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1、过程装备与控制工程专业英语阅读材料翻译专业英语翻译(楠哥)Reading Material 16Pressure Vessel CodesHistory of Pressure Vessel Codes in the United States Through the late 1800s and early 1900s, explosions in boilers and pressure vessels were frequent. A firetube boiler explosion on the Mississippi River steamboat Sultana on April

2、 27, 1865, resulted in the boats sinking within 20 minutes and the death of 1500 soldiers going home after the Civil War. This type of catastrophe continued unabated into the early 1900s. In 1905, a destructive explosion of a firetube boiler in a shoe factory in Brockton, Massachusetts, killed 58 pe

3、ople, injured 117 others, and did $ 400000 in property damage. In 1906, another explosion in a shoe factory in Lynn, Massachusetts, resulted in death, injury, and extensive property damage. After this accident, the Massachusetts governor directed the formation of a Board of Boiler Rules. The first s

4、et of rules for the design and construction of boilers was approved in Massachusetts on August 30, 1907. This code was three pages long.In 1911, Colonel E. D. Meier, the president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, established a committee to write a set of rules for the design and cons

5、truction of boilers and pressure vessels. On February 13, 1915, the first ASME Boiler Code was issued. It was entitled “Boiler Construction Code, 1914 Edition.” This was the beginning of the various sections of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, which ultimately became Section 1, Power Boiler

6、.The first ASME Code for pressure vessels was issued as “Rules for the Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, ” Section , 1925 edition. The rules applied to vessels over 6 in. in diameter, volume over 1.5 ft3, and pressure over 30 psi. In December 1931, a Joint API-ASME Committee was formed to de

7、velop an unfired pressure vessel code for the petroleum industry. The first edition was issued in 1934. For the next 17 years, two separated unfired pressure vessel codes existed. In 1951, the last API-ASME Code was issued as a separated document. In 1952, the two codes were consolidated into one co

8、de-the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code,Section . This continued until the 1968 edition. At that time, the original code became Section , Division 1, Pressure Vessels, and another new part was issued, which was Section , Division 2, Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels.The ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pr

9、essure Vessel Code is issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers with approval by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an ANSI/ASME document. One or more sections of the ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code have been established as the legal requirements in 47 states

10、in the United States and in all provinces of Canada. Also, in many other countries of the world, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is used to construct boilers and pressure vessels.Organization of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is divided int

11、o many sections, divisions, parts, and subparts. Some of these sections relate to a specific kind of equipment and application; others relate to specific materials and methods for application and control of equipment; and others relate to care and inspection of installed equipment. The following Sec

12、tions specifically relate to boiler and pressure vessel design and construction.Section Power Boilers (1 volume)Section Division 1 Nuclear Power Plant Components (7 volumes)Division 2 Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containment (1 volume)Code Case Case 1 Components in Elevated Temperature service (in N

13、uclear Code N-47 Case book)Section Heating Boilers (1 volume)Section Division 1 Pressure Vessels (1 volume)Division 2 Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels (1 volume )Section Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels (1 volume)A new edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is issued

14、 on July 1 every three years and new addenda are issued every six months on January 1 and July 1. the new edition of the code becomes mandatory when it appears. The addenda are permissive at the date of issuance and become mandatory six months after that date.Worldwide Pressure Vessel Codes In addit

15、ion to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, which is used worldwide, many other pressure vessel codes have been legally adopted in various countries. Difficulty often occurs when vessels are designed in one country, built in another country, and installed in still a different country. With this

16、 worldwide construction this is often the case.The following list is a partial summary of some of the various codes used in different countries:Australia Australian Code for Boilers and Pressure Vessels, SAA Boiler Code (Series AS1200): AS1210, Unfired Pressure Vessels and Class 1 H, Pressure Vessel

17、s of Advanced Design and Construction, Standards Association of Australia.France Construction Code Calculation Rules for Unfired Pressure Vessels, Syndicat National de la Chaudronnerie et de la Tuyauterie Industrielle (SNCT), Paris, France.United Kingdom British Code BS.5500, British Standards Insti

18、tution, London, England.Japan Japanese Pressure Vessel Code, Ministry of LABOR, PUBLISHED BY Japan Boiler Association, Tokyo, Japan; Japanese Standard, Construction of Pressure Vessels, JIS B Gas Control Law, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, published by The Institution for Safety of Hi

19、gh Pressure Gas Engineering , Tokyo, Japan.Italy Italian Pressure Vessel Code, National Association for combustion Control (ANCC), Milan, Italy.Belgium Code for Good Practice for the Construction of Pressure Vessels, Belgian Standard Institute (IBN), Brussels, Belgium. Sweden Swedish Pressure Vessel

20、 Code, Tryckkarls Kommissioner, the Swedish Pressure Vessel Commission, Stockholm, Sweden.压力容器规范美国压力容器规范的历史 从19世纪末到20世纪初,锅炉和压力容器的爆炸是常有发生。1865年4月27日,在密西西比河轮船Sultana号上,一个火管锅炉爆炸导致船在二十分钟内沉没,使内战后回家的1500名士兵死亡。这种灾难在二十世纪初仍未减少。1905年,在马塞诸塞州布鲁克市的一家制鞋厂里,一个火管锅炉的毁灭性爆炸造成58人死亡,117人受伤和400000美元的财产损失。1906年,马塞诸塞州林恩市的一家

