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1、 A. sleep ; asleep B. asleep ; sleepy C. sleepy ; asleep D. sleep ; sleepy( ) 4. There one pen and five books in the bag,but we need books Ais; more five Bare;another fiveC are; more five Dis; another five( ) 5. You are young girls, so youd better_ after 11 oclock in the evening. A. to go out B. not

2、 to go out C. not go out D. dont go out( ) 6. At last, the girl was made and began to do her homework.A. stop listening to music B. to stop to listen to musicC. to stop listening to music D. stop to listen to music( ) 7. There a number of books in our school library. The number of the books_ getting

3、 larger than last year. A. is; is B. is; are C. are; are D. are; is( ) 8. In the film Murder in a Country House, a doctor is found_ in the house, so the film is _horror and mysteries. A. dying; fill of B. dead; full of C. dead; full with D. die; filled with( ) 9. The _of the map made me get_ yesterd

4、ay. How careless I was !A. loss; lost B. lose; lost C. lost; lost D. loss; loss( ) 10I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we_ just fine together.A. get along B. get up C. get away D. get off( ) 11. The police believe that the accident _9 p.m. and 11p.m. yesterday.A. was happened at B. ha

5、ppened at C. took place between D. was taken place between( ) 12. The criminal is guilty _ the robbery. He is charged _ robbing the bank.A. of; with B. with; of C. for; of D. of; for( ) 13. I feel _ necessary to accept his advice because its of great _ to me.A. its; valuable B. that; value C. this;

6、valuable D. it; value( )14You must _ me the reason why you came so late this time. A. pardon B .excuse C. explain D. explain to( ) 15. - Would you mind taking care of my pet dog while Im away?- _.A. Congratulations B. No problemC. Youre welcome D. It doesnt matter二、完形填空(共15小题;先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给

7、的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。For the past five years, 44-year-old Rami Adham has spent much of his time helping children in Syria(叙利亚). He keeps sending _16_ to them. Rami Adhman was _17_ in Syria, but moved to Finland with his family in 1989. When the Syrian civil war(内战) took place in 2012, he _18

8、_ to help the children in his hometown. In the beginning, he _19_ planned on sending toys. He thought food, medicine, and drinking water were more _20_. Once his daughter asked him to send her toys to the children in Syria. When Adham gave the toys to those poor children, he saw the _21_on their fac

9、es. From then on, he made toys on the top of his gift list.Adham soon became known _22_ the Father Christmas of Syria. He has travelled from Finland to Syria 28 times, and wont stop _23_ the war ends. Every time he goes to Syria, he carries a heavy bag of toys on his back all the way. Its a trip ful

10、l of _24_. He might get hurt or be killed at any time, _25_ he never gives up. “Now children in Syria are facing death and many _26_ possible threats(威胁). I think the toys are really _27_ for the children,” he said. “No matter what they _28_, they are always happy to share it with others.”Adham is h

11、aving a campaign(活动) _29_. He wants to raise 100,000 dollars. If it is _30_, he plans to use the money to build schools in Syria. The work of Adham is a light among the darkness for many children in Syria.( )16. A. books B. food C. money D. toys( )17. A. born B. grown C. learned D. left( )18. A. for

12、got B. regretted C. decided D. refused( )19. A. usually B. never C. sometimes D. often( )20. A. romantic B. amazing C. important D. complete( )21. A. joy B. sadness C. anger D. fear( )22. A. as B. for C. with D. after( )23. A. because B. though C. after D. until( )24. A. danger B. happiness C. safet

13、y D. patience( )50. A. and B. if C. so D. but( )26. A. another B. other C. others D. the other( )27. A. unknown B. valuable C. expensive D. useless( )28. A. remember B. record C. receive D. remind( )29. A. just now B. for a moment C. at that time present( )30. A. interesting B. necessary C. pow

14、erful D. difficult三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)(A)Sunny English ClubFor students16:00 18:00 Every Saturday200 Yuan a month9 Zhou Yu StreetTel: 3785290Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!Health Centre9:0017:3016 Yong Le Street 3801451Free examinations for those over 70Give you good advice

15、to keep healthy!( )31. Sunny English Club is for _.A. nurses B. policemen C. businessmen D. students( )32. You will pay _ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.A. 300 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 1200 yuan D. 2400 yuan( )33. One can get free examinations in Health Center if he is _.A. 9 B.

