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1、with引导的介词短语还可以在句中做定语,其反义词为without (without sth./doing sth.) with 还可以表示“用” draw 3-D pictures with chalk 用粉笔画3D图画3. Our eyes are the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.我们的眼睛和出生时一样大,但是我们的鼻子和耳朵从没有停止生长。 the same size一样的尺寸 look the same看起来一样stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth.

2、停下来去做另一件事 stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事Stop_(talk)! Lets begin our class now.Im too tired. Lets stop_(work)_(have) a rest, shall we?我们应该阻止那个小孩玩火。stop做及物动词,意思是停止,后面可以加名词或代词做宾语。后面既可以加doing又可以加to do sth,但意义不一样,stop doing sth意思是停止做某事,stop to do sth的意思是停下来去做另外一件事。考试中只考到了stop doing sth。【2015-2016 秦淮区】65

3、. When the teacher came into the classroom, all the students stopped (talk) and kept quiet.答案: talking 51.【2016-2017 东外】I stopped_(watch) the movie Alice In Wonderland when my mum asked me to have dinner.Key: watching 解析:本题考察stop的用法。Stop doing sth表示停止正在做的事情。Stop to do sth.表示停止手上的事去做另外一件事。根据题目意思,当我妈妈

4、叫我吃饭的时候我就停止看电影了,强调停止正在做的事。【2016-2017 树人】64.stop (complain ) and do what you can to complete the task .complaining 51. 【2016-2017 十三中】Stop _(talk)! Its time for class now!talking4. The sun is about 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth. 太阳的体积大约是地球的130万倍。 I am two years older than my sister.我比我妹妹大两岁。

5、我哥哥比我高5厘米。5. reply 是不及物动词,意思是回答、答复,动词三单和过去式形式分别为replies/replied。常见固定搭配为reply to sb. /sth. 对作出回答 = answer sb./sth.在任务型中可以作为替换词来考察。词组:reply to my letter/fax/my question/meHe failed to reply to my question. 他没能回答我的问题。【2016-2017 树人】22.A:Did Sam _to your last e-mail? B: Yes.He sent me an e-mail last nigh

6、t. B.repeat C.reply D.recommend答案 C6. hear listen sound辨析 hear of 听说 hear 强调听到的结果或内容,listen强调听的过程 sound听起来,是系动词+adj. Did you _ anything strange? _ to the teacher carefully in class. Your idea _ good. 7.leave (left) ( l ) leave v.离开. leave +出发地+for+目的地 (2)leave sth.+地点 把遗忘在某地我的父母昨天出发去上海开会。昨天

7、我把我的作业丢在家里了。8.happen (偶然)发生 . sth happened to sb 某人发生某事 sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事他发生了什么事?我碰巧在街上遇到了他。 v.搜寻 search for =look for =hunt for寻找(强调过程)search +地点+for+物 在某个地方找某物 Lily正在书包里找她的英语作业。10. surprised adj.吃惊的 surprise vt.使惊讶 或作n.惊喜,令人惊讶的事 be surprised to do sth. 做某事很惊讶 be surprised at st

8、h.对某事(物)感到惊讶 我很惊讶在火车站见到数学老师。 我们都对这个消息感到惊讶。to ones surprise使某人吃惊的是,作插入语。 eg. To his surprise, he failed the exam. 11. He can write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.他可以同时一只手写字,另一只手画 onethe other“(两者中的)一个另一个” other adj. 其他的 +复数名词 常用others在具体语境中指代“其他的人或事物” another adj.& adv. 另一,又一

9、强调“再,又” the others 在具体的语境中特指其他的人或事物eg. We should be friendly to_ people. Mr. Sun has two sons. One is a doctor, _ is a teacher. There are many beautiful flowers on_ side of the river. Students shouldnt copy _ homework. I will be busy tomorrow. Lets make it _ time. Some of the students are hard-worki

10、ng, but how about _?12. I am not afraid of animals any more = I am no more afraid of animals. 我不再害怕动物了。 notany more 不再,再也不 You shouldnt play computer games any more.你不应该再玩电脑游戏了。13. UFO冠词问题 UFO是可数名词,表示不明飞行物。对于u开头的字母,如果字母u发本身音,那么用冠词a,如a UFO。UFO=unidentified flying object.【2016-2017 树人】16. A:Look at th

