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1、9. 为完成特定的教学任务,教师和学生按照一定要求组合起来进行活动的结构,称为( )。A.教学程序 B.教学步骤 C.教学组织形式 D.教学阶段10.一个测验能测出它所要测量的属性或特点的程度,称为测量的( )。A.信度 B.难度 C.区分度 D.效度11.在信息技术整合的课堂中,学生每人拥有一台电脑并与教师的电脑相连形成局域网,同时配有网络教学监控系统,这属于( )的课堂组织形式。A.小组活动 B.全班活动 C.个别活动 D.集体活动12.有经验的医师能从模糊不清的X光照底片上发现病兆,这是( )。A.知觉的整体性 B.知觉的选择性 C.知觉的理解性 D.知觉的恒常性13.“鱼,我所欲也,熊

2、掌,亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。生,我所欲也,义,亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。”这是一种( )。A.双趋冲突 B.双避冲突 C.趋避冲突 D.多重趋避矛盾14.用一个测验去测量同一群人在不同的时间里所测得的分数几乎是相同的,这说明该测验具有较高的( )。A.信度 B.效度 C.常模 D.标准分数15.各级学校根据培养目标所设置的课程、组织的活动以及展开的教育,这是( )。A.早期社会化 B.预期社会化 C.反向社会化 D.再社会化16.多年不见的朋友,在自己脑海中的印象最深的其实就是临别时的情景,这是( )。A.心理定势 B.近因效应 C.晕轮效应 D.首因效应1

3、7.“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”这句话反映了下列哪种因素对人发展的影响?( )A.遗传 B.环境 C.教育 D.个体的主观能动性18.某同学每周都对自己的学习情况作出小结,分析自己在学习上取得的进步,找出自己薄弱环节。他这种行为属于( )。A.自我认识 B.自信 C.自我体验 D.自我调控19.一个人对人、对己、对事、对物的态度是( )。A.与生俱来的 B.在先天因素基础上形成的C.是实践锻炼的结果 D.通过学习而形成的20.小学生活动过多、注意力不集中、冲动行为多等现象是下列哪一种心理问题?A.儿童多动综合征 B.学习困难综合征C.儿童厌学症 D.儿童强迫行为二、多项选择题(本题共5道小题,每小题

4、4分,共20分;漏选得1分,错选或不选得0分)21.测验实用性反映了试题的基本质量,其基本要求是( )。A.便于组织 B.便于实施 C.容易评分 D.结果要容易解释22.心理咨询的主要方式有( )。A.个别咨询 B.团体咨询 C.电话咨询 D.通信咨询23.意志行动的准备阶段包括( )。A.动机斗争 B.行动目标的确定C.行动计划的制定 D.冲突和矛盾分析24.布鲁纳认为,知识结构的表象形式是( )。A.动作 B.图像 C.表格 D.符号25.富勒和布朗根据教师的需要和不同时期所关注的焦点问题,把教师的成长划分为哪几个阶段?A.关注成绩 B.关注生存 C.关注情境 D.关注学生第二部分 专业知

5、识3、单项选择题(本题共30道小题,每小题2分,共60分)1Why didnt you try your best to get on the bus? I tried to, but _ I could, it started moving.Auntil Bwhen CBefore Dafter2Dont be so discouraged. If you _ such feelings, you will do better next time.Acarry on Bget back Cbreak downDput away3Einstein liked Boses paper so mu

6、ch that he _ his own work and translated it into German.Agave off Bturned down Ctook over Dset aside4They all rushed over, _ what had happened.Aanxious to know Banxiously to know Canxiously knowingDanxious knowing5What time are they planning to _ on the journey around the world? Tomorrow, I guess.As

7、et down Bset aside Cset off Dset up6It was _ that he was promoted.Aturned out Bmade out Cgiven out Dcarried out7In the editors _ there was nothing in the article that went beyond legitimate comment and so he printed it.Aview Bsense Copinions Didea8Youre telling a lie. Your facial expression has _.Ag

8、iven you away Bgiven you out Cgiven you off Dgiven you up9China has got a good _ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.Areputation BInfluence Cimpression Dknowledge10How about your journey to Mount Emei? Everything was wonderful except that our car _ twice on the way.

