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1、中考英语50个重点句子英汉翻译50题1.查考句型:used to; be afraid of doing sth.中文意思:我以前怕写作业,不过现在不怕了。参考答案:I used to be afraid of doingmy homework,but now I amnot afraid of doing it any more.2.查考句型:bothand; spendon/(in)doing sth.中文意思:我和他都花了一个礼拜的时间完成物理作业。参考答案:Both he and I spent a week on/finishing/ doing/ the physics homew

2、ork/ in doing the physics homework.3.查考句型:keep sb. doing; so that中文意思:我让他不停地读课文以使他能快速地将其背下来。参考答案:I kept him reading the text so that he could recite it soon(learn it by heart soon).4.查考句型:tooto;finish doing sth.中文意思:她太恶心以至于不能吃完它。参考答案:She was too sick to finish eating it.5.查考句型:not onlybut also;I wou

3、ld like to中文意思:不仅是我想去动物园,她也想去。参考答案:Not only I butalso shewould like to go to the zoo.6.查考句型:see/hear sb. do (doing) sth.; notuntil中文意思:直到他走近我,我才看见他正在吃冰淇淋。参考答案:I didnt see him eating ice cream until he walked up to me.7.查考句型:get on with; neithernor中文意思:我和我妈妈都不能和新邻居相处好。参考答案:Neither I nor my mother can

4、 geton well with the new neighbor.8.查考句型:had better (not) do; tell sb. sth.; be late for中文意思:你最好告诉她大会的时间,否则她会迟到的。参考答案:You had better tell her the time of the meeting, or she will be late for it.9.查考句型:ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth.; help sb. (to) do; buy sb. sth.中文意思:妈妈让我帮她给一个老爷爷买一些牛奶。参考答案:Mum asked

5、me to help her to buy some milk for an old man.10.查考句型:Why not?; show sth. to sb.中文意思:为什么不把你的新毛衣给我们看看呢?参考答案:Why not show your new sweater to us?11.查考句型:It takes sb. some time to do sth.; get ready for中文意思:做宴会的准备需要一个礼拜的时间。参考答案:It will take us a week to get readyforthe party.12.查考句型:like to do; itstwo

6、 meters(years) long(old)中文意思:我只喜欢收集百年以上的古董。参考答案:I just like to collectantiques which are over 100 years old.13.查考句型:I dont think that; Its time to do sth. 中文意思:我认为现在不是吃饭的时间。参考答案:I dont think its time to have a meal.14.查考句型:eitheror; bring sb. sth中文意思:要么是他要么是我明天将为咱们带来点食品。参考答案:Either he or I will brin

7、g us somefood tomorrow.15.查考句型:be glad that; stop doing中文意思:我为你已不再吸烟而高兴。参考答案:Imglad that you have stopped smoking.16.查考句型:Will(Would, Could) you please?; keep doing sth. 中文意思:你能为我继续举着这画吗? 参考答案:Would you please keepholding the picture for me?17.查考句型:notat all; enjoy doing sth. 中文意思:我一点也不喜欢吃月饼,因为他们太甜了

8、。 参考答案:I dontenjoy eating moon-cakesat all, because they are too sweet.18.查考句型:The+比较级,the+比较级. get +比较级 中文意思:学得越刻苦,成绩就会变得越好。 参考答案:The harder you study,the better your score will get.19.查考句型:There is sth. wrong with; had better (not) do sth. 中文意思:机器有些问题,最好现在别用了。 参考答案:There is something wrong with th

9、e machine; youd better not useit now.20.查考句型:Its bad/good for; stop /prevent sb.from doing sth. 中文意思:不让他玩太多的游戏对他好。 参考答案:Its good for him to stop him from playing too many computer games.21.查考句型:had better (not) do sth.; make sth. + adj.; asas possible 中文意思:你最好尽快把屋子整理干净。 参考答案:Youd better make the roo

10、m clean as soon as possible.22.查考句型:as soon as; bring sth. with sb. 中文意思:你一叫我,我就把书带过来了。 参考答案:Ibrought the book with me as soon asyou called me.23.查考句型:keep sth. + adj.; asas 中文意思:她把她的书保管得像刚买的一般新。 参考答案:She kept her book as new as she just bought it.24.查考句型:someothers; be busy doing sth.; ask sb. how

11、to do sth. 中文意思:班里一些人在忙于写作业,一些人在问老师如何解一道难题。 参考答案:Some students in the class arebusy doingtheir homework, others are asking the teacher how to work out a difficult problem.25.查考句型:What about/ How about; let sth. 中文意思:不如让王先生开车吧,你们都喝醉了。 参考答案:How about letting Mr. Wang drive the car, you are all d

12、runk.26.查考句型:Its important for do sth.; send sb. 中文意思:对于他来说,把礼物寄给他在美国的女友很重要。 参考答案:Its important for him to send the presents to his girlfriend in America.27.查考句型:ask sb.for sth.; give sth. to sb. 中文意思:我跟他要我的尺子来给她。 参考答案:Iasked him for my ruler to give it to her.28.查考句型:make sb. (not) do

13、sth.; lend sb. 中文意思:让他不要把书借给我弟弟,他会把书弄坏的。 参考答案:Make him not lend the book to my younger brother, he will break it.29.查考句型:tell sb. (not) to do sth.; stop to do 中文意思:叫他不要停下来歇息,现在正是关键时刻。参考答案 Tell him not to rest, its the important moment now.30.查考句型:one,the other;like doing; hate doing sth. 中文意思

14、:双胞胎中一个喜爱运动,一个讨厌运动。 参考答案:One of the twins likes having sports, the other hatestaking exercise.31.查考句型:get sth. ready; take sth. with sb.; Its time for. 中文意思:把带来的午饭准备好,该开饭了。 参考答案:Get the lunch which you take with yourself ready, its time for a meal.32.查考句型:used to;spend time doing; so that 中文意思:他过去玩电

15、脑游戏的时间太多,结果对学习不感兴趣了。 参考答案: He used to play computer games so much that he wasnt interested in study any more.33.查考句型:Would you like to?; help sb. with 中文意思:你愿意帮我学习英语吗? 参考答案:Would you like to help me with my English?34.查考句型:be sorry/late for; make sth.(sb.) adj. 中文意思:我很抱歉让你宴会迟到了。 参考答案:Im sorry for making you late for the party.35.查考句型:I dont think that; spendon sth. 中文意思:我认为学生不应该把太多的钱花在娱乐上。 参考答案:Idont think students should spend much money onentertainment.36.查考句型:not onlybut also;be famous for 中文意思:意大利不仅以比萨闻名,还以歌剧闻名。 参考答

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