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2、试体系,它们依然有很多相似的地方。1 考试性质根据教学大纲,大学英语学习本身是工具性的(instrumental),这个工具性体现在两点:一是学术性(academic),用工具进行学术研究,获取学术信息;一是实用性(practical)。四级考试更强调实用性;六级考试更强调学术性。这是因为参加四级考试的学生多处于大学低年级阶段,重在各方面知识和信息的获得;而参加六级考试的学生多处于大学高年级阶段,英语作为工具将更多地应用在专业文献的查询阅读当中。这也决定了四级考试和六级考试的语体色彩的差异。2 语体色彩从“一般要求”的第1条和第4条规定可以看出,四级阅读文章多是一般性的工作和生活中常见的材料;

3、六级阅读文章多是学术性较强的材料。四级文章更多的选自新闻报纸,如ABC News、CNN等;六级文章更多的选自学术性较强的报刊杂志,如Newsweek,New Scientist、Time等。四级文章的体裁可以是记叙文、说明文和议论文,多为说明文;六级文章的体裁一般都是说明文和主题争议较大的议论文或劝说性的议论文。3 考查目的根据考试大纲的规定,阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力。要求既能理解个别句子的意义,也能理解上下文的逻辑关系;既能理解字面的意思,也能理解隐含的意思;既能理解事实和细节,也能理解所读材料的主旨和大意;能就文章的内容进行判断、推理和信息转换。不但要求准确,也

4、要求有一定的速度。由于新题型的推出,阅读理解部分的考查能力范围得以拓展,四级和六级阅读中都加入了主观题(快速阅读中的句子填空题,精细阅读中的短句问答),六级的主观题数量明显多于四级。四级与六级阅读的考查目的相同;六级比四级对语言输入、输出能力提出了更高要求。4 题型四级和六级阅读的题型都包括快速阅读和精细阅读两大类,精细阅读第二题型都是2篇传统的篇章阅读;四级精细阅读的第一种题型偏向于篇章词汇,六级偏向于短句问答。下面我们分别给出四级和六级各种题型的对比情况。4.1 快速阅读快速阅读是大学英语考试改革后新出现的题型。快速阅读更多地在于考查考生略读和寻读两种阅读方法的掌握情况。4.1.1 文章长

5、度四级快速阅读长度一般在8001300词之间,六级一般在9001400词之间。4.1.2 阅读速度四级快速阅读速度要求为100词每分钟,六级为120词每分钟。4.1.3 题型分配比例四级快速阅读的题型分配比例7道正误判断题3道句子填空题,六级为4道正误判断题6道句子填空题。4.1.4 题目设置难度四级考试六级考试 题干查读难度:部分题目的题干中有数字、人名等明显的线索词;答案出处难度:绝大部分答案出处都在1段内的1个信息点上;题干无原句照搬现象;句子填空题答案一般为原文中的原词,一般为名词或名词性短语。题干查读难度:题目题干中有数字、人名等明显的线索词;一半题目的答案出处分散在1整段中或2段中

6、;题干无原句照搬现象。一些句子填空题答案不是原文中的词句,答案不局限于名词或名词性短语。 例1-4(四级第1个例子,以下标识法同此):(四级考试2006年6月24日真题)The interstate system has been an essential element of the nations economic growth in terms of shipping and job creation: more than 75 percent of the nations freight deliveries arrive by truck; and most products tha

7、t arrive by rail or air use interstates for the last leg of the journey by vehicle. Not only has the highway system affected the American economy by providing shipping routes, it has led to the growth of spin-off industries like service stations, motels, restaurants, and shopping centers. It has all

8、owed the relocation of manufacturing plants and other industries from urban areas to rural.7. Service stations, motels and restaurants promoted the development of the interstate highway system.本题答案:N。难度分析: 并列的几个名词service stations, motels and restaurants 作为线索词,容易在原文中找到; 答案出处在原文中的1个信息点上; 从原文到题干进行了施动关系

9、的转换。9. Trucks using the interstate highways deliver more than _.75 percent。 第一次出现的名词trucks作为线索词,不容易在文章中找到; 答案为文中原词。 例1-6(六级第1个例子,以下标识法同此):(六级考试2006年9月样题)Some plant species, called epiphytes, grow directly on the surface of the giant trees. These plants, which include a variety of orchids and ferns,

10、make up much of the under story, the layer of the rainforest right below the canopy. Epiphytes are close enough to the top to receive adequate light, and the runoff from the canopy layer provides all the water and nutrients (养分) they need, which is important since they dont have access to the nutrie

11、nts in the ground.Stranglers and ButtressesSome epiphytes eventually develop into stranglers. They grow long, thick roots that extend down the tree trunk into the ground. As they continue to grow, the roots form a sort of web structure ail around the tree. At the same time, the strangler plants bran

12、ches extend upward, spreading out into the canopy. Eventually, the strangler may block so much light from above, and absorb such a high percentage of nutrients from the ground below, that the host tree dies.6. Epiphytes, which form much of the under story of the rainforest, get all their water and n

13、utrients from_.the canopy layer。 第一次出现的名词trucks作为线索词,找到该段,然后再根据water and nutrients找到关键点; 需要看过原文中1整个段落才能确定答案; 从原文到题干进行了文字的概括和施动关系的转换。7. Stranglers are so called because they _by blocking the sunlight and competing for the nutrients.kill the host tree。 小标题中出现过的名词Stranglers作为线索词,找到该段,然后再根据blocking the