9、Aslowed down Bbroke down Cgot down Dput down11Have you _ some new idea? Yeah, Ill tell you later.Acome about Bcome into Ccome up with Dcome out with12You are always full of _.Can you tell me the secret? Taking plenty of exercise every day.Apower Bstrength Cforce Denergy13Last night Mr Crook didnt co

10、me back at the usual time._, he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.AMeanwhile BHowever CInstead DYet14After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.Aset out Btook over Ctook up Dset up15It is reported that the floods have left about _ p

11、eople homeless.Atwo thousand Btwo thousands Ctwo thousands Dtwo thousands of16Tom owns _ larger collection of _ books than any other student in our class.Athe;/ Ba;/ Ca;the D/;the17If I am not _ when you phone,ask for my brother.Aavailable Bable C. are Dbusy18Serious _ of circulating fund forced the

12、 closure of the company.Ashort Black Cfailure Dabsence19We _ to have you here tonight. Thank you and it is _ for me to be invited.Ahonour;honourable Bhonour;an honourCare honoured;honourabe Dare honoured;20This event not only promoted the _ of world hunger,but also raised lots of money to help the s

13、tarving children.Ainformation BKnowledge Cinstruction Dawareness21The members _ the medical team have _ to food and clean water.Ain;ways Bof;methods Con;access Don;means22When I think back to all the experiences that I have had around the world since _ MSP,I feel that I have been lucky to be able to

14、 help others and do _.Aparticipating;worthwhile something Bparticipating in;some worthy thingsCjoining;some worthy things Djoining;something worthwhile23Your aunt invites you to the movie today. I would rather she _ me tomorrow than today.Atells Btold Cwould tell Dhad told24If he _,he _ that food. L

15、uckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.Awas warned;would not take Bwould be warned;had not takenChad been warned;would not have taken Dwould have been warned;25They have discussed for several years of drafting a new law to control the pollution,but when it will be _ is still unknown.Aput int

16、o operation Bput in effect Cput to use Dput forward26A modern city has been set up in _ was a wasteland ten years ago.Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhere27It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished.Arefer to Bstick to Ccome to Dturn to28As civilization _,mo

17、re and more people have realized the importance of preserving rare animals from extinction.Astretches BExpands Cextends Dspreads29Oh,what a pity! It _ so easy for me to bring those photographs I wanted to show you,but Ive left them at home.Awould have been Bwould be Chad been Dwas30You are late. You

18、 have missed the most interesting part. Oh._!AWhat a shame BSorry to hear thatCThats all right DNothing important4、完形填空(本题共20道小题,每小题2分,共40分)The story happened in Vietnam during the war. A bomb 1 in an orphanage(孤儿院)and several children were wounded, 2 an 8-year-old girl. People from the village 3 me

19、dical help from the nearby American forces. Soon, an American doctor and a nurse arrived in a jeep. They found out the girl was the most seriously injured. 4 quick transfusion (putting new blood into a persons body), she would die of shock and 5 of blood. A quick test showed that 6 American had the

20、correct 7 , but several of the uninjured orphans 8 . Speaking poor Vietnamese, the doctor tried to explain to their 9 audience that unless they could 10 some of the girls lost blood, she would certainly die. Then they asked if anyone would be willing to give blood to help. The request was met with 1

21、1 . After several moments, a small hand slowly went up, 12 back down, and then went up again. He was Heng.Heng was quickly 13 on a bed, a needle inserted in his arm. After a moment, he let out a sob (抽泣), quickly covering his face with his 14 hand. When the doctor asked him if the needle hurt, he 15

22、 his head. But soon his occasional sobs gave 16 to a steady, silent crying. Something seemed 17 . At this point, a Vietnamese nurse arrived to help. She spoke to the boy rapidly in Vietnamese and after a moment, the patient stopped crying and a(n) 18 of happiness spread over his face. Glancing up, t

23、he nurse said to the Americans, “He thought he was dying. He misunderstood you. He thought you had asked him to give all his blood 19 the little girl could live.” “But why would he be willing to do that?” The Vietnamese nurse 20 the question to the boy, who answered simply, “Shes my friend.” 1. A. a

24、ttacked B. landed C. blew D. knocked2. A. including B. concerning C. containing D. regarding3. A. provided B. asked C. offered D. requested4. A. Without B. For C. Besides D. Except5. A. delay B. decrease C. leak D. loss6. A. both B. neither C. either D. each7. A. kind B. type C. sort D. variety8. A.

25、 didnt B. hadnt C. did D. had 9. A. frightened B. injured C. surprised D. expected10. A. remain B. repair C. replace D. return 11. A. peace B. calm C. absence D. silence 12. A. fallen B. dropped C. taken D. drawn 13. A. lain B. laid C. lied D. lay14. A. free B. spare C. extra D. second15. A. raised B. lowered C. shook D. nodded 16. A. way B. time C. room D. chance17. A. mistaken B. right C. normal D. wrong18. A. appearance B. sight C. sense D. look19. A. because B. when C. so D. although 20. A. gave B. replied C. repeated D. told 五、阅读理解(本题共20道小题,每小题2分,共40分)Passage 1 We

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