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1、meitu30.宠物 pet pet31.鹦鹉 parrot rt32.猫 cat kt33.乌龟 turtle t:tl34.小鸡 chicken tikin35.比 than n 36.猴子 monkey mki37.漂亮的 cute kju:38.金鱼 goldfish guldfi39.狗 dog dg40.兔子 rabbit rbit41.聪明的 smart sm:42.服装 clothes kluz43.运动鞋(复) sneakers sni:kz运动鞋(单) sneaker k44.牛仔裤 jeans di:nz45.穿 wear w46.背心 vest vest47.帽子 ca

2、p kp48.围巾 scarf sk:49.手套(复) gloves glvz手套(单) glof glf50.生日 birthday b:dei51.三月 March m:t52.十月 October ktub53.八月 August :st54.六月 June du:n55.二月 February februri56.九月 September sptemb57.十二月 December disemb58.五月 May mei59.十一月 November nuvemb60.七月 July du:lai61.一月 January dnjuri62.四月 April eiprl63.何时 wh

3、en wen64.谢谢 thanks ks65.好的 nice nais66.礼物 present preznt67.他的 his hiz68.我(宾格) me mi:69.幸福的 happy hpi70.请 please pli:z71.哪 where w72.他 he hi:73.冬天 winter wint74.女服 dress dres75.鞋子(复) shoes u:76.毛衣 sweater swet77.秋天 fall f:78.夹克衫 jacket kit79.夏天 summer sm80.裤子 pants pnts81.大衣 coat kut82.春天 spring spri

4、83.T恤衫 T-shirt ti:84.棕色的 brown braun85.喜欢 like laik 86.黑色的 black blk87.跑 run rn88.白色的 white wait89.能 can kn90.蓝色的 blue blu:91.说 say sei92.游泳 swim swim93.走 walk w:k94.红色的 red red95.爬 climb klaim96.绿色的 green gri:97.湖 lake leik98.衬衫 shirt :99.女裙 skirt sk:100.短裤 shorts :ts101.西瓜 melon meln102.水果 fruit f

5、ru:103.桃子 peach pi:t104.梨 pear p105.牛奶 milk milk106.鸡蛋 egg eg107.米饭 rice rais108.汉堡包 hamburger mb:g109.面条 noodle nu:dl110.早餐 breakfast brekfst111.美味的 delicious dilis112.苹果 apple pl113.不能 cant ka:nt114.x射线 X-ray eksrei115.香蕉 banana bn:n116.午餐 lunch lnt117.谁 who hu:118.盒子 box bks119.嘴 mouth mau120.动物园

6、 zoo zu: 121.什么 what wt122.书 book buk123.老师 teacher t124.货车 van v125.蛋糕 cake keik126.茶 tea ti:127.自行车 bike baik128.音乐 music mju:zik 129.铅笔 pencil pensl130.鼻子 nose nuz131.风筝 kite kait132.门 door d:133.蜜蜂 bee bi:134.手 hand hnd135.跳 jump dmp136.我的 my mai137.眼睛 eye ai138.你的 your j:,ju139.大的 big big140.黄色

7、的 yellow jelu141.鱼 fish fi142.有 have hv143.长的 long l144.耳朵 ear i145.狮子 lion lain146.短的 short :147.水 water w:148.小的 small sm:149.女孩 girl g:150.靴子 boot bu:151.垃圾箱 garbage g:bid152.厚的 thick ik153.池塘 pond pnd154.泥 mud md155.爬 climb klaim156.滑冰 skate skeit157.颜色 colour kl158.叶子 leaf li:159.暖和的 warm w:m16

8、0.糖(复) candies ndiz糖(单) candy ndi161.猪 pig pig162.太阳 sun sn163.女王 queen kwi:164.月亮 moon mu:165.休息 break breik rest rest166.洗 wash w167.歌手 singer si168.石头 stone stun169.雨衣 raincoat reinkut170.膝盖 knee ni:171.乌鸦 crow kru172.圆 circle s:kl173.棉花 cotton ktn174.羊毛 wool wul175.丝 silk silk176.蚕 worm w:m177.植

