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1、点燃 n. 光;光线 adj.明亮的;浅色的;轻的短语:light sth. up lit12. burst v. 爆发 burst into sth 突然发生.=burst out doing burst into tears= burst out crying 突然大哭13. play v. 演奏;参加;播放;游戏 n. 戏剧;play a part/ role in 起作用 14. step v. 踩;行走 n.步骤;台阶;步伐 take steps/measures to do 采取措施做 step on 踩在上15. taste v. 品尝(系动词+adj.) n.味道;体验 adj

2、. tasty 美味可口的16. quit v.停止 quit 现在分词:quittingquit ones job 辞职 quit school=drop out of school 辍学quit doing : quit smoking 戒烟 n.条件;状态 living condition 生活条件 air conditioner 空调physical condition 身体条件 on the condition that= if 如果 n.景象;视力 catch sight of 看见 at first sight 第一眼 at the sight of sth. 看见 short-

3、sighted 目光短浅 厦门新东方优能中学部19. show v. 显示;表明 show off 炫耀 show up 出现 show sb. around 带参观 v./n.评论 make a comment on sth 评价某事 no comments 无可奉告 v. 决定 decide to do sth. 决定去做 decide on sth. 对某事做出决定. n. decision : make a decision adj. decisive 有决断力的 v. 安排 arrange sb. to do n. arrangement make arrangement for s

4、th. 安排某事23. pick v. 拣选;采摘pick up 拾起;沾染上(不好的习惯);无意中学会;(开车)接某人;好转;(精神)振奋; pick out 挑选;认出 v. 命令;订购 n. 顺序;订单;菜单 adj. orderly 有秩序的用法:order sb. to do=order that+(should) do 命令做out of order 混乱 in order 有序25. supply v. supply sb. with sth = supply sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物supplied26. appreciate v.欣赏;感激 n. appreci

5、ation句式: I would appreciate it if you= I will be grateful/thankful to you if 27. discover v. 发现 n. discovery 28. beg v. 乞讨;乞求 beg for sth. n. beggar 乞丐 29. declare v. 宣称;声明 declare for/against 声明赞成、反对n. declaration 宣言;声明 30. share v. 分享;分担 share sth. with sb. 与某人分享share the fees 分担费用31. ignore v. 忽视

6、 n. ignorance 无知 无知的show/expose ones ignorance of sth. 暴露了某人对的无知be ignorant of sth. 对无知32. expect v. 期待 expect sb. to do n. expectation as expected 正如预料般33. rely on 依靠;取决于 reliable adj. 可信赖的34. instead adv. 相反 instead of (+n./doing) 而不是35. proud adj. 骄傲的 be proud ofn. pride take a great pride in sth

7、. 为感到骄傲adv. proudly36. sleepy adj. 困倦的 feel sleepy 觉得困词义辨析:sleep v. asleep adj. 睡着的 fall asleep 入睡37. watery adj. 含水的;似水的 water n. 水(不可数) 注意:waters 水域 v. 浇水38. curious adj. 对好奇的 be curious about sth.n. curiosity 39. sharp adj. 锋利的;急剧的 sharpen v. 使锋利类似构词法:wide-widen 使变宽 40. experience v. 经历 n.经历(可数);

8、经验(不可数)adj. experienced 有经验的2015 (2)1. general adj.通常的;整体的 n.将军as a general rule 通常adv. generally generally speaking 通常而言2. form n. 形式;表格 fill out/in a form 填写表格v.形成 n. formation 3. bored adj. 对感到厌倦的 be bored with sth.n. boredom 4. lead v. 带领;通往 lead to: 导致;通向 led n. 铅;导线;领先的距离adj. leading: 起主导作用的5.

