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1、 E F G H1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共8分)7. A) The first floor. B) The second floor. C) The third floor. D) The fourth floor.8. A) Drinks and snacks. B) Fruit and drinks. C) Milk and bread. D) Frui

2、t and vegetables.9. A) At 5:30. B) At 5:45. C) At 7:30. D) At 7:45.10. A) Once. B) Twice. C) Three times. D) Four times. 11. A) By underground. B) By bike. C) By bus. D) By car.12. A) At a cinema. B) In a park. C) At a hotel. D) At a post office.13. A) Her old friend. B) Her cousin. C) Her new boss.

3、 D) Her new secretary.14 A) Because she is worrying about her son. B) Because she is not feeling well today.C) Because her husband is sick at home. D) Because she has made many typing mistakes.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合

4、的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共6分)15. There was an important problem with one of the main computer in Smiths company.16. A child answered Smiths calling.17. Neither the boys father nor his mother was at home.18. Mr Smith thought leaving such a small child at home alone was very common.19. The policeman was

5、busy talking with the boys parents and a fireman.20. The low voice made Mr Smith get more and more surprised D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词):(共10分) Martin didnt want to live on campus; _21_ _22_ he want to take the bus. Martin learned very quickly,

6、and received his drivers license just before his _23_ _24_. Finally he caught sight of a red Blue Bird. He had a testing drive on the _25_ _26_, and called out, Martin wondered why his father chose that seat, for his father always enjoyed looking _27_ _28_ . Dad replied, Do you remember what you did

7、 to me all those years when I took you to and from school?” Martin said nothing, _29_ _30_.Part 1 Vocabulary and grammar (第一部分 词汇和语法)I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)31. When the soldier found that the Greeks had gone, he hurried down the stairs of the city wall, two at _ time.A) a B) an

8、C) the D) /32. The customer was angry_ the boss for her bad service of Taobao on November 11. A) in B) at C) with D) about33. A musician shot and killed three people in a three story building in Williamsburg, brooklyn, New York. Finally, he killed _. The police still do not know why he did that. A)

9、he B) him C) his D) himself 34. Damin usually sells some of the fish and shares _ with his twelve cormorants.A) other B) another C) the other D) the rest35. When people get_, their short-term memory becomes worse. (bad) A. old B. oldest C. older D. elder36. Steven completed the science test _ in our

10、 class yesterday. A) most quickly B) more quickly C) less quickly D) quickly37. _funny the monkeys are! They are jumping up and down the trees excitedly. A) How B) What C) What a D) What an38. Look! Our classroom is tidy and bright. It _ be Tom who has helped clean the classroom!A) can B) must C) ne

11、ed D) ought39. You wont understand how to use the software of _ you read the instructions carefully.A) unless B) if C) when D) because40. After the interview the reporter decided_ an article on school buses in China. A) write B) to write C) wrote D) writing41. They usually have lunch at school, _? A

12、) havent they B) do they C) dont they D) have they42. Would you like to go and have some coffee with me? Id like to, but my father _ for me outside now. A) waits B) is waiting C) will wait D) waited 43. Many aged people _ an active part in the Talent Show (达人秀) last year. A) take B) took C) will tak

13、e D) have taken 44. The robbers _ away long before the police arrived.A) had left B) were leaving C) left D) would leave45. Usually a light _ on the front of the bamboo raft when evening comes. This helps Damin see better.A) hanged B) hung C) is hanged D) is hung46. Steven got home late last night a

14、nd found that someone had _ the house. An I-phone 5S was stolen. A) broken off B) broken out C) broken into D) broken down47. I think Shanghainese food is better than Sichuan food._. In my opinion, Sichuan food is better. A. I dont agree. B. I hope not. C. I hope so. D. I agree.48. Sorry, I didnt re

15、turn your book on time._A) I agree with you. B) Thats a good idea C) Youre welcome. D) It doesnt matter.49. People will succeed in putting astronauts on the moon. The underlined word pronounces “_”. A. /sksi:d / B. /sksd / C. /skd / D. /sksi:d/50. I /pldaiz / to John for losing his book. The underli