11、e sky!Is it _UFO?No,its just a kite. A.a C.the D.不填答案 A二、重点短语与句型1.look at the bright lights on the plane 看看飞机上的亮灯 usual 和平常一样 usual是形容词,表示通常的。其副词形式为usually,表示频率。固定搭配为as usual。u开头的字母,如果字母u发本身音,那么用冠词a,所以usual之前加冠词a,如a usual day。【2016-2017 树人】66. (像往常一样)my dad drove me to school .As usual3. sa

12、y(said) to himself 他自言自语himself是反身代词,意思是他自己。初二上学期才开始真正全面考察反身代词,这里出现了相应的题目,那就要跟孩子拓展讲解。【2016-2017 树人】68 .“Dont be nervous ”, he kept (自言自语) saying to himself 同时考察keep的用法,keep doing sth52.【2016-2017 东外】Did Lin Tao do anything to protect _(he). himself 此题考察反身代词。根据题目意思林涛有没有做一些事来保护他自己。him的反身代词是himself. 自己

13、的事情自己做的用反身代词4. on ones/ the way to sp. 在去某地的路上 on ones/ the way home/ here/ there5. pick up pick it/ them up 捡起、拾起 around the world by bicycle 骑自行车环游世界7.a man called/named一个名叫的人 stop for meals停下来吃饭8.become popular all over the world 在全世界变得很受欢迎9. at least至少 at least表示至少,常常放在数词前。其反义词为at most表示

14、至多。67. 【2016-2017 东外】我家乡的那条河至少有50米宽。The river in my hometown is _wide. at least 50 metres (meters)本题考察翻译。至少这一短语是at least.turn around 转身 turn on/off 打开/关掉 turn up/down 把声音调大/调小10. as large as和一样大 be weak in sth. 在某方面差 stranger 陌生人as.as表示原级比较,中间加形容词,句式结构为sth is as adj as sth。【2015-2016 秦淮区】21. Cherry

15、blossom(樱花) in Nanjing Jiming Temple is as as that in Japan. A. beautiful B. beautifully C. more beautiful D. more beautifully三、语法复习一般过去时的用法:a. 表示过去的动作或状态,常和明确的过去时间状语连用,如:yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, three days ago, in 1998,just now, the other day等,或与由when引导的从句。b.还有不规则动词的过去式需牢记书后的

16、表对于一般过去时的考察,首先对于其时间状语进行了考察,并且对于过去时的意义进行了考察,表示在过去之意,现在不这样了。除此之外,还对一般过去时的特殊疑问句、否定句和一般疑问句进行了考察,【2015-2016 秦淮区】22. Im sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.- Never mind. I got here only .A. ten minutes B. ten minutes ago C. then minutes later D. ten minutes before答案 B【2016-2017 树人】23.A:Sorry,I have

17、to leave now.What?I _you could stay a little longer with me. A.think thinking C.thought D.will think52. 【2016-2017 十三中】John _(not do) his best last term, but he works hard this term.didnt do14. 【2016-2017 十三中】-Excuse me, dont you see the sigh No smoking on the wall? -Sorry, I _ it. A. dont see

18、B.didnt see C.dont look at D.didnt look at68. 【2016-2017 东外】She is not going to make a cake for me.(用last week改写句子)She_ _a cake for me last week. didnt make本题考察时态。根据要求可知是要将原句的将来时改为过去时。有因为原句是否定句,所以改写的句子也要表达否定的含义。69. 【2016-2017 东外】Kitty did her homework at 8:30 yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_Kitty_her homework a

19、t 8:30 yesterday? Did; do此题考察陈述句改一般疑问句。原句有实义动词did,所以要加助动词did.70. 【2016-2017 东外】I was late for school this morning because I got up late.(对划线部分提问)_ _you late for school this morning? Why; were本题考察疑问词。划线部分是原因,对原因提问用why.7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun7BU6的主要考点为以下几点:1.much,many,few和little的辨析2. alone=by oneself或on