9、 perform v. 履行;表演;做 n. performance 表演;表现6. routine n./adj. 常规(的)7. interest n.兴趣; 利益(interests)8. organize v.组织 n. organization9. print v.打印;刊登 n.手印;指纹;印刷字体 printer n. 打印机10. collect v. 收集 collect/raise money 筹钱n. collection 收藏 v. 承诺 promise sb. to do sth. n.许诺: make a promise 遵守承诺:keep ones promise

10、违反承诺: break ones promiseadj. promising 有前途的12. calm v.使平静 calm sb. down adj.平静的 keep calm n. calmness13. confuse v.使困惑 adj. confused 感到困惑 confusing 令人困惑 n. confusion14. graduate v. 毕业 n. 毕业生graduate from n. graduation 15. succeed v. 成功; 继承succeed in doing sth. adj. successful n. success16. require v

11、. 要求 17. obtain v. 获得 v. 发现 n. discovery19. leave v. 离开;留 left leave sb./ 让某人独处/更别说. leave out 省略 leave behind 落后20. as a matter of fact =in fact=in reality=actually 事实上21. wear off 衰退;渐坏22. put away 收拾放一边 put up 黏贴;挂起;搭建(帐篷) put up with 容忍 put off 推迟 put out 扑灭23. care for 照顾(=take care of );喜欢 car

12、e about 在乎24. hand over 让给 hand in 提交 hand by hand 手牵手 at hand 在近处 green hand 新人25. A be true of B : A同样适用于B26. complain about/of 抱怨 n. complaint27. at a time 一次 at one time 曾经28. traditional adj. 传统的29. official adj. 官方的 n. 官员30. special adj. 特别的31. painful adj. 痛苦的32. practical adj. 实际的33. strange

13、 adj. 陌生的;奇怪的 stranger n. 陌生人34. avoid v. 避免 avoid doing35. miss v. 思念;错过 miss sth./doing sth. 错过36. viewer n. 观众 view n. 观点;视野;风景 in the view of 鉴于37. make up 组成;化妆;编造 be made up of 由组成38. remind v.提醒 remind sb. of 39. warn v. 警告 warn sb. of sth. warn sb. against doing= warn sb. not to do 40. touch

14、 v. 触碰,感动 I was deeply touched by the touching movie.n. get in touch with 取得联系 keep in touch with 保持联系lose touch with 失去联系 41. independence n.独立 adj. independent : be independent of 42. be harmful to 对有害 do harm to 对造成伤害43. be mixed with 与混合44. be applied to 将运用于2014 (1)1. general adj一般的,大体的 general

15、ly speaking 一般而言2. form n. 形式,表格 v. 形成,构成 all forms of 各种各样的3. lead to 导致,通向. result in 导致 result from 由于4. boredom n. 厌倦 be bored with 厌倦5. perform v.执行,完成 表演 performance 表演6. regular adj常规的,定期的 on a regular basis 常规地 7. basis n. 基础 8. base n./v. 基础,以为基础 be based on 基于9. basement n. 地下室10. as a mat

16、ter of fact= in fact =actually 事实上 11. principle 原则,原理 12. power 力量,能力13. race 跑步,种族14. excited 兴奋的 be excited about 15. exciting 令人兴奋的16. excitement n 兴奋17. confidence n. 自信 adj. confident 18. interest n./v.兴趣,利益,利息 使感兴趣19. anxiety n.渴望, 焦虑 anxious adj. 焦虑的,担忧的20. sorrow n. 悲伤,懊悔21. wear off 磨灭22.

17、extra adj. 额外的,非凡的23. extraordinary adj.非凡的 ordinary adj. 普通的24. fun n.有趣 funny adj. adj. 有趣的, 滑稽的25. put away 放好,储存26. put aside 储备备用27. put off 推迟28. be full of 充满 be filled with 填满29. organize v. 组织 organization n.组织,机构30. print v. 打印 31. collect v. 收集 gather 聚集32. finish v. 完成33. monument n. 纪念碑

18、34. bathe v.洗澡 n. bath take a bath35. brush v. 刷36. however 然而 therefore 因此37. burden n.负担,责任38. promise n./v.承诺,答应39. right n./adj.权利,正确的40. care for 关心,照顾,喜欢 take care of 照顾41. hand over to 移交给 hand in =turn in 上交42. adolescent n./adj. 青少年,青春期的43. enter v.进入 n. entrance 进入 44. exit n./v. 出口45. con