9、物 plant pl:178.绵羊 sheep i:p179.太阳镜 sunglass sngl:太阳镜(复) sunglasses siz180.警察 policeman pli:smn181.电子邮件 e-mail i:meil182.牧羊人 hepherd epd183.孩子(复) children tildrn184.女人 woman wumn185.狐狸 fox fks186.斑马 zebra zi:br187.动物 animal niml188.奶酪 cheese ti:189.鸟嘴 beak bi:190.农场 farm f:191.面粉 flour flau192.爆米花 po

10、pcorn ppk:193.比萨 pizza watch wt195.星期三 Wednesday wenzdi wenzdei196.野餐 picnic piknik197.冷的 cold china tain199.美国 America merik 200.加拿大 Canada nd201.小学生 pupil pju:202.如果 if if203.比 than 204.老虎 tiger taig205.双胞胎 twins twinz 双胞胎之一 twin twin206.户外 outdoors autd:207.运动 sport sp:208.

11、足球 football futb:209.今天 today tdei210.晴朗的 sunny sni211.有雪的 snowy snui212.墙 wall w:213.树 tree tri:214.蛇 snake sneik215.扇子 fan f216.绳子 rope rup217.错的 wrong r:218.看见 see si:219.大象 elephant elifnt220.工作 work w:221.晚餐 supper sp222.想要 want wnt223.豆腐 tofu 224.星期二 Tuesday tju:zdi/zdei225.星期一 Monday mndi /mn

12、dei226.星期五 Friday fraidi/fraidei 227.必须 must mst228.现在 now nau229.零 zero ziru230.吉普 jeep di:231.汤 soup su:232.可以 may mei233.热的 hot ht234.盐 salt s:lt235.帮助 help help236.洋葱 onion njn237.闻 smell smel238.飞 fly flai239.说话 talk t:240.摸 touch tt241.听 listen lisn242.走 walk w:243.肉 meat mi:244.蔬菜 vegetable v

13、editbl245.甜点 dessert diz:246.沙拉 salad ld247.柠檬 lemon lemn248.打开 open upn249.在下面 under nd250.它的 its its251. 垃圾 garbage bid短语1.小学 primary school2.电话号码 phone number3.在二班 in Class 24.来自于 be from5.姓 family name6.看医生 go to the doctor7.刷你的牙 brush your teeth8.每天 every day9.洗澡 take a bath10.上学去 go to school1

14、1.吃早餐 have breakfast12.对你的健康有好处Good for your health13.进来 come in14.一点 a few15.橘汁 orange juice16.转圈 turn around17.在春天 in spring18.米饼 rice cracker19.捉老鼠 catch a mouse20.摇尾巴 wag its tail21.和玩 play with22.盲人 blind man23.在动物园 in the zoo24.逃跑 run away25.宠物秀 pet show26.出来 come out27.在风天 on windy days28.由制造

15、 be made of29.中国制造 Made in China30.春节 Spring Festival31.体育课 PE class32.看电影 see a film33.生日快乐 Happy birthday!34.生日卡片 birthday card35.相框 picture frame36.染纸 print paper37.纸花 paper flowers38.拍球 bounce the ball39.清扫我的房间 clean my room40.做作业 do homework41.太多 too much42.种树 plant tree43.爬山 climb hills44.非常 v

16、ery much45.醒来 wake up46.出去玩 go out to play47.穿上 put on48.起立 stand up49.堆雪人 make a snowman50.唱歌 sing the song1My name in Chen Li. My family name is Chen. Im 9 years old. I go to Guangming Primary School. Im in Class 2. My teacher is Ms Zhao. My phone number is 1216543. My favourite toy is the mini-ca

17、r. My favourite sport is swimming. My favourite clothes is Jaket. Im from China.2.Ping is taller than Pong. 乒比乓高。3.Pong has longer hair than Ping.乓的头发比乒长。4.Ping and Pong are “Tigers”.乒和乓都是属虎的。5.Pings favourite food is chocolate.乒最喜欢的食物是巧克力。6. Ping and Pong are twins.乒和乓是双胞胎。7.I have short,red hair.我

