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1、 ABy air BBy train CBy car 3What does the woman suggest the man do? ATake the exam once more BGo out to see a movie CStudy harder in future 4What does the man imply? AHe doesnt know how to use the camera BHe doesnt think the flowers are beautiful CHis c&rner8 cant be used at present 5Where is this c

2、onversation most probably taking place? AIn a clothes store BAt a station CIn a post office第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。听每段对话或独白前。你将有5秒钟时间阅读各个小题:听完后。各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料。回答6至7题。6What are they talking about?AFranks baby BFranks sisters baby CFranks uncles baby7What do w

3、e know about Frank? AHis sister has just arrived BHis uncle has a little boy CHe became an uncle yesterday 听第7段材料。回答8至10题。8Who may be in a sad mood now? ABill BKathy CNancy9Where did the man get a large sum of money? AFrom Barbara BFrom his aunt CFrom investments10What does the woman suggest the man

4、 do with the money? ASpend it as he likes BPut it in a bank CInvest some of it 听第8段材料。回答1l至13题。11Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?AHusband and wife BCustomer and operator CFriends12What does the man want to know before deciding? AIf the hotel is new BIf the hotel has a restau

5、rant CIf the hotel is in downtown13Which hotel does the man finally choose? AThe Midtown BThe Boston Bay CThe Fairfield 听第9段材料。回答14至16题。14Where does Mark work? AAt a newspaper BAt a furniture store CAt a school15What is Annie trying to find? AA sofa BA chair CA roommate16What does Annie nearly forge

6、t to tell Mark? AHer phone number BThe location of her apartment CThe best time to call her 听第10段材料回答17至20题。17When was the football game shown on TV? ALast morning BLast afternoon CLast evening18Who played in the football game? AAustrian team and Spanish team BSpanish team and Australian team CGerma

7、n team and Austrian team19Why was the mans wife cheering? ABecause she was excited by the game BBecause her team won the game CBecause the game would come to an end very soon 20What can we learn from the story? ABoth the man and his wife were football fans BNeither the man nor his wife liked the gam

8、e CThe mans wife didnt like any football games第二部分:英语知识运用(两节,共35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题; 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21As tourist attraction,the Chinese Great Wall does have strong attraction to visitors at home and abroadAthe;a Ba; Ca;the Dthe;22My chest when I take a deep breath,doctor Ainjures Bharms C

9、hurts Dwounds23 the workers remain in their seats until all the products have been examined? Surely AWill BShall CMay DMight24She was not frightened;in fact,she was nearly frightened to death Aa few Bat all Ca little Dmuch25In winter these animals have no choice but down and rest A1ie B1ay C1ying Dt

10、o lie26I am afraid that you have been by the glib tongue of the salesman Ataken down Btaken in Ctaken off Dtaken up27Look! Everything here is under construction Whats the pretty small house that for? Ais building Bwas building Cis built Dis being built28She is now working in a big companyShe as a te

11、acher in a high school for several years Ahas worked Bworked Chad worked Dworks29Mary has been in China for a few years It is no she can speak Chinese so well Awonder Bmatter Cproblem Ddoubt30He has been working too hard,and is not at all well ,he needs a restAWhats more BIn other words COn the cntr

12、ary DOn the other hand31We Chinese people should that China is just like a dragon-proud and powerful Ashow Bpresent Cprove Dintroduce32What are you going to do this morning? Ill probably go for a walk later on it stays fine Aas far as Bso long as Ceven if Das if33The stone steps, 1855,will be rebuil

13、t by local villagers Adating back to Bdating to Cdating back from Ddating back34The young woman is cleaning the windows now, havent been cleaned for one year Amost of them Bmost of which Cof them Dof which35You were brave enough to refuse the bossorder Wellnow I regret that Ato do Bto be doing Cto h

14、ave done Dhaving done第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分) 阅读下面短文从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Its been 18 months since I joined Volvo,a Swedish companyWorking for it has proven to be an interesting 36 Any project here takes two years to finish, 37 the project is simpleIts a rule Globalization has 38 m