16、ned part spells “_”. A. apologize B. apologizes C. apology D. apologized II. Complete the following passage with the words and phrase in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次): (8分)A. talk to B. ever C. never D. articles E. gladAnna Fleming is a senior writer for Teen Tim

17、es. She and some other writers meet pop musicians and write about them for her magazines. When she was a teenager, Anna read all the magazines she could find. She wrote 51. _ for her school magazine and dreamed that one day she would be a real journalist (记者).Now she has a very exciting job. “Its wo

18、nderful,” she says. “I get paid to go to concerts and parties to 52. _ pop stars. Most young people would love my job.”Before she started to work for the magazine, Anna did a two-year course (课程) in journalism and business. “Im 53. _ I did the course,” says Anna. “It taught me a lot.”“All my friends

19、 at school laughed when I told them I wanted to be a pop writer. They said I would 54. _ make it. But I did!”A. give up B. stories C. rest D. small E. othersReading is an activity people enjoy a lot in their free time. Some like reading newspapers and 55. _ enjoy novels or comic books. My favourite

20、books are those about the lives of great people. Reading them always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my own life better.Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful, but because they did not 56. _ when their life was difficult. They tried to use every chance to chan

21、ge their life and to make the world better.One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers who invented the airplane. The plane has made the world into a(n) 57. _ village. Hard work, not good luck, was the reason why the Wright Brothers could invent this convenient machine and became

22、 great people.Whenever I read 58. _ about great people, I always learn a lot from them and they encourage me to march on (前进).This is why I enjoy reading great peoples lives.III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):59. The writer Mo Yan won the 201

23、2 Nobel Prize in Literature(文学)。It has an important_ for the development of Chinese Literature.(mean)60. Local taxi _ are going to get you where you need to go. Call 1-866-720-2602 Taxi cab drivers in Los Angeles are willing to take you all the time.(service)61. I tidy _ bedroom and help clean the k

24、itchen and living room every day. (I)62. The students took the PISA test in _subjects-reading, maths and science.(third)63. In the American film Hatchi (电影忠犬八公), the pet dog waited _ at the station for his owners return. However, he would never be back. (faithful)64. Many children have lost their li

25、ves in the school bus accidents _. (recent) 65. You need to learn to be _ since you are old enough to live alone now. (dependent)66. Hollywood blockbuster Escape Plan (好莱坞大片金蝉脱壳), starring Sylvester Stallone(西尔维斯特史泰龙) and Arnold Schwarzenegger(阿诺德施瓦辛格), _ the most popular film of the season in Novem

26、ber,2013.(become)IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。 (共14分)67. The soldier has already emptied the waste basket.(改为否定句)The soldier _ emptied the waste basket _. 68. There were thousands of football fans in the stadium to watch Evergrande win the AFC Champions League(恒大夺冠)

27、last night. (改为反意疑问句) There were thousands of football fans in the square Evergrande win the AFC Champions League(恒大夺冠) last night, _ _?69. Obama has told the American students to be more creative in their work in the opening ceremony of new term, 2013. (改为被动语态) The American students _ _ told to be

28、more creative in their work in the opening ceremony of new term, 2013. 70. I needed to think more about the case to find more proof.(就划线部分提问)_ _ you need to think more about the case?71. Damins grandson thinks that cormorant fishing is so difficult that he cant learn it well.(保持句意基本不变)Damins grandso

29、n thinks that cormorant fishing is _ difficult for him _ learn well.72. “Can you help me carry these boxes upstairs?” Mary asked Tom. (改为宾语从句) Mary asked Tom _ he _ help her carry these boxes upstairs. 73. In, perhaps, years, there, 50,will, no, cormorants, be, more, in, fisherman, world, the._Part 3 Reading and writing (第二部分 阅读和写作)V. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共44分)(A)Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (6分)Rec

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