19、fusion n. 困惑,混淆 confuse v. 使困惑46. courage n.勇气 encourage v.鼓励(使有勇气)47. calm v./adj镇定的 calm down 镇定下来48. look forward to sth./ doing sth. 期待49. graduate v./n. 毕业 (from) , 毕业生 n. graduation 50. depend v. 依赖于(on) independent adj. 独立的51. responsible adj. 负责任的(be for) responsibility n. 责任52. success n.成功

20、 succeed v. 成功53. the same is true of 对于也一样是真的54. adult n. 成年人55. retire v. 退休 retiree n. 退休人员56. complain v. 抱怨(about/of) complaint n. 抱怨57. eager adj. 渴望的,热切的(be to)58. nervous adj. 紧张的,神经的59. brave adj. 勇敢的60. obtain v. 获得61. require v. 需要,要求62. notice v. 注意到 n. 通知,公告63. discover v. 发现64. skill n

21、.技能 skillful adj. 熟练的65. knowledge n. 知识66. pastime n. 娱乐,消遣67. quit v. 放弃,离开68. search v./n. 搜寻,调查69. colleague n. 同事70. college n. 大学2014(2)1. climb v. 爬2. reach v. 到达,伸出手去拿3. hurry v./n.匆忙 adv. Hurriedly4. on ones way to 在去的路上 on ones way back 在回来的路上5. condition n. 条件,情况6. similar adj. 相似的(be to)

22、7. special adj. 特别的 adv. especially 特别,尤其8. normal adj./n. 正常的 abnormal 反常的9. break v. 折断,打破 10. break down 发生故障, 失败11. break out 爆发12. continue n. 继续13. willing adj. 乐意的(be to) unwilling 不乐意的14. safe adj 安全的 15. regret v. 后悔 adj. regretful 后悔的16. decide v. 决定( to do) n. decision17. make a decision

23、to 决定去做18. risk n./v. 风险,冒险19. fortune n. 运气,财富20. fortunate adj. 幸运的21. lower v.降下,减少 lowerdown22. settle v. 解决,定居 settle down 定居下来23. trouble v./n. 麻烦24. occur v. 出现 it occurs to sb. that 出现在脑海里25. by mistake 错误地26. by chance/ by accident 偶然地27. edge n. 边缘,优势28. necessary adj. 有必要的29. practical ad

24、j. 实际的,实际性的30. pullup 拔起,阻止31. height n. 高度 adj. high 高的32. weight n. 重量 v. weigh 重达33. strength n. 力气,长处 adj. strong 强壮的 34. strengthen v. 加强35. equipment n. 装备,设备 v. equip 配备36. patient n./adj. 有耐心的37. hold on 等一下(不挂断电话) 继续 坚持38. tear n./v. 眼泪,撕碎39. fall v. 落下,掉入40. escape v 逃离41. manage v. 设法(to)

25、 管理42. march v. 行进,行军43. return to v. 返回44. head for v. 前往,出发45. leave for 动身去46. hurt v. 伤害47. secret adj/n 秘密48. immediately adv 立马,立即49. voice n. 声音50. sound v./n 声音,听起来51. noise n. 噪音52. accept v. 接受53. receive v. 收到2013新(1)1. sensitivity 敏感 n2. face 面对v3. be faced with 面对v4. disabled 残疾的5. disa

26、bility 残疾n6. member 成员7. wheelchair 轮椅8. sound-blocking 阻隔声音的9. consider 考虑v10. roll 翻滚v11. wonder 想(知道)12. quite 非常13. metal 金属14. uneasy 不安的15. look 表情 n16. means 方法 v17. meaning 意思 n18. adopt 采纳,领养 v19. position 位置,地位20. think 想v 想法 v21. restful 令人放松的22. kind of 有点23. while 一会儿24. handle 处理 v25. ache 疼 v26. wheel 轮子27. come to know 开始了解到28. control 控制29. experiment 实验 v/n30. deep 深的31. impres

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