15、any people a desire for immediate resultsHoweverthis is 39 from the slow processes liked by the SwedishThey debate,debate,debate,hold a lot of 40 ,and slowly 41 their plansWhen all the meetings are over,what they end up with are always better 42 When I first came to Sweden,one of my colleagues would

16、 43 me up at the hotel every morningWe always arrived 44 at the factory,and he would 45 far away from the entranceThe first day I said 46 ;the same with the secondThe third morning I couldnt help asking,“Do you have 47 !parking space? We parked far from the entrance even though there were no other 4

17、8 in the lot”He replied, 49 were here early we have 50 to walk to the buildingHowever,anyone who 51 late will need a place 52 to the doorDont you think so?” What he said reminded me of the European movement known as”Slow Food”It requires people to eat and drink 53 ,enjoying their time with their fam

18、ily or friends,without 54 The consideration for others that my colleague showed helps me to understand the no-rush attitude of these peopleIt doesnt 55 doing less It means working with greater attention to details and quality 36Aachievement Bmanagement Cexperiment Dexperience 37Ain that Bnow that Ce

19、ven if Das if 38Agiven Bplaced Cprovided Dforced 39Aseparate Bdifferent Cabsent Ddistant 40Apositions Bexercises Cchanges Dmeetings 41Adevelop Bdevelops Cdeveloped Ddeveloping 42Aimages Bexcuses Cresults Dreasons 43Alook Bpick Cgive Dtake 44Aearly B1ate Csafely Dquickly 45A1ive Bpark Cstand Dreach 4

20、6Aanything Beverything Cnothing Dsomething 47Acharged Bfree Cfixed D1imited 48Adirections Bspaces Csigns Dcars 49ASince BUnless CAlthough DBefore 50Aenergy Bchance Cstrength Dtime 51Afinishes Bstarts Carrives D1eaves 52Acloser B1eading Crelated Dnext 53Aperfectly Bslowly Cgently Dquietly 54Alaughing

21、 Btalking Crushing Dstopping 55Amean Binclude Cconsider Descape第三部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给四个选项(A、B、C、D)中。选出最佳选项。A As we all know,different nation has different customsPeople living in different cultures do many things differently from one anotherWhat a dull world it would be if this we

22、re not true! so if American customs seem strange to you,remember that Americans feel the same way when they visit your country Some differences are small,and one soon becomes used to themFor example,many people find it strange that Americans move from place to place 80 oftenBorn in one city,they may

23、 attend school in a second,enter business in a third,and perhaps move several more times during their livesToday,most Americans fully expect and accept the fact that they will move frequently Howeverhouses are of great interest to AmericansThey spend a lot of time thinking and talking about their ho

24、uses and how to improve themThey also enjoy looking at other peoples housesIt is just because they would enjoy visiting and examining a house in another country that they may assume that you will probably have the same desire when you visit the United StatesTherefore,do not be surprised when you vis

25、it an American family and are shown every room in the house,including the bedroom and kitchen56Why do most Americans move frequently according to the text? ATo seek for a more comfortable house BBecause they love tourism CBecause they have little sense of home or family DNo sure answer is suggested

26、in the text57The underlined word“assume”can be replaced by Asuppose Bhope Cdoubt Dwonder58The fact that most Americans offer to show you their rooms suggests that . AAmericans are more considerate Bhousing is the most important part in American life CAmericans are very interested in houses DAmerican

27、s are curious and ready to show off59What can be inferred from the text? AAmericans have little sense of personal thing BMost Americans consider it normal to move frequently CMost Americans have several houses in different countries DAll people in the world have the same desire for houses of their o

28、wnB Suppose you are reading a bookSuppose,too,you suddenly close your eyesCan you still see the book?“Of course not,”you will sayBut can you tell why? You would probably say,“When I close my eyes,my eyesight cannot get out of my eyes to get to the book”Many others might give an explanation very much like the aboveBut this explanation is wrong You cannot see any object unless light from that object gets into your eyesSome of the things you see give off light of their own The sun,the stars,a lighted lamp are examples that can be seen by their own lightSuch

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