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The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors教案.docx

1、The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors教案The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors教案 The Qin Tb and the Terratta arrirs教案选修九dule 3The Qin Tb and the Terratta arrirsI教学内容分析 本模块介绍了秦始皇陵墓和兵马俑,对秦始皇在历史上的功过进行剖析,对劳动人民对中国古代明所做出的贡献进行热情的讴歌。要求学生掌握以上历史的同时,运用本模块所提供的语言知识目标进行听说读写的训练,从而提高学生的语言学习和运用的目的。II教学计划 本模块分为五个

2、时: 第一时:Intrdutin,Presentatin sill, ultural rner 第二时:Reading and Vabular(1) 第三时:Reading and Vabular(2), 第四时:Reading pratie,第五时:Tas,dule FileIII Learning strateg: 1 gnitive strateg (认知策略)2 nitring strateg(调控策略)3 uniatin strateg(交际策略)4 resure strateg (资策略)Perid nentent: Intrdutin,Presentatin sill, ultu

3、ral rnerIntrdutin: Step 1: L at the piture and disuss the questins Use the rds in the bx t help uar battle la lun eperr expressin hairstle sldier tb undergrund unifr1 hih eperr f anient hina rdered these terratta arrirs t be ade?Eperr Qin Shihuang2 here ere the terratta arrirs disvered?1 aa fr his t

4、b3 hat are the arrirs ding?Standing lie an ar read fr battle4 Are all the arrirs idential?N, the are all different fr eah ther h d u thin the Eperr built the terratta arrirs?Step 2: Put the dnasties f anient hina in the rret rder1 Zhu Dnast2 Han Dnast3 Three ingds, in, Suthern and Nrthern Dnasties4

5、Sui Dnast Qin Dnast6 Tang Dnast答案: 1, , 2, 3, 4, 6Step 3: Anser the questins1During hih dnasties ere there an ars?Three ingds, i, Suthern and Nrthern Dnasties2 During hih dnast as the Great all first built?Qin Dnast3 During hih dnast did hina first bee ne untr?Qin Dnast4 During hih dnast as the Gran

6、d anal first established?Sui Dnast During hih dnast as hina st perful?Tang DnastStep 4: Pair ran u thin f re questins abut the dnasties f anient hina? Having a tal ith ur partnerPresentatin SillRead the letter n page 38 and anser the questins1 Is this a fral r infral letter? H d u n?Fral; e n beause

7、 the riter addresses the reipient as r u (nt b the first nae), entins nthing persnal, ust the business atter, signs it ith “urs sinerel”2 h has Li hen ritten the letter?Beause he needs se students help fr the arhaelgial dig during the suer hlidas3 h d u thin r u is?A teaher at a shl4 In hat a uld th

8、is b be an interesting experiene?The students uld have a hane t r in a tea at an iprtant arhaelgial siteultural rnerStep1 : Read the passage and anser the questins)1 h did Qu uan ill hiself?Beause Qin aptured the apital f hu2 hat else d u n abut Qu uan and the Dragn Bat Festival?Step 2: Tas: aing a

9、presentatin abut anient hinaThin f a perid f anient hina that interests u hse t r three iprtant peple r aspets f the perid(1) A ruler and his ahieveents(2) Pets r philsphers(3) Building r relis that an still be seen tdaPerid Tntent: Reading and vabular (1)Step1: Fast readingRead the passage Nuber th

10、e tpis in the rder u read abut the(a) The disver f the arrirs (b) the en h ade the arrirs() desriptin f hat the arrirs l lie (d) h the riter is at the site (e) Eperr Qin Shi Huang and his tb (f) h the sldiers ere adeAnser: d, e, a, , f, b Step2: Read again Anser the questin:1 In hih part f hina is t

11、he undergrund tb f Eperr Qin Shi Huang?The nrthest hinas Shanxi Prvine2 H and hen ere the terratta arrirs disvered?B farers digging a ell3 H an terratta arrirs are there?7,4004 h ere the ade?Beause Eperr Qin anted an ar t prtet hi in the next lifeStep3: L at the rds fr the passage and hse the rret a

12、nsers1arhaelg (a) the stud f anient sites and buildings (b) the stud f gegraph 2 unif (a) t hange (b) t in tgether 3 rssb (a) a eapn (b) an bet that lights a fire 4 pit (a) a large hle in the grund (b) a river faial (a) n (ur) fae (b) ind f6 insribe (a) t paint (b) t rite r ut rds n r in sething7 fi

13、gure (a) an bet (b) a statueStep4 : plete the sentenes ith the rret fr f the rds in the bxnstrut entrane feature glue hairstle hll investigate rb slid treasureAnsers:1 entrane 2 nstrut 3 glue 4 features treasure 6 rbbed 7 investigate 8 slid 9 hll 10 hairstleStep Read Part 1 again and anser the quest

14、ins1The riter is ring n the _ f Eperr Qin Shi Huangs tb A area B site prvine2If arhaelgists sueed in entering in Shin Huangs Tb, the _ A ill be rbbed B a be attaed ill find treasure 3 6000 la arrirs ere fund b _ A peasants B arhaelgists sldiers 4 The site as _ a lng tie ag A visited B disvered burie

15、dStep6 Read Part 2 again and anser the questins1 The arrirs l _ A strange B tall quite real2 The sldiers _ sh their psitin in the ar A naes B unifrs eapns3 The legs f eah figure are _ A hll B glued tgether heavier than an ther part4 The nae f _ is ritten n eah figure A eah sldier B the an h ade the