18、有短的、红头发。8.Lets go to the doctor.让我们去看医生。9.I have a round face.我有一张圆脸。10.What about you?你呢?11.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一苹果,医生远离我。12.Happy Helen has a hat.快乐的Helen有一顶帽子。13.Jolly John has jelly.愉快的John有果冻。14.Kine Kate has a kite.善良的Kate有风筝。15.You are wrong.你是错的。16.I have two long legs.我有二

19、条长腿。17.Who is Monster?谁是怪兽。18.It is good to work together.团结协作好处多。19. wash your hands洗手20. brush your teeth 刷牙21. get lots of sleep 获得充足睡眠22. take a bath 洗澡23. eat lots of fruits 吃大量的水果24. exercise every day 每天运动25. Please, pass them. 请把它们传过来。26. How delicious! 多么美味呀!27. You must eat breakfast every

20、 day. 你必须每天吃早餐。28. I want an egg, not a zero.我想要一个鸡蛋,不是零蛋。29. An egg a day keeps the zero away.一天一个鸡蛋,不会得零蛋。30. Milk ,fruits and vegetables are good for your health. 牛奶、水果和蔬菜对你的健康有好处。31. May I have some soup?我可以喝些汤吗?32. I can make some nail soup? 我能做些钉子汤。33. I will put it in the hot water.我要把它放进热水里。

21、34.Which is good for your health?哪个对你的(身体)健康有好处?35.I can see with my eyes. 我能用眼睛看。36. I can smell with my nose. 我能用我的鼻子闻。37. I can talk with my mouth. 我能用我的嘴说话。38. I can listen with my ears. 我能用我的耳朵听。39. I can touth with my hands. 我能用我的手摸。40. I can walk with my feet. 我能用我的脚走。41.It becomes bread. 它变成

22、面包。42.On my farm,there are some tomatoes,pears and milk.在我的农场上,有一些西红柿、梨和牛奶。43.Can I have your rice cracker? 我能吃你的饼吗?44.How can I get that rice cracker? 我怎么能得到那个米饼。45.Please sing for me. 请为我唱支歌吧!46.He has a rice cracker in his beak. 他有个米饼在他的嘴里。47.I like to eat apples. 我喜欢吃苹果。48.I have a cute monkey.

23、我有一只漂亮的猴子。49.I have a smart cat. 我有一只聪明的猫。50.It can wag its tail/catch a mouse. 它能摇尾巴/捉老鼠。51.It can talk and fly. 它能说话,还能飞。52.The parrot likes to eat rice.鹦鹉喜欢吃米饭。53. The monkey can help us. 猴子能帮助我们。54.The dog can help the policeman. 狗能帮助警察。55.The dog can help the old woman. 狗能帮助老妇人。56. The dog can

24、help the blind man. 狗能帮助盲人。57. The dog can help the shepherd. 狗能帮助牧羊人。58. The dog can play with the child. 狗能和孩子玩。59. The dog can bring joy to people. 狗能给人们带来快乐。60.There is a pet show on Saturday. 星期六是一个宠物秀。61.He can turn around fast. 他能很快地转圈。62.You will win first prize. 你能赢得一等奖。63.My pet is pool. 我

25、的宠物很酷。64.He likes to sleep in his box. 它喜欢睡在盒子里。65.May I see him? 我可以看它吗?66.The boy opens the box and a snake comes out. 男孩子打开盒子,一只蛇出来了。67.All the children and pets run away. 所有孩子和宠物都逃跑了。68.I want to play outdoors. 我想要到户外玩。69.Its a snowy day in Harbin. 哈尔滨是雪天。70.I wear my raincoat on rainy days. 我雨天穿雨衣。71.Sheep,sheep give me wool,The sweater is made of wool. 绵羊,绵羊给我羊毛,毛衣是由毛线制成的。Worms,worms give me s

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