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现代大学英语第二版精读4 Unit 16 Man of the Moment Key to ExercisesWord格式文档下载.docx

1、 didnt mean to suggest that money can repay you for the damage./I didnt mean you are expecting us to compensate for your sufferings.6. Or is it because its us who are offering to help you that you refuse? You simply despise my husband, therefore you would not take anything from us.7. you stick with

2、him. You stick with Vic. If youre looking for heroes, I suppose he is a hero and I am not, I am only an idiot.8. . Mrs Parks, and Im ever so sorry that I have not confessed to you why I came to apply for the job of a maid here.9. Sharon, its a passing thing. Youll soon get over it, I can assure you.

3、10. As people say you never hear people saying nice things about you behind your back. Isnt that true?11. You know very well what youve done to her. I know you only too well. Otherwise this poor woman would not want to end her life. .12. Stop yelling at me. I wont tolerate that.13. If she dies, Vic,

4、 if that girl dies, I will never forgive you.14. Right. Im going to teach you two a good lesson. Both of you will be duly punished, I can assure you.15. No, Sharon, Id rather you keep out of it. Let Douglas do it. I know how you hate Vic.Observe the following phrases,paying special attention to the

5、prepositions used.1. “At” here is used to indicate the person or thing toward which an action, motion, or feeling is directed or aimed.2. “On” here is used to indicate that an activity, event, or condition continues.3. “Away” here is used to mean without stopping.4. “For here is used to mean with an

6、 aim or view to, or in order to have or find. Translate the following phrases in bold type into Chinese.1. 使南方反对派感到满意的是,百分之六十以上的人都投票支持独立。2. 让那些被派往秘魯寻找稀有物种的科学家感到惊奇的是,他们居然发现了三百种从未被报道过的新物种。3. 人们肯定要大吃一惊,因为这次火山爆发以后,将会有严重的庄稼歉收。4. 我什么都试过了,但都白费力气。我现在真的是束手无策、计穷力竭了5. 三个月过去了,那个嫌疑犯仍然逍遥法外,那些负傲的警官都无计可施了。6. 这国家处广金

7、融危机当中,但很多人仍然被蒙在鼓里。新上任的首相不得不向人们发出警告,国家发展正处于抉择的十字路口,如果不按照国际货币基金组织的要求做的话,它就会被迫破产,7. 你认为奶奶情况危险吗?我看不像。反正,她现在有人照顾,所以你就放心吧。8. 我敢肯定你爸看到你房间这样乱七八糟,他会生气的。9. 他喜欢受到公众的瞩目,而他的表演在观众多的时候也总是特别出色。10. 外交事务不是我的专业,但我不认为像他这样被逼进死胡同的人会有度假的心情。我猜他现在处在绝望的状况,因此想见见和他处境相同的人,听听他们的 意见。 Q Translate the following expressions. Into En

8、glish1. trickle down her legs2. puff like a whale3. melt like snow4. sum up the scene5. do the interview6. bear resentment7. feel sick in the stomach8. come in like thunder9. increase your standing with sb10. have a special liking for sb11. pull oneself together12. tackle an armed robber13. stick wi

9、th sb14. fasten the seatbelt15. abuse the wife16. lay a finger on sb17. catch sb trying to do sth18. heave/haul oneself up19. float to the surface20. thrash under the water21. prop oneself against sth22. break surface23. pinion sbs arms24. fend sb off25. land a blow26. stay under/in the water27. cut

10、 ones losses28. mind your own business29. torment the poor girl Into Chinese 1. 假日别墅2. 著名的电视明星3. 淫秽故亊4. 银行抢劫5. 联合按揭/抵押6. 一句气话7. 无法达到的目标8. 乡村音乐和西部音乐9. 加重的潜水腰带 10. 一切以自我为中心的人 11. 完全是运气 12. 纯粹是胡说八道13. 冲锋号声14. 人工呼吸15. 一溜气泡16. 一丁点儿的关心 Q Replace the bold parts with appropriate words and expressions from t

11、he text.1. an obscene amount, melt/vanish2. summed up the scene3. your staff, concern, torment them4. slightly/a shade overweight, came of/from5. at the bottom of your reserves as far as romance is concerned, really no longer bear any resentment against me6. resigned herself to a life without her si