21、制鞋厂里的另一次爆炸,造成死亡,受伤和大量财产损失。在这次事故之后,马塞诸塞州州长指挥成立了锅炉规范委员会。1907年8月30日,设计和建造锅炉的第一套规范在马塞诸塞州得到批准。这个规范总共有三页。1911年,美国机械工程师学会主席Colonel E. D. Meier成立了一个委员会,专门起草锅炉和压力容器设计和建造的规范。1915年2月13日,第一部锅炉规范ASME被颁布。它被提名为锅炉建造规范:1914版。这是ASME锅炉和压力容器规范各篇的开始,最后变成了第一篇动力锅炉。第一个压力容器的规范ASME,是以1925版第VIII篇“不用火加热压力容器的建造规则”的名称颁布的。该规则适用于直


23、式,颁布了ASNI/ASME锅炉和压力容器规范。ASNI/ASME锅炉和压力容器规范的一篇或多篇,已经在美国的47个州和加拿大的所有省中,以法律的形式确立。同样,在世界的许多其他国家,ASME锅炉和压力容器规范,也被用来建造锅炉和压力容器。ASME锅炉和压力容器规范的组成 ASME锅炉和压力容器规范分成许多篇,分篇,部分和辅助部分。在这些篇中,一些涉及到特定类型的设备和应用;另外的涉及特定的材料和设备应用与控制的方法;其余的涉及安装的设备的维护和检修。下面各篇特别涉及锅炉和压力容器个设计和建造。第一部分动力锅炉(1卷)第三部分第1节 核电厂部件(7卷)第2节 混凝土反应容器和控制(1卷)标准容

24、器 案例1升温装置中的部件(在核规范N-47案例书中)第三部分加热锅炉第八部分第1节 压力容器(1卷)第2节 力容器另一规则(1卷)第X部分玻璃纤维强化塑料压力容器(1卷)新版ASME锅炉和压力容器规范,每3年于7月1日颁布,新附录每6个月于1月1日和7月1日颁布。新版规范一问世,就成为强制的规范。在颁布日期上,附录是可以选择的,半颁布日期定了以后,它就是强制性的。世界压力容器规范 除了在全世界使用的ASME锅炉和压力容器规范外,许多不同的压力容器规范,已经在不同的国家得到法律上的采纳。当容器在一个国家设计,在另一个国家建造,并且在不同的国家安装时,就会产生困难。由于这种世界范围的建造的存在,

25、这种案例是经常有的。下面所列举的是一些在不同国家中使用的各种规范的部分摘要:澳大利亚 澳大利亚锅炉与压力容器标准,SAA锅炉标准(AS1200系列):AS1210,非火加热类压力容器和分类1H,改进后的设计与制造压力容器,澳大利亚协会标准。法国 不用火加热压力容器建造规范计算规则,法国巴黎市SNCT结构。英国 英国规范 BS.55OO,英国伦敦市英国标准协会。日本 日本压力容器规范,劳动部,制定),日本东京市日本锅炉协会出版;JISB8243日本标准,压力容器建造,日本东京市日本标准协会出版;日本高压气体控制法,国际贸易与产业部(制定),日本东京高压气体工程安全协会出版。意大利 意大利压力容器

26、规范,意大利米兰市国家燃烧控制协会(ANCC)。比利时 压力容器构造可靠实践规范,比利时布鲁塞尔市比利时标准协会(IBN)。瑞典 瑞典压力容器规范,瑞典斯德哥尔摩市瑞典压力容器委员会。Reading Material 17Stress CategoriesThe various possible modes of failure which confront the pressure vessel designer are:(1) Excessive elastic deformation including elastic instability.(2) Excessive plastic

27、deformation.(3) Brittle fracture.(4) Stress rupture/creep deformation (inelastic).(5) Plastic instability-incremental collapse.(6) High strain-low cycle fatigue. (7) Stress corrosion.(8) Corrosion fatigue.In dealing with these various modes of failure, we assume that the designer has at his disposal

28、 a picture of the state of stress within the part in question. This would be obtained either through calculation or measurements of the both mechanical and thermal stresses which could occur throughout the entire vessel during transient and steady state operations. The question one must ask is what

29、do these numbers mean in relation to the adequacy of the design? Will they insure safe and satisfactory performance of a component? It is against these various failure modes that the pressure vessel designer must compare and interpret stress values. For example, elastic deformation and elastic insta

30、bility (buckling) cannot be controlled by imposing upper limits to the calculated stress alone. One must consider, in addition, the geometry and stiffness of a component as well as properties of the material.The plastic deformation mode of failure can, on the other hand, be controlled by imposing li

31、mits on calculated stresses, but unlike the fatigue and stress corrosion modes of failure, peak stress does not tell the whole story. Careful consideration must be given to the consequences of yielding, and therefore the type of loading and the distribution of stress resulting therefrom must be care

32、fully studied. The designer must consider, in addition to setting limits for allowable stress, some adequate and proper failure theory in order to define how the various stresses in a component react and contribute to the strength of that part.As mentioned previously, different types of stress require different limits, and before establishing these limits it was necessary to choose the stress categories to which limits should be applied. The categories and sub-categories

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