14、sunlight找到关键点; 从原文到题干进行了状语成分和主句成分的转换,答案则对原文词句进行了施动关系的转换。 答案为原文中未出现过的词。4.2 篇章阅读篇章阅读是传统的阅读题型,综合考查了考生关于阅读的各种能力要求。四级和六级考试对精细阅读的速度要求同为70词/分钟,但是六级文章较长,所以实际上对阅读速度要求更高。4.2.1 文章长度四级篇章阅读的文章平均长度为340词;六级文章平均长度为440词。4.2.2 词汇难度和灵活度四级和六级篇章阅读文章的词汇难度都遵循教学大纲词汇表的要求,教学大纲规定四级考试需要掌握的词汇量应达到4500个单词(words)和700个词组(phrases),六

15、级考试要求掌握的词汇量应达到5500个单词和1200个词组。六级文章词汇的灵活度明显比四级要高。 例2-4:(四级考试2005年12月真题阅读第一篇)Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect “saddle curl,” the Lays potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination. But its maker, Frito-Lay, thinks otherwise. “Potato chips

16、 are a snack food for the world,” said Salman Amin, the companys head of global marketing. Amin believes there is no corner of the world that can resist the charms of a Frito-Lay potato chip. 词汇分析:所有单词使用的义项都是该词常见的义项。文章意思清晰可见。 例2-6:(六级考试2005年12月真题阅读第一篇)Too many vulnerable child-free adults are being

17、ruthlessly manipulated into parenthood by their parents, who think that happiness among older people depends on having a grandchild to spoil. We need an organization to help beat down the persistent campaigns of grandchildless parents. Its time to establish Planned Grandparenthood, which would have

18、many global and local benefits.child-free容易理解,parenthood by their parents也还算简单,grandchildless parents指向的对象稍不留神就不说清楚了。这些就是简单词汇活用的效果。4.2.3 句子长度和难度四级和六级篇章阅读文章的句子长度大致相同(1820词),有时六级稍长。最明显的区别是句子难度。四级文章的长句成分多为松散排列,逻辑结构不复杂。六级长句多为多重复合句,逻辑结构复杂。(选自2005年6月四级阅读真题第一篇)But no one knows for sure how much crude oil l

19、ies buried beneath the frozen earth, with the last government survey, conducted in 1998, projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels. 句子分析:2层复合结构。主句中有一个with介词短语做状语,该介词短语的宾语有定语修饰成分:一个是动词的过去分词短语,一个是动词的现在分词短语。图示如下:主句But no one knows for sure , with the last government survey, conduc

20、ted in 1998, projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels.定语从句how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earthThis is the unorthodox view of a German soil scientist who has shown that burnt clearings in the Amazon, dating back more than 1,000 years, helped create patches of

21、 rich, fertile soil that farmers still benefit from today.一共4层复合结构。第三层的宾语从句中有一个动词的现在分词短语作定语修饰该从句的主语burnt clearings。This is the unorthodox view of a German soil scientist who has shown that burnt clearings in the Amazon, dating back more than 1,000 years, helped create patches of rich, fertile soil 宾

22、语从句that farmers still benefit from today.4.2.4 行文结构和主旨清晰度四级和六级文章的行文结构没有明显的区别,与文章体裁有一定的关系。行文结构一般有总述分述结构,假设驳论结构,问题解决(评估)结构,交叉对比结构等。主旨清晰度除了与行文结构有关外,还受到词汇和句子难度的影响。鉴于上文中已经对词汇和句子的难度做过分析,此处不再赘述。能否迅速理清行文思路,把握文章主旨,对于仔细阅读题型具有非常重要的意义,它可以加快我们对单独的一道试题的判断速度。我们会发现,在掌握了文章的主旨以后,与文章主旨关系密切的所有题目很快就能判断得出答案。4.2.5 写作深度和知识

23、跨度篇章阅读文章的写作深度和知识跨度,与四级和六级考试的性质直接相关。鉴于上文中已经对四级和六级考试性质的不同做过分析,此处不再赘述。4.2.6 设题难度四级篇章阅读中,细节题更多一些;而六级篇章阅读中,推理题更多一些。其他方面没有实质性的区别。 例3-4:21. It is the belief of Frito-Lays head of global marketing that_.A potato chips can hardly be used as a weapon to dominate the world marketB their company must find new w

24、ays to promote domestic salesC the light golden color enhances the charm of their companys potato chipsD people all over the world enjoy eating their companys potato chipsD。 线索词明显:Frito-Lays head of global marketing; 题眼:belief,名词,对应原文中的动词believes; 答案出处在原文中的2个相邻信息点上; 从题干到答案出处,主谓结构换成了强调句式; 从正确选项到原文的主要

25、转换:主谓结构换成了there be句式;肯定表达换成了否定表达(enjoy指的就是cant resist); 干扰项分析:A项有一定干扰性。注意Butthinks otherwise一句,即使不能理解otherwise“不同地”的意思,根据but表示的转折意义也可以排除。其他两项原文中未提及。 例3-6:21. Whats the purpose of the proposed organization Planned Grandparenthood?A To encourage childless couples to have children.B To provide faciliti

26、es and services for grandchildless parents.C To offer counseling to people on how to raise grandchildren.D To discourage people from insisting on having grandchildren.Planned Grandparenthood;purpose,名词,对应原文中表示目的的动词不定式; 答案出处在原文中的1整段中; 从题干到答案出处,问句换成了陈述句;单词purpose换成了一个表达目的的不定式结构to help。 从正确选项到原文进行的主要转换:disc

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