12、ght7. be partial to/have a special liking for, increased his standing with8. the full significance of the matter suddenly hit her9. barely, toppled10. impotence against the attack11. land/haul up/heave up Translate the following sentences into English.1. There you are! Didnt I tell you that the next

13、 person to land on the moon may very well be a Chinese astronaut?2. Nowadays many ordinary people can travel overseas, not to mention the domestic tourism. No wonder tourism has become one of the main props of our economy.3. In court he denied having tackled me. He swore that he had never laid a fin

14、ger on me. Luckily there were two eyewitnesses to confirm my story.4. Li Kui was not being shouted at. He jumped on the boat trying to grab Ruan Xiaocr. But Ruan jumped into the water and turned over the boat. Now on land, Ruan was no match for Li, but in water where Ruan was said to be able to stay

15、 under for days, he reigned supreme. So poor Li had to be hauled out of the water half dead after he had been tormented long enough.5. The man at the information desk confirmed him that Flight 901 was delayed and was due to land at 8:30. He figured that he had more than one and a half hours to go, a

16、nd might as well take a nap. So he went to sleep with his head propped on his travel bag.6. He lost his grip of the branch and fell down from the cliff. He could have been killed if he had not landed on dry hay out of sheer luck7. When the doctor told me that there was so far no known cure for my di

17、sease I was on the verge of total collapse. It was at this critical moment that my sister, whose opinion I always valued, came to me. She told me not to be resigned to fate. She asked me to pull myself together and never to despair. Q Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs1. dow

18、n, up2. to, for3. in, with, from/of4. to, by, for5. away, at6. up, with, off7. at, off, over 8. on, up with 9. on, on 10. away, away 11. up, in, for, of, off 12. for, with/by Q Choose the right word(s) in their proper form. 1. tormented 2. torture 3. tormenting/torturing 1. grabbed/seized 2. grip/gr

19、asp 3. seized 4. grasped/gripped 5. grasp/seize/grab 6. grabs 7. gripping/grasping 1. sprinkle/spray 2. sprayed 3. spray 4. sprinkle 1. toppling/collapsing/falling down 2. topple 3. topple 4. fall 5.falling, collapse 6. collapsed, fell, toppled/fell 1. murmuring 2. muttered 3. murmuring 4. muttering

20、 5. mumble 6. grumbling 7. grunted 1. fend off, defend 2. fend, defend Q Identify the figures of speech or rhetorical devices used in the following statements.1. parallelism; repetition; sarcasm (satirizing plagiarism)2. rhyme; sarcasm (satirizing those windbags who talk a lot of nonsense)3. hyperbo

21、le; sarcasm (satirizing catchphrases)4. antithesis5. hyperbole (would. could); sarcasm (satirizing human nature)6. oxymoron; sarcasm (satirizing unreasonable interest rate)7. antithesis; sarcasm (satirizing those who are only good at destroying things)8. antithesis; sarcasm (satirizing stupid windba

22、gs)9. repetition10. climax; metaphor11. parallelism; sarcasm (satirizing politicians who believe that they can fool all the people all of the time)12. repetition; paradox; sarcasm (satirizing the wrong form of equality)13. rhyme; sarcasm (satirizing those shallow and superficial people who are satis

23、fied with a smatter of knowledge in many fields)14. paradox15. sarcasm (satirizing hypocrites, wolves in sheeps clothing, etc.)16. sarcasm (satirizing hypocrites and double dealers) Learn to use the modal + have done/been construction. Study the use of the modal + have done construction and point ou

24、t the concept each conveys. The modal + have done/been construction is used to talk about past actions or situations.1. would have been: (possibility) used to say that a situation in the past was possible but in fiact was not true2. could have navigated: (possibility) used to say that an action that

25、 was possible in the past, a他ough it did not in fact happen3. should never have been: (negative expectation) used to say that you expect a situation that was impossible in the past4. might have been at its most popular: (uncertainty) used to say that it is possible that sth was the case, but you do

26、not know whether it was the case or not5. must have failed: (subjective certainty) used to say that you think that sth was the case, though you are not 100% sure6. should have been nervous: (expectation) used to say that sth you expected to have been the case7. could have ended: (possibility) used to say that an action that was possible in the past, iUthough it did not in fact happen8. could have run: (probability) used to say that sth was likely to have happened in the past9. might have made:10. couldnt have heard: (improbabili

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