20、 ones own (属于初一略微提及,初二上学期全面学习的词组。初一升初二衔接知识点)3.反身代词 herself(属于初一略微提及,初二上U3重点讲解的语法。4. put up的用法,表示搭建的意思。考察与put out,.put on,和put away的辨析5.too to 表示太而不能的意思,考句型.考单选.重要星级6. reach,在本句中做动词,意思是够得到。考察动词词义辨析一、重点词组1、hurry up 快点,赶快9、put up our tent 搭我们的帐蓬2、go through the door 通过门10、fly kites 放风筝3、go riding 去骑马11

21、、use bamboo to make kites 用竹子做风筝4、putinto把放进12、make a bird out of wood 用木头做鸟5、sit by a river 坐在河边13、from then on 从那时起6、on the other side在另一边14、from now on 从现在起7、run across跑着穿过8、jump down a big hole 跳进一个大洞15、make paper 造纸 make money 挣钱16. run after 追赶 get away 逃脱;离开二、重要句型1、Hurry up, Eddie. 快点,埃迪!hurr

22、y up意为“快点”。如:Hurry up, or you will be late. 快些,不然要迟到了。(1)hurry to +地点 意为“赶往某地”,如:Betty hurried to the garden. 贝蒂急忙奔向花园。(2)(be)in a hurry意为“匆忙地;仓促地”,翻译:你为什么这么匆忙?(3)hurry to do sth. 急忙做某事 翻译:我正急着去赶火车。2、Hobo, carry it for me. 霍波,帮我拿包吧。辩异bring, carry 和takebring表示“拿来”(从远到近)take表示“拿走”(从近到远)carry表示“搬、运”1._

23、 me my food here, please. 2.You can read the book here but you cant _ it home.3.Trains _ more things than trucks. 1.bring 2.take 3.carry3、You complain too much. 你抱怨太多了。 (1)根据下面对话,体会complain的用法。A:Dont complain about me.B:OK, I wont. I just want to complain to plain to sb.是向.(人)抱怨,而complain about sth是

24、抱怨.(人或东西)complain to sb. about sth.向某人抱怨某事1.He complained_the teachers. 2.He complained_ his childs bad grades. 2.about(2)too much “太多”修饰不可数名词或修饰动词表程度;too many “太多” 修饰名词复数。much too “太” 修饰形容词或副词小诀窍 Much too与too much的区别在于:两者的重心不一样,前者重心在于too,而后者重心在于much。Too后面加形容词或副词,much后面加不可数名词。此外,much还可以修饰动词。Too

25、 much与too many的区别在于:表示太多的某个东西时,可数名词用too many,不可数名词用too much3. You shouldnt eat _ meat. 4. Im afraid you eat _.5. Jim put _ books into his schoolbag, so it is _ heavy now. 3.too much 4.too much 5. too many;much too(3)much,many,few和little是常常放在一起进行辨析的单词。【2015-2016 秦淮区】6 I think dogs may make trouble.-

26、I dont think so. Dogs are goo pets if you look after them in the right way.A. few B. too much C. little D. too many4、It took a watch out of its pocket and looked at the time. 它从口袋里拿出一块表看了看时间。take A out of B意为“从B物品中拿出A”。 make A out of B意为“用B物品制作A物品”他从口袋里拿出一些钱给了他的儿子。人们用树木来制作纸。5、Alice fell for a long t

27、ime, and then she hit the ground.爱丽丝掉了很长一段时间,接着她撞到了地面。(1) fall 作动词,意为“倒下;跌下;落下”,其过去式为fell。Jack fell into the water and got wet. 杰克掉进水里,全身都湿透了。fall down 倒下;落下 fall asleep 入睡fall off从掉下 fall behind 落后;落在的后面(2)hit作动词,意为“打;敲;撞;击中”。过去式hit.hit sb in the face/on the head意为“打某人的脸/头”,如:Simon hit Jack in the face. 西蒙打了杰克的脸。6、She found herself alone in a long, low hall. 她发现她自己单独在一个长的低矮的大厅里。(1)alone用作形容词,

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