16、17 C. 67 D. 73 ( B )In the deep blue Indian Ocean, theres a beautiful island country called Maldives (马尔代夫). Its the smallest in population and area of all the Asian countries. It has an area of 90,000 km2, but 99% of the area is covered by the sea. It has 1,190 islands and is about 820 km from nort

17、h to south. People live on no more than 200 islands, while another 87 are visited by tourists. Some of the islands are only used for fishing or farming. The capital Male is on one of the middle islands, and about 75,000 people live there. The people there are friendly and welcoming. They use their t

18、raditional games to welcome people from all over the world. It is sunny on the islands almost every day, which makes them look so beautiful. People can enjoy lots of things in Maldives.( ) 34. How many people live in the capital Male? A. 75,000. B. 90,000. C. 1,190. D. 200.( ) 35.What does the write

19、r mean by Some of the islands are only used for fishing or farming? A. There are no people living on some islands in Maldives. B. Tourists are everywhere in Maldives. C. People in Maldives like traveling very much. D. People in Maldives can do nothing except fishing or farming. ( ) 36. What does the

20、 writer think of the people in Maldives? A. He thinks theyre boring. B. He thinks theyre poor. C. They are friendly and welcoming. D. He doesnt like them.(C) In the eyes of many foreigners, Chinese are the best hosts and the worst guests in the world. Theyre not really bad guests, but because the gu

21、est-host relationship in China is much different from that in some western countries, it appears they are not nice guests. And western guests sometimes look rude in the eyes of Chinese guests.In China, guests are almost like gods. Whenever I enter a Chinese persons home, there is always fruit on the

22、 table for me, and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water. In the west, generally the guest is not a god. Acting according to the hosts way of doing things is usual behavior for a guest.My wifes mother, a very kind elderly Chinese lady, doesnt smoke. When I see some of her guests smoking

23、 in her house, as a non-smoker, I feel unhappy. Usually I want to stop them directly, but I must realize that in China, to be a good host, she must not do that. In most North American homes, if you are a guest,and the hosts are not smokers, you should not smoke in their house. At the very least, you

24、 could ask, Is it OK if I smoke? But, dont be surprised if they say, No, you cant smoke. In our culture, if you smoke in their home, you are a bad guest, but if they dont allow you to smoke in their house, they are not a rude host.Guests in China also have special habits. Some western people may not

25、 adapt to these habits very soon. Thankfully my wife is Chinese, so whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift. However, giving a gift to a host is not always necessary in my country. So, if you invite international guests to your home, dont be too surprised if they dont brin

26、g you a gift.In China, you probably wont need to change the guest-host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host, and Chinese are naturally very good hosts. If western hosts invite you to their house, try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you

27、have expected.( )37. When a western guest visits a Chinese family, he often .A. buys some fruit B. feels like a god C. wants some gifts D. takes a cup of tea( )38. If the writers guests want to smoke in his house, what will he probably say?A. Its OK if you smoke here. B. Lets smoke together.C. Sorry

28、, you cant smoke here. D. Smoking is a bad habit.( )39. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase adapt to in the passage?A. think back to B. get used to C. look forward to D. keep close to( )40.What is the main idea of this passage?A. Foreigners should learn from Chinese.B. Hosts must do things

29、in the guests way.C. Western hosts are always nice to guests.D. People should understand cultural differences.( D )Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, has come back from university to find that his father, the old king, is dead. His mother has married his fathers brother, Claudius, who is now king of Denmark. Hamlet is shocked that his mother has married so soon after his fathers death, and angry that she has married Claudius.Soon, a ghost(幽灵) is seen walking on the castle walls. The ghost looks like Hamlets father, the dead king. When Hamlet sees the ghost, he is told that it is the

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