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1、5 I like _.AFrench fries BFrench Fries CFrench fry6 _My foot hurts.Whats the matter?Happy birthday!How old are you?7 根据句子内容选择适当的单词填空。Aorange Bwhite Cred Dgrey E. green F. yellow(1)Look at the sun. Its_. (2)Look at the tree in autumn. It(3)Look at the orange. It(4)Look at the rabbit. It(5)Look at the

2、 panda. Its black and_. (6)Look at the frog. Its_.8 陈洁问医生“我能吃面包吗?”她该说?_I like bread.Can I have some breads?Can I have some bread?9 I have a book. Me _.AtooBtoCTwo10 are you? I m fine.HowHow oldWhat11Here your cap .A. are B. am C. is12明天是你好朋友的生日,你应该对他说:( )AHappybirthday! BGreat! CThankyou!13你去商店买东西,营

3、业员会对你说:_A. What do you play? B. Can I help you? C. Goodbye.14- Can I have some water?- _ASure, here you are. BYes. CNo.15Good morning._.A.Good. BGood morning. C.Bye.二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16_It is a door.17看图片,写句子Model:_ -Do you want noodles?- Yes, please.No, I dont want noodles. 12 3 4 23418仿照例子,写对话。例:MaryN

4、oAre you Mary?一No,Im not1.Peter/Yes2.boy/NopeartwoHow many pears? Two .5.pen/eight19Amy _ (have) got headache. 20给小熊的身体部位填上合适的序号。21看图,从方框中选择合适的单词填在四线三格中。birthday party cake gift(1) _ (2)(3)(4)22根据课文和情景提示补充对话。Jenny 和Li Ming出生在不同的国家,Li Ming想认识新朋友,他该怎么说呢?Li Ming: Hello, my

5、name is Li Ming._?Jenny: Hi, my name is Jenny. I live in _. I _ _ Canada.23_24句子排排队。(把下面的句子组成通顺的对话)25请你按照小水滴的提示,将混合后颜色的序号填在相应的伞面上。三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26读一读,选择合适的动词,连线。27找出好朋友,然后连起来who 爷爷you 奶奶cousin 谁uncle 我aunt 妹妹grandfather 哥哥grandmother 叔叔father 妈妈sister 爸爸me 阿姨brother 叔叔mother 你28红花配绿叶,将下列单词英汉连线。29连线,

6、选出对应的句子。30动物园里开饭了,动物们正在进餐,看图读对话,看看它们都吃了什么,连线。四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31汉译英(1)T恤衫_ (2)裙子_ (3)好看的_ (4)帽子_ (5)好极了_ (6)夹克衫_ (7)新的_ 32翻译句子1. 下午好,杨小姐。_2. 我很好,谢谢。3. 这是李明。4. 下午好,男孩们和女孩们。5. 你好吗?33根据提示补全句子。(1)This is my _(桌子). That is _ (我的)computer.(2)Where is my _(裙子)? Its on the _(桌子).34你好,山姆。(翻译:)_35根据所给汉语意思,完成句子:(1

7、)The sun shines and the water becomes (蒸汽).(2)The sign on the birds cage is (有趣的).(3)It was (教师节) yesterday .(4)The children drew many pictures at Art (节日) .(5)There are so many (礼物) under the Christmas tree.(6)She is an (女演员) on TV .五、我是小法官(判断题)36下列图片与听到的内容是否相符,相符画,不相符画。37判断句子描述与图片是否相符,相符画“”,不符画“”。

8、1. My father is a teacher.( )2. My sister is short.( )3. This is Li Ming.( )38阅读短文,判断正()误()。Hello,Im Tom. There are (有) four people (人) in my family (家庭). My father is 37.He is a doctor. My mother is 36.She is a nurse. My sister is 12.She is a pupil. Im 9.Im a pupil,too. I love my family.( ) 1.There

9、 are five people in my family.( ) 2.My father is a teacher.( ) 3.My mother is a nurse.( ) 4.I have a brother.( ) 5.Im a pupil.39看图,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(正确的在括号前打对勾,错误的打叉) Li Ming Jenny( ) (1) Li Ming can have two sweets.( ) (2) Li Ming can not have apples.( ) (3) Jenny can have rice cream.( ) (4) Jenny can

10、have bread.( ) (5) Li Ming and Jenny both(两者都) can have ice cream and cake.六、阅读理解40Read and choose.(阅读短文,选择恰当的答案,将序号填入括号内)Today is a sunny day. Im in the garden. It is nice. Look, the bees are flying in the sky. Look at the leaves. Theyre brown. I can see a purple and blue butterfly on the flower. T

11、he butterfly likes dancing. It can dance on the flower. I hear a bird singing in the tree. I am happy. I like the garden.1. Its a _ day.( )Asunny Bsun Cshine2. I am in the _.( )Apark Bgarden Ctree3. The leaves are _.( )Agreen Bbrown Cyellow4. The butterfly is_.( )Apurple Bblue Cpurple and blue5. The

12、 bird is _ in the tree.( )Aflying Bsinging Cdancing41读对话, 完成下列问题选择Mike: What do you like?Sarah: I like chicken and milk. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome.John: Can I have a hamburger? Can I have a coke? Sure. Can I have some French fries.? OK! Mmm. Good!( )1. 请选出Sarah吃的食物Achicken and coffee Bchicken and milk Ccake and milk( )2. 请选出John吃的食物AFrench fries and milk Bhamburger and coffee Chamburger and coke

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