her new skirt. (划线提问) 5. She is sitting near the window.(划线提问) 6.LiPing is reading books now. 7.The boys are playing basketball at sch

18、ool. . 单项选择( ) 1. Jane _ reading English. A. is B. am C. are D. be( ) 2.Tom and Tim _ playing basketball. C.are )3. -What are you doing? - I _ watching TV. A. is B. am C. are D. being( )4. Listen, Kate _. A.sings B.singing sing singing ( )5. Are you _ your homework? B.t

19、o do C.doing D.does( )6. Tom _ eating dinner. A.dont B. doesnt C. isnt D.not( )7. That box is too heavy. Let me _ you. A. help B. to help C. helpsD. helping ( ) 8. They and the teacher _. A. swimming B. are singing C. is playing tennis D. swims ( ) 9. _ your sisters doing? A. What are B. What is C.

20、Where is D. Where are ( ) 10. Dont turn on the TV. Grandma _now. (2008北京24) A. Is sleeping B. will sleep C. slept D.sleeps ( )11. -What are you doing? -I _ A. eat B. can eat C. eating D. am eating( )12. We want _ this book now. A. reading B. am reading C. read D. to read( )13. Our teacher is _ a red

21、 sweater . A. putting on B. put on C. wearing D. wear( )14. That boy isnt _ the teacher . A. listen B. listens C. listening D. listening to ( )15. Its eight oclock. Jims family _TV. A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch( )16. My mother is _ a cake _ my birthday. A. making, to B. making

22、, for C. doing, to D. doing, for( )17. Let me _ these books in the box. A. puts B. put C. to put D. putting ( )18. -_ you _ the window? -Yes, I am. A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning C. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaning . Correct the sentences(改错)1.I cleaning the house now. 2.He is listen to me. 3.He is write

23、ing. 4.They are runing.VI. 汉译英1. 她现在没在学英语。2. 她们在干什么? 正在打排球。3. Lucy 和Mary正在做作业。4.男孩子们正在池里游泳。5.她正在等我。6.我和朋友正在看书。7.你们正在谈论这张画吗?【课后习题】一、 完成句子。1. -Whats Li Lei doing? - He _. ( read )2.-Whats his mother doing? -She _. (write )3. -What are they doing? -They_. (play soccer)4. -What are David and Mary doing?

24、 -They_. (have dinner)5. -Whats Jenny doing? -She _. (run )二、句型转换 1They do their homework every day(改为否定句) _ 2Jenny is running(改为否定句) _ 3Tom is looking at a picture(改为一般疑问句,并作出肯定简答) _ 4We read English in the morning(改为一般疑问句,并作出否定简答) 5The girls are playing over there(就划线部分提问) 6Jim stands under the tr

25、ee(改用现在进行时)_ 7Hes carrying water for the old woman(改为一般疑问句) 8They are cleaning their classroom。(对划线部分提问)_英语冷笑话(三)ImprovementOne student to another: How are your English lessons coming along?Fine. I used to be one who couldnt understand the English men, and now its the English men who cant understand me.He Won Tommy: How is your little brother, Johnny?Johnny: He is ill in bed. He hurt himself. Thats too bad. How did that happen?

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