16、sldier the EperrStep7: Anser the questins:1But Ive never had s uh fun in life h is the riter having fun?Beause he is ver lu t be an arhaelg student ring n the terratta arrirs site2 There are rather rring anient desriptins f rssbs hidden at the tbs entrane h are the desriptins rring?Beause if anne tr

17、ied t enter, the ight be illed3 As the hle rld ns, hen the arhaelgists started digging, the fund 6000 la arrirs H d u thin the hle rld disvered this?It as reprted in the nespapers and n televisin4 It sees that Eperr Qin Shi Huang had rdered the sldiers t be ade in rder t prtet hi in the next lifehat

18、 des this tell us abut Eperr Qin Shin Huang?That he as rried abut hat uld happen t hi after death I nder if the ere an help?!hat des the riter ean b this?He desnt n hat happens t peple after death and nders if the ar reall did prtet the Eperr6 In the half-light its eas t iagine that the are a real a

19、rh is it nl half-light?Beause it is undergrund, and als if the lighting ere t strng it ight spil the figures7 I t feel s prud t be nneted in se sall a ith Qin Shi Huangs great arIn hat a is the riter nneted ith Qin Shi Huangs ar?He is ring n the arhaelgial site here the areStep 8: Disussin1hat d e l

20、earn abut Eperr Qin Shi Huang fr this passage? hat d e learn abut his persnalit?That he unified hina ver 2000 ears ag; he beae ing aged 13he as a brilliant ruler, but ver ruel2 hat d e learn abut the riter? hat d e learn abut his persnalitThat he is an arhaelg student fr Lndn; hes ver lu t have been

21、 hsen t r n this site; he sees ver enthusiasti and happ3 uld u lie t r n this site fr a nth r t?hat uld u en? hat uld u dislie?Perid Threentent: Reading and vabular (2) Step 1: Fast reading Read the passage rite a heading fr eah paragraph Passage 1 The Histr f the Great allPassage 2 A Legend Abut th

22、e Great allPassage 3 A al Alng the Great allStep2 : Read the rds in the bx, then plete the sentenesadire apprxiatel arrival llapse depart agnifient set ff sun ltin tae a brea nder1 The building _ beause it as ver ld 2 The Great all is a (n) _ ahieveent 3 The need t _ Theve been ring ver hard 4 e arr

23、ive at _ eleven l In anient ties, there ere said t be Seven _ f the rld6 T _ eans t start a urne 7 I _ hi beause he ns s uh abut anient hina 8 The ah didnt _ until late in the evening 9 Its ver ht s u shuld put n se_ 10 The _ tie ba in Beiing is 22:30Step3 : Anser the questins:1an u thin f anther rd

24、 t replae the rd “itinerar”?Travel Arrangeents2hat infratin abut the Great all in Paragraph 1 has alread been given in the listening passage abut Eperr Qin Shi Huang?That he ined up the different setins f the all3 uld the legend abut eng iangnu be true? Sa h / h ntN ne ans ring uld nt ae a all fall

25、dn4 h is the al alng the all desribed as unfrgettable?Beause the sener and vies are agnifient Des the al sund tiring? Sa h / h ntIt ill nt be t tiring beause there is a 20-inute rest ever 40 inutesStep4 disussin1Des this trip sund ell-rganised and attrative?2D u thin this is a gd leaflet? Des it ae

26、peple ant t g n the trip?3uld u hange the leaflet in an a? If s, sa hPerid Furntent: Reading PratieStep1: L at the title f the passage hat d u thin the serets f the terratta ar ere?Step2: Read the passage and he ur anser1 He as full aare f the iprtane f ared fres and in rder t prtet hi in the afterl

27、ife, he had iages ade f his trps, hih ere buried near hi t guard his sul(1) h ade the iages f his trps?e dnt n(2) hat ere the trps fr?T guard his sul(3) here ere the trps?The ere buried near hi2 The large nubers reflet the entralized authrit in hinas feudal siet Serving as a tpial exaple f different

28、 art f sulpture beteen East and est(1) hat d the rds the large nubers refer t?The statues(2) hat ind f sulpture are the large nubers an exaple f?Huan figures(3) hat serves as a tpial exaple f the different art f sulpture?The large nubers f the sulpturesStep 3: hse the best a t plete the sentenes1Bef

29、re the Eperr ae t per, _ a the apital f hina as in Xian there ere a series f ars in hina b the Qin dnast ruled the entire unt d hina as a single state did nt exist2 The Eperr ade iages f his ared fres in rder t _a Sh h aare he as f their iprtane b sh that he believed in life after death guard his bd

30、 in the ausleu after he died d Prtet hi in the next rld3 3 The Eperr Qin Shi Huang intended the large nuber f arrirs t sh _aThe per and iprtane f a unified hina bThe size f his ar and the ens faial expressinsA tpial exaple f the Qin ar in anient hinadThe differene beteen art and sulpture in the East

31、 and in the est4 T sh individual harateristis, the sldiers all _a ear different stues b Have different faial expressins Sh different rans and psitins d Stand in different psitinsstep 4 : nslidatin 1hih dnast t ver after the Qin dnast?Athe Han dnast Bthe Tang dnast2 hat ind f building is a ausleu?Aa useu built in the er f

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